divine talisman

Chapter 1900 Devouring Lingbao

Shaohua Ancient Realm.

Entering this place again, Chen Xi suddenly discovered that the power of time here was indeed delayed again, and it was extremely slow.

According to Chen Xi's calculation, if he practiced here for three years, it would only take three days for the outside world.

Obviously, the purpose of the Taoist arrangement is to allow the [-] disciples who are about to enter the chaotic ruins to have enough rest time to fully recover to their peak state.


Chen Xi let out a long breath, and sat cross-legged.

He took out five secret maps.

It is said to be a secret map, but it is actually five pieces of broken and ancient animal skins. The surface of each animal skin is covered with a layer of obscure and mysterious power, which makes it impossible for people to see the mystery.

When Chen Xi's fingertips touched one of the secret maps, a strange force like an electric shock surged out from the animal skin and spread along his arms, causing Chen Xi to tremble violently, and an indescribable feeling rose in his heart. throbbing.

What power is this?

Chen Xi was shocked in his heart, with his current cultivation level, it was too inconceivable that he couldn't block this force.

After pondering for a moment, he finally opened the roll of animal skin.


As the animal skin unfolded, circles of ripple-like light rain quietly appeared, releasing obscure and strange power.

Immediately, Chen Xi couldn't help squinting. In the animal skin scroll, there was only a line of incomplete and weird textures, which were twisted like earthworms, ancient like inscriptions, and exuded a desolate aura like wildness.

Needless to say, it is a literal!

But Chen Xi couldn't make it out at all. Even if this line of text wasn't incomplete, he couldn't see any of its contents.

Because this kind of writing is so special, Chen Xi has never heard of it or seen it.

It’s fine if it’s just that, but the point is, with Chen Xi’s extremely powerful deduction power, he can’t deduce anything from it!

This is a bit surprising.

One must know that to reach Chen Xi's level, not to mention knowing the eternity, at least it is enough to be called the wonderful truth of observing the world. With the power of deduction alone, he can deduce what he needs from it.

But when faced with a line of mysterious words on this torn animal skin, Chen Xi had no choice but to stare blankly.

"That's right, if there is any mystery in it, the elder brother will definitely tell me in advance, but he didn't do this before, obviously even he can't see anything from it..."

Chen Xi frowned, murmuring in his heart.

These five animal skins come from the Five Extremes of the Imperial Domain, and they also have one from Shenyan Mountain, but it is obvious that not only Shenyan Mountain, but also the other four major forces have not learned any mysteries from it. .

"Interesting, it is clearly left behind by Taoist Kunpeng, but it is so mysterious. It seems that there must be an extraordinary secret hidden in this secret map."

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi regained his composure, and began to open the other four animal skin rolls one by one.

As a result, without exception, the four animal skin scrolls were all in dilapidated condition, and some mysterious words were more or less branded on them.

Chen Xi tried to put these five secret maps together, but only after a while did he realize that it was impossible to piece together the complete secret map with the animal skin rolls in his hands alone!

"At least three animal skin rolls are missing, and the key parts of the text are all incomplete and mottled. It may be impossible to find the so-called mysterious place with these clues."

Chen Xi stared at it carefully, and after a long time, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

According to what the big brother Wu Xuechan and the others said, these five secret maps involve a mysterious area in the chaotic ruins, and it is very likely that the true mystery of the ultimate path is hidden in it.

But at this moment, Chen Xi suddenly discovered that with these five secret maps alone, let alone searching for the mystery of the ultimate path, he might not even be able to find that mysterious place.

There is only one reason, and there are too few clues!

"It seems that the only way to play by ear is to enter the chaotic ruins."

In the end, Chen Xi had no choice but to carefully put away the five volumes of animal skins.


Next, Chen Xi took out the five innate spirit treasures he had just obtained.

Wuji Breaking Sky Shuttle, one foot three inches, shuttle-shaped, with edges as sharp as a blade, the whole body is filled with brilliant starlight, releasing the breath of chaos, with amazing killing power and invincible.

Lingxu Treasure Clothes, shaped like a ball of silk, with a dreamy color, overflowing with precious radiance, worn on the body, can shelter from wind, thunder, fire, disasters and catastrophes, and its defense power is shocking.

Qiankun Liangyi Banner, clear and turbid, black and white are divided into black and white, and yin and yang hang down. The most wonderful function of this flag is that it can attract the power of heaven and earth, and bring down the power of three supreme gods: clear and turbid, black and white, and yin and yang.

Vientiane Dao Beads...

Huntian War Halberd...

There are a total of five innate spirit treasures, all of which are among the rare treasures, each with its own miraculous power, and its power is far beyond ordinary innate spirit treasures, making Chen Xi love it so much.

It's a pity that Chen Xi himself knew that in a real battle, he would not need so many innate spirit treasures at all.

Like now, there are still many innate spiritual treasures on him, such as Shutu Xinghuang Banner, Soul Refining Ancient Mirror, Blood Desolation Divine Bell, and Longyuan Qianling Orb.

Like the "Ba Ling Golden Spear" obtained after killing Emperor Nandu, and the "Shen Xiangyan Dao Ruler" obtained by killing Emperor Miaofeng.

Like Daluotian and Luobao copper coins.

If you add the sword talisman, the banishment sword, the nether world record, the evil pen, the sword of Dao... and other treasures, the number will become even larger.

Almost all of these treasures are rare treasures in the world, with immeasurable value, hard to come by, if other ascetics see this scene, their jaws will drop in shock.

After all, who would have dared to imagine that in the hands of Chen Xi alone, there are so many peerless treasures?

As far as Chen Xi was concerned, having seen so many Xiantian Spirit Treasures, he now knew one thing thoroughly, that treasures like Xiantian Spirit Treasures were also classified as high or low.

Like the sword talisman, Wuji Potiansuo, and Baling Golden Spear, which are all amazingly lethal, the most powerful is naturally the sword talisman, followed by Wuji Potianshuo, and Baling Golden Spear is at the bottom.

Of course, it is still very difficult to divide them specifically. After all, each innate spiritual treasure has different magical functions, and when used in the hands of different ascetics, the power it exerts is naturally different.

As far as Chen Xi was concerned, there was only one standard for judging the level of innate spiritual treasures, one was of great use to him, and the other was of little use to him.

In the following time, Chen Xi picked out the Ba Ling Golden Spear, the Blood Desolation God Bell, and the Huntian Battle Halberd first——

These three treasures are of little use to Chen Xi.

Then, treasures such as Shutu Xinghuang Banner, Qiankun Liangyi Banner, Soul Refining Ancient Mirror, Longyuan Qianling Orb, and Vientiane Dao Orb were classified into one category——

These treasures have different magical functions and can be called rare treasures, which can play a key role in some special environments.

Youminglu, Xiexie Pen, and Dao's Sword are classified into one category——

These treasures are like taboos, they cannot be exposed to the world, and Chen Xi will never use them without authorization unless it is an emergency.

The sword talisman, the banishing dust sword, the Luobao copper coin, the big Luotian, the Lingxu treasure clothes, and the infinite broken sky shuttle are all classified into one category——

These treasures are the ones that Chen Xi can often use in battle.

However, after dividing the treasures, Chen Xi didn't stop there, but set his sights on the three innate spiritual treasures, the Ba Ling Golden Spear, the Blood Desolation God Bell, and the Huntian Battle Halberd, and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he looked at the sword in his palm again, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.



A moment later, a strange buzzing sound resounded.

Wisps of chaotic air permeated the sword talisman, and rows of dense and obscure rune patterns were deduced in mid-air, blazing and dazzling.

Almost at the same time, there was another buzzing sound, and a golden glow flashed all over Ba Ling's golden spear, which was completely covered by the dense runes released by the sword talisman.

In an instant, a terrifying devouring power gushed out from the sword talisman, and it actually began to absorb the innate spiritual power of the bully golden gun bit by bit!

If this scene is seen by outside ascetics, I'm afraid it would be unbelievable.

One innate spirit treasure to devour the power of another innate spirit treasure!Looking around the world, has the water layer in this world seen such a terrifying scene?

And this is one of the wonderful uses of the sword talisman.

It is also a kind of heaven-defying power unique to the sword talisman after it has been promoted from a talisman weapon to a congenital spiritual treasure!

It can devour the essence of all things, feed back its own power, and enhance its own power!

When confronting Leng Xinghun before, Chen Xi had used this kind of power to break the chessboard covered by the "Yitian Chessboard" in one fell swoop.

It's just different from the battle, what the sword talisman devours now is the power of an innate spiritual treasure, the purpose is obvious, it is to enhance its own power!

And all of this came from Chen Xi's decision.

The Baling Golden Spear, like the Blood Desolation Bell and the Huntian War Halberd, are of little use to him, and they are almost useless when worn on his body. It is better to refine them to enhance the power of the sword talisman.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, this behavior is simply outrageous, prodigal to the extreme.But Chen Xi did this after careful consideration and familiarity.

Now, he has indeed reached the point where he is unrivaled in the Ancestral God Realm, but this is only the Ancestral God Realm. In the future, there will be two other realms, the Emperor Realm and the Taoist Realm.

What Chen Xi is thinking at the moment is to continuously increase the power of the sword talisman before he advances to the emperor realm. In this way, even after he advances to the emperor realm, the power of the sword talisman can completely match his own combat power.

Is the emperor's realm far away?

It's not far anymore!

Chen Xi is now in the Great Perfection realm of the ancestor gods. If he hadn't entered the chaotic ruins to find opportunities and open up his own domain power, he would be able to retreat and attack the emperor realm now!

This is the so-called plan for a rainy day.

After all, all achievements have become a thing of the past. For Chen Xi, defeating his opponents in the same realm is meaningless. His goal has long been locked on the emperor realm.

Dijun, the emperor of gods, sits in the Great Thousand Realm!

This kind of realm is the giant who truly stands in the entire ancient gods, calling the wind and calling the rain, admired by all, and possessing awe-inspiring power.

For Chen Xi, his goal is not only to be satisfied with becoming an emperor, because in the realm of emperors, there is also an existence called "Region Master"!


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