divine talisman

Chapter 1901 Chaos Star Field

The sword talisman made strange fluctuations, and the runes overflowed, constantly absorbing the power of the Baling Golden Spear.

According to Chen Xi's calculations, at this speed, it would take at least five years for the sword talisman to completely absorb the power of the Ba Ling Golden Spear.


Ignoring these things any more, Chen Xi's heart moved, and the Dao Ruler of God's Aspect Evolution appeared out of thin air, and the light and rain were flying, divine and brilliant, releasing gorgeous rays of light, and auspicious aura surged.

Soon, the light and rain intertwined and gathered in the center of the jade ruler, outlining a bright villain, sitting cross-legged, reciting Taoist scriptures, with a solemn appearance.

In an instant, Chen Xi clearly felt the power from the Dao, and the whole world became different.

The Dao is nameless and formless, hidden in all things in the world, but it is illusory and difficult to figure out.

However, Chen Xi could clearly "see" the traces of the Dao through the Divine Aspect Yan Dao Ruler, and he could more thoroughly understand the mystery within it.

The villain in the center of the jade ruler is the "spiritual form", which can interpret the way of heaven and turn the invisible into form. Chen Xi's echo with the "spiritual form" is like being in harmony with the heaven and earth, and in harmony with the great way.

This is easier and more penetrating and profound than his previous groping and comprehension alone.

That kind of feeling is like turning all the complicated and mottled into simple and clean, so that all the mysterious and obscure places can't hide, clearly and clearly.

This is the magical function of the God's Phase Evolution Dao Ruler, which can deduce the Dao and derive all kinds of wonderful truths. Although it is not a treasure of combat power, it is not comparable to ordinary magic treasures alone, it can be called an unrivaled treasure.

From that day on, Chen Xi fell into a deep-seated meditation. While adjusting his breath, he quietly comprehended the Dao, and the time passed in a hurry unconsciously.


Three years later, to the outside world, only three days have passed.

this day.

Chen Xi who was meditating suddenly opened his eyes, and almost at the same time, Huai Kongzi's voice sounded in this ancient realm of youth.

"Three days have come, you and the 30 people can leave now."

At this moment, not only Chen Xi, but also other disciples who were retreating in the Shaohua Ancient Realm also came to their senses.

Immediately, portals appeared in front of each of them.

"The day has finally come."

Chen Xi stood up long, without any hesitation, stepped into that portal in one step, and disappeared in the Ancient Shaohua Realm in an instant.

Contending Dojo.

When Chen Xi arrived, the other 29 people also appeared one after another.

But it was not Huai Kongzi who was waiting for them, but a thin, short, ordinary old man.

That is the Taoist principal Liu Shenji!

Chen Xi and the others immediately shuddered, and their expressions became solemn.

"Now, the passage to the chaotic ruins has been opened, so you can go with me."

Liu Shenji glanced at Chen Xi and the others, and instantly judged that their cultivation had returned to the peak. Without any hesitation, he gently waved his sleeve robe.

In an instant, Chen Xi and the others felt a blur in front of their eyes, and they were uncontrollably engulfed by an unstoppable force, and suddenly disappeared in place.

Can't see anything.

Can't hear anything.

It seems to be ups and downs in the years, and it seems that only a moment has passed.

When Chen Xi opened his eyes again, he suddenly realized that he had come to an extremely strange star field.

This star field is vast, vast, and deep, as if it is boundless, and it is extremely silent.

Unlike other star fields, the stars in this star field are all still there, without any movement, which seems very mysterious.

And in the extreme distance, in the direction facing Chen Xi and the others, there suddenly appeared an incomparably huge black vortex, stretching across the starry sky, looking from a distance, it looked like a bloody mouth, which seemed to be able to swallow thousands of stars. swallowed them all.

It's just that the strange thing is that at this moment, the huge black vortex also fell into a stillness, without a trace of movement, it looked extremely frightening.

"This is the chaotic star field."

Liu Shenji stood in front of her with her hands behind her back, looking at the huge black vortex in the distance, and said calmly.

Chen Xi and the others were all startled. This is the Chaotic Starfield?Why is there no sign of chaos, but rather quiet and terrifying?

"This place is very dangerous. In the past years, even if the existence of the Taoist Realm came, they would not dare to cross the thunder pool."

Liu Shenji said with a hint of emotion, "This time, thanks to the joint efforts of the five poles of the Emperor's Domain, each of them sacrificed their own sect's deity treasures, they were able to suppress the forbidden power of this place and bring all the chaos back to peace. middle."

Only then did Chen Xi and the others suddenly realize that what they saw now was no longer the true face of this star field.

At the same time, it made them even more afraid to underestimate this operation.

Just to open up a path leading to the chaotic ruins requires the joint action of the five poles of the imperial domain. It is conceivable how dangerous this place has been in the past years, it is simply a forbidden land!

"Look at that passage."

Liu Shenji pointed to the huge black vortex in the distant starry sky, and said, "Entering it, you can reach the chaotic ruins. According to rumors, there are many realms that have not yet been discovered. Killing Intent, you must be careful when you act in it."

At this moment, Chen Xi and the others all looked solemn and listened quietly, not daring to be distracted.

They don't know anything about the mysterious chaotic ruins, so if they can get some pointers from people like Liu Shenji, it will definitely be beneficial to their future actions.

"The most important thing is that you have to be careful of the power of the forbidden way, and don't get a little bit of it. You probably have heard that the Taoist Kunpeng back then was entangled in the power of the forbidden way, and finally fell into a trap. The end of the body disappears."

When Liu Shenji said this, he turned around, looked at Chen Xi and the others, and said, "As for the other dangers, even I don't know. You have to explore and resolve everything by yourself."

Hearing this, Chen Xi and the others immediately felt a pressure in their hearts. Even the head of the Taoist Academy said so, so one can imagine how mysterious and unknown the chaotic ruins are.

And the unknown often means danger!

"After you enter the chaotic ruins, this channel will completely collapse, but don't worry, ten years later, the five poles of the imperial domain will make another move to open up a way back for you."

Liu Shenji's voice became solemn, "Remember, ten years is a period, and it can be delayed for three years at the latest. If you can't return from it, you will have no hope of returning to the ancient gods!"

Chen Xi and the others were shocked, and they all remembered it firmly.

"It's not too late, you can start now."

Liu Shenji turned around, and looked again at the huge black vortex in the distance.

"let's go!"

Leng Xinghun took the lead, and led the other five descendants of the Supreme Master to escape, and disappeared in the depths of the black vortex in an instant.

Next, other forces also acted one after another.

They have waited for too long to enter the chaotic ruins this time, even if it is full of terrifying dangers and unknown murderous intentions, they will not hesitate to open up a new domain and achieve the power of "domain master".

Even, they are all ready to fall into it!

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, paying such a high price, as for it?

But for these ascetics who are about to enter the chaotic ruins, as long as they can make a breakthrough on the road beyond the past, everything is worth it.

"Let's go too."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, took Gu Yan and Tu Meng with him, and fled towards the distance.

It wasn't until all thirty of their heirs disappeared into the black vortex that Liu Shenji murmured: "I hope...you can all return safely."

After all, he walked away.


Not long after Liu Shenji left, the quiet atmosphere in this star field was broken, and a terrifying and violent chaotic force suddenly spread.


The explosion of the stars, the chaos of time and space, the endless void flames, the thunder and lightning, the mist, and the rain of blood swept away, flooding this star field.

Faintly, there was also a sound of gods and Buddhas mourning, and the sound of the Great Dao collapsing, which was thrilling.


Until later, the huge black vortex also exploded with a loud noise, completely turning into nothingness.

This star field is completely in chaos.

It seems that there is a terrifying robbery force behind the scenes to push all this to happen.


"It seems that they have already entered."

In a starry sky far away, Wu Xuechan, Xueling, Xutuo, Xuanming, and Caiya, five Taoist masters from the five poles of the imperial domain, stood in it, looked into the distance, and saw the chaotic scene clearly. clearly.

"This time, I'm afraid some little guys won't come back again."

Master Xu Tuo said indifferently.

This sentence clearly meant something.

Wu Xuechan knew it well, but he smiled slightly, and said, "Fellow Xu Tuo, are you worried about the preachers of your Supreme Master?"

The implication is that you are saying that you are too high to teach the missionaries to come back, right?

Daoist Xu Tuo snorted coldly, looked at Wu Xuechan with a pair of cloudy eyes, and said coldly: "Wu Xuechan, now that the Dao Discussion Competition is over, those thirty little guys have also entered the land of chaos, how about you and me?" How about a fight now? If I don't kill you, I really can't have peace in my heart!"

When he spoke, there was an unstoppable murderous intent in his voice.

Xuan Ming, Xue Ling, and Cai Ya, the three Taoist masters on the side, all focused their eyes.

"Fight and kill now, ten years later, who will take those little guys back?"

However, before Wu Xuechan could respond, the voice of the head of the Taoist school, Liu Shenji, suddenly sounded, and with the sound, Liu Shenji had arrived out of thin air.

Seeing this, the corners of Taoist Master Xutuo's lips twitched, and he fell silent immediately.

Wu Xuechan smiled and said: "Senior is right, at this time, it is indeed not suitable for fighting."

At that moment just now, not only Taoist Master Xutuo was boiling with murderous intent, Wu Xuechan also had a trace of murderous intent in his heart.

It was only because of Liu Shenji's arrival that all these disappeared invisible.

"Ten years is fleeting, everyone may wish to rest here and prepare for the action ten years later, this seat... will also wait here."

With Liu Shenji's words, Xutuo and Wu Xuechan immediately extinguished their thoughts of fighting, knowing that the reason why Liu Shenji did this must be to prevent such a thing from happening.

For a moment, the two Taoist masters couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.


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