divine talisman

Chapter 1902 Sudden Killing


When Chen Xi just opened his eyes, an extremely cold and indifferent voice resounded in his ears.

Like a thunderbolt!

In an instant, Chen Xi's pupils dilated, his whole body tensed up, and he almost subconsciously sacrificed his sword talisman, and performed the most defensive blow—the circle-holding pose.


As soon as the perfectly round sword curtain condensed out, it suffered a terrifying impact, and before the impact could be dispelled, another attack slammed in.

Just like angry waves hitting the shore, each wave is stronger than the last, bursting out billions of divine brilliance, distorting and smashing the world, time and space, and making a sharp roar.


Caught off guard, Chen Xi was so shocked that he coughed up blood, his figure staggered, and he almost couldn't support himself.

All of this happened so fast, who would have thought that just walking out of the passage transformed by that huge black vortex, they would suddenly encounter such a surprise attack?

The opponent had obviously been preparing for a long time, and he caught Chen Xi off guard all at once. Even if he hadn't been experienced in hundreds of battles and had superb reflexes, this round of attack alone would have been enough to kill him on the spot!


The rain of light was blazing, and the attacks were like a gust of wind and rain. Before those attacks landed, another terrifying attack swarmed in from all directions.

Even until now, Chen Xilian hasn't figured out who his opponent is!


Chen Xi's face was extremely gloomy all of a sudden, his eyes were like lightning, he let out a loud shout, and almost used all his power to exert the sword talisman to the extreme.

bang bang bang~~~

Drumming drumbeats sounded continuously, and the force of that heavy attack was extremely terrifying. All the techniques used were the most advanced Taoism in the world, and all the sacrifices were congenital treasures with astonishing lethality. .

And it is obvious that the opponent is definitely not just three or two people, but a group of people, each of whom is extremely powerful in combat, and belongs to the peak of the Ancestral God Realm.

Under such circumstances, even though Chen Xi had exhausted all his strength, he was so shocked that he coughed up blood again, his whole body was writhing with energy and blood, and his bones seemed to be falling apart.

But at this moment, he finally saw clearly that the people who attacked him were Leng Xinghun and his group and Donghuang Yinxuan's group!

In other words, the disciples of the Supreme Sect and the seminary who entered the chaotic ruins all ambushed here at this moment, launching a sniper attack against Chen Xi.


The cold and heartless voice sounded again.

Chen Xi's heart was already filled with anger to the extreme. To attack these damned things as soon as they entered the Chaotic Relic, it was simply too deceitful!

Indeed, even characters like Chen Xi were caught off guard by this sudden attack at this moment, and were almost robbed.

He never thought that such a thing would happen.

After all, under normal circumstances, for any person, facing a mysterious and unknown dangerous place, the first reaction must be to check whether the situation is dangerous.

But obviously, Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan did not do this, they did the opposite, and seized every opportunity to launch a sneak attack on Chen Xi. The result, whoever came, would probably be unexpected.

But at this time, it was obviously too late to understand all of this, Chen Xi's situation had become dangerous, and Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and the others would definitely not let go of this opportunity to kill Chen Xi!


All kinds of terrifying attacks came overwhelmingly, so Chen Xi could only bear it passively, like a trapped animal in a desperate situation.

"Junior Brother Tu Meng—!"

Suddenly, an angry voice resounded through the heavens and the earth, causing Chen Xi's heart to tremble violently. He turned his head to look, and immediately saw that Tu Meng had already been surrounded, his clothes were stained with blood, and he might die at any time!

In an instant, an indescribable anger poured over Chen Xi's body like boiling lava, irritating his eyes to become bloodshot and bright red.

These bloody bastards!

Chen Xi gritted his teeth, and violently sacrificed a big blood-colored bell, which flew into the air with a buzzing sound, vibrating endlessly. It was the blood-red god bell.


A few words, but it made his Blood Desolation God Clock tremble violently, burst into pieces, and the incomparably terrifying innate power swept across and spread in all directions.

"not good!"


There was a loud shout in the distance.

Taking advantage of this moment, Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he had already rushed to Tu Meng's side, grabbed him and fled to the distance.


However, at this very instant, a sharp, pitch-black blade light quietly appeared, slashing fiercely on Chen Xi's back from one side.

This blow was really too fast, it came out of nowhere, as if he had already been waiting there, just waiting for Chen Xi to show up, and he delivered a fatal blow.

Apparently, he did!

This blow was so fast that Chen Xi couldn't dodge it, and it landed on Chen Xi's back.


However, unexpectedly, a layer of dreamlike precious light suddenly permeated Chen Xi's body, which actually blocked this blow.

"Damn it, it's the Lingxu Treasure Clothes!"

A voice of shock and anger sounded from a distance.

At this time, Chen Xi had already used this impact force to rush out of the predicament with Tu Meng and Gu Yan, and moved away at full speed.


"No matter what this time, we can't let him go!"

There was a burst of shouting, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and the others would not watch the cooked duck fly away, they immediately chased after it with all their strength.


However, just as they were dispatched, a bronze halberd filled with chaotic energy came across the sky, releasing terrifying and monstrous divine brilliance.

Innate Spirit Treasure—Huntian War Halberd!

"This damn thing, it's doing it again!"

Seeing this, Leng Xinghun and the others, who had already been fooled by Chen Xi many times, could not be aware that Chen Xi was using the method of self-destructing the innate spirit treasure again.

As for whether to scare them or not, no one can judge.

But with the experience of being fooled many times, Leng Xinghun and the others made a decisive decision, and swiped away from one side, trying to bypass the Huntian war halberd.

But this time, they obviously guessed wrong.Before they could go around, the halberd exploded with a bang, like the scorching sun bursting into pieces, releasing a terrifying air wave, completely turning the land with a radius of [-] miles into a sea of ​​flames, steaming and burning.

"not good!"


All of a sudden, Leng Xinghun and the others were caught off guard. They were in a panic and kept dodging. Some people were even affected and suffered a lot of damage.

After such a delay, they immediately lost track of Chen Xi, and when they wanted to pursue him again, they had already lost the best time.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and the surrounding fields were vast.

When everything returned to calm, Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan's expressions were extremely gloomy and cold.

"I didn't expect to be escaped by this damn guy again..."

Everyone's expressions were livid. They were short of a line just now, and they could succeed. Who would have thought that such an accident would happen again at a critical moment.

Who would have thought that Chen Xi would be so ruthless that he would explode two innate spiritual treasures all at once?

They have experienced this kind of method more than once, but every time they can't do anything, which makes them feel aggrieved and resentful again.

Especially Leng Xinghun, just now he took advantage of Chen Xi's opportunity to rescue Tumeng, and succeeded in attacking from behind in one fell swoop, but who would have thought that the other party was actually wearing a treasured robe of the spirit void, which made his attack completely useless? It failed to hurt Chen Xi.

If it weren't for this, Chen Xi would have already been ripped open by himself, right?

At this moment, Leng Xinghun was almost speechless. Every time he dealt with this guy, every time he was escaped by this guy, his luck must be too good, right?

"It's a pity to let this son escape this time, and I don't know when we can catch him again next time..."

After a while, Donghuang Yinxuan sighed, with a hint of unwillingness in his voice.

This time, in order to sneak attack on Chen Xi, they even did not hesitate to attack together, and attacked with all their strength. They absolutely did not have the slightest intention of underestimating the other party.

Even because they were very aware of Chen Xi's strength, they used a thunderous blow as soon as they made a move, but in the end...

But still failed!

"It's okay, this time I entered the Chaotic Forsaken Land, at least three to five years, and at most ten years, there must be a chance to meet each other again."

Taking a deep breath, forcing himself to suppress the aggrieved and angry in his heart, Leng Xinghun said in a deep voice, "The top priority is to find a new realm as soon as possible and refine the power of the realm in one fell swoop. Emperor realm, that would be the best."

Hearing this, Donghuang Yinxuan squinted his eyes, and deeply agreed, "If you can take this opportunity to advance to the Emperor Realm, and then go to deal with Chen Xi, it will be a no-brainer."

When the others saw this, their expressions relaxed a lot, and they began to think about their next actions in the chaotic ruins.

"However, everyone should be careful, after all, this is a land of chaos, unpredictable and dangerous, no one is allowed to act without orders!"

Leng Xinghun glanced at everyone and reminded in a deep voice.

"It's natural."

Everyone else, including Donghuang Yinxuan, agreed.

At such a time, it is definitely safer to act together than to fight alone. After all, according to Liu Shenji, the head of the Taoist Academy, all the Kunpeng Taoist masters were robbed here!

Therefore, no one dared to be careless anymore.

At that moment, Leng Xinghun and his group discussed for a while, then left abruptly and fled into the distance.


Not long after they left, a figure suddenly appeared in the devastated battlefield.

He is dressed in sable fur, wearing a feather crown on his head, facing the wind like a jade tree, just like a little lord in the world, he is the heir Wang Zhong from Jinchan God Island!

"Hehe, let's fight, the harder the fight, the better."

Looking around, Wang Zhong had a secretive smile on his lips.

Immediately, he stretched long, put his hands behind his back, and walked towards the distance, "I didn't expect to see a good show when I came back this time, it's interesting..."

He looked relaxed, walking in this chaotic wasteland, like strolling in a garden, without a trace of nervousness.

It felt like the fish returned to the ocean, the goshawk reappeared in the sky, and he, Wang Zhong, seemed to have come to the place he was most familiar with...

Soon, Wang Zhong's figure disappeared.

"Within three years, I will definitely be able to see your true face!"

I don't know when, the figure of Canaan, the holy son of Buddha Sect, also came to this battlefield full of ruins, and the position he stood on happened to be the position where Wang Zhong was just now.

His eyes were deep and deep, looking into the distance, his quiet and resolute brows showed a touch of determination.


ps: I'm not at home today, I stayed up all night to save the manuscript, Chapter 2 at 2 pm.


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