divine talisman

Chapter 1903

The land of chaos is huge, beyond imagination.

When Chen Xi led Gu Yan and Tu Meng to escape, he realized that this mysterious and unknown place was actually wider than any big world he had seen before, and he couldn't even measure how vast it was. .

Chen Xi could only judge according to the time. A stick of incense, if calculated as flying in the starry sky, is enough to cross many galaxies and cross a vast universe.

But in this chaotic ruin, these distances seem to be nothing at all.

The sky here seems to have no dome. If you look around, it is full of stars, densely hanging above the sky, with a clear luster.

Like the Land of Chaos, the vastness of the starry sky also seems to have no end.

It's a pity that Chen Xi didn't have time to carefully feel the more detailed situation.

Because on this road, it is too dangerous, and there is turmoil everywhere.

Raging storms, erupting volcanoes, fractured time and space, smoky blood mist... along the way, there is hardly a quiet and safe area in sight.

Even, Chen Xi could often see stars whizzing down from the sky, hitting the ground, and creating a huge crater with a radius of a million miles. The terrifying impact made Chen Xi's heart skip a beat.

All in all, the sky, the earth, and everything here is in a state of chaos, and various dangerous natural disasters are happening almost all the time.

With Chen Xi's current strength, when facing such an extremely harsh environment, he had to tense his nerves and be extremely cautious.

Because the disaster here seems to be no different from the outside world, but its power is extremely powerful.

The storm here can easily tear apart the gods.

The lava here can instantly incinerate everything.

The space-time rift here can even crush everything in an instant!

In addition to these, there is also the extremely poisonous mist and miasma that can corrode the soul; there is also the evil spirit that can penetrate the body and melt the spirit...

Even every plant and tree here may instantly turn into a catastrophe, causing people to fall into a place of eternal doom!


Chen Xi has gone through many dangerous places since he practiced, but compared to the chaotic ruins before him, they are nothing at all.

Chen Xi also finally understood why almost no one has been able to set foot here since ancient times. The danger here is enough to make any cultivator dare not approach it!

People like the Lord of Kunpeng were all robbed here at the beginning, so one can imagine how terrifying this chaotic land is.

Perhaps, it is also because of this that there is a realm that has not been opened up here, and it has not been accepted by the practice circle of the ancient gods so far.

In other words, it is entirely possible to use the eight characters "primordial, dangerous and unpredictable" to describe everything in the chaotic ruins!


It took a long time before Chen Xi managed to find a place to stand.

It was a bare, pitch-black mountain with no grass growing, it was thousands of feet high, and it was permeated with wisps of evil spirit.

However, although these evil spirits were powerful, they couldn't do anything to Chen Xi.

"Tumon, how do you feel?"

Chen Xi didn't care about his injuries, and as soon as he landed, he looked at Tu Meng.

At this moment, Tu Meng was covered in blood, and there was a blood hole the size of a bowl on the left side of his chest, which was still gurgling blood, which was shocking.

Along the way, Tumon gritted his teeth and endured the pain all over his body, which also made his face look quite pale, and his physical condition was obviously not optimistic.

However, after hearing Chen Xi's question, Tu Meng forced himself to grin and said, "Master Uncle, I'm a bull, I'm fine, I can't die, don't worry about it."

Chen Xi frowned. Thinking of what happened before, the anger in his heart almost surged up uncontrollably.

"These damn things, when we meet again next time, we will definitely repay today's gift a hundredfold!"

Chen Xi gritted his teeth, hating him to the core. As soon as he entered the Chaos Relic, he was attacked with all his might. If he hadn't rescued him in time, Tu Meng would almost have met with an accident.

How could Chen Xi not be angry?

The most important thing is that Tu Meng is now seriously injured. In the next operation, Chen Xi will undoubtedly lose a powerful helper. This is definitely not a good thing for them.

"Uncle Master is right. This time the action is completely different from the Dao Contest. There are no other old monsters present. Those guys from the Supreme Sect and the Divine Academy dare to attack us. We don't have to be polite. Kill them all!"

Gu Yan spoke coldly from one side, revealing his murderous intentions. He was also caught off guard by what happened just now. Seeing Tu Meng injured like this, he felt extremely aggrieved.

"This enmity will naturally be avenged. The top priority is to survive this chaotic ruin first, and strive to open up our own domain power as soon as possible."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, regained his composure, and quickly said, "The Leng Xinghun suppressed his cultivation for tens of thousands of years in order to enter the chaotic ruins this time. They failed to kill us this time, so they will definitely choose Open up the power of the domain as soon as possible and advance to the emperor realm."

After a pause, Chen Xi continued: "If we wait for this kind of situation to happen, the situation will only be more unfavorable for us, so we must be ahead of them and do this step!"

In the end, there was a touch of determination in the voice.

Gu Yan's expression also became serious, and he said, "Uncle Master, what do you think we should do next?"

Chen Xi looked at Tu Meng, and said, "I can only wrong you for the time being and stay in my inner world to recuperate."

Tu Meng grinned and said, "It's what I, Man Niu, wished for to be able to observe the universe inside the body of my uncle, so why should I feel wronged?"

Chen Xi patted Tumeng on the shoulder, without saying much, he put him away.

At this moment, Gu Yan suddenly remembered something, and said, "Master Uncle, you said that the fellows in Nuwa Palace were also ambushed, right?"

Hearing this, Chen Xi narrowed his eyes immediately, and after a moment of silence, he said, "No, we almost entered the chaotic ruins. If the Supreme Sect and the Divine Academy deal with the Nuwa Palace and their group, it will be over in time." It’s too late to ambush us.”

Gu Yan thought about it, and agreed with Chen Xi's point of view.

"Go, let's go."

Chen Xi looked around, inspected briefly, and finally turned his gaze to the sky. If he wants to master the power of a realm, he naturally needs to control a starry sky realm!

"Master Uncle, you are injured now, why don't you take a rest before acting..."

Before Gu Yan could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Chen Xi: "It's just a minor injury, it won't affect your actions, and it can be repaired on the way."

Seeing this, Gu Yan stopped persuading him, and moved away through time and space together with Chen Xi.


One domain includes many universes, and each universe contains hundreds of millions of stars, which can be called boundless.

Like today’s Ancient God’s Domain, there are thousands of known domains, but those domains already have their own owners, even if they are taken by force, they will not be of much use to Chen Xi and the others.

Because according to what the empress from Taichuguan said, the most powerful domain power often comes from those undeveloped domains.

And looking at the entire ancient gods' domain, the only one who can find a domain like this is the chaotic ruins in front of him.

This was also one of the reasons why Chen Xi and his 30 people tried their best to come here resolutely, even risking their lives.

Possessing the power of the domain is equivalent to possessing the foundation to achieve the prestige of "the domain master", which will be of great benefit to future practice.

Even when attacking the Taoist realm, the domain master with the power of the domain has a greater chance than other emperor characters.

In short, the domain master is also a kind of emperor state, but by no means any emperor can become the domain master.

And whether one can have the "power of the domain" is one of the criteria to measure a domain master.

What Chen Xi and Gu Yan have to do at this time is to find unexplored new domains in the chaotic ruins, and refine their original powers!


Now, Chen Xi is also clear that if he wants to possess the power of a domain, he must first find a domain, then enter this domain, and refine its "origin of the domain" into his own.

In this way, with the help of "the power of the domain", one can break through the threshold of the emperor realm in one fell swoop and become a veritable domain master!

However, it is not so easy to achieve this step.

After Chen Xi and Gu Yan set out on the road together, they moved around for several hours and carefully observed many starry sky tracks, but they did not find a single domain that had already formed.

This involves the judgment of the domain.

The domain formed by one side has its own unique heavenly atmosphere, which can form a barrier-like enchantment.

This enchantment covers the entire surrounding area and can completely distinguish one area from other chaotic starry sky.

In layman's terms, this enchantment is like an eggshell, protecting the egg white and yolk inside.

However, the unformed domain does not have this enchantment, and the distribution of the starry sky is also chaotic and lawless.

It is worth mentioning that a realm refers to an area that encompasses many universes.The power of the realm comes from the power in the "source of the realm".

The realm and the power of the realm, one is the interface, the other is the power, which are completely different.

Another hour passed.


Suddenly, Chen Xi seemed to have sensed something, and he stopped abruptly. His gaze was like lightning, and two bursts of cold light burst out, and he suddenly looked into the distance.

Almost at the same time, the void in the far distance suddenly exploded and turned into a fracture zone, and a huge corpse suddenly floated out of it.

It was indeed a corpse, ten thousand feet long, covered with broken and ancient bronze armor.

It quietly floated in mid-air, like a floating land, it was too huge, although there was no life fluctuation, but there was a palpitating aura released from its body.

From Chen Xi's angle, he could only see two huge soles, like two raised mountains.

"This seems to be an innate god and demon born in chaos!"

Gu Yan was surprised and said in disbelief, "How...how could he fall here, even his body can't be buried in Chang'an!?"


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