divine talisman

Chapter 1905 Heavenly Way Abnormal

Ah Liang?

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes. He never expected that at such a dangerous moment, this little princess of the Primordial Fungus tribe would actually wake up.

"Ah Liang, it's dangerous outside now, I'll let you..."

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a loud bang, and a blood-colored thunderstorm poured down, almost covering Chen Xi's entire body.


Even if he dodges in the end, the blow still made Chen Xi's bones ache, and he almost coughed up blood.

"Uncle Master, are you alright?"

Gu Yan came to support from one side.


As he said that, Chen Xi had already sacrificed the Qiankun Liangyi Banner, intending to blow it up himself.

"Young master, please let Ah Liang out, Ah Liang has a way to deal with those Rakshasa blood bees!"

Ah Liang's voice sounded again, full of anxiety.

Raksha Blood Bee?

Can Ah Liang deal with it?

Chen Xi narrowed his pupils, a little hesitant.


At this time, the two ten thousand feet tall corpses of gods and demons had already outflanked them. They were surrounded by blood-colored thunderstorms, and their aura was violent and monstrous.

"Young master, hurry up!"

A Liang's voice became more and more anxious.

The situation is urgent and at stake!

In the end, Chen Xi gritted his teeth, took out a bronze box, and gently opened it.


Dressed in a plain dress, with vertical black hair shawl and a flower crown on her head, A Liang with a delicate face suddenly flew out of it.

She has a very small physique, flying in the air like an elf, exuding a holy and elegant aura.

While dodging the enemy's attack, Chen Xi reminded in a concentrated voice: "Ah Liang, you have to deal with more than one Raksha Blood Bee, so you must be extremely careful, if you can't resist..."


Amidst Chen Xi's reminder, Ah Liang had already sacrificed an ancient animal skin drum, the surface of which was covered with strange and dense patterns of dao patterns.

Beat the drum!

Boom-! !

Before Chen Xi could finish speaking, Ah Liang had already recited the scriptures, and his white and green right hand lightly patted in the air, and the beating drum that floated in mid-air trembled violently, releasing a blazing divine radiance, rushing forward. rise from the sky.

Accompanied by it, there is a drum sound.

The sound of this drum is deep and heavy, like a golden spear and an iron horse crushing mountains and rivers, or like thunder raging, shaking nine heavens and ten earths!


Time and space here exploded, and the sound of the drum sounded as if it had substance, and it instantly vibrated hard on the two huge corpses of gods and demons.

In an instant, Chen Xi was surprised to find that the corpses of the two gods and demons that had rushed towards them in a mighty manner were actually struck by lightning at this moment, and their whole bodies were stiff and stagnant there, as if they had turned into sculptures.


Gu Yan couldn't help being stunned, he didn't expect that just one sound of a drum could achieve such a terrifying and miraculous effect.

Those are the corpses of two gods and demons comparable to the existence of three-star emperors!

"let's go!"

Seeing such a rare opportunity, how could Chen Xi miss it, and would take A Liang and Gu Yan to leave without any hesitation.

"Don't panic, son, it's not over yet."

Chen Xi was taken aback by Ah Liang's reaction.

The next moment, Ah Liang made a move with his left hand, and there was an extra delicate and noble, jade-like scepter, filled with brilliant golden luster.

Burning Scepter!

Like the Leishen Drum, they are all innate spiritual treasures inherited from the Primordial Fungus Clan. It is rumored that they were passed down by the ancestors of the Primordial Fungus Clan, and their power is unpredictable.


At this time, Chen Xi also discovered that the two corpses of the gods and demons were motionless, as if they were completely frozen there, and in just an instant, the figures of Rakshasa blood bees emerged from the two corpses of the gods and demons like a tide. fall out.

These mysterious "beauty-faced poisonous bees", which were originally ferocious and bloodthirsty, cold and cruel, fell from the corpses of the two gods and demons as if they had fallen into a coma at this moment.

"Heavenly fire is united, incinerate the sinful spirit!"

Amidst the soft and crisp singing, Ah Liang's expression became solemn and holy, and he lightly swiped the Fenyan Divine Scepter in his hand in the void.

In an instant, white flames emerged like waves covering the sky, covering the entire swarm of Rakshasa blood bees that fell.

The heavens and the earth became a holy sea of ​​white flames, constantly raging and burning.

It can be clearly seen that the densely packed Rakshasa blood bees seemed to wake up from a coma, their beautiful and cold faces twisted and frightened, and they screamed piercingly, but despite their struggles, they were unable to rush out of the sea of ​​divine flames.

In the end, amidst a bang bang bang bang sound, their bodies were all incinerated, melting into wisps of blood-colored mist.

In the end, even the bloody mist was incinerated, unable to fuse together, and completely disappeared.

Seeing all of this, Chen Xi couldn't help being moved. He knew very well how difficult those Rakshasa blood bees were to kill, but Ah Liang could easily kill all the Rakshasa blood bees just by relying on the God Beating Drum and the Burning Scepter in his hand. Killing, how could Chen Xi not be surprised by this?

"Is this... just one thing down one thing?"

Gu Yan was also stunned, feeling a little unbelievable.

"My lord, it's completely safe now."

At this time, Ah Liang seemed to be relieved, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

"Amazing! I didn't expect you, A Liang, to have been asleep for so many years. Once you woke up, you possessed such amazing power. It made me feel ashamed."

Chen Xi clapped his hands together, and admired him sincerely.

He could clearly see that Ah Liang first used the drum to stun the Raksha blood bees, causing them to lose control of the two corpses of gods and demons, and fell out of them.

Then, Ah Liang used the power of the burning scepter to incinerate these comatose Raksha blood bees in one fell swoop, completely eliminating the possibility of their resurrection.

These methods are straightforward, fatal with one blow, and effortless from start to finish. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, even Chen Xi wouldn't be able to believe it.

You know, under the control of those Rakshasa blood bees just now, the two corpses of gods and demons possessed at least the power of a three-star emperor.

As for Ah Liang, who is only at the early stage of the Ancestral God Realm, but he can achieve this step, it is naturally inconceivable.

Hearing Chen Xi's praise, Ah Liang felt a little ashamed, lowered his head, twisted his green hands like green onions together, and said in a low voice, "My lord, it's not that Ah Liang is powerful, it's that the two treasures in Ah Liang's hands happen to be those It's just the nemesis of the Raksha Blood Bee."

Chen Xi was naturally aware of this, but without Ah Liang, it was naturally impossible for these two divine treasures to have the opportunity to display their might.

"Uncle Master, is this the princess of the Primordial Fungus?"

Gu Yan asked from the side, with a look of curiosity in his eyes. It was also the first time he had seen the descendants of the Archaean tribe, and found that, as the rumors indicated, the bodies of the Archaean tribe were as small as a bean, and looked very inconspicuous. .

However, Gu Yan absolutely did not dare to underestimate the other party because of this.

"That's right, Ah Liang, this is Gu Yan. According to seniority, I'm his uncle." Chen Xi introduced with a smile.

"Ah Liang met Mr. Gu Yan." Ah Liang saluted, looking very cute.

Gu Yan hurriedly said, "Just call me Gu Yan."

Chen Xi swept his gaze into the distance, and saw the corpses of the two gods and demons standing there, like sculptures, lifeless. Although they stood upright, they exuded a sense of sadness and majesty.

"It's a pity that you can't go to the earth in life, but you are bullied by evil things when you die."

Chen Xi sighed in his heart, stepped forward, and earnestly saluted the two corpses of the gods and demons three times. Then, with a wave of his sleeve, a burst of divine flame gushed out, and incinerated the corpses of the two gods and demons in just a few breaths. .

Then, Chen Xi carefully put away those ashes, put them into two jade boxes, and buried them in the ground.

"Let's get out of here first."

After all this was done, Chen Xi gave Gu Yan and A Liang an order.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

However, just when Chen Xi and his group were about to leave, suddenly two desolate and deep voices sounded almost at the same time.

Chen Xi was startled, then suddenly turned around, his eyes fell on the place where the ashes of the two innate gods and demons were buried, but he didn't notice anything.

"My lord, this is a ray of obsession left by the two innate gods and demons before they died. Now that they are finally freed, the ray of obsession has also disappeared. I must thank you, my lord."

Ah Liang obviously also heard these two voices, and couldn't help looking at Chen Xi with a little admiration.

"I didn't do this to make them thank me."

Chen Xi smiled, didn't take it seriously, turned around and left.


Half an hour later, Chen Xi and his group passed through one extremely dangerous area after another without any risk, and finally found a safe place.

"Take a break and act later."

Chen Xi sat cross-legged, staring at the sky with his eyes. There were billions of stars twinkling on the sky, but they were chaotic and without a trace of spirit formation.

This also means that so far, there is still no formed domain in the starry sky they have seen along the way.

"Ah Liang, how do you recognize that Raksha Blood Bee, what kind of creature is that?"

Chen Xi asked suddenly.

At this time, Ah Liang was still sitting on the top of Chen Xi's ear as before, with a smile on his lips, his legs were swaying, his expression was peaceful, and he looked carefree.

Hearing Chen Xi's words, Ah Liang tilted his head to think for a while, and said crisply: "Ah Liang heard what my mother-in-law said, when Taoist Kunpeng led our Primordial Fungus Race to this chaotic ruin, he once fought with these The Raksha Blood Bee has fought many times."

After a pause, she continued: "According to what my mother-in-law said, this Raksha blood bee is a unique creature in the land of chaos. It is cruel and bloodthirsty by nature, and especially likes to devour the essence, energy, and spirit of ascetics. It is often deposited in the carrion of the corpse, which is difficult to find."

Chen Xi was stunned, and then frowned again: "Then do you know why they can manipulate the corpses of gods and demons, and exert a power not inferior to that of the three-star emperor?"

A Liang said without hesitation: "It's very simple, this is a kind of power that all living beings in the chaotic ruins have mastered, that is, by manipulating the corpse, they can exert the power that the corpse owner had in life. The more powerful it is, the more powerful it will be after being manipulated."

"As for the reason, even my mother-in-law can't tell the reason, only that all this is probably related to the law of heaven in the chaotic ruins."

Is it related to the law of heaven?

Chen Xi's heart trembled. After entering the Chaotic Remains, he also discovered that the laws of heaven here contained an aura that was completely different from that of the Ancient God's Domain. It was strange and mysterious, making it unpredictable.


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