divine talisman

Chapter 1906

The law of heaven filled in the chaotic ruins is indeed very unusual, with a mysterious and strange atmosphere, which is very different from the ancient gods.

With Chen Xi's current ability, it is also very difficult to deduce the reason.

"My lord, don't worry, the two treasures in Ah Liang's hands can restrain many creatures here, and can help you resolve many crises."

Seeing Chen Xi groaning silently, Ah Liang couldn't help comforting him.

Chen Xi was dumbfounded, and said with a smile: "Then I'm sorry for the trouble."

Ah Liang clenched her pink fists, nodded fiercely and said: "Young master, don't worry, with Ah Liang here, no one dares to bully you."

Sensing the seriousness and firmness in Ah Liang's tone, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling warm in his heart. This little girl is really likable.

"By the way, Ah Liang, do you recognize the writing on these five volumes of animal skins?"

Suddenly, Chen Xi's heart moved, and he took out the five secret maps. Although these treasures were obtained from the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain, their real owner was Daoist Kunpeng.

And the Primordial Fungus Clan that Ah Liang belongs to has a lot to do with Taoist Kunpeng!

Ah Liang was startled, and his figure flashed, flying in front of Chen Xi, and a pair of pitch-black clear eyes began to scrutinize the five secret maps.


As soon as he glanced around, Ah Liang uttered in surprise, "My lord, where did you get these animal skin rolls?"

There is a play!

Chen Xi's heart was lifted by Ah Liang's reaction, and he immediately revealed the origin of these five secret maps without any hesitation.

Only then did Ah Liang suddenly realize, and said, "No wonder, only Taoist Kunpeng can master the 'cloud-patterned ancient characters' secreted by the royal family of our Primordial Fungus Clan."

At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly lost his composure, and said in surprise, "You mean, the writing on the animal skin is a secret text handed down by your ancient fungus?"

Ah Liang nodded: "That's right, but this kind of ancient script can only be learned and recognized by the royal descendants of our archaic tribe."

Chen Xi's eyes lit up: "So, Ah Liang, you also recognize these handwriting?"

Ah Liang nodded again, and then she frowned, and said with a little thought: "It's just that this animal skin scroll is too broken, and there are many omissions in many places. I can only recognize the handwriting, but I don't understand the meaning contained in it." mean."

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows and said, "Ah Liang, tell me the handwriting you recognized first."

A Liang pointed to one of the animal skins, and said: "There are three ancient characters with cloud patterns on it, which are Tai, Ji, and Tan."

Immediately afterwards, she pointed to the other four animal skin rolls and said the meanings contained in the writing on them one by one.

Daoji, Shenzhuyuan, Supreme and Emptiness, True Nothing and Supreme.

This is the content interpreted on the other four animal skin scrolls. They are so dilapidated that they seem to know each other, but when they really taste it, they can't see why.

Chen Xi tried to combine them repeatedly, but in the end he found that there were still too few clues. After all, this was not a complete secret map, and the secret contained in it was extremely broken.

"What... do these represent? Is it the name of the mysterious place, or some clues about the mystery of the ultimate path?"

Chen Xi fell into deep thought.

Seeing this, Gu Yan and A Liang stopped talking and did not disturb Chen Xi.

I don't know how long it took, but a familiar feeling suddenly rose in Chen Xi's heart. He vaguely felt that this scene seemed to have been experienced somewhere before...


In an instant, Chen Xi suddenly remembered that when he obtained the fragments of the River Map back then, he also obtained some obscure and inexplicable characters from them.

But at the beginning, it was precisely because these words contained the words "di," "yu", that he resolutely embarked on the action to go to the emperor's domain.

Similarly, it was precisely because of the hints in these texts that when he went to the Manggu ruins, he found many clues related to the fragments of the river map.

Until now, Chen Xi still clearly remembered that the words conveyed in the fragments of the River Map were Huang, Ruins, Shen, Gu, Emperor, Domain, Ji, Zhu, Ji, and Yuan.

The two characters "di, yu" in it represent the "diyu" in the ancient gods.

The three characters "Desolate, Ancient, Ruins" are related to the ruins of Manggu, and it was precisely because of this clue that Chen Xi understood that the master of Manggu, Xuan, was Hetu's seventh enlightened person. .

Aside from these five known handwritings, Chen Xi has not discovered the mystery of the words conveyed in the river map, as well as the five characters "Shen, Ji, Yuan, Zhu, and Ji".

However, at this time, combined with the handwriting imprinted on these five secret maps, Chen Xi immediately made an astonishing discovery——

The handwriting contained in the animal skin scroll also contains the five characters "Shen, Ji, Yuan, Zhu, Ji"!

In other words, the only five undeciphered writings left in the fragments of the river map can be found on the animal skin scroll!

Is this a coincidence?

Or is there some connection between the two?

Thinking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a bit of astonishment in his heart.

The five dilapidated and ancient animal skin scrolls were all left behind by Taoist Kunpeng back then, and they recorded a secret about the mysterious area of ​​the chaotic ruins. mystery.

This is the unanimous point of view of the five poles of the imperial domain.

But now, the fragments of the river map are vaguely related to all of this. Does it mean that the fragments of the river map are also related to the mysterious area in this chaotic ruin?

Fragments of the river map, chaotic ruins, mysterious areas, the real mystery of the ultimate path...

Combining all these clues made Chen Xi's train of thought vaguely clearer, but after careful deliberation, he still couldn't figure out why.

All of this is because the information currently in his hands is almost completely incomplete, and it all comes from his own conjectures. Whether it is correct or not, even Chen Xi himself cannot determine.

But no matter what, this discovery still made Chen Xi feel excited.

In his opinion, if he can find the mysterious area during this trip to the chaotic ruins, he might be able to find out all the answers!

However, where is the mysterious area distributed in the chaotic ruins?

Thinking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help sighing in his heart, if he had a complete animal skin scroll in his hand, why would he need to speculate like this?

Immediately, he regained his composure and began to analyze. Since the five secret maps in his hand are incomplete, it at least proves that there are at least some other incomplete animal skin scrolls in this world. Piece it together.

But where are the rest of the scrolls now?

Chen Xi had thought about this question long ago when he came to the Chaotic Fortress, but he definitely never wanted to know everything as he is now.

But it's a pity that even if he wanted to know more urgently, it was impossible to do it at this moment. In the end, he could only shake his head helplessly, suppressing this doubt deep in his heart.

"My lord, what's the problem?"

Seeing Chen Xi who had been in deep thought suddenly sigh, Ah Liang couldn't help asking.

Gu Yan also looked over.

"There is indeed a problem, but now I have vaguely grasped some clues, and I may be able to solve it later."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, put away the five secret maps again, and said with a smile, "Okay, don't worry, let's move on."


Ah Liang and Gu Yan nodded together.

Without stopping any longer, the three of Chen Xi started their actions and continued to search for the undiscovered starry sky realm.

Although the rumors about the ultimate way in the mysterious area are tempting, to Chen Xi and the others, the ultimate purpose of coming to the chaotic ruins this time is to open up the power of the domain and prepare for the impact on the position of the domain master .


Time passed in a blink of an eye, and before I knew it, more than ten days had passed.

During these days, the three of Chen Xi experienced many dangers and various disasters, and several times they were almost wiped out!

The reason is that the environment in this chaotic ruin is too dangerous. Thunder and lightning, hurricane volcanoes, space-time faults, evil spirits and blood fog, and all kinds of strange and terrifying creatures... There are too many dangers.

If it weren't for the God-beating Drum and the Fenyan Scepter in Ah Liang's hands being able to play an incomparably wonderful role in dealing with those terrifying creatures, Chen Xi even doubted whether he would be able to persevere until now.

However, the experience along the way also made Chen Xi realize more and more that it is definitely an extremely lucky thing to bring A Liang to come here this time.

Although this princess of the Primordial Fungus Tribe only had the early cultivation of the ancestor gods, the two ancestral treasures in her hands were infinitely powerful, displaying unimaginable power.

It's no wonder that when Taoist Kunpeng broke into this chaotic ruin, he brought the ancestors of the Primordial Fungus with him.

No. 13 days.


There was an earth-shattering roar, and the holy white flames boiled like a sea, and a tall, hideous and strange creature roared and struggled in the sea of ​​flames, and was finally incinerated.

"Fortunately, this blood-eyed giant's head is not bright, he only knows how to charge with brute force, otherwise it would be very difficult to kill him."

Ah Liang breathed a sigh of relief, and a look of relief appeared on his handsome face.

The blood-eyed giant, a terrifying creature in the chaotic ruins, lives in the storm, has the natural brute force to move mountains and fill the sea, and its power is as powerful as the existence of the emperor!

But in the end, the blood-eyed giant in front of him died in the hands of A Liang, a young girl in the early days of the ancestor god.

This is one thing down one thing.

And this is not the first terrifying creature that A Liang has killed. In the past ten days, at least seven or eight beings equivalent to blood-eyed giants died at the hands of A Liang. Xi resolved one after another extremely difficult troubles.


However, just when Chen Xi and the others were about to leave here, suddenly, in the starry sky far away, a piece of star suddenly shook violently.

Immediately, those stars all fell down, like huge fireballs falling from the sky, extremely dazzling, illuminating the world.

"Someone is fighting above the stars!"

Gu Yan narrowed his eyes, his eyes filled with coldness.

"Yes, if my guess is correct, there must be a formed domain hidden in the starry sky, and the battle may have something to do with fighting for this domain!"

Chen Xi also spoke in a deep voice, his perception was extremely powerful, even though the starry sky was far away, he still sensed a unique enchantment aura belonging to the realm!


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