divine talisman

Chapter 1907 Swallowing Divine Blood

The sky in the chaotic ruins has no dome. Looking around, it is full of stars. The vast starry sky seems to be boundless.

But this does not mean that ascetics can move and gallop above the starry sky without restraint.

There is only one reason. Compared with the land, the starry sky of the Chaotic Relic is more dangerous and terrifying!

Once an ascetic enters it, not only will he be attacked by star vortices and starbursts, but he will even be drawn into the black hole of the starry sky and die in it.

The most important thing is that the starry sky in the chaotic ruins is chaotic, moving forward in it, it is very easy to get lost, and you can't find a way out forever!

Of course, all of this is only for those starry space realms that have not yet formed.

Those starry sky domains that have been formed, because they have their own unique domain power, make the latitude and longitude clear and orderly, and all universes are out of stability. Even if monks enter it, they will still encounter many dangers, but The degree of danger has been relatively reduced too much, and it is roughly the same as operating on land.

Therefore, before discovering the formed starry sky domain, Chen Xi and his party could only choose to act on land.


"Let's go and see."

When Chen Xi realized that there was a formed starry sky realm in the extreme distance, and that a battle was likely taking place within it, Chen Xi pondered for a while before making a decision.

Whether it is an enemy or a friend, he must seize this opportunity to experience in detail what the formed starry space is like, and to see what kind of power the "origin of the domain" is. exist.

This will play an important role in Chen Xi's next actions.

"Master Uncle, if it's an enemy, should we suppress it?"

Gu Yan said coldly.

"Look at the situation first."

Chen Xi squinted his eyes, "If there is an opportunity, he should refine the power of that realm at all costs."


Without any further delay, the three of Chen Xi immediately shifted time and space, and swept towards the starry sky over there.


"Do not--!"

Zhao Qingyao's pretty face was livid, and she let out a scream of grief and indignation, her slender and graceful body trembled with anger.

This descendant from Zhenhuang Divine Palace, can't control his emotions at this moment!


But before her voice fell, Wang Zhong raised the knife in his hand and dropped a bloody head. The head's eyes were wide open, showing unwillingness and hatred.

But in just an instant, the head shattered.

What was horrifying was that Wang Zhong grabbed the headless corpse and sucked it on the neck that kept spurting blood.

It's like a wild beast is gnawing on the flesh and blood of its prey!

"Well, after so many years, I finally tasted the blood plasma belonging to the peak ancestor god again. This taste is really nostalgic."

A moment later, Wang Zhong raised his head and let out a satisfied sigh. There was a line of blood flowing from the corner of his lips, which made his handsome face look very mysterious and frightening.

But Zhao Qingyao had been staring blankly for a long time, her pupils dilated, and her whole body was chilling.

The one who was killed by Wang Zhong was Tai Shuhong, the successor from the Good Fortune Mountain. Like Zhao Qingyao, they were all peerless arrogance who stood out in the first round of the Dao Contest.

But now, Tai Shuhong is dead!

He didn't die in the murderous intent of the Chaos Remains, but died at the hands of Wang Zhong!

This made Zhao Qingyao a little unacceptable for a while.

You know, just now she, Tai Shuhong, and Wang Zhong were still allies, and they were still discussing who would refine the original power of this star field...

But who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, Wang Zhong suddenly attacked Tai Shuhong seriously, and finally killed Tai Shuhong in one fell swoop!


Wang Zhong didn't even spare Tai Shuhong's corpse, and swallowed all the blood from the corpse, which seemed particularly cruel and perverted.

This series of changes caused Zhao Qingyao's heart to be extremely shocked, which was unbelievable.


According to Zhao Qingyao's original plan, 25 of the [-] successors who entered the chaotic ruins this time were disciples from the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain. Only she, Tai Shuhong, Wang Zhong, Shengzi Canaan, and One of the five descendants of Baopuguan, Xun and Jin, came from five different ancient orthodox traditions.

Holy Son Canaan is used to being alone.

After Xun Jin entered the chaotic ruins, he disappeared.

Originally, Zhao Qingyao acted together with Tai Shuhong, and later Wang Zhong joined their alliance to act together. Who would have thought that there would be a cruel, perverted and ruthless traitor among the companions of this alliance!

All of this is slow to say, but in fact it was all completed in an instant, and Zhao Qingyao was already out of anger at this moment, and her clear eyes were about to burst into flames.

"Wang Zhong, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person!"

Zhao Qingyao spoke coldly, biting her teeth with hatred.

"I was originally this kind of person, but you didn't know it."

Wang Zhong casually threw away Tai Shuhong's body that had been drained of blood by him, wiped the corners of his lips, and then smiled slowly.

At this moment, he is still wearing a brocade robe, a jade belt around his waist, a feather crown on his head, and cloud boots on his feet.

If it hadn't been for witnessing the scene of cruelly swallowing Tai Shuhong's plasma just now, it would be hard for people to imagine that such a dazzling figure who was praised by countless people as a dark horse in the Dao Contest would do such a perverted act things come.

"Zhao Qingyao, you are pretty, if you agree to be my maid, I will spare your life this time, how about it?"

Wang Zhong was not in a hurry to act, but looked at Zhao Qingyao in the distance with a smile, and made an excessive and humiliating proposal.

Zhao Qingyao was so angry that she trembled all over, and said sharply: "Wishful thinking!"

Wang Zhong smiled brighter, and said: "Don't be angry, no one can save you in this chaotic ruin, maybe you should calmly consider my proposal, if you agree, I can even take this domain The original power in the heart is given to you."

Zhao Qingyao didn't know what she thought of, but her expression calmed down instantly, her eyes locked on Wang Zhong coldly like lightning, and said: "You are definitely not Wang Zhong! You are not the descendant of Jinchan God Island!"

If the holy son Canaan was here, I'm afraid he would agree with Zhao Qingyao's judgment.

It's a pity that these words did not change Wang Zhong's expression at all, and he was still smiling.

He pointed to the top of his head, then to his feet, and finally to himself, and then said seriously: "Here, I am omnipotent, you have to remember this sentence, and then answer me, whether you can answer me or not?" Promise to be my maid?"

In the voice, there was already a touch of urgency.

In an instant, Wang Zhong had a stern and murderous aura, obviously, he was a little impatient.


Zhao Qingyao let out a sneer, full of disdain, "A despicable and shameless thing like you dare to say that you can do anything? I, Zhao Qingyao, would rather die than become your slave!"

"court death!"

Wang Zhong's eyes turned cold, murderous intent surged, his palms spread like a dustpan, entangled with the terrifying power of the avenue, tearing apart time and space fiercely, and killed Zhao Qingyao.


This piece of void shattered, producing a thunderous bang, which seemed extremely terrifying.

At this moment, Zhao Qingyao took a deep breath, and a flash of determination flashed in her clear eyes. She knew that she was no match for Wang Zhong, but this time she would rather fight to the death!


A pair of cyan scimitars appeared in the palm of Zhao Qingyao's hands, and Zhao Qingyao slashed them, shooting out hundreds of millions of flames of the True Phoenix, and roaring away.

The earth-shattering explosion sounded, the time and space here were disordered, and the terrifying power raged, shaking the stars in a radius of [-] miles and falling one after another.

With a bang, Zhao Qingyao staggered back from the shock, her pretty face turned pale, and she suddenly realized that the power displayed by Wang Zhong at this moment seemed to be three points more terrifying than when he was discussing Dao Dao!


Wang Zhong chuckled lightly, and his figure swung forward to kill Zhao Qingyao again, "During the Dao Contest, if I hadn't hidden some tricks, do you think Chen Xi could win against me?"


Before the voice fell, Wang Zhong was bare-handed, and the power of his palm was like a curtain covering the sky, covering it, and hundreds of millions of black divine brilliance evaporated.

With just a few blows, Zhao Qingyao was sealed off in all directions, leaving him nowhere to escape.

Apparently, Wang Zhong intended to make a quick decision, and he didn't want to entangle him any longer.

"But after all, you lost!"

With a clear whistle, Zhao Qingyao suddenly transformed into a noble and incomparable real phoenix, with flying wings, shining brightly, and her whole body soared to the extreme.


Unexpectedly, even if Zhao Qingyao used the method of pressing the bottom of the box, she was unable to match the power of Wang Zhong's palm. Her body was shaken violently, and a mouthful of blood was spurted out, and she turned back into a human form with a pretty face. It was extremely pale.

"Come here! Not everyone in this world is qualified to be the maid of this seat! Don't you want to experience such a supreme honor?"

Wang Zhong laughed loudly, exerted force again with his palm fingers, and grabbed Zhao Qingyao from the air.

If he succeeds in this attack, then Zhao Qingyao will completely lose all advantages, and there is no way to escape.

In an instant, Zhao Qingyao's complexion changed suddenly, and there was a strong sense of unwillingness in her clear eyes. Could it be that today... is she really going to be robbed?


At this moment, a fierce and fierce sword howl suddenly resounded through the starry sky, shaking the nine heavens and ten earths.

Immediately, Zhao Qingyao's eyes stabbed, and he could only vaguely see an extremely dazzling, extremely fierce, and extremely vast sword energy chopping down towards Wang Zhong!

"Chen Xi—!"

Then, Wang Zhong's incomparably furious voice sounded in the starry sky, "You damn thing, I let you in when I was discussing Dao competition last time, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"


Before Wang Zhong's voice fell, a fierce battle resounded.

At this time, Zhao Qingyao's vision finally recovered, and she suddenly saw that Wang Zhong in the distance had been stopped by Chen Xi, and the two were fighting fiercely.

How...how could he come to save me?

Zhao Qingyao was stunned, she had no idea that Chen Xi, who had never known each other before and had nothing to do with him, had become her savior at this moment. Compared with her now traitorous companion Wang Zhong, the difference between the two was clear at a glance.

This made Zhao Qingyao suddenly feel extremely complicated emotions.


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