divine talisman

Chapter 1908 Searching for the Origin

The sword intent soared into the sky, agitated the ten directions of the starry sky, crushed the stars, and set off hundreds of millions of divine splendor!

Chen Xi and Wang Zhong fought together, mercilessly and decisively, using all the power and influence they possessed.

At this moment, he was full of sword intent, and in every gesture, he possessed the arrogance of swallowing everything and looking down on the past and the present.

Strictly speaking, this is the second time Chen Xi has confronted Wang Zhong.

The first time was in the Dao Discussion Competition, Chen Xi used the Dao of Dual Swords to defeat Wang Zhong who also mastered the Dao of Dual Swords in one fell swoop by surprise.

That confrontation also gave Chen Xi a deep understanding of Wang Zhong's combat power.

However, when confronting the opponent again at this moment, Chen Xi realized that the combat power Wang Zhong displayed was actually much stronger than last time!

Just now, Zhao Qingyao also felt the same way, thinking that Wang Zhong obviously hid some means and did not show them during the Dao Discussion Competition last time.

But Chen Xi didn't think so, because he was keenly aware that the methods Wang Zhong used actually formed a unique echo with the law of heaven in this chaotic ruin, and it was precisely because of this echo that Wang Zhong Zhong's combat effectiveness has been significantly improved!

In other words, the reason why Wang Zhong's combat power at this moment is much stronger than when he was in the Dao Discussion Competition is because he has a secret method that allows him to use part of the power of the law of heaven from this chaotic ruin!

This seems a little unbelievable.

Although Chen Xi couldn't figure out the reason, he became more and more certain that this Wang Zhong's origin was far from ordinary, and it was absolutely impossible for him to be the heir of the Golden Toad God Island!

The more this happened, the more determined Chen Xi was to kill Wang Zhong.

As early as when he was discussing Dao Dao, he had felt an inexplicable hatred towards Wang Zhong, and found that the other party also seemed to regard him as a prey, with extremely hatred.

Under such circumstances, even if Wang Zhong's identity is not clear, Chen Xi will definitely not show any kindness.


The battle here is fierce, shaking the starry sky, producing loud noises like thunder, spreading in all directions.

At this moment, Wang Zhong was also full of murderous intent. He used the way of two swords, and competed with Chen Xi with all his strength.

"Chen Xi, you have nothing to do with me here!"

Wang Zhong laughed loudly, his demeanor was arrogant, he was shrouded in a black mist, like a demon god from hell, breathtaking.

He swung the Miejie Sword in his palm, engulfed in a monstrous black light, and slashed vertically and horizontally, producing terrifying power like destroying the world.


Chen Xi's eyes were cold, and an emperor-like arrogance arose all over his body, as if he was overlooking all sentient beings, and I was the only one.

In an instant, his power soared again!


The sword talisman swept across the sky, and the purple-gold radiance soared into the sky, releasing billions of brilliant runes, cutting out a thick and thick sword aura, and moving across the starry sky.

Booming~~~Where the sword energy passed, the stars shattered into powder one by one, time and space are unstoppable, latitude and longitude are unstoppable, possessing unrivaled power!

In the last match of the Dao Discussion Competition, Chen Xi relied on this method to finally defeat Leng Xinghun in one fell swoop.

Wang Zhong had witnessed that duel with his own eyes, so he knew the horror of this kind of attack. Even with his self-confidence, his expression changed slightly at this moment, and his pupils shrank.


Wang Zhong tried his best to strike out a sky-reaching sword aura, forcibly counteracting the blow.


With a world-shattering collision, Wang Zhong was thrown thousands of feet away, convulsed all over, and couldn't help coughing up blood.

"Damn it! Chen Xi, the day I recover my real body will be your death day!"

The Great Sage Wang Zhong roared, his hair was disheveled, his eyes suddenly became extremely scarlet, and his appearance looked extremely terrifying.


The next moment, he actually retreated without fighting, and fled away in the distance.

"Want to leave? Leave it to me!"

Accompanied by an icy voice, Gu Yan's figure rushed out and blocked Wang Zhong. Almost at the same time, a huge sword energy slashed towards Wang Zhong.

Gu Yan obviously has been preparing for a long time, hiding in the dark and has been guarding against Wang Zhong's escape!

All this happened too fast, Wang Zhong was caught off guard, and he was slashed on the chest with a sword, tearing a bloodstain, the skin was torn, and the bones were visible.


Wang Zhong roared in pain, his face turned hideous, if he hadn't dodged in time, this blow would have almost killed him.


Almost at the same time, Zhao Qingyao and Chen Xi also attacked from both sides.

In an instant, Wang Zhong's retreat was completely blocked.

"You think...you can kill me in this way? Ridiculous!"

At this extremely critical juncture, Wang Zhong actually sneered, and his brows were full of madness and determination.


In the next moment, a strange blood light appeared on Wang Zhong's body, and it went straight to the bullfighting, dyeing the starry sky with blood, which was breathtaking.

Almost at the same time, an extremely dangerous atmosphere permeated the air.

"Go back!"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, shouted loudly, waved his sleeves, and retreated violently to the rear.

Gu Yan and Zhao Qingyao also realized that something was wrong, and after being reminded by Chen Xi, they almost subconsciously avoided it.


Just as they dodged, Wang Zhong's entire body suddenly exploded, turning into thousands of bloody lights, and rushed in all directions.

This starry sky fell into turmoil and chaos, everything collapsed, and a terrifying storm of power swept across, making it difficult for Chen Xi and the others to dodge again and again.

It wasn't until a moment later that all the destructive aura disappeared, and the starry sky, which was originally covered with thousands of stars, had completely turned into a dead place, not to mention the stars, not even a meteorite could be seen anymore!

"Chen Xi, you just wait, when we meet next time, I will definitely cut you all to pieces and turn your bones into ashes!"

A cold voice filled with endless hatred resounded in the dead starry sky, and disappeared immediately.

"This guy is not dead?"

Gu Yan's face changed slightly, and he suddenly realized that Wang Zhong didn't explode himself just now, but used a terrifying secret technique to escape!

"How could this be?"

Zhao Qingyao's expression was also changing, which was unbelievable.

It's just Wang Zhong, it's too powerful to be able to escape under the joint attack of the three of them.

"If this guy is dead, I won't doubt his identity, but now, I can already conclude that he is not Wang Zhong at all."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and the coldness surged in his eyes, "I even have a feeling that this guy is not a cultivator from the Ancient God Realm, but a strange species from this chaotic ruin!"

From the Land of Chaos?

Gu Yan and Zhao Qingyao were startled. If this is the case, the identity of Wang Zhong is too mysterious. Who is he?And why did it appear in the domain of the ancient gods?

"It's really interesting. This chaotic ruin seems to be more mysterious than we imagined. If we can catch this Wang Zhong, maybe we can get some extremely valuable news from him."

Chen Xi pondered, thoughtful, he had been thinking about Wang Zhong's words, and felt that there must be some reason why the other party hated him so much.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, thank you for your righteous action this time."

At this time, Zhao Qingyao stepped forward, bowed and saluted, expressing her gratitude.

"You are Welcome."

Chen Xi smiled, "A friend of mine entered the True Phoenix Palace to cultivate a few years ago. Speaking of which, we have some connections."

"Oh? Dare I ask Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, who is that friend?"

Zhao Qingyao's eyes lit up.

"Zhao Taici."

Chen Xi reported a name, and Zhao Taici was an old antique from the Dao Emperor Academy. Later, after arriving in the Ancient God Realm with Third Senior Brother Tie Yunhai and the others, because she herself was a descendant of the True Phoenix Clan, she went to the True Phoenix Palace to practice.

"So it's Junior Sister Taici."

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Qingyao's lips, obviously she has a good relationship with Zhao Taici.

Chen Xi was dumbfounded. He had no idea that Zhao Taici would become Zhao Qingyao's junior sister. You must know that when he was in Daohuang Academy, Zhao Taici's seniority was extremely high, and even Chen Xi had to be called a senior.

But now that time has passed, these generations have undergone earth-shaking changes with the improvement of their cultivation and their different identities.

Chen Xi became a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain, the junior junior brother of the great master Wu Xuechan, and Zhao Taici became Zhao Qingyao's junior sister...

When it comes to seniority, Chen Xi is even much higher than Zhao Taici.

Of course, seniority must be strictly enforced for seniors in one's own sect, but when traveling in the outside world, it doesn't matter at all.

"Miss Zhao, if there is nothing else, how about we go explore the 'Origin of the Realm' in this realm together?"

Chen Xi asked suddenly.

Zhao Qingyao was taken aback, her clear eyes froze imperceptibly.

"Don't worry, I'm just taking a look at what the 'origin of the realm' is, and preparing for future actions."

Chen Xi said with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, you don't have to be so polite. If you hadn't been for your timely rescue just now, fellow Daoist, I'm afraid that something bad happened to me, so even if I gave up this 'power of the realm', I would have no complaints."

Zhao Qingyao said seriously.

"What's yours is yours. Miss Zhao doesn't need to say much."

Chen Xi would not take advantage of other people's danger. Since he was sure that Zhao Qingyao was Zhao Taici's senior sister, he would never do things like taking advantage of others.

This is Chen Xi's principle of dealing with things, and he has adhered to it from the beginning of his practice until now. The so-called abiding by the original heart is just like this.

"It's not too late, and things will change if it's too late. Let's act quickly."

The next moment, Chen Xi changed the subject.

Seeing this, Zhao Qingyao's affection for Chen Xi increased dramatically, and she became more and more grateful. She had secretly made up her mind that if there was an opportunity in the future, she would definitely repay such a great favor.

"follow me."

Zhao Qingyao didn't delay any longer, she became serious, pointed to the boundless starry sky in the distance, and said, "Tai Shuhong and I have discovered before that the original power of this realm may be hidden in that universe middle!"


At that moment, the figures of Chen Xi, Gu Yan, and Zhao Qingyao flickered, and they moved time and space, flying towards that piece of cosmic starry sky.


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