divine talisman

Chapter 1909

In a blood-colored swamp, the sky and the earth are dark, surrounded by evil mist, and there is a palpitating chill in the dead silence.


Suddenly, a blood-colored figure descended from the sky, smashing hard into the swamp like a falling meteorite, splashing thick blood-colored muddy water.


As soon as the figure fell, he stood up suddenly, his scarlet pupils swept around, and after finding that there was no danger, he immediately relaxed.

He began to gasp for breath.

It can be clearly seen that his clothes are stained with blood, his cheeks are pale and transparent, his eyes are scarlet like blood, especially in front of his chest, there is a deep wound with bone visible, which is shocking.

This person is exactly Wang Zhong who narrowly escaped death.

It's just that at this moment, he looked extremely embarrassed. He was seriously injured, his breath was disordered, and his whole body was stained with blood-colored muddy water. From a distance, he looked like a bloody man made of mud.

"Damn! Damn Era Respondent! When I find my real body, you will die!"

Wang Zhong gritted his teeth, his expression twisted and hideous, full of resentment and hatred.

He was really pissed off. He almost died just now, but now he narrowly escaped death. Thinking of everything he had just encountered, he hated Chen Xi to the core.

After a while.

Wang Zhong stopped panting, and his expression returned to normal. He looked down at the sword wound on his chest, and knew that his wound would not heal for a while.

"If you can find your real body, how can you let me fall into such a miserable situation..."

Not knowing what to think of, Wang Zhong let out a sigh, and a trace of remembrance appeared in his scarlet eyes.

He hadn't been back for a long, long time. In order to leave here and go to the ancient god's domain to perform tasks, he had to leave his real body here.

The reason is that there is a natural barrier between the Chaotic Remains and the Ancient God Realm——Forbidden Dao Tribulation Power!

Wanting to get in and out is simply more difficult than ascending to the sky.

Just like when entering the chaotic ruins this time, only the five poles of the emperor's domain joined forces to open up a passage.

Back then when Wang Zhong left from the Land of Chaos, he also used a secret method to disintegrate his real body before he entered the Ancient God Realm.

But when he returned now, he was shocked to find that the chaotic ruins had already changed beyond recognition, and it was no longer everything he was familiar with.

Times have changed and everything has changed.

This is the land of chaos, chaotic and changing all the time, it is impossible to find the familiar traces back then.

"I don't know whether all of this is right or wrong. People like me are born to be slaves, and die to die. It's really ironic..."

Wang Zhong sighed again, full of unwillingness and loss.

But soon, Wang Zhong stopped thinking about it, everything changed, but he was sure that his real body still existed in this chaotic land!


Suddenly, from the depths of the evil mist shrouded in the blood-colored swamp, there was a thunderous sound of breaking through the sky, which disturbed the situation.

Wang Zhong's expression changed suddenly, and he suddenly looked up, and saw a huge blood-colored bird piercing through time and space, roaring from a distance.

This big bird's eyes are like blood, its sharp beak is like a hook, and its wings spread out, covering a range of thousands of feet. The whole body is full of blood, releasing a terrifying and monstrous bloody aura.

Judging by the breath alone, this big bird is not inferior to the existence of the Emperor Realm!

Blood baby luan?

However, when he saw the appearance of this blood-colored giant bird clearly, a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Wang Zhong's lips.

"Tama Star..."

The next moment, a burst of incomparably obscure syllables came out of his lips. It was extremely strange and completely different from the language in the ancient gods, but it had a grand and solemn flavor.

At this moment, Wang Zhong's expression also became disdainful and powerful, like a king, disdainful of the bloody giant bird that came from afar.


The blood-colored giant bird trembled all over, a pair of blood pupils suddenly had doubts, stayed in mid-air, and restrained the evil spirit all over its body.

Seeing this, Wang Zhong's expression became more majestic, and the speed of his lips accelerated, obscure and grand, as if he was ordering something.

After a while, there was a hint of awe in the eyes of the blood-colored giant bird, as if surrendered.

Seeing this, Wang Zhong suddenly smiled, and murmured: "Fortunately, these idiots haven't forgotten the oath they made back then."

When speaking, his figure flashed, and he came to the back of the blood-colored giant bird, then pointed in a direction, and said something in a low voice.


The next moment, the blood-colored giant bird spread its wings and disappeared through the air carrying Wang Zhong.

"Chen Xi, you wait for me!"

Wang Zhong sneered in his heart.


three days later.

In an empty and vast universe, the three of Chen Xi who were fleeing and fleeing seemed to have sensed something, and Qi Qi suddenly stopped, his eyes suddenly looking into the distance.

I saw a huge chaotic ball of light floating in the void in the distance, surrounded by thousands of stars, like stars supporting the moon, defending a king.

The chaotic ball of light is really too huge, filled with an incomparably thick aura of original power, making people look at it as if they are witnessing a "little chaotic" world!

It is suspended there, standing still, but full of power and vitality, like the origin of all things, the core of the universe.

"That is?"

"It must be the original power of this domain!"

Chen Xi, Gu Yan, and Zhao Qingyao were shocked, and even Ah Liang who was sitting on the top of Chen Xi's ear couldn't help poking his head out, looking at everything curiously.

"As long as you refine this thing, you can obtain the 'power of the domain', hit the emperor's realm in one fell swoop, and achieve the might of the domain master!"

Zhao Qingyao's eyes were shining brightly, revealing a touch of longing from the bottom of her heart.

The power of the domain, a mysterious and unpredictable power, can allow the existence of the emperor to have the power to control the domain and control the latitude and longitude of the universe!

Like the thousands of domains in the ancient gods, each domain has a domain master. Confronting such an existence is like confronting an enemy with a domain. One can imagine how terrifying it is.

"Miss Zhao, don't hesitate, you can refine this thing now."

Chen Xi could tell at a glance that Zhao Qingyao still had scruples about him, otherwise, he might have rushed over desperately and started to act.

"Thank you."

Zhao Qingyao took a deep breath, as if she wanted to thank Chen Xi for her success, but in the end all her gratitude was reduced to these three words.

After all, she turned around and was about to act.

But at this moment, Chen Xi suddenly noticed something, frowned, and immediately called out: "Miss Zhao, wait a minute!"

Zhao Qingyao froze all over, her eyes fluctuated, thinking that Chen Xi had changed her mind.

"Miss Zhao, don't get me wrong. Look over there first."

Chen Xi pointed to the area around the "source of the realm" in the distance, with a rare solemn expression, "There is a mysterious force shrouding around the source of the realm, if you head there rashly, the consequences will be disastrous."

Zhao Qingyao was stunned, and immediately knew that she had misunderstood Chen Xi, and she couldn't help feeling guilty, and said in a low voice, "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, for reminding me."

As she spoke, she raised her eyes and looked over, but in the end she was puzzled and murmured: "What power? Why can't I feel it?"

Yes, in Zhao Qingyao's eyes, there is nothing but thousands of stars around that huge ball of chaotic light.

She didn't even feel a trace of danger.

"Uncle Master, what kind of power is that?"

At this moment, Gu Yan was also a little puzzled, but he also didn't notice it.

The reaction of the two made Chen Xi frowned, and he suddenly came to his senses, knowing that he was only aware of all this by relying on the forbidden path secret pattern in his soul.

And if you rely solely on the power of perception, you will also not be able to detect the existence of that mysterious force.


Without any hesitation, Chen Xi shot out a stream of sword energy, pierced through time and space, and blasted towards the chaotic ball of light in the distance.


The next moment, under the surprised eyes of Zhao Qingyao and Gu Yan, they saw that the sword energy had not yet approached, as if falling into an unshakable water surface, causing invisible ripples, and then disappeared.

At this moment, they finally saw clearly that there was indeed an invisible mysterious power shrouded in the thousands of stars surrounding the chaotic ball of light.

This force is invisible, colorless, and faint, but it is everywhere, and it seems extremely mysterious!

Especially when they sensed this force, Zhao Qingyao and Gu Yan's expressions also changed, and an uncontrollable chill rose in their hearts.

It's as if as long as you touch that mysterious invisible force, you will disappear completely, and you will fall completely!

"What power is this?"

Gu Yan and Zhao Qingyao spoke together.

Chen Xi also frowned, and seemed to have an answer, but he was not sure.

"This is the forbidden power!"

At this moment, Ah Liang, who had never made a sound, said, "Invisible and colorless, without content and light, catastrophe can transform ban, ban can destroy Tao! This is exactly the same as the rumored description about the power of taboo!"

After a pause, A Liang continued: "My mother-in-law once said that Taoist Kunpeng was accidentally infected with the forbidden power of the Tao. Although he finally escaped from this chaotic land, he still couldn't dispel this force. It’s a small factory that has disappeared.”

Forbidden Dao Tribulation Power!

Knowing this answer, Chen Xi couldn't help squinting his eyes, secretly thinking that it was so.

At this moment, Zhao Qingyao was even more terrified, knowing that if Chen Xi hadn't called her to stop just now, she would have been robbed at this moment!

"Who would have thought that around the original power of this domain, there is actually a forbidden power... If you want to refine it, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult."

Gu Yan frowned and pondered.

Not only is it difficult, it is extremely dangerous!

Even people like Taoist Kunpeng were entangled in the power of the forbidden Dao, and eventually disappeared. One can imagine how terrifying this kind of mysterious power is.

And Chen Xi and the others are only in the realm of the ancestor gods, and they are a hundred and eight thousand miles away from figures like Taoist Kunpeng. Under such circumstances, who would dare to make false claims to refine the original power of the realm?

"This is how to do……"

All of a sudden, Zhao Qingyao was completely at a loss what to do, and was so entangled.

A supreme opportunity is right in front of you, and you can get it easily, but there is a huge murderous intent standing in front of you, which is simply tormenting.


ps: The second update is around 10:12, and the third update is around [-]:[-] am.


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