divine talisman

Chapter 1910 Magical Use of Secret Patterns

The atmosphere is deadly.

Seeing that this supreme opportunity is close at hand, but unable to take a step closer, it can simply cause people to suffer to the point where it cannot be worse.

"Ah Liang, do you have a solution?"

Gu Yan couldn't help asking.

Zhao Qingyao couldn't help turning her head. She was in a state of confusion just now, and she didn't notice A Liang's existence until now.

She never expected that such an ancient ethnic group that had long been extinct in the long river of time would still have members of the clan surviving in the world.


A Liang shook his head: "If there is a way to resolve it, Taoist Kunpeng wouldn't have been robbed and died back then."

Hearing this answer, Zhao Qingyao's original glimmer of hope was shattered immediately, and his expression became gloomy.

Could it be that this time I will be completely out of touch with the original power of the realm?

"Perhaps, we can try to find out, maybe we can find some flaws, we can avoid the forbidden power, so as to achieve the goal of getting close to the original power of the realm."

Gu Yan pondered.


Zhao Qingyao thought about it, and decided to give it a try. If she were to give up, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

"No need."

Suddenly, Chen Xi, who had been silent all this time, spoke out. He stared into the distance and said, "I observed just now that the power of forbidden dao tribulation is densely distributed in every inch of the original power of that domain, and there is no flaw at all. Searching."

After a pause, he continued: "Even if we go to attack, maybe we can find some flaws in the end, but it will definitely consume too much energy and time. If it takes a long time, I'm afraid it will cause other people to spy on it."

A few words made both Gu Yan and Zhao Qingyao fall into silence, with a heavy heart, neither this nor that, what should we do?

"We must act quickly."

Chen Xi looked solemn, "We can't delay any longer."


In such situations, how should one act?Do you want to take a gamble with your life?

Both Gu Yan and Zhao Qingyao were puzzled.

"Miss Zhao, get ready, I will break through the defense of the forbidden dao tribulation force later, you have to seize this opportunity."

However, Chen Xi didn't seem to want to explain anything, and directly stated his plan.

"What? Uncle Master, you are going to attack the forbidden power? This is absolutely impossible. If you are attacked by that kind of power, wouldn't it be... wouldn't it be..."

Gu Yan's face changed slightly, and he was anxious to dissuade.

He was unwilling to put Chen Xi in danger just to help Zhao Qingyao.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, this move is too dangerous, let's forget it."

Zhao Qingyao was also on the sidelines to dissuade her, Chen Xi had already saved her once, if he let him go all out for her again, she would not be able to bear such kindness.

"Don't worry, I won't take my life as a joke."

Chen Xi smiled, and immediately his expression became solemn, his eyes were clear but deep, "Miss Zhao, you must be careful!"


Before the words were finished, an obscure and mysterious fluctuation suddenly spread out from Chen Xi's body, spreading away silently like ripples.

Seeing this, Gu Yan could only stare dryly, anxious and nervous, and couldn't figure out why his master and uncle would do this, what?

Zhao Qingyao was the same, she couldn't figure it out, but she was so moved that she couldn't be more moved. At this moment, if Chen Xi asked her to go through fire and water, she would probably be willing to do so.


Suddenly, a deep collision sound resounded, and it could be clearly seen that around the huge group of original power in the realm, an invisible power ripple suddenly appeared, violently turbulent and undulating.

From a distance, it looks like a speeding boat rushing into a calm lake, creating waves of ripples.

That boat is Chen Xi's power, and the lake surface is the invisible and colorless Dao Forbidden Tribulation Power!

Seeing this scene, both Gu Yan and Zhao Qingyao were shocked in their hearts, a little unbelievable, that the power of forbidden dao tribulation was really shaken by Chen Xi!

How on earth did he do it?

You know, the original Taoist Kunpeng was helpless in the face of such power!

"Quick, take action!"

Before he had time to react, Chen Xi opened his mouth in a deep voice. At this moment, his expression was equally solemn and dignified to the extreme, and in the depths of his eyes, there was a blazing strange color surging.

Zhao Qingyao immediately restrained her mind, discarded all distracting thoughts, and dared not think too much.

She looked resolute, running her whole body energy, like a fully drawn bow, ready to wait.Chen Xi has already helped to achieve this step, if she fails to seize the opportunity, even she herself will not be able to forgive herself!


Finally, an ear-piercing crackling sound resounded, and a crack was suddenly shattered from the continuously surging Forbidden Path Tribulation Power in the distance.

At the end of the crack, there is the original power of the realm like a huge chaotic light ball!


Almost at the same time, Zhao Qingyao's figure flashed, like a flash of lightning, and rushed along the crack in an instant.


When that crack suddenly collapsed and disappeared completely, Zhao Qingyao's figure rushed over and disappeared.

If it is a little later, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Forbidden Dao Tribulation Power returned to its original state, Chen Xi heaved a long sigh of relief, his eyes glowed with a strange color, and he muttered in his lips: "As expected..."

But at this moment, Gu Yan and A Liang were stunned for a long time, and they really succeeded! ?

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, thank you very much! If you have any assignments in the future, you must go all out, and you will die!"

Zhao Qingyao's voice resounded in that ball of chaotic light, resounding with incomparable solemnity and gratitude from the heart.

Immediately, the sound disappeared.

It can be clearly felt that the original power of the domain that was originally static suddenly began to hum and spin at this moment, as if waking up from the silence.

Obviously, at this moment, Zhao Qingyao has already begun to refine the original power of this realm!

It really worked!

Gu Yan was filled with emotions, and there was an indescribable sense of admiration in Chen Xi's gaze.

What this master uncle does is always unexpected, and all the impossible things seem to be no longer difficult problems in his hands.

"Young master, how did you do it?"

A Liang couldn't help but make a sound out of curiosity.

At this time, Chen Xi smiled slightly, and said, "I have a kind of power in my hands, which seems to be able to resist this forbidden power."

What Chen Xi said was the forbidden path secret pattern that came from the soul.

This kind of power comes from the fragments of the river map. In the past, Chen Xi only knew that with this kind of power, he could hide his aura, sense and capture the enemy's thoughts, and even see through all the opponent's concealment methods.

But now, after probing, Chen Xi discovered once again that the power of the forbidden path secret patterns is far more than that simple.

At least when dealing with these forbidden forces, it can play an incredible role!

This made Chen Xi himself never expect that it was definitely an unexpected discovery and surprise, so that he could even be sure that when he encounters this forbidden power in the future, at least he can guarantee that he will not be robbed and die!

After hearing Chen Xi's words, Gu Yan and A Liang couldn't help but feel shocked in their hearts. It's unbelievable that they can counteract the power of the Forbidden Dao Tribulation Force.

You know, how powerful the Kunpeng Daoist was back then, but he was still unable to resist the tribulation power of the Forbidden Dao, but Chen Xi has managed it now!

How is this not surprising?

"Great, if we encounter this situation again in the future, we won't be as helpless as before."

A Liang made a sound of joy.

Gu Yan also nodded incessantly, deeply convinced, he could even imagine that even if Chen Xi is now trapped in this chaotic wasteland with no one to respond, with these methods, he can still get out of trouble from now on!

"Now that Miss Zhao is completely safe, if an outsider comes, it is completely impossible to seize the original power of this realm from her."

Chen Xi stared into the distance, observed for a long time, and then made a judgment. When refining the original power of the domain, there is no need to worry about being disturbed by foreign enemies.

Because around the original power of the domain, not only is the forbidden power densely covered, but also when Zhao Qingyao began to refine the original power of the domain, she seemed to have begun to master the power of the starry sky of the domain, making her gradually become the starry sky of this domain. The master of the star realm.

Under such circumstances, who can disturb her?

Chen Xi could even dare to be sure that after Zhao Qingyao thoroughly refined this supreme opportunity, she must have stepped into the realm of emperor and become a real domain master.

"Okay, let's leave."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, turned around and left.

For the opportunity Zhao Qingyao got this time, he is far from envious. On the contrary, through this incident, he has fully realized what the original power of the realm is, how to refine it, and the problems he will encounter during refining. various situations.

All of this will be of great benefit to his next actions.

What's more, through this shot, I made a friend like Zhao Qingyao, which was a worthwhile trip.

It can even be said that if Chen Xi encounters difficulties in the future, Zhao Qingyao will definitely not stand by and watch.

Regarding this, Gu Yan didn't say anything. Although he envied Zhao Qingyao's fortune, he knew better that this was the decision of his uncle, and there must be nothing wrong with it.


Very soon, the three of Chen Xi left this domain, returned to the continent of the chaotic ruins, and started to continue to explore the starry sky domain.


Almost at the same time, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and his party appeared in a universe.

Thousands of feet away in front of them, there is a domain source suspended impressively!

"Brother Leng, don't worry, although we can't fight against the forbidden power, we have a way to avoid it. Although it is only a few breaths, it is enough to rush into the origin of the realm."

After a long silence, Donghuang Yinxuan smiled and spoke with confidence.

"Since that's the case, let's separate from here. If we encounter difficult things in the future, we will contact you in the way we agreed before."

Leng Xinghun looked indifferent, said something casually, and then turned around and left with the Taishangjiao group.

"Fortunately, this guy didn't forget his righteousness..."

Donghuang Yinxuan watched Leng Xinghun and his group leave, and seemed to heave a sigh of relief. Immediately, his eyes turned to the origin of the realm in the distance, and a trace of unconcealable anticipation surged in his heart.


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