divine talisman

Chapter 1911 The source of disaster

How many starry realms are there in the chaotic ruins?

Nobody knows.

Chen Xi was also unable to make a judgment, but he was very clear that if he didn't take the initiative to search for it, even if there were countless starry sky domains that had formed, he would have no chance for him.

But what made Chen Xi frown was that after parting from Zhao Qingyao that day, a full half a month had passed, and he hadn't found any formed starry sky realm along the way.

Luck seems to be a bit back.

If it was just that, Chen Xi was not in a hurry. What really worried him was that as the action progressed, more and more dangers were encountered along the way!

Not only are there constant natural disasters, but also encountered many strange and weird creatures along the way, all of which are extremely powerful in combat, and hardly even come across one inferior to the emperor's realm!

If it wasn't for the God-beating Drum and the Scepter of Fenyan in Ah Liang's hands acting as his trump card along the way, Chen Xi doubted whether he would be able to persist until now.

Just like at this time, they were trapped in a gray-white smog area where they could not see their fingers. The smoke was billowing and the evil fog was rising.

Those evil mist are filled with a terrifying force, which can erode the ascetic's soul and tarnish the Taoist heart silently, ranging from being possessed by madness, to dying in severe cases.

Here, the power of mind perception can only explore a distance of a thousand feet, which is definitely a very threatening distance for the existence of God Realm.

Fortunately, the power of the forbidden path secret lines that Chen Xi had mastered was not affected, otherwise, walking in this vast evil fog, it would be very easy to find a way out and get lost in it.

Not only that, there are many terrifying creatures hiding in this evil mist, many of which even A Liang can't name.

They lurk here, like assassins hiding in the dark, if you are not careful, you will be attacked fiercely by them.

Traveling all the way to this point, Chen Xi and the others had already encountered seven sneak attacks, and each time was dangerous and dangerous, only then did they save themselves from danger.

This forced Chen Xi and the others to slow down their progress and walk cautiously along the way.

However, after experiencing these attacks and battles, Chen Xi's swordsmanship has been honed and tempered, and he is gradually approaching the fourth level of the Sword Emperor. Although the speed is extremely slow, it is a kind of progress after all. It was a blessing in disguise.

The same is true for Gu Yan.

Even Ah Liang's combat effectiveness has been tempered and improved in these actual battles.

In the final analysis, all this is forced.

The more dangerous the situation, the easier it is to stimulate the potential. Every battle is like an experience, which makes people transform unconsciously.

Similarly, under this kind of tempering, the cooperation between Chen Xi and the three of them became more and more tacit, and they could start a perfect cooperation without even talking.


The mist was heavy, Chen Xi and the others continued to move forward.

In order to defend against the erosive power in the mist, they had to use their whole body to defuse and defend.

Under such circumstances, it was absolutely impossible for Chen Xi and the others to hide the aura on their bodies.

In other words, Chen Xi and the others are like fireflies in the night, they are extremely eye-catching as they travel through this vast mist.

Such a situation is also the most likely to attract the attack of the ominous creatures lurking here.

But this is also impossible.

Chen Xi and the others had already grown accustomed to this.


Suddenly, a lightning-like blood shadow rushed out from one side, cut through time and space, and ruthlessly rushed towards the leader, Chen Xi.


Almost subconsciously, Chen Xi raised the sword talisman and slashed down, abruptly blocking the blow, but the others were staggered backwards from the shock.

From this, it can be seen how terrifying the fighting power of the sneak attacking figure is.


At the same time that Chen Xi was retreating, Gu Yan on one side also launched an attack, charged forward, and used the divine sword to the extreme.


Accompanied by it, there was also a thunderous drum sound, which was the power of the drum beating the gods. Apparently, Ah Liang also made a move at this moment.

It could be clearly seen that the blood-colored figure was about to confront Gu Yan, but when the beating drum sounded, its whole body froze suddenly, and its movements slowed down for a while.

With a bang, Gu Yan seized this opportunity and slashed at the bloody figure with a sword, stirring up an incomparably stinky pool of blood.


After being hit hard, the blood-colored figure roared in pain, and attacked in a rage, trying to kill Gu Yan in front of him.

But at this moment, a star-like giant fell from the sky, enveloping its figure.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ah Liang on one side had already sacrificed the Fen Yan Divine Scepter, splashing out billowing holy white divine flames, completely covering that bloody figure.

Within a few breaths, the bloody figure was incinerated to death amidst an extremely shrill scream!

All of this happened too quickly, from the sneak attack by the bloody figure, to the successive attacks by Chen Xi, Gu Yan, and A Liang, a series of actions all happened in a flash.

And that bloody figure didn't even have time to react, and was killed on the spot!

This is the power of tacit understanding. After fighting all the way, Chen Xi, Gu Yan, and A Liang have already cultivated the best joint fighting method, so they can do this step with ease.

Otherwise, according to the combat power of this bloody figure comparable to that of a third-level emperor, Chen Xi might not be his opponent at all even if he uses the explosive qi killing god skill.

The reason why they can kill each other so quickly is that on the one hand, the cooperation of the three is extremely tacit, and on the other hand, it is also because of the two divine treasures in A Liang's hands, which naturally restrain all kinds of life forces in this chaotic land.

After the blood-colored figure died, Chen Xi took no surprise at all, carefully watched his surroundings, and continued walking with Gu Yan and A Liang.

"Hey, wait a minute, son."

Ah Liang suddenly exclaimed, "Look there." She pointed to the place where the bloody figure died just now.

Chen Xi glanced over, and immediately saw a piece of mottled bronze on the ground, about the size of a palm, with a dark body and no smell, just like ordinary earth, rocks and gravel. If he didn't perceive it carefully, he would easily miss it ignored.

Bronze sheet?

Chen Xi leaned forward, took a closer look, and saw a line of writing on the bronze piece—"The source of disaster, don't stay! Go! Go!"

The handwriting was scrawled, filled with a taste of despair and fear, which was shocking.

"The source of disaster? Is this reminding us to leave this place quickly?"

Gu Yan said solemnly.

"This thing is rusty and mottled. I'm afraid it has been in existence for a long time, so don't pay too much attention to it. Maybe it's just alarmist talk."

Chen Xi pondered, "Let's move on."

Gu Yan nodded and said, "That's right, there are too many unknowns and dangers in this chaotic ruin, it's just a piece of broken bronze, it's nothing at all."

At that moment, Chen Xi and the others did not hesitate any longer, and continued to move forward.

But along the way, from time to time, in Chen Xi's mind, that piece of broken bronze, the source of disaster?What does this mean?

At the beginning, who left this piece of bronze?

What kind of terrible accident did he encounter to leave these words to warn the future generations?

All of this is like a mystery, making Chen Xi more cautious. This chaotic ruin is indeed too mysterious and full of unknowns. Even the five poles of the Emperor's Domain know very little about it. Now that they encounter such things again, they cannot tolerate Chen Xi. careless.


three days later.

Chen Xi and his group finally walked out of this area covered by evil mist, and came to an area with undulating mountains.

At this moment, all three of them heaved a sigh of relief. The road was too dangerous, not to mention the limitation of perception, and they had to be on guard against being attacked all the time. This feeling was absolutely uncomfortable.

However, after going through this experience, whether it is Chen Xi, Gu Yan, or A Liang, their combat effectiveness has improved significantly, especially A Liang, who has faintly shown signs of breaking through and advancing to the middle stage of the ancestor god!

This level of promotion speed even surprised Chen Xi.

"Let's find a place first..."

Chen Xi planned to take a rest before taking action.

Before his voice fell, Gu Yan suddenly raised his head, looked at the starry sky in the distance, and said excitedly: "Master and uncle, look, there is an enchantment atmosphere in that starry sky!"


Chen Xi's heart was also shocked. Looking over the past, he realized that it was a starry sky realm that had already formed!

"After so many days, I finally found another one!"

Gu Yan cheered up, his face beaming with joy. They had gone through too many dangers along the way, but they still couldn't find the target, which made his heart anxious, so when he saw this scene at this moment, he was so excited.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Without hesitation, Chen Xi took the lead in rushing towards that piece of starry sky.

This is indeed a well-formed realm. The universe starry sky is filled with a unique enchantment power, which makes all things distributed in this starry sky be in a stable state, with clear latitude and longitude.

What made Chen Xi especially happy was that obviously no one had set foot in this domain yet.

After spending another three hours, Chen Xi and the three finally found the original power in this domain!

That piece of original power like a chaotic ball of light exudes an incomparably thick and chaotic atmosphere, surrounded by stars and stars, sacred and grand.

"Uncle Master, act quickly, this opportunity is not easy to come by, you must seize this opportunity and refine it in one fell swoop!"

Gu Yan took a deep breath and urged Chen Xi to say.

"Do not."

Chen Xi shook his head, "Let's give this opportunity to Tu Meng. He is injured, and with this opportunity, he may be able to advance in one fell swoop, completely producing an earth-shaking transformation."

Gu Yan was startled for a moment, and wanted to persuade, but was stopped by Chen Xi with a wave of his hand: "That's the decision, don't worry about it, next time you find the origin of a domain, it will be refined by you."

"Master Uncle..."

An indescribable touch surged in Gu Yan's heart.

"Stop talking nonsense, help me protect the law."

Chen Xi smiled, and was about to summon Tumeng out, and told Tumeng about this, so that the latter would be ready.

But at this moment, he seemed to be aware of something, the smile on the corner of his lips suddenly froze, and the movement of his hands stopped.

"Uncle Master, what's wrong?"

Gu Yan was startled and asked in doubt.

"Keep quiet, someone is approaching from the dark!"

Chen Xi remained expressionless, but quickly reminded Gu Yan and Ah Liang with his thoughts to prepare for the battle.


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