divine talisman

Chapter 1912

Hearing this, both Gu Yan and A Liang narrowed their eyes, they were secretly preparing for it, but on the surface they still looked unaware.

"So it's them..."

A moment later, an imperceptible cold gleam flashed in the depths of Chen Xi's black eyes, and it was fleeting.

"Not good! I didn't expect that around the source of this domain, there is actually a forbidden power! What should I do?"

Chen Xi frowned, as if discovering the Tribulation Power of the Forbidden Path for the first time, with a tangled look on his face.

Gu Yan and A Liang immediately understood, knowing that Chen Xi was acting.

"Master Uncle, isn't it just the power of the Forbidden Dao Tribulation, facing such a supreme opportunity, even if you risk your life, you must fight!"

Gu Yan gritted his teeth and said, looking at the origin of the realm in the distance, his eyes were full of greed and fiery color.

"Absolutely not!"

Chen Xi's face became tense, and he sternly reprimanded, "You don't want to die? There are so many origins of domains, not all of them are covered by the power of the forbidden path, but you only have one life. If something happens, the consequences will be serious You can afford it!"

Gu Yan's expression fluctuated, as if he was extremely embarrassed and hesitant, and finally he let out a long sigh, and said, "Master Uncle, what do you think should we do? Are you just watching this supreme opportunity pass by?"

Seeing this, even Chen Xi couldn't help secretly praising him in his heart, he never expected that Gu Yan, who is usually taciturn, could act so lifelike.

"What else? I can only give up."

Chen Xi was silent for a moment, then sighed, his tone full of unwillingness.

Immediately, he exerted himself, patted Gu Yan on the shoulder, and said, "It's okay, if this opportunity is lost, there will be another one, the most important thing is to live."

Gu Yan nodded, looking gloomy.

"Let's go."

Chen Xi once again stared at the original power of the realm in the distant starry sky, seemingly extremely reluctant, but in the end he gritted his teeth, turned around and left.

Seeing this, Gu Yan sighed again, and hurriedly chased after him.

Soon, the figures of the two disappeared in the vast starry sky.



Just a moment after the figures of Chen Xi and Gu Yan disappeared, a wave of void suddenly appeared in the starry sky, and a group of figures emerged.

"Hey, I didn't expect that fellow Chen Xi to be really cowardly, to escape just like that, but that's good, it's just taking advantage of this supreme opportunity for us."

Someone sneered and let out a disdainful laugh.

Obviously, Chen Xi and Gu Yan's conversation and actions just now were taken into account by them.

"This guy is also wise. He knows that the forbidden power is not something he can contend with. It is reasonable to take this kind of action to save his life."

Someone pondered and analyzed calmly.

Everyone else agrees.

Only Leng Xinghun frowned and remained silent for a long time, before he said, "You feel that Chen Xi is like the kind of person who quits despite difficulties?"

In a word, the other five disciples of the Supreme Sect were all taken aback, and they unconsciously recalled Chen Xi's performance in the Dao Discussion Competition in their minds.

Soon, their expressions all became a little dignified. Indeed, how could someone like Chen Xi give up just like that?

"Eldest brother, in your opinion, what the hell is that fellow Chen Xi planning?"

Someone made a sound of surprise.

Leng Xinghun glanced around, and said indifferently: "Go search and see if this guy is hiding in the dark."

Obviously, he also suspected that Chen Xi and the two hadn't left, but were hiding in the dark, spying on them!


Soon, the other five disciples of the Supreme Sect separated and searched carefully in all directions of the starry sky.

But Leng Xinghun stood upright on the spot, his blood pupils were like lightning, staring at the origin of the realm in the distance, silent.

Ever since he was defeated by Chen Xi in the last duel of the Dao Discussion Competition, he has clearly realized that Chen Xi is definitely not an ordinary person. Even this guy has strong fighting power, sophisticated wrists, and deep scheming. Leng Xinghun felt that he was a little inferior.

Facing this kind of unpredictable opponent who was like a monster against the sky, no matter how proud Leng Xinghun was, he would not dare to be careless.

"It's a pity, when I entered the chaotic ruins last time, I couldn't kill him in one fell swoop."

Leng Xinghun sighed inwardly.

There was only one reason why they hid in the dark just now and did not take action, and that was that they were not absolutely sure that they could completely keep Chen Xi and Gu Yan behind!

It wasn't that he was too jealous of Chen Xi, but that he knew very well that with people like them, he might be able to seriously injure Chen Xi, but it might be difficult to kill Chen Xi.

Most importantly, once they did so, they would even suffer some unforeseen harm to the Taishangjiao.

This was unacceptable to Leng Xinghun.

After all, a supreme opportunity is just around the corner, and under such circumstances, Leng Xinghun is absolutely unwilling to fight Chen Xi and lose both.

It is also impossible to say that he is not afraid of Chen Xi.

Leng Xinghun was very clear that in terms of combat power alone, he was indeed inferior to Chen Xi, but relying on their superiority in numbers, they could more than make up for this deficiency.

What really made Leng Xinghun afraid was Chen Xi's method of self-exploding his innate spiritual treasure. This was what caused Leng Xinghun the most headache.

He really couldn't imagine that there would be someone in this world who could achieve this step, and he couldn't imagine how Chen Xi could go all out like this without feeling sorry for him.

That is an innate spirit treasure!

Not Chinese cabbage!

How can it explode casually?

What an unreasonable fellow!

Leng Xinghun couldn't help sighing again in his heart, and shook his head immediately, and stopped thinking about these things, but put his mind on the supreme opportunity in front of him.

"If I can successfully refine the original power of this domain this time, I can step into the Monarch Realm in one fell swoop and possess the power of a domain lord. At that time...Chen Xi, what are you fighting against me with?"

When Leng Xinghun thought of this, he couldn't help but feel hot in his heart. He could even imagine that when he became the domain master and then dealt with Chen Xi who was in the Ancestral God Realm, it would be easier than crushing an ant to death!

"Eldest brother, I have searched carefully and found nothing unusual."

At this time, the preachers of the Supreme Sect had returned one after another, and none of them found any abnormalities, and their expressions became more relaxed.


Leng Xinghun pondered, knowing all this not only did not make him feel at ease, but made him even more suspicious.

Did that guy really just give up like this?

"Eldest brother, don't worry any more. When you break through the tribulation power of the forbidden path and enter the origin of the domain, even if that guy Chen Xi returns, it will be useless."

Someone made a sound and said with a sneer, "Seriously, Chen Xi should be worried about how serious his situation will become when you set foot in the domain of the domain master!"

"Yes, senior brother, we will help you protect the law. Take advantage of this opportunity, you should take action immediately, don't delay any longer."

Others also spoke one after another.

Seeing this, Leng Xinghun took a deep breath, a look of determination appeared on his handsome and stern face, and said: "If that's the case, then let's do it this way!"


Before he finished speaking, Leng Xinghun flipped his palm, and a bronze mirror emerged. This mirror was round on the outside and square on the inside, and the mirror surface was filled with wisps of brilliant primordial energy. As soon as it appeared, there was a strange roar that resounded throughout the nine heavens and ten earths. .

In an instant, green lotuses of the Great Dao appeared in the sky and earth, blooming one after another, surrounding Leng Xinghun's whole body and guarding the center, making him look like an innate god born in the Dao, with unparalleled divine power, looking down upon all directions!

Hongmeng Mirror!

One of the treasures of the Taishangjiao town teaching, it is rumored that this place can reverse yin and yang, reverse the five elements, make the years go back, change the universe easily, the power of the gods is shocking, and it has many incredible uses.

Seeing this, the other five descendants of the Supreme Sect all looked solemn, separated around, started to work on their cultivation, and began to help Leng Xinghun protect the Dharma.


Without any hesitation, Leng Xinghun waved the primordial mirror in his hand, and a stream of horses spewed out from the mirror, as bright as the morning glow, dazzling and blazing, sweeping away at an incredible speed.


Around the origin of the domain in the distance, there suddenly appeared a circle of violent power ripples, that is the forbidden power, and now it was impacted by the power of the primordial mirror, and suddenly began to roll violently.

"Open it for me!"

Leng Xinghun yelled loudly, another beam of divine light swept out from the primordial mirror, only to hear a loud bang, forcefully breaking through a crack in that piece of forbidden power!


Almost at the same time, Leng Xinghun's figure flashed and moved towards that crack, wanting to take this opportunity to rush into the origin of that domain in one fell swoop.

At this moment, the other five disciples of the Supreme Sect were all nervous to the extreme. After all, it was the forbidden power, so they couldn't help but worry about Leng Xinghun.


Seeing that Leng Xinghun was about to approach the area of ​​the crack, a sword energy suddenly appeared in the void, appearing in front of Leng Xinghun, and slashed down!

This attack seemed to have been prepared for a long time, waiting there, it was too unbelievable, and it happened too fast.

Under such circumstances, let alone Leng Xinghun, even if there is an existence in the Emperor Realm, he might be caught off guard.

However, at this moment, Leng Xinghun seemed to have anticipated this scene, with an incomparably cold arc on his lips.

Almost at the same time, his figure suddenly disappeared, narrowly dodging the sudden sword energy.

"Chen Xi, get out!"

The next moment, Leng Xinghun had already moved in time and space, and slapped fiercely towards the distant void with his palm.


The divine brilliance shook and was unparalleled, and the void was crushed abruptly and turned into void.

It can be clearly seen that a figure dodged to the side like a shadow before the shock.

That figure was none other than Chen Xi!

"Hmph, during the Dao Discussion Competition, I watched all your battles carefully, and even inquired about all your deeds after the Dao Discussion Competition was over. How could I not know that you have a stealth skill? A secret method of invisibility?"

"Now, you still dare to repeat the old tricks, but you are too underestimating me, Leng Xinghun!"

Leng Xinghun's expression was cold and ruthless, his eyes fixed on Chen Xi as coldly as lightning, and a hint of mockery appeared on the corners of his lips.

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