divine talisman

Chapter 1913

Leng Xinghun's voice was full of pride and confidence.

Obviously, not only did he see through that Chen Xi was acting, but he also used his tricks and put on a good show!

Otherwise, in the face of the sudden assassination just now, with his ability, he would definitely not be able to dodge so easily.

Regarding this, Chen Xi in the distance smiled indifferently: "If you can't guess this, then you are stupid."

In one sentence, Leng Xinghun narrowed his eyes, and immediately said coldly: "At this point, you are still playing tricks!"

When he was speaking, he waved his hand to signal the other five disciples of the Grand Master to get ready, as if he wanted to completely leave Chen Xi behind.

At this moment, the other preachers of the Supreme Sect finally realized that everything just now was just acting!

This made them all admire Leng Xinghun from the bottom of their hearts. This kind of cunning is treacherous and sophisticated, who turns his hands into clouds and turns his hands into rain.


Without any hesitation, they followed Leng Xinghun's instructions and dashed out, intending to form a siege and completely block Chen Xi's escape route.


Suddenly, Leng Xinghun seemed to have sensed something, and couldn't help but look sideways, only to find that only three of them followed orders and stepped forward, while the other two companions stood still.

"Wu Ying, Yun Kun! The two of you come forward quickly!"

Leng Xinghun frowned and scolded, "What time is it? It's simply unforgivable for these two guys to lose the chain."

Not only Leng Xinghun, but also the other three disciples of the Supreme Sect also frowned when they noticed this scene.

"I'm afraid they won't obey your orders."

At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly smiled and said, "You can guess that I'm hiding in the dark, so why don't I know that it would be futile to assassinate you again?"

With those words, the faces of Leng Xinghun and the others changed slightly, were they fooled again?

They still can't believe it.


But at this moment, two bloodstains suddenly appeared on the throats of the two priests of the Supreme Sect who Leng Xinghun called Wu Ying and Yun Kun, and then suddenly the bloodstains broke open, and two fountains of blood spewed out, staining the blood. Through the void!

Their throats had already been severed, but the speed was so fast that the wound at the throat couldn't bear the pressure and ruptured suddenly!

Then, two bloody heads fell off, and the bodies of the two also fell down.

These bloody scenes were extremely calm and silent, but they seemed particularly bloody and permeating, causing a strong impact on people's vision.


"How could this be?"

"Two junior brothers—!"

The other disciples of the Supreme Sect all constricted their pupils, exclaimed in surprise, and their expressions changed, as if they couldn't believe it.

Who would have thought that the two companions beside him would suddenly die suddenly?

This is incredible!It's too scary!

Thinking that I was beside those two companions just now, but I didn't notice their death, the three priests of the Supreme Sect felt cold all over their bodies, as if falling into an ice cave.

And at this time, Leng Xinghun finally understood the meaning of Chen Xi's words, the one he had to deal with before was not himself at all, but Wu Ying and Yun Kun!

And the reason why he would do it to himself was entirely to confuse the public.

But Leng Xinghun still couldn't figure out one thing, Chen Xi...how did he manage to get to this point?

All this sounds slow, but in fact, it is all completed in an instant.


When they hadn't recovered from the shock, Chen Xi had already rushed out brazenly, the sword talisman swept through the sky, and the blade pointed directly at Leng Xinghun.

Mysterious Heart Swordsmanship - Jie Niu Style!


Almost at the same time, a drum sound vibrated, like a shocking sound, spreading out a terrifying sound wave, sweeping away.

Accompanied by the sound of the drum, there was another majestic sword energy, which swept from the distant starry sky and enveloped the other three disciples of the Supreme Sect.

In an instant, Chen Xi, Ah Liang, and Gu Yan attacked one after another, cooperating with each other tacitly, and the moment they attacked, it was the most powerful killing technique!

"Come on!"

Leng Xinghun shouted sharply, and with a flash of the primordial mirror in his palm, he crushed Chen Xi's sword energy. Then, with a wave of his sleeves, he wrapped around the corpses of the two slain companions. run away!

At this moment, Leng Xinghun knew that he had been fooled by Chen Xi, because the death of the two companions completely wiped out their advantages.

Under such circumstances, no matter how unwilling Leng Xinghun was, he still had to dodge temporarily.


In the collision of divine brilliance, the three preachers of the Supreme Sect had no intention of fighting, and almost at the same time as Leng Xinghun fled, they also followed closely.

"Want to go?"

Gu Yan snorted coldly. Facing such an opportunity, he might have missed it. The moment his figure flashed, he was about to catch up.

But he was stopped by Chen Xi, and said, "There's no need to chase, lest the dog jump over the wall in a hurry."

Gu Yan frowned, thought for a while, and approved of Chen Xi's decision. Indeed, if they wanted to kill Leng Xinghun and his party at such a time, they would have to pay a certain price.

"Uncle Master, in case they come back again..."

Gu Yan murmured and opened his mouth.

At this time, Leng Xinghun and his party had long since fled without a trace.

"It's just right to kill them back, but in my opinion, they definitely don't dare to take any more risks. After all, they lost two of their companions."

Chen Xi said calmly, deep down in his heart, he also wished that Leng Xinghun and his party could be completely left behind, but reason told him that he couldn't do that.

One is because there is no absolute certainty, and the other is because a supreme opportunity is close at hand. Going to fight the enemy at this time obviously does more harm than good.

From Chen Xi's point of view, as long as he is still in this chaotic ruin, he will have the opportunity to kill Leng Xinghun and the others in the future, so there is no need to rush.

"This time, a total of six members of the Supreme Sect entered this chaotic ruin, and now they have lost two. This is definitely a heavy blow to them."

Gu Yan took a deep breath and said with a smile, "This can be regarded as helping Junior Brother Tu Meng out."

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something, and asked Chen Xi: "Uncle Master, how did you kill those two people just now?"

Chen Xi thought for a while, but he didn't hide anything: "Using a kind of swordsmanship called Liuguang style, when attacking and sniping the enemy, it is the most difficult to guard against. It's just that there are not enough opportunities, otherwise it would not be just those two people who died. "

"I see."

Gu Yan nodded, but in his heart he was even more amazed at Chen Xi's swordsmanship.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the series of battles that took place just now were not fierce, nor did they cause many shocking scenes, but they can be described as "intrigues and deceptions, with many changes".

When they noticed that Leng Xinghun and his group were approaching, Chen Xi and the others were acting.

When they realized that Chen Xi and the others were acting, Leng Xinghun and the others did their tricks and also put on a play.

And all of this was seen through by Chen Xi, so he launched a tricky operation, and finally killed the two of them in one fell swoop.

From the beginning to the end, they were calculating with each other, and what was tested was not only combat power, but also wisdom, scheming, means, and the ability to adapt on the spot.

If it was just a face-to-face confrontation, perhaps it would be difficult for Chen Xi to kill the two of them in an instant, and the result would be unpredictable.

After all, those two people are not ordinary people, but the top peak existences selected after going through the Dao Discussion Competition, each of them can be called a peerless leader, possessing the power to surpass most of the powerhouses of their peers.

Every loss of such a person is enough to cause a huge shock to the entire cultivation world, and it is also a heavy blow to the Supreme Sect, one of the five extremes of the Emperor's Domain. hit.

But now, two disciples of the Supreme Sect died in an instant. If it was reported to the outside world, it would cause an astonishing uproar.


Next, without delay, Chen Xi summoned Tu Meng and told him everything about the origin of the domain.Tu Meng originally wanted to refuse, but he couldn't resist Chen Xi's will, so he didn't refuse anymore.


At that moment, Chen Xi displayed the secret pattern of the forbidden path, and forcibly shattered the tribulation force of the forbidden path into a crack.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tumon rushed into it in a flash, and everything went very smoothly, without any accidents.

This also made Chen Xi completely relieved.

"When this guy breaks through and comes out, he will become the existence of the Emperor Realm, and he will still be the domain master who controls the power of a domain."

Gu Yan sighed, there was no jealousy in his voice, but only sincere blessings.

Chen Xi smiled, and didn't say much.

The two did not leave just then, but stayed here for a full seven days.

"It seems that it will take at least two years for Tu Meng to completely refine the origin of this domain. There is no need for us to wait here anymore."

Chen Xi pondered and opened his mouth. During the past seven days, he had been observing the changes in the origin of the realm, and found that as Tumon continued to refine, not only the power of the origin of the realm was being acquired at an extremely slow speed, but even The Dao Forbidden Tribulation Power that enveloped the surroundings is also gradually disappearing.

According to this momentum, it will take at least two years for Tumon to break through and advance in one fell swoop.

"Uncle Master, I have told Tu Meng before that when he leaves the customs, he will use secret methods to get in touch with us."

Gu Yan said from the side.

"In that case, let's leave now."

Chen Xi nodded. He was not worried about Tu Meng. At this moment, no one could disturb Tu Meng at all, unless there was some kind of power that could break through the origin of the domain, but obviously, this was almost impossible. things.

After all, the origin of the domain represents the power of a domain, and now Tu Meng, who is refining the origin of the domain, is like the master who is in charge of this domain. Under such circumstances, only the Taoist realm exists in person, To destroy all this.

Of course, this was just Chen Xi's inference, and he didn't dare to be absolutely sure that Tu Meng's situation would be absolutely safe.

However, how can everything in this world be perfect?

With the current situation, at least Chen Xi would not be worried anymore.


At that moment, Chen Xi and Gu Yan did not hesitate, and with a flash of their figures, they left this domain and returned to the land of chaos.

However, just as the two of them stood firm, an incomparably grand Dao voice suddenly resounded throughout the entire world.

If the dragon sings and the tiger howls, it seems to resonate like the sound of nature.

At this moment, in the entire chaotic ruins, everything is silent, only that voice is echoing, deafening!


ps: Let me explain, Jinyu's older brother got married this weekend, and Jinyu, the younger brother, has been busy with all sorts of trivial matters these days, and even though he tried his best to update, he could only maintain a 2-level update. Please be considerate.After this week, the updates will be fine.

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