divine talisman

Chapter 1915 Yanbing Emperor

what is that?

Chen Xi's heart trembled. Even though he was separated by an extremely long distance, he could still feel a murderous aura rushing towards his face. It was icy cold and made one's heart tremble.

The icicles soared into the sky, standing upright, releasing a unparalleled murderous aura, covering this icy and snowy field, making it extremely frightening.

"Uncle Master, the atmosphere there is too dangerous, should we leave, or continue to move forward?"

Gu Yan looked serious.

The hurricane and the cold wave on this snow field are not only filled with the evil spirit of the sun, but also have a murderous spirit, which makes people daunting and fearful.

"Go forward."

Chen Xi was silent for a long time, and a flash of determination flashed in Ruyuan's black eyes.

He had an intuition that there must be some secret hidden near the icicle, if he didn't go to find out, he would miss something.


Gu Yan sacrificed the divine sword and said, "I will listen to my uncle."


At that moment, facing the howling cold wind, the two moved towards the distant snow field.

Along the way, they would encounter hurricanes and snowflakes from time to time, but they resolved them one by one, but they did not hurt them.

However, along the way, the murderous aura in the world is getting heavier and heavier, just like the essence, stabbing people's skin pains all over the body, and suppressing the spirit and soul.

This made both Chen Xi and Gu Yan's expressions become solemn. Since entering the Chaotic Fortress, it was the first time for them to encounter such a dangerous and frightening area, so they couldn't help but be careless.

Very soon, Chen Xi finally saw clearly when he was ten feet away from the icicle that lifted the sky, that there was an ancient black altar piled up at the bottom of the icicle!

The periphery of the altar is in a strange hexagonal shape, and each corner is branded with a strange and distorted symbol texture, bright red like blood, so mysterious that it makes one's heart palpitate.

The inside of the altar is perfectly round, and that icicle is standing in it!

Looking from a distance, the black altar, the blood-colored strange runes, and the icicles rising from the sky... all in one, with strange and ancient shapes, releasing a monstrous murderous aura.

Chen Xi couldn't even be sure whether this was an altar, because it was completely different from the altars he had seen before.

Even his incomparable talisman attainments were unable to recognize the strange bloody symbols branded on the hexagons of the altar.

The unknown is what scares the most.

The scene right now was beyond Chen Xi's imagination. He felt extremely strange, and also had an indescribable palpitation.

What exactly is this?

Gu Yan was also unclear, and A Liang was also speechless in shock.

"This chaotic ruin is really mysterious..."

Chen Xi couldn't help but sighed again in his heart. He could judge that this mysterious and strange altar had stood here for a long time, full of ancient connotations.

But immediately, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he was shocked to find that the surrounding area of ​​the altar was actually covered with a forbidden power!

The Forbidden Dao Tribulation Power is invisible, colorless, and lightless, but at this moment, like ripples, it keeps gushing out from the black altar, wrapping around the icicle that holds up the sky and soaring upwards, straight to the sky.

In other words, the forbidden power not only covered the strange black altar, but also covered the icicle that lifted the sky!

"Could it be that there are some secrets in the icicles of the altar?"

Chen Xi's expression at this moment was already serious. The Dao Forbidden Tribulation Power could definitely be called an incomparably terrifying power.

It was so powerful that even figures like Taoist Kunpeng couldn't dispel it, and finally ended up dying.

Now, although Chen Xi already knew that he didn't need to be afraid of this kind of power by virtue of his forbidden path secret patterns, but this didn't mean that the power of forbidden path tribulation wasn't terrible!

But right now, the surroundings of this ancient and strange altar standing on the snowfield are covered with forbidden power, which is quite unusual.

"Here it is again, how many years have passed, and you heretics still don't give up! It's ridiculous! Want to deprive me of the Shinto laws? It's just wishful thinking!"

All of a sudden, a shout like thunder came out from the icicle, shaking people's minds and shaking the world.

Both Chen Xi and Gu Yan shrank their pupils, their whole bodies tensed up, and they were filled with astonishment. There was actually someone inside that icicle?

"Huh? No! You are..."

Suddenly, the voice in the icicle seemed to have sensed something, and he was also puzzled, and immediately couldn't help shouting, "Two little guys from the ancient gods? How is it possible? Who told you to come to the chaotic ruins, don't you dead?"

There was excitement in the voice, and the mood fluctuated.

At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly saw clearly that a figure vaguely appeared on the surface of the icicle, his whole body was imprisoned in it, but he couldn't see his face clearly.

"What are you still doing, let's go! This chaotic land is by no means as simple as you imagined. It is the source of disasters, and it is a place where heresies have survived from the last era! If you don't leave, you will be in trouble for the rest of your life." This seat is the same, if you kill or seize, you will not escape forever!"

The voice was loud and anxious.

This passage fell into the ears of Chen Xi and Gu Yan, but it was no less than a thunderbolt, which shocked them all inexplicably.

The source of disaster!

A place where heresies survived from the last era!

How could this be?

Is this true again?

Chen Xi's heart was surging, and his thoughts were flying.

When he was in the South China Sea in the early years, Chen Xi heard some things about the last era from Lao Bai.

At that time, it was held at an unprecedentedly grand auction in Zhenlongbao City, and the last treasure was a stone furnace tripod that survived from the last era.

This tripod has three legs and two ears, and the whole body of the furnace tripod is round. Inside the mouth of the tripod is steaming dark mist, deep and grand, as if it can swallow up a universe!

Chen Xi still remembered to this day that the aura of that cauldron was incomparably ancient, as if it had diffused from the end of the boundless years, crossed the barrier of time, and reappeared in the world.

He even saw mysterious pictures from the tripod——

In the boundless and vast starry sky, a graceful figure sits cross-legged on the stone furnace, travels through time and space, crosses barriers of the universe, and passes through chaotic realms one after another. In a flash, it is thousands of years Time passed.

She seemed to be looking for something, and kept moving forward in the deep, dark void.

It also seems to be avoiding something and has to move forward all the way. If you take a step slower, you will encounter a catastrophe.

As the years went by, that graceful figure became more and more blurred, more and more ethereal, as if it was about to disappear.

Then, she let out a sigh of endless loneliness: "Is it really... impossible to escape?"

At this moment, Chen Xi even once again felt that feeling of being shrouded in loneliness, being abandoned by heaven and earth, dying of all thoughts, and dying like ashes...

At that time, when Lao Bai saw the tripod, his expression changed suddenly, and he took him away in a hurry without waiting for the auction to end.

Later, Chen Xi finally learned from Lao Bai that this cauldron was a divine object that survived the previous chance, and it was also called the Divine Treasure of the Era!

According to Lao Bai, these treasures are all entangled in calamity, possessing the power of taboo against the heavens, once they are discovered by the Dao of this world, they are destined to be destroyed.

At that time, Lao Bai obtained a skull of a holy witch from the auction, which was also a treasure preserved from the last era, and it was of invaluable value.

But this is not the point, the point is that whenever these treasures from the last era begin to appear in the world, it means... a disaster!

Lao Bai even recognized that the stone furnace tripod was a treasure in the last era. It could gather the luck of an era and was irreplaceable. possible.

But now, this luck furnace is a sign of disaster!

Hearing all of this at the time made Chen Xi even suspect that it would not be long before the world would be in chaos and fall into endless disaster.

However, Lao Bai is not sure about this. According to his point of view, the appearance of the luck furnace in the last era is only a sign of disaster. As for when the disaster will break out, no one can say clearly.

What's more, the ancient gods' realm has survived until now, and it has gone through countless calamities, and it is still immortal and long-lasting. It is impossible to destroy it all at once.

It was also because of this that Chen Xi at that time relaxed his mind and didn't pay too much attention to this matter.

But now, when he saw the strange and ancient altar in front of him, and heard the warning from the voice in the icicle, Chen Xi immediately couldn't keep calm.

In the chaotic ruins, there is actually a heresy that survived from the last era dormant?Is this the source of the disaster?

Chen Xi stood still on the spot, speechless, unable to calm down for a long time, and he couldn't explain why, but he felt an indescribable depression.

The chaotic ruins are unknown and mysterious. The fundamental purpose of their coming this time is only to open up a domain and prepare for the promotion to the domain master.

Who would have thought that such an astonishing secret is hidden here?

If this spreads to the outside world, I am afraid it will definitely cause shocks in the entire Ancient God Realm!

"Two idiots! What are you doing in a daze, leave quickly! Quick!"

That shout came out from the icicle again, revealing an incomparable severity.

Chen Xi was startled, and he woke up from his contemplation.

"May I ask if senior is the Yanbing Emperor of Yinglong Realm?"

At this moment, Gu Yan suddenly asked.

"Huh? Do you recognize me? Whose family are you?"

The voice said in surprise, admitting Gu Yan's speculation.

"Here is Gu Yan, a disciple of the third generation of Shenyan Mountain, and next to him is my family's great-uncle, Chen Xi, a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain's ancestor Fuxi."

After confirming the identity of the other party, Gu Yan seemed to be much more relaxed, and quickly introduced the identities of himself and Chen Xi.

While speaking, he also sent a voice transmission to Chen Xi: "Master Uncle, this is Emperor Yanbing, the domain master of Yinglong Domain. He was taught by Zen Master Wu Xue's uncle back then, and he has a good relationship with our Shenyan Mountain. There is a source."

Only then did Chen Xi suddenly come to his senses.

"Disciple of Shenyan Mountain! Hahaha, I never thought that after being trapped here for 8000 years, before I die, I will be able to meet Mr. Da's fellow disciples, and I will die without regret!"

Emperor Yanbing suddenly burst into laughter, seemingly quite happy, but also exuding a sense of relief-like sadness.

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