divine talisman

Chapter 1916 Underground Abyss

Trapped for 8000 years!

Both Chen Xi and Gu Yan were startled. In fact, from the moment they confirmed that the other party was Emperor Yan Bing, the Lord of Yinglong Domain, both of them were somewhat unexpected.

After all, this is a land of chaos, just like a forbidden area. Over the years, very few people have been able to set foot in it. Even they, relying on the power of the five poles of the Emperor's Domain, forcibly opened a passage to break in.

And how did this Yanbing Emperor achieve this step back then?

"Since you are from the same sect as Mr. Da, you should listen to my words and leave here now, and never set foot here!"

Before Chen Xi and Gu Yan could react, Emperor Yanbing, who was trapped in the icicle, spoke again, with a low and solemn voice, "Here, even the Daoist Lord is powerless to return to heaven."

Chen Xi was not dissuaded by these words, but pondered for a while, and said, "Senior, you probably don't know that this time it's not only my Shenyan Mountain, but also the descendants of the other four major forces in the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain , also came to this chaotic ruined land, the purpose is to open up a new domain and prepare for the impact on the domain master..."

"So, no matter what I say, you won't just leave?"

Emperor Yanbing said in a deep voice.


Chen Xi looked calm and serious: "For the sake of the path we are pursuing, this opportunity must never be missed, no matter how much it costs."

Emperor Yanbing suddenly sighed, a little bit lost in spirit.

"Then do you know what kind of danger you will encounter after you become the domain master?"

After a while, Emperor Yanbing asked twice, his voice deep and straight to the heart, "Do you also know what kind of situation you will face if you are caught by those heretics that survived from the last era?"

Without waiting for an answer, Emperor Yanbing said in a deep voice: "Let me tell you."

"When you become domain masters, you will be captured by those heretics like prey!"

"The laws of the divine way in you will be stripped away by them!"

"The vigor and spirit in your body will be swallowed by the witch beasts they raise!"

"Even your body will be used by them to become a monster that is neither human nor ghost, neither god nor demon, and you will never be able to die completely for eternity!"

Chen Xi and Gu Yan were both terrified by the deep voice, filled with incomparable hatred and anger, and their hearts were shaken endlessly.

"You don't need to believe it, but if you take a look at me, you will understand that if you are caught by those heretics, you will be imprisoned on this damned 'Altar of Gods and Witches', unable to struggle or escape!"

Emperor Yanbing said in a deep voice, "I have been trapped here for 8000 years. If I hadn't mastered a secret method that could stop the invasion of the power of the 'Witch Altar', I'm afraid I couldn't hold on and was taken away by them." The laws of Shinto, and even essence, qi, spirit, and body!"

Speaking of this, there was a strong sense of sadness and unwillingness in his voice.

"But it's a pity that this seat is indeed almost unable to bear it now... At that time, the principles of the divine way, essence, energy, spirit, and even the body of this seat will all be stripped away, completely becoming a person who is neither human nor demon, A monster that is neither a god nor a demon!"

Gu Yan's face changed suddenly, and he couldn't help but said, "Senior, how powerful are those heresies that survived from the last era?"

Emperor Yanbing was silent for a moment, and said: "I can't tell, but what is certain is that even if you become the domain master, you can't compete with them."

Gu Yan's expression became more serious, and he said, "Then why have we never encountered such an existence along the way?"

Emperor Yanbing replied without hesitation: "Only by achieving the realm of domain masters can they be of use to them."

The implication is that the existence of you ancestor gods cannot attract the attention of those heretics.

This statement may seem to hurt self-esteem, but it is the truth.

Gu Yan was stunned for a long time, but couldn't find a word to refute.

"Let's go, before the real danger comes, leave this source of disaster as soon as possible, and never come here again, here... is not something that the cultivation world of the ancient gods can get their hands on!"

Emperor Yanbing persuaded again.

At this moment, Gu Yan's confidence couldn't help being shaken, and he couldn't help but look at Chen Xi.

At this moment, Chen Xi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised his head, his dark eyes were like abyss, glowing with a deep luster, he looked directly at the icicles on the altar, and said, "Don't worry about other things for now, wait until I rescue you first. Come out and talk."


Emperor Yanbing said, "It must not be done! This altar of the gods and witches is surrounded by the power of the forbidden dao. If it is even slightly contaminated, let alone you, even the existence of the dao master will have to disappear!"

"I know."

Chen Xi nodded, at this moment he appeared extremely calm and composed.


However, in the face of Chen Xi's decision, Emperor Yanbing seemed extremely excited, with just a few words, there was an unquestionable taste.

This made Chen Xi startled, and said, "Senior, trust me, I will definitely be able to rescue you."

Emperor Yanbing was silent for a long time, and said: "You... can you really do it?"

Chen Xi said firmly, "Yes."

"Okay, okay..."

There was a sense of relief in Yanbing Emperor's voice.


The next moment, Chen Xi cast the forbidden path secret pattern, which turned into invisible ripples and spread away.

Now to fight against this forbidden power, Chen Xi can be said to be very familiar with it. In just a moment, he forcibly broke a crack in the tightly covered forbidden power.


Almost at the same time, Gu Yan on one side rushed out brazenly, slashed down with his sword, and cut the icicle in two.

There was an ear-piercing popping sound, and a figure rushed out of the icicle almost at the same time. It was the Yanbing Emperor who had been trapped for 8000 years.

He was wearing a dark green gown, with gray beard and hair, and a gentle and graceful face.


However, before Chen Xi and Gu Yan had time to react, Emperor Yanbing, who had just escaped from the trap, suddenly froze all over, and opened his mouth to spurt out a mouthful of blood.

The blood stains were extremely black, exuding a stench of death, which was shocking.

The next moment, Emperor Yanbing actually sat down on the ground, his face was pale and dull, as if his power had been taken away all of a sudden.


Chen Xi's heart tightened, how could he have thought that such a thing would happen at such a moment.

"Don't be nervous, being able to escape and die is already a blessing for me."

Emperor Yanbing spoke hoarsely, and there was a sense of weakness in his voice. It could be clearly seen that his skin began to crack, his long gray hair gradually peeled off, and his face was covered with a layer of gray death.

"How could this be?"

A trace of remorse welled up in Chen Xi's heart. If he had known this before, he would definitely not have acted hastily.

"This is fate. If you are trapped in this witch altar, you will inevitably be stripped of all your strength and become a monster who is neither human nor ghost, nor god nor demon. You will live forever and die forever. But once you leave this altar will die violently..."

Emperor Yanbing actually laughed at this moment, "Comparing the two, the latter method of death is already a great blessing for me. Therefore, you don't have to feel guilty about it. Speaking of it, I still have to thank you for this." right."

Chen Xi pursed his lips, his mind was complicated, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Senior, I dare to ask you a question... But what is your last word?"

Gu Yan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Last Word?"

Emperor Yanbing shook his head, with a self-deprecating smile on his lips, "Death is already the greatest blessing, and there is no regret."

As he said that, he suddenly opened his mouth, spewed out a brass key, handed it to Chen Xi, and said, "This is a treasure that I accidentally discovered when I wandered through the chaotic ruins. It's a pity that I didn't have time to explore it at that time. Then I was caught by those heretics..."

After a pause, he took a few breaths, and then said: "This thing is just my heart, and I hope you accept it. As for what kind of secrets are hidden in it, you can only unlock it by yourself. Remember Stay, you must leave as soon as possible..."

The voice gradually became lower and weaker, until it became inaudible.

But Emperor Yanbing had completely lost his vitality at this moment, and passed away suddenly. A generation of domain masters, emperors and great figures, passed away after being trapped for [-] years.

Holding the brass-colored key, looking at the relieved and calm face of Emperor Yanbing before his death, Chen Xi felt panicked and extremely depressed.

Although they met for the first time, Emperor Yanbing showed his mind as an elder from the beginning to the end, constantly persuading them to leave, and his words were all from the heart.

This moved Chen Xi inexplicably. He thought that rescuing Emperor Yanbing would be considered a good deed. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen!

For a moment, Chen Xi felt extremely uncomfortable, and his face was gloomy.

"Master Uncle..."

Gu Yan looked at Chen Xi with some worry.

"I am fine."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the emotions in his heart, and said, "I was just thinking, if there is a chance, I must go and see how capable those heresies that survived from the last era are! "

The voice was chilling, revealing a sense of determination.

Gu Yan was also inexplicably sad and indignant. A dignified figure in the realm of the domain master was trapped here and suffered 8000 years of torture. Even if he finally escaped, he could only end up in the end.

Such cruel methods of torturing people are simply heinous, despicable and bloody!


At this time, the strange and ancient black "Sorcerer's Altar" in the distance suddenly made a loud noise and began to collapse suddenly.

The ground was cracked, and the land with a radius of [-] li collapsed at this moment, revealing an unfathomable hole like an abyss.


Almost at the same time, an irresistible force of swallowing suddenly gushed out from the hole in the ground, covering Chen Xi and the others in an instant, and there was no time to dodge.

not good!

Chen Xi and Gu Yanqiqi's expressions changed. They were about to struggle hard, but their whole bodies seemed uncontrollable. Their bodies were engulfed by that terrifying force, and they were dragged into the collapsed abyss hole. No trace.



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