divine talisman

Chapter 1917 Black Cloak


The terrifying tearing force engulfed Chen Xi, and he fell uncontrollably at an extremely fast speed. Due to the speed, the scene in front of him was distorted and blurred.

At this moment, Chen Xi's whole body tensed up to the extreme, and without knowing where the strength came from, he struggled violently, trying to break free.

But in the end it was futile.

This swallowing power was too terrifying, it was simply not something that the current Chen Xi could compete with.

But even so, Chen Xiwu was already prepared to go all out.


The rushing sound of piercing through the air was endless, but gradually, Chen Xi was stunned to discover that bright stars appeared in his field of vision!

How could there be stars under this underground abyss?

Chen Xi almost thought that his eyes were dazzled, but soon, as he approached, Chen Xi finally concluded that it was indeed a starry sky!

Hundreds of millions of stars twinkle in it, deep and boundless, vast and empty.

But Chen Xi was a little stunned, how could there be such a place under the land surface of this chaotic ruin?

Almost at the same time, Chen Xi also discovered that the swallowing power had gradually weakened, and it would not take long before it would disappear automatically.

This made Chen Xi secretly heave a sigh of relief.

"Master Uncle—!"

Suddenly, an anxious shout came from his ear.

Gu Yan!

Chen Xi suddenly turned his head, and immediately saw Gu Yan's figure passing by his side uncontrollably, like a falling meteor.

The most terrible thing is that in the void in front of Gu Yan, there is a surge of Forbidden Dao Tribulation Force, which is like a transparent starry sky tide, beautiful and deadly.

If he doesn't stop it in time, Gu Yan will crash into the area where the forbidden power is distributed in a short while!

not good!

At this moment, Chen Xi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he rushed out almost subconsciously. With a bang, he broke through the restraint of time and space, and in an instant he rushed in front of Gu Yan, grabbing him.


At the same time, Chen Xi's figure looted violently, leading Gu Yan to fly away into the distance, and only then did this crisis be resolved dangerously.

But at this moment, Gu Yan was already in a cold sweat from being frightened. If he missed it just now, he would have completely confessed to this place in his life.

Chen Xi also heaved a sigh of relief, but what surprised him even more was that the swallowing force that engulfed them had disappeared without a trace.


At this moment, a roar suddenly resounded in the area far above the head.

Chen Xi suddenly raised his head, and immediately saw that the entrance to this star field he had just entered had completely disappeared!

what on earth is it?

Chen Xi frowned, feeling a little confused.

From the collapse of the ancient and strange "Witch Altar", to the opening of a huge crack on the ground, until the two of them were engulfed in the crack by a force of swallowing, and finally came to this place. In the mysterious starry sky, everything happened so fast that Chen Xi didn't even have time to react!

But now that he thought about it, the only thing Chen Xi could be sure of was that perhaps it was because of the collapse of the "Sacred Witch Altar" that this series of changes occurred.

And what kind of mystery is hidden in it, Chen Xi can't deduce it at all.

But these seem to be no longer important to Chen Xi and Gu Yan at present, the important thing is——Where is this place?And how to get out of trouble?


Before Chen Xi could think about this clearly, an invisible wave of power suddenly appeared in the distant starry sky, spreading towards this side.

"Not good! It's Dao Forbidden Tribulation Power!"

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and with the perception of the forbidden path secret pattern, he found out in an instant that the forbidden path tribulation power in this piece of starry sky was extremely large, beyond imagination.

They are like invisible tidal ripples, constantly whistling in the starry sky, and like groups of sharks smelling blood, they are cruising in the void, trying to kill all outsiders.

This is completely different from the Dao Forbidden Tribulation Power that Chen Xi had seen before. One is passively levitating, standing still, and the other is actively attacking, as if possessing life.


Almost without any hesitation, Chen Xi led Gu Yan to dodge again and again, moving and fleeing in this boundless starry sky.

But before they could stand still, in all directions, another piece of Forbidden Dao Tribulation Power whizzed towards them again.

Too much!

It was densely packed, like tidal ripples, and more like a big sheet, while Chen Xi and the others were like fish caught in a trap, they could only keep shuttling between the cracks, which seemed particularly embarrassing.

Chen Xi's face began to become serious, and he was keenly aware that this piece of universe was too unusual, and the distribution of the forbidden power was also too mysterious, it could be called murderous intent every step of the way, which made one's heart palpitate.

"Gu Yan, it seems that I can only wrong you and hide for a while."

After a while, when he judged the danger of his situation, Chen Xi said decisively.

Even Chen Xi felt tricky at this moment, and it would be a bit difficult to take Gu Yan with him. After all, he could use the forbidden path secret patterns to sense danger and move one step ahead.

But Gu Yan was different, he couldn't even perceive the invisible and colorless forbidden power, so he looked extremely embarrassed.

"Uncle Master, I will listen to you."

Gu Yan also knew that if he continued like this, he would only become a burden to Chen Xi.


Chen Xi didn't hesitate, and with a move, he took Gu Yan into his body. Only now did Chen Xi heave a long sigh of relief.

His expression became calm and indifferent, a pair of black eyes surged with a frightening brilliance, and he kept scanning his surroundings.

"I want to see what kind of party this ghost place is!"

A flash of lightning flashed across Chen Xi's eyes, and the next moment he chose a direction and moved away.


A moment later, a wave of forbidden power blocked the way forward.

"Open it for me!"

Chen Xi gave a loud shout, and stopped dodging, released the forbidden path secret pattern in his soul, and ruthlessly charged away, forcibly crushing a path.

In this way, he moved forward all the way, broke through the attack and interception of the forbidden power, and kept flying away, and his figure quickly disappeared into the depths of the vast universe.


At the same time, on that snow field, the hurricane roared, and the snowflakes the size of a cattail fan danced wildly, killing everything.

There used to be an ancient and strange "Sacred Witch Altar" standing here, and a towering icicle stood erect.

But now, all of this has disappeared without any trace.

Even a Ruoyuan crack that collapsed on the ground seemed to have completely disappeared and could never be found again.


A moment later, two black lightning-like figures pierced through the air, and suddenly stood on the snowy field.

Both of them were wearing black clothes and cloaks on their heads, and their bodies were shrouded in a black and cold mist, making their faces unclear.

But their aura is cold and chilling, with an ancient and strange fluctuation in the coldness, which faintly blends with the aura of heaven in this chaotic ruin, echoing each other from a distance, which seems quite mysterious.

Under such circumstances, the whistling hurricane and the snowflakes dancing wildly like sharp knives couldn't get close to them!

It was as if they were the masters of this world, and all things could only bow their heads in front of them without daring to offend them.

"Someone destroyed the 'Witch Altar'."

"Unfortunately, according to Lord Saint Witch's calculations, the guy who was imprisoned here could not persist for a year, and he would be completely eliminated by the 'sacrifice'. It is really a pity that such a thing happened now."

"Are you sorry? Not at all, the guy who destroyed the 'Sorcerer's Altar' is afraid that he has fallen into the 'Disaster Starfield' now, and he will be the 'Witch Beast' raised by the Holy Witch in a short time." To be devoured completely."

"Then tell me, do you want to report this matter to Lord Shengwu?"

"No need, this is just a trivial matter. I heard that the five top forces in the ancient gods joined forces to send in their descendants. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us. , Master Shengwu is planning a plan, if it succeeds, our 'Tianwu' clan will be able to get out of trouble from now on, and we don't have to suffer such a life of hiding in Tibet."

"Hey, I escaped the catastrophe of the last era, but found that it is still not the ultimate path, and I don't know where the ultimate path is..."

"Perhaps, it exists in the next era."

"The next era? Haha, that's too long. I heard from the Holy Witch that some people in this era have already stepped onto the supreme realm of the ultimate path. I don't know if it's true or not."

"I've also heard that Lord Saint Witch should not be aimless. Maybe this era... is really different from the past."

The two men in black cloaks were talking and cruising around, as if they were looking for something, but in the end they found nothing.

"Let's go, I'm sure, the guy who destroyed the 'Sorcerer Altar' is now trapped in the 'Calamity' star field."


The sound was still echoing between the sky and the earth, and the two men in black cloaks had disappeared in place, completely gone.


Two days later.

In that boundless starry sky, Chen Xi's figure kept flickering, like a lonely passerby, disappearing in an instant.

"Where is this?"

As it got deeper, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a little bit bewildered, this starry sky realm was too big and boundless.

Traveling so far, he has never found the boundary of this starry space.

At this moment, he was like a passerby lost in the boundless starry sky, alone, unable to find his way, unable to find his way out.

But soon, Chen Xi took a deep breath and suppressed the confusion in his heart.

Although he couldn't tell where he was and where his way out was, everything he had experienced along the way made him conclude that he had been moving forward, and he hadn't stood still.

that's enough.

As long as you move forward, you will find its end one day!

The basis for making this judgment is also very simple, that is, as he travels along the way, he encounters more and more forbidden tribulation forces, and more and more intensive.

Until now, he even walked forward in the void transformed by the power of the forbidden path, and had to use the forbidden path secret pattern to continuously open up a passage!

If it were other cultivators who came here, even if they were in the Dao Master Realm, they would be unable to move an inch. They had already been entangled in the power of the forbidden Dao Tribulation, and thus died of the Tribulation.

After all, not everyone in this world is like Chen Xi, possessing the unique mysterious power in the world such as "Forbidden Path Secret Pattern".

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