divine talisman

Chapter 1919 Release the Self

Chen Xi's pressure suddenly increased!

Once the power of forbidden dao tribulation went berserk, Chen Xi was a little terrified by the horrific aura. He even suspected that beings in the Taoist realm might be afraid of facing such a scene, and wouldn't dare to take a step beyond it.

As for Chen Xi, if he hadn't mastered the power of the forbidden path secret pattern, he might have turned his head and fled long ago.


Forbidden path tribulation force is turbulent, if raging waves sweep across, invisible and colorless, but incomparably frightening, completely blocking the way ahead.

In other words, before reaching the shadow in the distant starry sky, one must first forcibly break through the area covered by the forbidden power.

Chen Xi couldn't help taking a deep breath, a flash of determination flashed in his black eyes.


At this moment, Chen Xi didn't have any reservations anymore, he used the power of the forbidden path secret pattern in his soul to the extreme, and spread it out with a bang.

This was Chen Xi's first time using the secret pattern of forbidden dao with all his strength. At this moment, he had an illusion in a trance, as if as long as he wanted to, any dao that filled the world could be easily imprisoned by him.

Not even the supreme Dao of Heaven can go against one's will!


Can't help it!

This feeling was strange and obscure, extremely strange, it came suddenly, but it was fleeting. Chen Xi immediately returned to his original state, and was no longer able to perceive that unique strange feeling.


An earth-shattering collision resounded.

It was only then that Chen Xi realized that in the blink of an eye just now, the forbidden tribulation force in the distance that was raging like a raging sea had been forcibly split open into a wide crack!

With such power, even Chen Xi couldn't help but be amazed and unbelievable.


But he no longer cared about these things, subconsciously, he seized this opportunity and ran away along the cracked passage.


When passing through this incomparably dangerous area, before Chen Xi had time to breathe a sigh of relief, another strange movement suddenly occurred.

In the starry sky in all directions, figures suddenly appeared.

There are innate chaotic gods and demons who are tall, fierce, and whose skin is like rocks.

There is an immemorial and peerless ferocious beast with a body like a mountain, a ferocious face, and blue-faced fangs.

There are ascetics whose clothes are torn, whose body is steaming with death, and who are flying with the divine sword.


All kinds of figures with terrifying and fierce auras, like a large army pressing down on the territory at this moment, keep flying and fleeing, densely packed, there are thousands of them.

Each of them has almost no weaker power than the three-star emperor!

In other words, these thousands of figures can be regarded as thousands of emperors!

That scene was simply shocking and depressing.

Looking at any cultivator in the ancestral god realm in the world, facing such a scene, I am afraid that he will be so frightened that his liver and gallbladder will be torn, and he will run away.


Thousands of existences comparable to the emperor's realm, placed in the ancient gods, are enough to crush most of the factions.

At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't help tensing up, his eyes were full of seriousness.

But what was more was an indescribable anger, like molten lava, which made his heart boil with murderous intent, almost uncontrollable.

He could see that the thousands of existences comparable to the emperor's realm were all corpses manipulated by "witch beasts".

Those corpses are naturally the ascetics of the ancient gods who are here!


It is conceivable how many ascetics have been killed by the heresies that have survived from the last era in these boundless years.

At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't help but think of Emperor Yanbing's expression of relief before his death, and the thank you sounded out...

"Ah Liang, shake me out of all these bastards!"

Chen Xi's expression was indifferent, his voice was cold and stern, the murderous intent in his heart had been completely released, and an overwhelming murderous aura permeated his whole body, spreading for nine days and ten places.

Chen Xi is angry!

At this moment, without any hesitation, Ah Liang sacrificed the beating drum.

Her small face was solemn, with a holy luster, and strands of dreamlike divine brilliance lingered all over her body, her power was unprecedented.


The sound of the drum suddenly sounded, and the figures that rushed out from all directions and were rushing towards this side all froze.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of the drums is like a dense rainstorm, stirring up the heaven and earth, and the invisible sound waves are like the most mysterious Taoist sound in the world, constantly spreading and impacting.

dong dong dong...

The entire starry sky vibrated, and the stars exploded and shattered into powder.

At this moment, the beating of the divine drum shocked the world, with immeasurable divine power!

The thousands of figures that were comparable to the existence of the emperor's realm all seemed to have lost their souls and froze in place.

Then, densely packed rows of witch beasts surged out from their bodies, each of them strangely shaped, of different sizes, with cold and bloody aura.

Too much!

There were tens of thousands of them, covering the sky and covering the sky, like a swarm of locusts, at a glance, it was impossible to tell how many there were.


Ah Liang sacrificed the scepter of burning flames, and the holy and vast white flames gushed out, covering the starry sky with a radius of [-] miles.

After doing all this, her pair of beautiful eyebrows frowned suddenly, her pretty face lost all color in an instant, turned pale and transparent, and her whole body became sluggish.

Apparently, the series of actions just now exhausted her so much that she had exhausted all her strength.

But from the beginning to the end, she kept her mouth shut and kept silent, just because she didn't want to disturb Chen Xi's actions.


At this moment, Chen Xi was haunted by murderous intent, like an unrivaled emperor, with the sword in his palm wrapped in an incomparable purple-gold divine brilliance, he smashed away.


This void fell into chaos, the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dark, and the terrifying murderous intent and monstrous sword intent swept across the sky. It was like the end of the world.


The anger accumulated in Chen Xi's heart was like a torrent bursting a dike, flooding his whole body, making him feel as if his whole body was on fire, and his power became stronger and stronger.


But his expression is still so calm, so indifferent, so calm, giving people a very contradictory visual impact.


Chen Xi completely emptied himself, the universe in his body boiled, and the Cangwu Sacred Tree continuously provided surging divine power.

There is only one word in my heart - kill!

Kill him upside down!

Kill him cleanly!

At this moment, Chen Xi seemed to have completely released himself, he no longer hid any means, and his will to fight and kill was on fire.

From being promoted to the Ancestral God Realm to now, this was the first time Chen Xi fought so recklessly and recklessly.

If Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Wang Zhong, and the others were here, they would definitely be able to find that compared to Chen Xi's performance in the Dao Contest, at this moment, he was a completely different person, and the fighting power he exhibited , stronger than ever.


Chen Xi's figure was like a shuttle, surrounded by blazing divine brilliance, looking down and powerful, he charged across the group of witches and beasts, causing blood to splatter and stumps to be thrown away.

Looking from a distance, his whole body is like a sharp knife, stabbing fiercely into the crowd of enemies, killing continuously, and wherever he passes, he is unrivaled and invincible!

All of a sudden, this piece of starry sky seemed to be transformed into a purgatory slaughterhouse, filled with blood, screaming and screaming endlessly.





Sword intent intertwined.

A series of horrific scenes are being staged, shocking!


Blossoming holy and pure white divine flames are burning, blooming in the battlefield like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, adding a mysterious and poignant color.

The uncontrolled corpses were burning and incinerated. Not long after, voices echoed in the battlefield.

"Thank you, my fellow Daoist!"

"Thank you, my fellow Daoist!"

"Thank you..."

There was a sense of relief in every voice, as if after endless years of torture, Jiuquan could finally smile at this moment.

But hearing these voices stimulated Chen Xi's killing intent to become stronger, his heart became more and more panicked, and his fighting methods became more and more fierce.

As time passed, Chen Xi's clothes were stained with blood, and the surface of the sword talisman that was originally filled with chaotic energy was also bleeding, bright red and translucent.

It's all the blood of the witch beast, the blood of the enemy, it's too thick to melt away!

until later—

Chen Xi's whole body was like a killing puppet, completely devoid of emotional fluctuations, and only had a biting murderous intent.

He seemed tireless, always in a fierce and powerful state.

He even forgot his own situation and everything in the world.

If you feel dissatisfied - you should be killed!When catharsis!

In this state, he didn't realize that his sword practice was improving at a rapid speed under the tempering of this battle.

His Dao Xin cultivation base has also become stronger and purer through the tempering of blood and fire, and there are faint signs of a breakthrough!


This battle was indeed too unimaginable.

The opponent is thousands of witches and beasts comparable to the ancestral gods, densely packed and mighty, like an army pressing down on the land.

And here, there are only Chen Xi and A Liang.

However, by virtue of their own power, the two staged a scene that was almost a counterattack, as if they were invincible and invincible!

After a full stick of incense time.


Thick scarlet blood sprayed, broken limbs fell off, and a mammoth-like tall witch was crushed by a sword. Before it could scream, it fell into a sea of ​​holy white flames. It was killed on the spot and incinerated. empty.

Chen Xi was about to continue his action, but only then did he realize that there was no longer an opponent to be found in the arena!

This made him startled, and turned his head away.

Then I saw a blood-stained starry sky, broken, chaotic, and devastated, and the smell of death was everywhere.

Blossoming holy white divine flames bloomed in it, but cast a layer of mystery on the poignant blood color.

"Thank you, my fellow Daoist!"

At this moment, the corpse of the last ascetic was completely incinerated, and a voice of gratitude resounded like relief.


Chen Xi let out a long breath of foul air.

The originally indifferent and stern expression returned to calm again, and the hostility, blockage, and resentment in his heart... were all completely vented.

At this moment, his clothes were soaked in blood, and the surface of the sword in his palm was still bleeding, but his temperament had completely changed.

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