divine talisman

Chapter 1920 Unparalleled Chance

About to break through!

Chen Xi was keenly aware that the Qi mechanism in his body had reached an unprecedented level of perfection in the Ancestral God Realm, and he was even faintly ready to move, almost out of control.

This is a sign of advancement to the Emperor Realm.

Not only that, even his kendo cultivation base is only a thread away at this moment, and he can reach the level of the Sword Emperor Four Heavens!

And the cultivation of Dao Heart has also been significantly improved. If Chen Xi's prediction is correct, the moment he really steps into the Domain Master Realm, his Dao Heart cultivation will definitely be able to advance to the fourth training level of the [Original Heart Sutra].

This is the benefit of actual combat.

Ever since he was promoted to the late stage of the Ancestor God, Chen Xi has been cultivating and comprehending, and almost all the strength in his body has reached perfection.

Later, when he participated in the Dao Contest, because of the rules, he had not been able to fully display his own combat power, and it was inevitable that he felt a little restrained.

But just now, he threw away all these rules and regulations, completely released his true self, and fully displayed his potential.

Under such circumstances, both his state of mind and combat power have been tempered and sharpened by a rare opportunity.

If it wasn't for the goal of advancing to the domain master realm, with Chen Xi's current state, he would be able to easily cross the promotion threshold and achieve the might of an emperor in one fell swoop!


In the end, Chen Xi still suppressed this impending promotion opportunity. He hadn't refined the original power of the domain yet, so he naturally didn't want to break through.

"Ah Liang, are you alright?"

Chen Xi suddenly noticed that Ah Liang's breath was a little sluggish, his pretty face was pale, and he couldn't help but feel his heart tense, and asked aloud.

"Young master, don't be nervous, Ah Liang is just a little tired, and he will recover after taking a rest."

A Liang said lightly.

"Ah Liang, thank you very much."

Chen Xi knew very well that if this little girl hadn't made a move this time, he would undoubtedly lose this battle.

Because when those witches and beasts manipulated the corpses of ascetics to fight, the combat power they displayed was comparable to the existence of emperors.

Moreover, it is equivalent to the existence of thousands of emperors!

If it wasn't for the God-beating Drum and Fenyan Scepter in Ah Liang's hands, which were so incomparable that they could completely force those witches and beasts out, this battle would definitely not end in victory.

"My lord, you...you don't want to be polite to Ah Liang anymore."

Ah Liang lowered his head, seemed ashamed and embarrassed.

Chen Xi smiled: "Ah Liang, then you should have a good rest and leave everything else to me."


Ah Liang nodded fiercely, then sat cross-legged inside Chen Xi's ear, and calmly adjusted his breath.

But at this time, Chen Xi's gaze was already looking at the starry sky far away, where there was a shadow like a curtain covering the sky, revealing an indescribable mystery.


Without any hesitation, Chen Xi's figure flickered and swept over there.

Before, he broke through a violent ocean transformed by the forbidden power, killed countless army of witches and beasts, and finally arrived here smoothly.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi became more and more curious, what was hidden in that shadow, and there were so many dangers blocking it?

Chen Xi knew very well that if it were anyone else, or even an existence in the Dao Master Realm who came here, he might not be able to easily overcome this many dangers like himself.

Even, the berserk area transformed by the forbidden power alone is enough to deter most people from going beyond the thunder pool.

And the more this happened, the more unusual the shadow area became.


Soon, the shadow of the starry sky was gradually outlined in Chen Xi's field of vision, becoming more and more clear.

That is?

After a while, Chen Xi suddenly stopped, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and a ray of divine light burst out.

I saw that in the shadow of the starry sky, one after another, the origin of the domain like a chaotic light ball was distributed.

A total of nine.

Each of them exudes a thick and pure incomparable domain atmosphere, which is so rich that it seems to be real, making people look at it as if they are witnessing a "little chaos" world!

No, it's nine seats!

They are suspended there, standing still, but full of vitality, like the origin of all things, the core of the realm.

The huge shadow in the starry sky is exactly the shadow cast by the origin of these nine realms!

At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a bit of shock in his heart.

The origin of the nine domains echoes each other from a distance, as if they are one. How is this a domain that produces so many original powers?

It's incredible!

Who could have imagined that such a supreme opportunity would be hidden in this murderous and extremely dangerous realm?

The most important thing is that even Chen Xi didn't expect that this time, due to the ground collapse, he was unintentionally drawn into a space of starry sky, but by coincidence, he gave himself such a big surprise.

This was indeed too unexpected.

"If they are completely refined, what amazing realm power will they produce?"

Chen Xi murmured in his heart, but his pair of black eyes became brighter and brighter.


Chen Xi summoned Gu Yan out.

"My God! This is..."

As soon as he saw the scene in the distance, Gu Yan couldn't help being stunned and shocked, all of this also exceeded his imagination.

"We will enter it together later, how much can be refined."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and made a sound slowly.

But before the voice fell, he seemed to be aware of something, and he was stunned, his brows were furrowed, as if he had encountered a huge problem.

"Uncle Master, what's wrong?"

Gu Yan couldn't help asking.

"It seems a little difficult to deal with the forbidden power that is densely distributed around the origin of that domain."

Chen Xi pondered for a while, then finally gritted his teeth and said, "You wait, I'll try it."


Chen Xi jumped forward, and when he was thousands of feet away from the shadowy starry sky, he stopped, and then his expression became serious.


The secret pattern of the forbidden path in the soul was rotated, releasing obscure power fluctuations, which spread out suddenly, pierced time and space, and rushed fiercely towards the distant void.


What is shocking is that there seems to be an iron wall around the origin of the domain, and the secret pattern of the forbidden path collided with it, causing a violent vibration, but it was not broken!

To be precise, it is not a solid wall, but a substantial bane and tribulation force!

Completely different from what I have seen before, this time the Forbidden Dao Tribulation Power covering here is filled with a concise, thick, and unrivaled aura.

It's like an unbreakable checkpoint, blocking the origin of the realm!

With the power of Chen Xi's forbidden path secret pattern, it was actually difficult to break it open.

"How could this be..."

Chen Xi frowned tightly, and tried again a few times, but found that there was still no progress, which made his mood suddenly sink.

If you can't break through this forbidden power, don't think about refining the origin of the realm!

"Master Uncle..."

Gu Yan approached and was about to say something, but Chen Xi waved his hand to stop him: "Let me try again."

When he was speaking, he took a deep breath, sacrificed the sword talisman with a clang, and then circulated his own power of forbidden path secret patterns, pouring into the sword talisman.


The sword talisman uttered a clear chant, and there were obscure and mysterious power fluctuations on the surface, which made people palpitate.

This is the first time that Gu Yan has seen the power of the secret lines of the Forbidden Dao, and at this moment, he only feels that the Dao Intent he has mastered has become stagnant, as if being suppressed.

This shocked him, subconsciously took two steps back, and the abnormalities around him disappeared. He couldn't help but secretly surprised, the power mastered by his uncle is really mysterious!


Chen Xi held the sword, and slashed away.

clack clack...

There was only a burst of violent collision and friction, and the impenetrable forbidden power was broken little by little, making it very difficult.

Chen Xi's expression froze immediately, he gritted his teeth and used his strength, shook the sword talisman violently, and the sword edge pushed forward a certain distance again.

But it still looks very inconspicuous.

The area covered by the forbidden power is thousands of feet away. If we advance at this speed, we don't know when we will be able to break through a passage.

The most important thing is that while the sword energy is advancing, the crack that was originally split did not take long to heal again.

It feels like a sword cut into the lake, and just as a crack is opened, the water wave closes up again.

In such cases, there is no way to pass.

This made Chen Xi's face darken again, and he withdrew the sword talisman with a clang, and stopped fighting recklessly.

How to do?

Chen Xi frowned, and deduced various methods in his mind, but in the end he had no choice but to find that if he wanted to bring Gu Yan along, there was almost no hope.

"Master Uncle, if you are alone, can you force your way through?"

Gu Yan asked suddenly.

Chen Xi was thinking to himself, when he heard the words, he replied casually, "Of course."

As soon as the words fell, he immediately understood what Gu Yan meant, and couldn't help frowning: "Don't think about it, there are nine sources of realms in the distance. It would be a pity to keep you here."

This time, Gu Yan did not obey Chen Xi's order, but looked directly at Chen Xi, and said, "Master Uncle, this opportunity is indeed once in a thousand years, but if you miss this opportunity because of me, then I will Regret forever."

After a pause, he continued: "And if you seize this opportunity and achieve the realm of the domain master, you can help me find another origin of the domain in the future, and there is no need to be in a dilemma here."

Chen Xi remained silent. He was very clear that what Gu Yan said was true, but he couldn't bear to let him leave Gu Yan like this.

Suddenly, his heart moved, and he said: "I will take you into the body of the universe, and try again to see if it works."

Gu Yan was startled, and before he had time to react, he was swept by a force and entered Chen Xi's body.


The sword scribbles are clear, and the surface overflows with the mysterious and obscure power of the forbidden path secret pattern.

Chen Xi stepped forward with his sword in hand, charging again.

Kacha Kacha~~

A crack soon appeared in the Forbidden Dao Tribulation Power.

But just when Chen Xi's figure flashed and he was about to rush into it, he felt a surge of overwhelming force crashing into him.

Then, he flew out uncontrollably, the universe in his body was shaken, and he couldn't help but open his mouth to spit again. The next moment, Gu Yan's figure staggered and flew out.

Almost at the same time, Ah Liang, who was calmly adjusting his breath in the pinna of Chen Xi's ear, also let out a scream, and flew out backwards in embarrassment.

Chen Xi was terrified, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes suddenly looked at the origin of the realm in the distance, as if he couldn't believe it.

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