divine talisman

Chapter 1921 9 Refining Star Domain

Chen Xi's expression was a little startled and uncertain.

The power that attacked him just now was not the forbidden power, but a kind of supreme heavenly aura densely distributed in this domain.

It was as if he had noticed the abnormality in him, and he didn't want him to get close to the source of that domain, which seemed incredible.

Almost at the same time, a thought popped up in Chen Xi's mind - "One domain cannot tolerate two masters"!

This idea appeared out of nowhere like a whim, but it made Chen Xi confirm one thing all of a sudden, there was no longer any hope of taking Gu Yan to carve up the origin of the nine realms.

Both Gu Yan and A Liang were in shock. They were caught off guard when they were blown away just now, and they couldn't react until now.

What exactly happened just now?

The two were puzzled.

Soon, Chen Xi no longer kept secrets, and stated his speculations one by one, finally sighed, and said, "Gu Yan, this time I can only wrong you first."

When Gu Yan heard about this result, he seemed particularly relaxed, and said with a smile, "Master Uncle, this can't be called a grievance. You'd better act quickly and refine the origin of the realm as soon as possible."

"That's right, young master, you'd better go quickly, otherwise things will change later."

A Liang also persuaded from the side.

Chen Xi nodded, and said: "Then you stay here first, and when I succeed completely, I will take you away together."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, took off the "Lingxu Treasure Clothes" he was wearing, and handed it to Gu Yan to let him defend himself.

Then, he took a deep breath, sacrificed the sword talisman, and charged away again.

clack clack...

The sword talisman is wrapped in the power of the obscure forbidden path secret lines, like a sharp cone, it forcibly breaks through the forbidden path tribulation force, and advances little by little.

And Chen Xizhou's body was also shrouded in a layer of forbidden path secret pattern power, and he began to move forward along the broken crack.

At this moment, he was like riding a small boat, rushing against the stormy waves, pushing forward little by little, which seemed quite difficult.

And it is extremely dangerous, because if the boat capsizes and falls into the sea, it will be the end of death!

Looking at this scene, Gu Yan and A Liang couldn't help becoming nervous, silently praying for Chen Xi in their hearts.



The soul was trembling, releasing circle after circle of forbidden path secret pattern power, and then pervaded Chen Xi's whole body and the sword talisman.

At this moment, Chen Xi's expression was calm and focused, he was almost using his whole body cultivation, and he didn't dare to be negligent in any way.

Five feet.

ten feet.

fifty feet.

One hundred feet.


As he advanced, Chen Xi's aura gradually became heavier, beads of sweat dripped from his forehead, and he seemed to be struggling a bit.

He could clearly perceive that his power was rapidly passing away, especially the power of the forbidden path secret pattern, which had also consumed most of it.

But Chen Xi couldn't care less about these, and there was no turning back at all, because behind him, the cracks that were originally opened had long since recovered.

In other words, even if Chen Xi seemed to be returning at this moment, he had to open a new passage again.

What's more, Chen Xi has never wavered in his determination from the beginning to the end. Facing this supreme opportunity in front of him, no matter how high the price is, he must seize it!

Two hundred feet.

Three hundred feet.

Five hundred feet.


As he got closer and closer to the origin of that domain, Chen Xi's condition became worse and worse.

At this moment, his whole body was drenched in cold sweat, his handsome face was pale, and his breath showed faint signs of weakness.

Only a pair of black eyes remained firm without any fluctuation.

All of this is simply more difficult and dangerous than a confrontation with a top expert. Chen Xi even doubts that the power he is using now is probably enough to cross borders to fight against the existence of the emperor realm!

But now, Chen Xi could only grit his teeth and persist, not daring to slack off.

He knows that if he wants to obtain greater opportunities, he has to pay a greater price and take greater risks.

The supreme opportunity in front of me is absolutely rare in the world, and it is not comparable to other realm sources.

But this also means that if Chen Xi wants to control it, he must pay a greater price than others!

As time passed, Chen Xi's forward speed became slower and slower, his vision began to become blurred, and his soul felt a swelling and tingling feeling, as if he couldn't hold on and was about to be broken.

This is a sign of excessive consumption of soul power!

When Chen Xi was still nearly a hundred feet away from the origin of the realm, even the power of the forbidden path secret pattern was almost exhausted.

If such a thing happens, after losing the protection of the power of the forbidden path secret patterns, Chen Xi will immediately be haunted by the forbidden path tribulation power!

Such consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

But Chen Xi has no turning back, relying on that stubborn and tenacious will, he is still moving forward, no matter how dangerous it is, he can only move forward!


keep moving forward.

Chen Xi even forgot how dangerous his own state was, and there was only one thought in his mind, and that was to take the origin of that distant realm as his own!

He is so eager, persistent and focused!

His seven orifices began to bleed, his Qi began to become disordered, his energy began to decline, and his soul was about to explode...

But he didn't seem to notice it, and he still walked forward, looking extremely firm.

Gu Yan and A Liang, who had been paying attention to all this from a distance, were already tense, and their hearts were churning with unspeakable complex emotions.

There is shock, reverence, worry, and anxiety...

But they were already powerless to stop anything, because they also saw that Chen Xi at this moment had no turning back.

Either rush over.


Killed by the forbidden power!

Gu Yan and A Liang can only pray in their hearts, that they will be safe and sound, and that there will be no accidents.


After an unknown amount of time, Chen Xi's consciousness also began to become blurred, and an uncontrollable sense of powerlessness spread throughout his body.

It seems that as soon as he relaxes, he will immediately fall asleep!

Since he was promoted to the Ancestral God Realm, it was the first time he had fought to such a tragic level. The breath of dying seemed to be close at hand.

At this moment, he was already overwhelmed by the burden, and he was supported by an outstanding and tenacious will.

But what makes people desperate is that even though Chen Xi has fought to such a degree, there are still more than 30 meters of forbidden road tribulation force blocking him.

Suddenly, Chen Xi stood still, coughed up a mouthful of blood, and his complexion suddenly turned ashen.

Is it going to be unbearable?

Gu Yan and A Liang's hearts were seized suddenly, and their pupils shrank.

But in just a moment, in their field of vision, Chen Xi's figure moved again, striding forward, but it seemed extremely difficult.

It seems that for him now, every step he takes is as difficult as reaching the sky!

"If this continues, Master Uncle..."

Gu Yan's expression was extremely serious, and there was a tremor in his voice, and he couldn't bear to say any more.

But at this time, Ah Liang had already looked away, unable to bear to look any longer.


Suddenly, Gu Yan seemed to have noticed something, and a gleam of light burst out of his pupils, "Master Uncle, he..."

"What happened to him, son?"

Ah Liang quickly looked over, and when he saw the scene in the distance clearly, he couldn't help being stunned.

I saw that Chen Xi's footsteps were gradually speeding up, as if he had regained his vitality, and his whole body was filled with an indescribable vitality.

Suddenly, both Gu Yan and A Liang cheered up!



Strange fluctuations spread in Chen Xi's sea of ​​consciousness. It was the power from the fragments of the river map, and it had awakened from the silence at some point.

Under the nourishment of this force, Chen Xi's spirit, qi, essence, qi, and spirit all glowed with a burst of vitality, not only returning to the original state, but also stronger than before.

Especially the Forbidden Path secret pattern, which was already dull and dull, but now it seems to have been tempered again, with a dazzling and dreamy luster, shiny and clear, and the power released is much stronger than before. cut!

At this moment, Chen Xi's seven orifices stopped bleeding, his pale face returned to its original state, and his vague consciousness became clear and firm.

It's like rebirth from Nirvana!

"Thank you."

Chen Xi murmured silently in his heart, he knew that this time, the power of the fragments of the river map helped him once again.


The next moment, the sword talisman in his palm released the radiance of the sky, and with a light wave, all the forbidden powers in front of him were cut away, revealing a spacious passage!

With a whoosh, Chen Xi's figure rushed over, leaped into the origin of a realm, and disappeared.


Gu Yan and A Liang let out a long breath at the same time, their originally tense bodies completely relaxed, and only then did they realize that their palms were sweating, and they couldn't help but smile at each other.

"Ah Liang, let's hide for now, in case something unexpected happens."

Gu Yan took a deep breath, and calmly said, "After Master and Uncle come out of the retreat, we will be able to leave this ghostly place."


A Liang nodded fiercely.


In the deepest part of the chaotic ruins, the sky and the earth are blood red, and there is no sound.

Here stands an ancient and magnificent black temple, which seems to have been baptized by endless years, full of vicissitudes.


Suddenly, a cold and terrifying idea suddenly spread out from the black and magnificent temple.

"How many years have passed, and someone actually broke the shackles of the 'Nine Refinements Starfield'! It seems that the opportunity to change your fate against the sky seems to be really coming..."

"Go and find out, which side of the five poles of the imperial domain is the heir to this step, remember not to startle the snake!"


A figure dressed in black and wearing a cloak suddenly appeared in front of the temple, bowed and saluted: "Disciple, go now."

Then, the black-clothed figure disappeared again.

"Hehe, fate is unpredictable, and luck is unpredictable. As long as you seize this opportunity, you may be able to find the real ultimate mystery!"

That icy-cold and terrifying thought let out a sigh of emotion, and then fell silent, disappearing into the black temple.


A gust of wind and cloud changed, and a blood-colored light curtain suddenly descended between the sky and the earth, covering the area and disappearing together with the black temple.

When I looked again, I could no longer find any trace of the existence of the black temple, and there was only a mysterious and empty world.

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