divine talisman

Chapter 1922 The origin of refining



As soon as he entered the origin of that realm, for an instant, Chen Xi felt as if he had entered a dream.

He dreamed that he was flying in a starry sky, unrestrained, and his ears were full of whistling wind.

He saw billions of bright stars twinkling, releasing a blurred and dreamy luster.

He saw comets piercing the darkness one after another, bursting out dazzling and beautiful flames in the boundless starry sky.


keep flying.

This was an extremely strange feeling. At this moment, Chen Xi even forgot everything, and there was no more thought in his mind.

Just like a newborn baby, he is observing everything he encounters with an "ignorant" gaze.

The vast starry sky, the bright stars, the whistling meteorites... everything is so familiar, yet so strange.

This familiarity comes from the experience deep in his soul.

This kind of strangeness is because he suddenly discovered that everything in the starry sky he saw at this time was so different, and he couldn't tell what the specific difference was.

This is a wonderful feeling of muddleheadedness, indistinctness, and vagueness, which is hard to describe, but can only be felt in the heart.

Thus, Chen Xi stopped thinking, and was unable to think, just like a ignorant and ignorant child who was traveling through the starry sky with curiosity, not knowing what to say or what to say, but pure appreciation and amazement in his eyes.

At this moment, Chen Xi completely forgot who he was.

Forget the chaotic ruins, forget the companions around you, and even forget that you are in the origin of a realm...

This day, this place, this person, this past, this present life, this future... It seems that all of them no longer exist, and there is no longer any fetters in my heart.



The starry sky was boundless, and Chen Xi kept flying forward, as if being led by an invisible big hand, all the way forward, and gradually, he came to a dark and empty area.

It was empty, silent, starless, empty.

But in Chen Xi's eyes at this moment, he saw a series of clear divine chains densely covering this space, like dense, criss-crossing, densely packed.

Every chain of clear color carries a burst of vitality, and releases a near-perfect mysterious charm.

They are like strands of light, floating and circulating, covering this empty and silent space.

They are so detailed, beautiful, and perfect that Chen Xi couldn't help but hold his breath and feel a great shock.

The enchantment of the domain!

In an instant, there was an explosion like thunder inexplicably in his heart, and these four words instantly appeared in Chen Xi's mind!

Obviously, those divine chains that are clear, beautiful and perfect, and full of lively charm are the enchantment power of a domain.


Before Chen Xi could think about it, the vision in front of him suddenly changed.

The next moment, he suddenly came to a chaotic area, where every inch of void was filled with a primitive and ancient aura.

Then, a speck of dust floated into view, so small, so subtle, that it was impossible to see it at all.

But at this moment, tiny dust suddenly occupied all of Chen Xi's field of vision.

At this moment, an invisible force was circulating, and that speck of dust quickly became the size of a gravel, and then changed from a gravel to a stone...

From a rock, it became a mountain again.

From the mountains, it became a continuous mountain system...

In the blink of an eye, it seems like billions of years have passed.

With a flick of a finger, it is already a sea of ​​vicissitudes.

Even Chen Xi didn't know whether it was an instant or billions of years.

He only saw that that speck of dust has now turned into the embryonic form of a star!

He didn't even have time to marvel, this star has become countless times bigger, exuding a rich but infinite breath of life.

Then, there were wind, cloud, thunder and lightning on the stars, the earth, mountains and rivers, and the change of all things, the four seasons alternate...

A speck of dust turned into a brilliant star!

At this moment, a sudden understanding appeared in Chen Xi's mind again: "The power of a realm, from small to large, its source is chaos, and its origin is stars!"


There was no time to comprehend it, and there was no time to think about it. For a split second, Chen Xi felt his whole body tremble, and a wave of thoughts suddenly surged out of his originally blank mind.

His thoughts, memories, experiences, past... everything was restored in an instant!

Then, Chen Xi suddenly woke up from this dreamlike situation.

It's just that in my heart, there are many more insights than before, many unique and strange insights.

Those comprehensions, the composition of the boundary enchantment, the whole process of the change of the power of the boundary... majestic and vast, like an unspeakable secret, which can only be understood but cannot be announced.

"Where is the avenue, it is a dream in an instant."

Chen Xi murmured, his expression was calm and calm, his eyes were full of deep and bright luster, and he had a transcendent aura.


A surge of surging and vast power surged like a tidal wave and roared, pulling Chen Xi's thoughts back to reality.

It was only then that he noticed that he was standing in a gray area, and looking around, there was the aura of the avenue like a tide everywhere.

That breath is so rich and pure, as if it has substance, it is constantly turbulent, galloping, and tumbling, like a vast ocean filled with infinite vitality.

And Chen Xi himself, like a fish in the ocean, was enveloped and soaked by the Dao!

This is the original power of the realm!

In an instant, Chen Xi made his own judgment, and he even found that every breath he took was absorbing the original power of this domain.

Every inch of his skin released and expanded, cheering the influx of this force, jumping with joy.

And the universe in his body also produced a kind of shock at this moment, billions of stars circulated, time and space distorted, and the power of the realm like a tide began to spread in the universe in his body...

This force of the realm is so vast and pure, and also so terrifying and powerful. In just a moment, Chen Xi felt a swollen and full feeling in his body.

This really surprised Chen Xi, and before he had time to think about it, he suddenly used his cultivation with all his strength, and began to refine this power of the domain.


At this moment, Chen Xi crossed his legs in the air, his waist was straight, his expression was solemn and holy, his whole body released a burst of blazing purple-gold divine radiance, as if he was wrapped in a great way, his momentum was immeasurably magnificent.

As he operated his cultivation base, the universe in his body seemed to be boiling, his energy was burning, and his entire energy mechanism reached an unprecedented peak level.

Soon, the feeling of bulging and fullness subsided a lot.

However, this situation only lasted for less than a moment. As he operated his cultivation base, the power of the realm he absorbed also increased sharply, causing Zhouyu in his body to swell again in just a short cup of tea. a feeling of.

Like a cistern, already full and about to overflow!

But Chen Xi had no time to think about it so much, he knew very well that he had to refine this power with all his strength.

Because this is the original power of the realm, and it is the only chance to advance to the emperor realm and achieve the might of the realm master!

domain owner!

This is the most direct goal of Chen Xi's visit to the Chaotic Forsaken Land this time!



As time passed, the purple-gold divine radiance released from Chen Xi's body became more and more blazing and dazzling, making his whole body dreamlike and giving people an unreal illusion.

But in the outside world, more and more powers of the origin of the domain are gathered, almost like a school of sharks smelling blood, pouring into Chen Xi's body continuously, and then being refined, turning into an even more powerful force constantly cycle……

ten days later.

Zhouyu in his body felt full again, but it was quickly controlled by Chen Xi.

After 30 days.

When this situation happened again, Chen Xi was very familiar with it and handled it skillfully.

fifty days.

one hundred days.

two hundred days.


A full year has passed since Chen Xi entered the origin of this realm. During this period of time, Zhouyu in his body continuously refined the original power of the realm, which made Zhouyu in his body also continuously generate A feeling of fullness.

But in the end, they were all controlled and suppressed by him.

Because Chen Xi knew that the more original power of the realm he accumulated, the more inconceivable effects he would be able to achieve when he advanced to Breakthrough.

Yes, everything is for breaking the border!

Chen Xi has now reached the extreme level of the Ancestral God Consummation Realm, and his whole body tends to be perfect. Long before, he had already felt the aura to advance to the Emperor Realm.

The reason why he is struggling to suppress it is because his goal is not just as simple as the emperor's realm!

The so-called emperor realm is to open up a realm in the body to accommodate more power of the universe, but it cannot control the power of the realm.

And only the domain master can open up a truly perfect domain and master the real power of the domain!

This is like the star field in the chaotic ruins, and the emperor's realm is like an unformed star field, without the enchantment of the field, chaotic and blurred.

The Domain Master Realm is like a formed star domain, with its own domain barrier and its own domain origin, stable and solid, with distinct latitude and longitude!

In short, the only difference between Emperor Realm and Domain Master lies in whether one can master the "power of domain"!

Because of this difference, although the domain master itself exists in the emperor realm, not any emperor realm can become a domain master.

Similarly, the existence of this difference makes it clear at a glance whether the domain master and the emperor are strong or weak.

At this moment, what Chen Xi is pursuing is his own domain master way!

Because as early as before, he had heard more than once that achieving the realm of the domain master not only means having absolute advantages and potential in the same realm, but more importantly, when hitting the Taoist realm, the domain master Have bigger and more opportunities!

This is what Chen Xi really values.

Time passed, and another year passed.


On this day, Chen Xi, who was refining the original power of the realm with all his strength, suddenly felt empty.

Almost at the same time, the original power of the domain from the outside world stopped.

Chen Xi suddenly opened his eyes, only then did he realize that the origin of the realm he was in had been completely refined by him!

However, he did not break through and advance because of this...


ps: Today is the day of my brother's big wedding. I am very happy, but I am also exhausted and drunk, so I will change it for now.

Please understand, because my brother is getting married and there are too many things to prepare. I originally planned to ask for leave for a few days, but it feels like a miracle to be able to keep updating.Don't say that I am not the one who got married, why I am so tired and hard, when you get married, you will understand how busy and tired your family and relatives were in the period before marriage.

He drank too much, and was a little long-winded. Of course, these long-winded words are free of charge. Finally, he bowed his fists and went to sleep first.

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