divine talisman

Chapter 1923 Waiting

It has been two years since Chen Xi retreated.

Gu Yan and A Liang also waited for two years outside the origin of this territory.

Normally, for existences of their level, two years is nothing more than a flick of a finger, nothing at all.

But in this chaotic ruin, the two years are extremely important and precious, and its significance is far beyond comparison.

Because when they came to the Chaotic Remains, they were warned that this operation only had ten years, and at the latest it could only be delayed for another three years. If they could not return after the time limit, they would have no chance to return to the Ancient God Realm!

And after careful calculation, it has not only been two years since entering the Chaotic Relic, but nearly three years!

In other words, after another seven years, no matter whether they achieve their wish in this operation, they can only consider the issue of returning.

But Gu Yan and Ah Liang were not worried about anything.

Now on their side, Tu Meng had already found the origin of a domain and was retreating, and Chen Xi was also in retreat at this time, and because of his cultivation, A Liang didn't need to think about the origin of the domain at all.

Gu Yan was the only one left who hadn't made it this far, so it wasn't a big problem.

At this time, both Gu Yan and A Liang were silently hiding in the dark, holding their breath and staring at the origin of the realm in the distance without blinking.

It can be clearly seen that their expressions are filled with anticipation, their eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and there is a faint excitement that cannot be suppressed.

Because with the passage of time, they clearly saw that the origin of that realm was constantly shrinking and being refined, until now, there was very little left, and they could even vaguely see Chen Xi's figure!

At the moment when the origin of this dao realm is completely refined, can Chen Xi advance to the realm of domain master?

Both Gu Yan and Ah Liang were looking forward to it.


But after only a moment, Gu Yan couldn't help frowning, a little surprised, "Something seems wrong."

"Did you also see that the origin of that domain has been refined by about [-]%, but Young Master, he has no sign of advancing to Breakthrough."

A Liang also frowned, and murmured, "Could it be that something unexpected happened to you when he was refining, young master?"

Gu Yan was a little surprised, a little nervous, and remained silent.

Ah Liang couldn't help but pursed her cherry lips tightly, feeling at a loss.

Soon, under the watchful eyes of the two, the origin of that realm was completely refined, but...Chen Xi did not show any signs of advancement!

How can this be?

The hearts of the two were shocked, unbelievable.

According to common sense, refining the origin of a realm, eight out of ten can take advantage of this opportunity to jump into the domain master realm. This is common sense. This is the case when many domain masters in the ancient gods are promoted. .

But Chen Xi... it seems that an accident happened?


Before the two of them recovered, they saw Chen Xi who was sitting cross-legged abruptly got up, and then rushed towards the origin of a domain in the starry sky on the other side in a flash.

In a blink of an eye, he disappeared.

"I understand!"

Seeing this scene, Gu Yan felt as if he had been slapped in the face, and he cheered up, "In this mysterious realm, there are altogether nine origins of the realm, and now Master Uncle has only refined one origin of the realm, so naturally he can't fully grasp these The power of a realm!"

"I see."

A Liang's starry eyes lit up, and he breathed a long sigh of relief, "I just didn't expect that others would be able to step into the realm of the master of the realm only by refining a realm of origin, but for him, the power of a realm of origin It was surprising that his needs could not be met.”


Gu Yan laughed, and his tone was full of pride, "My little uncle is not comparable to ordinary people. It is because of his extremely solid Daoist foundation that he was able to do this. If it were another cultivator who came here, I am afraid that he would only practice It is their limit to transform the origin of a realm."


Ah Liang seemed to think of something, his star eyes narrowed suddenly, "According to what you said, doesn't it mean that young master must refine all the origins of these nine realms before he can master the power of this realm? "

The origin of the Nine Realms!

What kind of a huge force is that?

With Chen Xi's Dao foundation and cultivation base, is it possible to completely refine them all?

Looking at the past and present, and counting the entire history of practice in the ancient gods, it is almost impossible to find a similar example!

It's so rare.

It can be called unprecedented, unprecedented!

The smile on Gu Yan's face also gradually disappeared, and his heart became inexplicably nervous.

If it is said that by virtue of Chen Xi's power, one, two, three, or even the origin of four realms can be refined, Gu Yan will never have any doubts.

But if it is to refine the origin of the Nine Realms... Gu Yan's confidence can't help being shaken, and he is a little uncertain.

"If this step cannot be achieved, or the young master can only refine a part of the original power of the domain with all his efforts, doesn't this mean that he cannot fully grasp the power of the domain in this domain? If this is the case, he If you want to advance to the domain of the domain master, wouldn't it be... Isn't it..."

The more A Liang talked, the more worried he became in his heart, and he didn't even dare to say any more in the end.

This is an extremely cruel reality.

If one wants to advance to the realm of domain masters, one must fully grasp the original power of this realm, which is the most critical.

In other star realms, there may be only one origin of the realm, but as long as it is refined, it is enough to master the power of the complete realm.

In the current mysterious realm, although it is a rare opportunity to have all the origins of the nine realms, but if you want to completely refine them all and master the complete power of the realm, relatively speaking But it is obviously too difficult.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that once this step is not achieved, I am afraid that the opportunity to advance to the realm of domain master will be lost!

And once such a situation happens, it means that all the hard work Chen Xi has put in in the past two years will be in vain!

This is what Gu Yan and A Liang are most worried about at this time.

"Ah Liang, what kind of person do you think Master Uncle is?"

Gu Yan asked suddenly.

Ah Liang was startled, tilted his head to think for a long time, and then said seriously: "Sir, he is certainly not an ordinary person!"

This is the most succinct evaluation she has come up with after much deliberation. If she elaborates on it, she doesn't know when she will talk about it.

Because in her opinion, Chen Xi had too many shining points.

However, Gu Yan seemed very satisfied with the answer, and said with burning eyes, "That's right, extraordinary people must have extraordinary qualities, and they can do extraordinary things, so they often surprise people and make people unexpected!"

At this moment, Gu Yan seemed to recall the miraculous things that happened to Chen Xi.

Can such a unparalleled existence create another unprecedented and unprecedented miracle this time?

Gu Yan was looking forward to it.

As if affected by Gu Yan's emotions, A Liang's heart became calm and at ease, and he murmured: "Young master, he can definitely..."


After refining the original power of the first realm, Chen Xi almost subconsciously charged into the origin of the second realm.

When he felt the familiar original power of the realm pouring into his body again, Chen Xi felt like he was about to transform into a feather.

He took a deep breath, condensed his mind and released it, kept his sea of ​​consciousness a little bit ethereal, and once again used his cultivation with all his strength, he began to concentrate on refining this force.

Soon, Zhou Yu felt bulging and full again in his body.

But soon, it was controlled by Chen Xi.





... and entered into a cycle of reciprocation.

It's just that this time, as more and more of the original power of the domain is grasped in the body, Chen Xi's refining power is also continuously improved, and the original power of the domain that he absorbs also becomes more and more accordingly.

All of this made him refine the origin of the second realm suddenly faster!

one year later.

The origin of this second realm has been completely refined!


Without hesitation, Chen Xi entered the origin of the third realm.

"The speed has been doubled. When refining the origin of the first realm, Master Uncle spent two years, but this time, it took a year. As long as Master Master can persist, he will refine the realm in the future." The original speed will only get faster and faster!"

Gu Yan, who had been paying attention to all this, said quickly, his heart was looking forward to it even more. He had a premonition that even if his master and uncle encountered difficulties, it would never be now!

"Young master, he can definitely do it!"

Ah Liang murmured, she didn't know how many times she repeated these words in this year, but she didn't seem to realize it, and all her thoughts were on Chen Xi.

Another half year has passed.

This is already the third and a half year for Chen Xi to retreat to the origin of the refining realm.

In the past six months, the origin of the third realm has been completely refined!

Compared with the time it took to refine the origin of the second realm, the speed has undoubtedly been nearly doubled.

Three months later.

The origin of the fourth realm is refined.

A month later.

The origin of the fifth realm is refined.

But when he started refining the origin of the sixth realm, Chen Xi's speed slowed down instead, as if he had encountered some difficulty.

This time, he spent half a year.

When refining the origin of the seventh realm, Chen Xi's speed became more and more slow. A full year had passed before he completely refined the origin of the seventh realm.

It was also in this year that both Gu Yan and A Liang remained silent, and there was an indelible tension in their hearts.

Both of them could see that it wasn't that Chen Xi's refining method had become weaker, but that it had almost reached the limit that his body could bear, and it was almost unable to accommodate more original power of the realm!

"Now there are only the origins of the eighth and ninth realms left. As long as Master Uncle perseveres, he will surely succeed!"

Gu Yan prayed silently in his heart.

"Five years and five months have passed since your son entered the retreat, and nearly six and a half years have passed since we entered the chaotic ruins, and there are only a little more than three years left before we return. ..."

Ah Liang was silently calculating the time, because for the current Chen Xi, the amount of time was really crucial and important!

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