divine talisman

Chapter 1924 Heaven's Will

The time went back to before Chen Xi and the others encountered the "Sacred Witch Altar".

That is, nearly six years ago, when Li Lufeng, a Taoist disciple, became the first person to set foot in the realm of the domain master.

At that time, Chen Xi and the others had just arrived at the ice field full of wind and snow.


Li Lufeng became the existence of the domain master, and his power was completely different from before, full of majesty, far surpassing others.

Naturally, he replaced Yechen and Yu Jiuyue as the leader of the Taoist descendants, and led a group of people to start an operation to search for the starry sky.

But in just one month, Yechen and Yu Jiuyue parted ways with Li Lufeng and his party because of a dispute, and started to act alone.

This dispute is also due to the competition for the original power of a domain, which was first discovered by Nuwa Palace Kong Youran and his party.

According to Yechen's plan, he never wanted to have a conflict with Nuwa Palace and his party at such a moment, but he never expected that Li Lufeng, who had advanced to the Domain Master Realm, would no longer take his opinion seriously. Nuwa Palace Kong Youran and his party started the killing.

In the end, although Yechen and Yu Jiuyue tried their best to stop him, a descendant of Nuwa Palace still died tragically in the hands of Li Lufeng.

The rest of Kong Youran and his party were forced to flee, and the original power of this domain was naturally snatched by the Taoist heirs.

Under such circumstances, Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue were naturally extremely dissatisfied with Li Lufeng's actions, but at the same time, Li Lufeng also showed anger and disdain for them, because according to his point of view, if Ye Chen and the two did not stop them, nothing but Apart from Shi Yu, who has long since searched for the origin of a domain and is retreating, the entire group of Nuwa Palace will be wiped out.

When the conflict between the two parties was fierce and could not be resolved, Yechen and Yu Jiuyue chose to part ways.

To their dismay, when they left, the other two disciples of the Taoist Academy did not plan to act with them, but chose to cooperate with Li Lufeng.

Obviously, these two Taoist disciples took a fancy to the power and influence possessed by Li Lufeng, who has been promoted to the domain master realm.


The first year since then was also the first year when Chen Xi entered that mysterious star field and began to retreat.

Donghuang Yinxuan broke through and came out, achieving the realm of the domain master!

From that moment on, all the successors of the Divine Academy followed behind Donghuang Yinxuan and launched an operation to search for the new star space.


Chen Xi retreated for the second year.

Kong leisurely looking for a new starry sky realm, and began to retreat to refine the original power of the realm.

At the same time, in this year, Yechen also obtained a new domain and entered the retreat, and Yu Jiuyue started to act alone.


Chen Xi was in retreat for the third year.

Leng Xingsoul advanced to the realm of domain masters, broke through and led the remaining three disciples of the Supreme Sect to start a new operation.


Chen Xi had closed himself for the fourth year.

So many things happened this year, first of all, Shenyan Mountain disciple Tu Meng broke through and achieved the realm of domain master!

But soon, Tu Meng clashed with Li Lufeng and his party on the way to search for Chen Xi. The duel between the two domain masters caused a heinous disaster.

In the end, seeing that Tu Meng was going to kill Li Lufeng with a clear advantage, he was attacked by Donghuang Yinxuan who heard the news, and fled with serious injuries.

As for why Donghuang Yinxuan would help Li Lufeng and his party, Tu Meng also couldn't figure it out, but in his heart he had already classified the disciples of the Taoist Academy as enemies like the Supreme Sect and the Divine Academy.

It was also this year that Canaan, the holy son of the Buddhist sect, searched for a new starry sky realm and began to retreat.


Chen Xi had closed himself for the fifth year.

Disasters suddenly fell in the chaotic ruins, and the blood radiated into the sky, causing losses to the heirs of the four major forces of the Supreme Master, the Temple of God, the Nuwa Palace, and the Taoist Temple.

On the side of the Supreme Sect, another descendant was damaged and died tragically in a bloody storm. With the power of Leng Xinghun's domain master realm, it was too late to save him.

So far, including Leng Xinghun, there are only three successors left on the Supreme Sect's side.

On the side of the temple, a descendant fell into a chaotic star field and completely lost his trace.

If this successor is ignored, there are only four people left in the temple.

On the side of Nuwa Palace, another successor was also lost, but he did not die in a natural disaster, but at the hands of Leng Xinghun.

If Shi Yu, who broke through the barrier, hadn't arrived in time, another Nuwa Palace descendant would have been brutally murdered by Leng Xinghun.

So far, there are only three successors left in Nuwa Palace, and one of them, Kong Youran, is still in retreat.

On the Taoist side, one of Li Lufeng's two companions was unfortunately entangled in the forbidden power when he entered the source of a domain, and died on the spot.

So far, including Yechen and Yu Jiuyue, there are still four descendants left in the Taoist Academy.

All in all, this is the land of chaos, no matter how supernatural your roots and cultivation are, you will inevitably die in an accident in the face of the cruel competition of the enemy and the extremely dangerous and murderous situation!


Chen Xi closed himself for the sixth year.

Wang Zhong, who had been flying and searching in the chaotic ruins, came to a sinister mountain covered with blood-colored vines, and disappeared without a trace.

On the day when Wang Zhong disappeared, a vision of heaven and earth suddenly appeared in this dangerous and deep mountain. At that time, bloody thunder and lightning flickered, and rain of blood poured down. After seven days and seven nights, it disappeared.

At the same time, Leng Xinghun's group and Donghuang Yinxuan's group gathered together and came to a snowy field full of wind and snow.

Chen Xi and the others had also been to that snowy field back then...

As if it was God's will in the dark, Tu Meng, who had just recovered from his injuries, also came to hit this snowfield, and met Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and his group by mistake.

A battle inevitably broke out.

Whether it is Leng Xinghun or Donghuang Yinxuan, they are all existing in the realm of domain masters. Under the attack of the two, Tu Meng is very aware of how dangerous his situation is.

Even, he has already embraced the heart of mortalism and worked hard.

However, this battle only lasted halfway before it was broken by an accident.

The land of the snow field seemed unable to withstand the destructive power of the domain master, and finally cracked and collapsed, exposing a huge unfathomable abyss!

Immediately, before everyone had time to react, they were engulfed by an irresistible huge force of swallowing and sucking, and were drawn into that abyss.

Tumon was lucky, because of this accident, a murder was avoided.

Tumon was also unlucky. He even regretted coming to the snow field just now, because he suddenly discovered that under the abyss was a mysterious and murderous star field.

Not only he came by himself, but Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and his group also came!

Under such circumstances, he still couldn't escape the fate of being besieged...

Tu Meng was not reconciled, he tried his best to escape, and moved at full speed in this mysterious star field. During this process, he was almost overtaken more than once, and he paid a lot for it.

And then, something that made Tumon regret happened——

Because he saw a piece of the origin of the realm, and there was a figure sitting cross-legged in the origin of the realm, that figure was so familiar, it was his master uncle Chen Xi!

If it was just that, Tu Meng would not regret coming here at all, because he knew that even if Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan joined forces, they would not be able to break through the forbidden power that surrounded the origin of this domain.

What really made him regret was that he suddenly discovered that Gu Yan and A Liang were guarding the origin of this domain!

This is simply tantamount to attracting a group of tigers and wolves here, putting Gu Yan and A Liang's lives at risk!

Tu Meng wanted to slap himself to death, and couldn't even tell whether he was lucky or unlucky this time.

It's just a snowy field, it's unfortunate that I ran into Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and his group by mistake.

Then a big battle broke out, and an accident happened, which made him involved in this mysterious star field under the abyss, and indirectly resolved the murder, which was considered lucky.

But in the end, he found that not only could he not escape the fate of being hunted down, but he even involved Gu Yan and A Liang in this hunt. This is a great misfortune!


Gu Yan and A Liang were originally hiding in the dark, but when they saw Tu Meng appearing, the two of them couldn't hold back, and they both showed up to greet them.

But when they found that Tumeng looked embarrassed and had many injuries all over his body, the excitement and joy in their hearts were reduced by most of them.

Especially when they saw Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and his party chasing after him from a distance, their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley.


After listening to Tumeng's anxious and regretful thought transmission, both Gu Yan and A Liang realized that a catastrophe could happen at any time!

How to do?

There was no hope of escaping at all.

Even Tu Meng, who was promoted to domain master, was hunted down so embarrassingly, let alone the two of them?

Similarly, they could not expect any help from Chen Xi who was retreating, because the current Chen Xi also encountered great difficulties.

In front of Chen Xi, there are still two origins of domains that have not yet been refined. Going out at this time will not only waste all previous efforts, but also, Chen Xi, who has not advanced to the domain master level, will not be able to do so at all if he exits at that time. It might be Leng Xinghun's opponent!

They couldn't escape, and they couldn't count on Chen Xi at all, which made Gu Yan, A Liang, and Tu Meng all look bad.

This feeling is like a trapped beast, and there seems to be no chance of escape.

"Unexpectedly, this fellow Chen Xi is really amazing. He actually found such a mysterious star field. Who would have thought that there is actually a formed star field hidden under the land of this chaotic ruin? It's amazing, it's really amazing, Even I have some admiration for him."

Accompanied by a burst of stern laughter, Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan came together. Their gazes only swept across Gu Yan and the three of them, and they fell on the source of the distant realm at the same time. There is a touch of admiration in it.

But Gu Yan and the others didn't think that was a compliment to Chen Xi!


ps: Grandly help fellow Hanfeng Fujianda to advertise. Hanfengda's writing style is delicate and steady, quite ancient. He used to be a powerful author who wrote historical novels. This time he transformed into fantasy. The new book "The Way of the Dragon" is now in urgent need of collection and review Click, if you are interested in children's shoes, you must take a look, bookmark and recommend it~~ You can see it by searching the word "Strong Dragon Road" in Zongheng.

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