divine talisman

Chapter 1925 Humiliation

At this moment, Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan looked very arrogant, with a posture of winning and defiant.

But this is also a kind of self-confidence, the pride of being in the domain master realm!

What is a domain owner?

Controlling the universe, reversing yin and yang, using the power of a domain for your own use, surpassing the emperor, and placing it in the ancient gods, it is simply a dominant existence!

Now, both Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan have successfully promoted to domain masters, their power and power are naturally different from before.

At this moment, in their eyes, the existence of the Ancestral God Realm is no different from that of a small ant!

Tu Meng's face was ashen, but he was not out of anger because of it. He knew very well that neither Gu Yan nor A Liang could help at all at this moment, so he waved his hands and hid the two of them in his body. in the world.

Regarding this, Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan disagreed. In their opinion, no matter where Gu Yan and A Liang hid, as long as Tu Meng was killed, they would surely die as well.

The eyes of Leng Xinghun and the others were still staring at the distant realm, as if examining a prisoner, revealing a sense of indifference and undisguised hatred.

For Chen Xi, this old enemy, no matter whether it is Leng Xinghun or Donghuang Yinxuan, they all wish to eat his flesh raw, have his muscles pulled out, his body smashed to pieces!

But it's a pity, relying on their current domain master's power, they can't do anything to Chen Xi at this moment, because in front of that domain's origin, there is a forbidden dao tribulation force that makes both of them extremely afraid!

In fact, it was the first time for the two of them to see that in front of the source of a domain, the power of the forbidden path could be so strong, it was like a solid wall of copper and iron, it was really hard to imagine, according to the cultivation base of Chen Xi's ancestral god realm , How did it go beyond the past in the first place, so as to enter the origin of that domain.

"This mysterious star field is indeed extraordinary, there are actually two origins of the field!"

In just an instant, Donghuang Yinxuan's pupils shrank suddenly, and he said solemnly, "No, it's not just as simple as the origin of the two domains! Looking at the aura of that guy Chen Xi, he has obviously been in seclusion here for a long time, I'm afraid Before we arrived, he had already refined a lot of the original power of the realm!"

Speaking of this, his expression was already a little bit puzzled, and he murmured: "Strange, this star field is really weird, how can there be so many domain origins, if this guy Chen Xi completely refines all the domain origins, What kind of terrifying power will he have when he advances to the domain master realm?"

Needless to say, Donghuang Yinxuan, at this moment Leng Xinghun also noticed all this, and his expression suddenly became serious.

He had heard that in the history of the ancient God Realm, there had also been a star field with the origin of two realms, which was rare in the world, and even caused a great sensation in the practice world at that time.

But compared with this mysterious star field in front of me, it's nothing like a big witch, where fireflies compete with the sun and the moon!

According to Leng Xinghun's calculations, Chen Xi has already refined at least three realm origins. If he adds the two realm origins that have not yet been refined, he can have five realm origins!

This is just a basic estimate, and the real situation may even be more than these!

When he thought that Chen Xi was actually refining such an unprecedented and rare opportunity, Leng Xinghun couldn't help feeling an uncontrollable feeling of jealousy in his heart.

Why is this guy's luck always so bad?

It's just too unreasonable!

"Brother Leng, you can't hesitate any longer. At this moment, you must kill Tumeng and others first, otherwise, when this Chen Xi comes out of the customs, there will be a big change."

Donghuang Yinxuan took a deep breath, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes, disturbing the situation in all directions.

"Yes, let's deal with these guys first!"

Leng Xinghun also knew that in such a situation, the top priority was to solve the existence of Tu Meng, the domain master.

After all, if we waited for Chen Xi to leave the customs, then it would be difficult for him and Donghuang Yinxuan alone to shake Chen Xi.

Although Leng Xinghun is extremely confident in the combat power he possesses now, he is also clear that once Chen Xi, a monster who is against the sky, advances, it is impossible for him to be his opponent.

Only by joining forces with Donghuang Yinxuan, may there be a chance of winning.

And under such circumstances, it is natural to get rid of Tu Meng first. After getting rid of a domain master, they will naturally have a bit more advantage when dealing with Chen Xi.



As soon as they made up their minds, Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan's eyes fell on Tu Meng who had been ignored by them all the time, and they made no secret of their murderous intentions.

"Do you want to do it? I have been waiting for a long time, even if I die, I have to take a back!"

Tu Meng's eyes were like electricity, and there was a smell of madness.

He is very aware of his situation, but he will never just sit still.

"Hehe, Brother Donghuang, you said that we killed his companion in front of Chen Xi, how would he feel in his heart?"

Seeing Tu Meng showing such a look of resignation to death, Leng Xinghun suddenly smiled and said, "You're free."

Leng Xinghun had retreated in the origin of the realm, and he knew very well that even if he was in retreat, he could clearly perceive everything that happened in the outside world.

"I naturally hope that he will be so angry that he will go mad because of this, and he will not be able to advance to the domain master realm at all."

Donghuang Yinxuan replied lightly, but his words were extremely vicious.

"Haha, I thought so too."

Donghuang Yinxuan laughed out loud.

Seeing the two acting like this, Tu Meng completely calmed down. He gritted his teeth and said nothing, knowing that the two of them said all this in order to disturb Chen Xi's state of mind, and their intentions were extremely vicious.


Tumon no longer hesitated, and rushed out brazenly.

Grasping with the palm of the hand, time and space reversed, everything collapsed, and a golden giant ax emerged out of thin air, wrapped in unparalleled power, and swept away fiercely.

In an instant, the starry sky was in chaos, and a terrifying and unspeakable power spread out, covering the sky and covering the earth!

This is the power that belongs to the domain lord. With a wave of his hand, the universe can be easily changed, and all things are crushed, and ghosts and gods can't control it!


Leng Xinghun let out a cold snort, his bloody hair flying, and with a wave of his sleeves, thousands of blood-colored god chains rose into the air, bound towards Tumeng.


In an instant, Tumon's golden giant ax was entangled, and the bloody chain was like a big one, constantly vibrating and shrinking, shaking Tumon's figure staggeringly, and the giant ax in his hand almost flew away.


Almost at the same time, a purple sword burst out, piercing through Tumeng's left shoulder with a puff, bringing up a stream of blood.

This was Donghuang Yinxuan's method. At the moment when Leng Xinghun and Tu Meng fought, he also rushed out from one side.

In one fell swoop, Tumon was traumatized again!

Tu Meng let out a muffled snort, his eyes were about to burst. When he was at his peak, he wouldn't be so embarrassed as soon as he fought.

The key is that he was chased and killed by Leng Xinghun and his two along the way, and he was already covered with scars, so it is naturally difficult to resist the pincer attack of the two domain masters at this moment.

However, it was just an injury, and Tumon would not just let it go!


Tu Meng clenched his teeth tightly, and charged again, like a madman, his whole body was burning with energy, looking extremely fierce and ferocious.

But in the eyes of Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan, Tumeng at this moment is like a trapped beast, seeking his own death, which is indescribably ridiculous and pitiful.


The battle broke out, and the three domain masters turned the starry sky into a battlefield, smashing and smashing, the stars exploded, and there was chaos.

"Chen Xi, did you see that? Your companion is about to be killed, and you are the most sympathetic. Are you just watching this guy die because of you?"

During the battle, Leng Xinghun laughed uncontrollably, with a cold and joking taste, "Chen Xi, if you come out now, I, Leng Xinghun, swear to the sky, I will definitely let your companion survive. As for you... If you are willing to be the dog of my Grand Master, I will also give you a clear path, how about it?"


Tu Meng was so angry that he roared sharply, "Master Uncle, don't listen to his fart, this bastard of the Supreme Master's every good thing is like a beast!"


Before the words fell, Tu Meng was injured again, and Donghuang Yinxuan on one side stabbed his back hard with a "Royal Dao Brush", tearing a deep bone-deep crack, blood dripping, shocking.

Tu Meng's expression was distorted and ferocious due to the pain, but he gritted his teeth and said nothing. Even if he died, he didn't want to disturb Chen Xi because of him.

"Oh, the bones are quite hard."

Donghuang Yinxuan sneered contemptuously, "It's a pity, your master Chen Xi's uncle is too cruel, he will helplessly watch you suffer, and he will die."


While speaking, he held the imperial brush in his hand, and once again pierced through the air to kill.

"Don't worry, I'm going to break this guy's bones little by little, and see how long he can last!"

Leng Xinghun on one side made an icy voice, wanting to stimulate and interfere with Chen Xi's retreat by torturing and humiliating Tumon.




So in the following time, blood flowers bloomed from Tumeng's body one after another, soaking his whole body, and his injuries became more and more serious.

At the same time, Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan sang together, exhausting the words of torture and humiliation, constantly ridiculing, ridiculing, and sarcasm.

Everything they did was to interfere with Chen Xi's cultivation!

These methods are simply vicious and cruel, which makes people heinous.

But from the beginning to the end, Tu Meng made no other sound except for a painful moan. Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan couldn't help frowning secretly because of his strong perseverance, which was greatly surprised.

"Work harder, if you can destroy this guy's foundation, it will be more uncomfortable than killing him."

Leng Xinghun's voice was cold and sullen, extremely indifferent.

"It should be like this. After abolishing him, then abolishing the two of Gu Yan and making them all descendants of Shenyan Mountain become useless. When Chen Xi comes out, it must be very interesting to see such a scene."

Donghuang Yinxuan said with a smile, but his words were more vicious than Leng Xinghun.


But at this time, in the origin of the eighth realm, Chen Xi, who was sitting cross-legged, couldn't help clenching his hands tightly, his fingertips inserted into the flesh of his palms, blood was flowing, but he didn't seem to notice it...


And in his body, the indescribable anger was like boiling lava, which could no longer be restrained and erupted loudly, sweeping across the whole body.



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