divine talisman

Chapter 1926 Destruction of the physical body

When refining the original power of the eighth realm, Chen Xi did encounter difficulties——

He was almost unable to suppress the bulging power in his body, and he felt a strong feeling that he was about to be broken, torn, and exploded!

Once such a thing happens, the universe in his body will turn into a chaotic star field, and he will no longer have the power of the field.

This also means that although he will not encounter the danger of going crazy, he can only become an emperor, and he will never have a chance with the domain lord for the rest of his life!

Therefore, how could Chen Xi dare to be distracted at this moment?

But when he noticed all the changes in the outside world, when he heard the loud noise of the battle between Tu Meng, Leng Xinghun, and Donghuang Yinxuan, and the extremely humiliating vicious words of the two of Leng Xinghun, Chen Xi couldn't help it. A burst of uncontrollable sullenness gushed out!

It's these two damn guys again!

Especially when he realized that the two of them were using cruel and ruthless means to torture Tu Meng little by little, and when they wanted to completely wipe Tu Meng out, Chen Xi couldn't control himself at all.

His anger seemed to be burning, surging all over his body, his whole body seemed to be boiling, with murderous intent lingering, revealing endless hatred.

Just like what Leng Xinghun said, Chen Xi valued promises and friendship. When his companions encountered dangers and disasters, how could he remain indifferent?


Totally angry!

But Chen Xi's consciousness was not dazzled by the anger, on the contrary, he became more and more calm.

He knew very well that even if he rushed out at this moment, it would not help the matter at all. On the contrary, it would cause Tumon to die with him.

But if no action is taken at this time, Tumon will die in a short time!

How to do?

This doesn't work, that doesn't work, do you really want to watch a tragedy happen, and watch Tu Meng and the others die in front of your eyes?

Do not!

Chen Xi would never allow such a situation to happen.

Almost instantly, he turned his attention to himself, trying to deduce various possibilities in his mind.

In the end, he only thought of one way - to break through the realm and advance to the domain master realm, in order to completely disintegrate this tragedy!

Now, he only needs to refine the origin of the last two realms, and then he can break through the realm and enter the threshold of the master realm.

But with his current situation, it will take at least two years to achieve this step according to the previous method.

Obviously, this method simply won't work!

But if not, how to completely solve this problem?


When Chen Xi frantically deduced it in his mind, the power in the universe in his body became more and more turbulent, like a boiling ocean, which made the feeling of expanding and exploding intensified.

This also caused Chen Xi to tremble uncontrollably, as if he was enduring a great pain.

Encountering such a difficult and dangerous situation during retreat is simply an unparalleled torture and disaster for anyone!

Chen Xi was no exception.

At this moment, he felt an unprecedented torment from the inside out.

Not only did the origin of the refining realm encounter an extremely difficult and dangerous problem, but it also had to think about how to resolve the tragedy that was about to happen outside.

For ordinary people, facing such a situation, I'm afraid they would have collapsed long ago!

Although Chen Xi did not collapse, he was not far away from collapse. This sudden change was definitely the most dangerous disaster he had encountered since his cultivation.

If one is not handled well, it may cause Chen Xi to hold grudges for the rest of his life!

A small mistake may lead to a catastrophe!

"Hehe, it seems that compared to your life, your senior uncle values ​​his chance to advance to the domain master realm. What qualifications does such a cruel person have to be your senior uncle?"

"Forget it, brother Donghuang, there is no point in torturing this guy any more. Why don't you join hands with me and take this opportunity to completely wipe this guy out?"

"This is the best, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

Suddenly there was a conversation between Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan from the outside world again, especially when he heard that the two had shown murderous intentions to completely erase Tumeng, Chen Xi felt as if his whole body was about to explode. Out of a touch of unspeakable anger.

The next moment, he seemed to have made an extremely risky decision, he gritted his teeth suddenly, and no longer suppressed the swelling feeling in his body.


In an instant, Chen Xi's body exploded!

There is an indescribably majestic force in the body, which spreads in all directions like a flood breaking a bank.

It can be clearly seen that with the expansion of this force, a chaotic and berserk star field gradually revealed its embryonic form in Chen Xi's body.

If all these things are completely formed and stabilized, Chen Xi will no longer be able to become a domain master in this life, but can only become an existence in the emperor realm!

Because he still lacks a complete domain power.

This power of the domain is hidden in the two origins of the domain that have not yet been refined.


At this moment of urgency, Chen Xi stood up suddenly, raised his hands up, like embracing the scorching sun, and completely released himself.

Then, hundreds of millions of obscure and runes gushed out of his body, instantly converging into an incomparably huge vortex, which began to revolve violently.

In an instant, a terrifying devouring force swept across the ten directions!

At this moment, Chen Xi's body was filled with purple-gold divine brilliance, as if it was real, shining brightly, and his handsome face was full of madness and determination.

Looking from afar, it looks like a big purple-gold sun standing proudly in the chaos is burning crazily, dyeing this star field into brilliant purple-gold.


The origins of the eighth and ninth realms were also disordered at this moment, turning into incomparably berserk power, frantically rushing into that huge devouring vortex at an inconceivable speed, and then ruthlessly rushing into Chen Xi's body.

"Is this guy really unable to sit still?"

In the outside world, Leng Xinghun suddenly turned his head, and seeing all this happening, he couldn't help laughing up to the sky, knowing that Chen Xi was completely cornered.

"Dare to use such an extreme method to devour the origin of the domain. If he can't refine it, let alone advance to the domain master, there is little hope of saving his life!"

Donghuang Yinxuan also noticed all of this, and couldn't help laughing out loud. The crazy actions Chen Xi displayed at this moment were exactly what he most wanted to see.

Whether it is Leng Xinghun or Donghuang Yinxuan, they have all refined the origin of the realm, so they are very clear that Chen Xi's actions at this moment are not only extreme, they are simply desperate, and they appear to be extremely stupid and idiot.

However, this also proves from the side that Chen Xi at this moment was indeed driven into a hurry, and was dazzled by anger.

Otherwise, he definitely wouldn't have done such a crazy and idiotic thing.

Of course, all of this is the result that Leng Xinghe and Donghuang Yinxuan are most happy to see.

"Master Uncle—!"

At this moment, Tumeng, who was covered in blood and bruises, couldn't help but let out a loud roar, his eyes were bleeding from the sockets of his anger.

The scene he didn't want to see happened, which made him regretful and suffered an unprecedented torture in his heart.

He would rather die!

He also didn't want Chen Xi to give up a great opportunity for this!


The laughter of Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan came from the ear, unspeakably piercing, like a sharp knife, stabbing Tu Meng's heart fiercely.



Just like what Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan said, the original power of the realm is terrifying, and what Chen Xi did was no different from being desperate.

In just an instant, his flesh and blood exploded, his white bones appeared, and blood flew, unable to bear the impact of the original power of the realm pouring into his body.


Soon, all the bones in his body began to crack, and he could no longer see a trace of his original appearance, but instead looked like a broken skeleton.

"Good! Good! Good!"

At this moment, seeing Chen Xi's appearance about to die suddenly, Leng Xinghun was so excited that he couldn't help but clapped his hands and burst out laughing.

He didn't even bother to pay attention to the dying Tumon.

The same was true for Donghuang Yinxuan, who refused to miss the scene of Chen Xi being seriously injured and dying.


Very soon, all the bones in Chen Xi's body exploded, leaving only a mass of soul fire burning, which was shocking.

At this moment, Tumeng's breathing seemed to be stagnant, and his mind was blank. His uncle...is he really going to be robbed and die?

Seeing this scene, Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan felt extremely happy, wishing they could raise their heads to the sky and howl.

From the Dao Discussion Competition to now, the two had suffered too many secret losses at the hands of Chen Xi, and they had already hated Chen Xi to the bone.In addition, Chen Xi was far superior to them both in terms of aptitude and combat power, which made the two feel extremely aggrieved.

So at this moment, when they saw that Chen Xi, a hateful evildoer who was against the sky, was about to be robbed, how could the two of them feel unhappy?

"There is only one spirit left, and we will definitely lose! This time, you, Chen Xi, will definitely die, hahaha!"

Leng Xinghun murmured, and couldn't help laughing at the end.

"Perhaps from now on, Shenyan Mountain will lose a direct disciple. If this news spreads to the Ancient God Realm, I don't know how the world will feel."

Donghuang Yinxuan also opened his mouth with a smile, as if he was holding a winning ticket and pointing the country.

But soon, Leng Xinghun sensed something was wrong, and couldn't help but exclaim in amazement: "Accordingly speaking, the divine soul alone is absolutely unable to withstand the impact of the original power of the Emperor's Domain. Why is this guy's divine soul still alive..."

In his field of vision, Chen Xi's soul fire was burning fiercely and dazzlingly bright, not only did it show no signs of extinguishing, it even became more blazing, to the point where it hurt his eyes.

"There is indeed something wrong. The original power of the two realms is still gathering towards him. What happened?"

Donghuang Yinxuan also sensed something was wrong, and the smile on the corner of his lips froze.


Before the two of them could react, an indescribably terrifying aura suddenly gushed out from Chen Xi's divine fire of the soul, spreading for nine days and ten places!

In an instant, the origins of the two domains were swallowed into the soul fire!



I don't know when, this deep and gloomy starry sky suddenly resounded with bursts of deafening Tao sounds like the sound of heaven, floating in the four fields, reaching people's hearts.

It's like the ancient sages are chanting scriptures!

At the same time, a sacred, majestic, and immeasurable aura diffused...

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