divine talisman

Chapter 1927 Emperor Star Illuminated Spirit

The moment his body was blown apart, leaving only the fire of his soul, Chen Xi felt as if his consciousness had been stripped away, and he could no longer feel any pain, excitement, or any emotional fluctuations.

In consciousness, there is only a calmness like ice and snow left.

At this moment, he was like a bystander, examining everything about himself from an indifferent and calm perspective.

He saw his shattered flesh, muscles, bones, and body turn into fine rain of light, but it didn't dissipate, but reorganized in a unique and wonderful way, constantly wriggling, and constantly merging...

He saw that the violent original power of the realm was like a spring that nourished all things at this moment, pouring into the light rain of flesh, muscles, bones, and bodies, constantly tempering, and constantly promoting the transformation of the power contained in it...

he sees...

All kinds of strange scenes are clearly presented in the mind at this moment, but they can't arouse the slightest fluctuation of emotion.

Later, he even saw a brilliant purple-golden star slowly rising in the fire of his soul!

The stars are pure and transparent, not stained with a trace of dust, and have a sacred and majestic atmosphere.

It floats above the soul fire, releasing a dreamy purple-gold divine brilliance, illuminating your entire soul!

At this moment, the soul seems to be sublimated, transparent and clear, like the most perfect piece of jade in the world, shining brightly.


But in just a moment, Chen Xi only felt that his entire consciousness was struck by lightning, and he broke away from that extremely calm state in an instant.

Then, he felt that his flesh, muscles, bones, and body began to reorganize and recover, and soon merged into one.

And in his body, there is a vast star field that is constantly expanding!

That star field was originally only the size of the universe in his body when he was in the Ancestral God Realm, but it doubled in size in the blink of an eye!

It can already accommodate two universes running in it.


The incomparably terrifying original power of the realm is expanding at an incredible speed, causing Chen Xi's internal star field to also continue to expand and spread...


three times!

Four times!

Five times!


At this moment, Chen Xi's body seemed to have boundless space, and new universes were constantly being expanded, which seemed extremely inconceivable.

You must know that when other ascetics advanced to the realm of domain masters, they only broke through the universe in their bodies and turned it into a star field, but the scope of the universe that can be carried is still the same as before.

It's just that compared to the past, there is an extra power of the domain.

With the deepening of practice, with the power of this domain, it is natural to open up more universes in the star domain within the body.

But Chen Xi looked completely different!

At this moment, he not only reassembled his shattered body by relying on the original power of the domain, but also expanded the scope of the inner star domain at an appalling speed!

In just a few breaths, the scope of the star field in the body has become nine times larger than the original!

In other words, at this moment, the star field in Chen Xi's body does not need to be cultivated at all, and it has a range that is far greater than nine times that of other field masters!

If this spreads out, I'm afraid it will cause a huge sensation.

Because for the domain master, the larger the range of the star domain in the body, the more divine power it can accommodate, and the stronger the power it will display in battle!

Under such circumstances, the Inner Star Domain, which is nine times stronger than other domain masters, can imagine how shocking combat power it can display.

It was also at this moment that when the star field in Chen Xi's body expanded to nine times the range, the chains of pure color spread and turned into barriers, covering the star field in all directions...

The enchantment of the domain!

When he first arrived at the origin of the realm, Chen Xi had a dream-like comprehension. In his dream, he had seen such miraculous power.

But at this time, this supernatural power spread all over every corner of the star field in his body!

what does this mean?

It means that he has completely mastered the complete original power of the domain, and has the most solid foundation to step into the realm of the domain master!


At this moment, Chen Xi had indeed broken through to advance to the next level, and it happened spontaneously, like water, without any hesitation at all.

Almost at the same time, the vision of heaven and earth emerged, and the sound of the Tao resounded like the sound of heaven, reaching people's hearts, resounding through nine heavens and ten earths!

And in Chen Xi's soul, a purple-golden star shone brilliantly, shining brightly, illuminating the sea of ​​consciousness.

Emperor Star Illumination!

The domain master is a special existence of the emperor realm. It is also divided into nine realms, and one star is one realm, that is, one-star emperor, two-star emperor, three-star emperor... until nine-star emperor in the usual sense.

This "star" refers to the emperor star hanging in the soul!

But it is obvious that the soul emperor star that Chen Xi condensed is different from other ascetics, showing the color of purple gold, clear and pure, and extremely majestic!

This is the legendary "Purple Gold Emperor Star, each of which is like a scorching sun, illuminating the sea of ​​souls"!


The series of changes in Chen Xi's body seemed to be slow, but in fact, they were all completed in just a few breaths.

When he took the step of stepping into the realm of the domain master, in this mysterious starry sky, Dao voices wafted, deafening, and majestic purple-gold energy descended from the sky, illuminating the ten directions.

At this moment, the void was enveloped by a sacred, majestic, and boundless aura!


Tumeng, who was filled with remorse and plunged into deep despair, suddenly raised his head. When he saw this scene, a gleam of light suddenly appeared in his originally dull eyes. His uncle, he... is not dead!

Almost at the same time, Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan's hearts shook violently, their expressions changed suddenly, and the originally incomparably joyful emotions in their hearts were instantly replaced by a flash of shock.

not good!

The two of them saw in an instant that, instead of being wiped out, Chen Xi's soul fire had actually reshaped his body, producing a shocking transformation!

Even, this transformation has caused a vast and sacred vision of heaven and earth!

How is this going?

Has this damned guy turned danger into safety again?

The expressions of Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan suddenly became very different, their eyes were full of surprise and disbelief.

Before, they were all gloating and ridiculing, thinking that Chen Xi would definitely die this time, and there would be one less peerless monster in this world.

Who would have thought that within a few breaths, all of this would have a shocking reversal!

This made Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan almost unacceptable.



Why is this happening?

The expressions of the two were cloudy and uncertain. According to common sense, people like them can maintain absolute calmness of mind even when encountering difficult things.

But this moment was obviously extraordinary, and the scenes that played out on Chen Xi were really too appalling and unimaginable, so that the two of them couldn't figure out what was going on at all for a while.

But the current situation can no longer allow them to think about it.

Almost subconsciously, Leng Xinghun yelled violently: "Quick! Kill that Tumeng quickly! Otherwise, when Chen Xi comes out, all previous efforts will be wasted!"

Amidst the loud shouts, his figure flashed, like a dazzling thunderbolt, he slammed towards Tumeng who was on the side.

At this moment, Leng Xinghun was like a cold and indifferent killing god, going all out, not daring to be negligent.

He is very clear that the situation has completely changed, and there are very few opportunities left for him!

If Tu Meng is not killed at this time, it will be too late when Chen Xi appears!


Donghuang Yinxuan was obviously aware of this, and almost at the same time Leng Xinghun was dispatched, he also made a bold move.


The Yu Dao pen slashed in the air, and a cyan sharp edge that was thousands of feet long tore through time and space, smashing towards Tu Meng in the distance.

In an instant, the atmosphere was chilled to the extreme, and murderous intentions were overwhelming.

Tu Meng's expression changed suddenly, and he didn't dare to think wildly anymore. The moment his figure flashed, he had to avoid it far away.

But how could Leng Xinghun, who was attacking furiously at this time, let him get what he wanted? Once he grabbed it, hundreds of millions of blood-colored god chains poured out, completely blocking Tumeng's escape routes in all directions, making it impossible to escape.


At the same time, the cyan sharp edge containing Donghuang Yinxuan's unparalleled murderous intent has already broken and killed...

Tumon is inevitable!

He was already seriously injured, if not for his amazing willpower, he would have been tortured to death by Leng Xinghun and the others.

Now, the escape route was completely blocked by Leng Xinghun. Faced with such a blow, how could he have any hope of dodging it?

But Tu Meng no longer cared about these things. After confirming that Chen Xi was still alive, he already felt that even if he died right now, he would have no regrets!


Tu Meng let out a loud roar, showing madness and determination on his face. Even in such an urgent moment, he would not hesitate to fight with all his strength. It would be even better if he could pull someone on his back.


But before Tumeng could move, he saw the cyan blade rushing towards him in the distance, as if being grasped by an invisible big hand, it suddenly shattered, turning into a rain of light and annihilated.


Tumon was taken aback.

bang bang bang...

Before Tumeng could react, the blood-colored chains that surrounded him in all directions also collapsed inch by inch and dissipated at this moment, as if they were overwhelmed.

In just an instant, the predicament that Tumon suffered was disintegrated and disappeared!


This scene changed Leng Xinghun's and Donghuang Yinxuan's expressions, and they subconsciously wanted to do it again, but they only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and Tu Meng was lost in the field!


All of a sudden, the hearts of Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan sank to the bottom of the valley, their expressions changed, as if they had already guessed something.

Unanimously, the two turned their heads in unison.

I saw that the area where the origin of the realm was located in the far distance was empty at the moment, and in front of the forbidden power that shrouded this area, there was a tall figure standing there alone.

He has a handsome face, thick black hair draped over his shoulders, wearing a green shirt, and his eyes are as deep as the boundless starry sky.

He stood there just like that, but he seemed to be the master of this star field. In his indifferent demeanor, there was a majesty that looked down on everything and controlled the universe, looking down on the world!


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