divine talisman

Chapter 1928

Chen Xi!

When they saw Chen Xi's figure clearly, the pupils of Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan suddenly shrank, and there was a hint of gloom in their expressions.

They have already seen that Chen Xi at this moment has successfully advanced to the realm of domain master and has become an existence just like them!

However, the two of them still couldn't figure it out. It was clear that Chen Xi's physical body was completely destroyed just now, and there was only one soul fire left. How could he succeed in advancing to the next level at the last moment?

This is simply unreasonable!

But no matter what, all of this had already happened, and both Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan knew that it was impossible to kill Tu Meng and the others at this moment.

But fortunately, that Tu Meng is dying now, after all, Gu Yan and A Liang are not domain masters, and they are not threatening either.

The most difficult thing right now is undoubtedly Chen Xi!

Back in the Ancestral God Realm, whether it was Leng Xinghun or Donghuang Yinxuan, they had been defeated miserably by Chen Xi, and this was considered a great shame and humiliation by the two of them.

This time, the two originally thought that Chen Xi would surely perish if they didn't need to do anything, but who would have thought that Chen Xi would advance to the domain master realm in an inconceivable way, which suddenly posed a great threat to the two of them.

Fortunately, this time, they were not alone, but two domain masters dispatched together, so they were not much afraid of Chen Xi.

Even if you can't kill this guy, can you still be defeated by him?

This is the point of view of Leng Xinghe and Donghuang Yinxuan at the moment.

So in just an instant, both of them looked at Chen Xi with a look of disdain and indifference again.

"I didn't expect that your life is really hard enough, but it's a pity that you met the two of us again this time, and you are destined to have nothing good to end."

Donghuang Yinxuan smiled slightly, with a touch of confidence in his voice, and even a provocative flavor.

When he was speaking, he and Leng Xinghe were already on both sides of the starry sky, showing a tendency to attack, faintly confronting Chen Xi who was in the distance.

There was a suffocating chill in the dead silence of the atmosphere.

The confrontation at the domain master level, just that power, is enough to disturb the universe and reverse the latitude and longitude!

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't seem to realize it.

With a wave of his sleeve robe, he released Tu Meng who had just been rescued, looked at Tu Meng who was covered with bruises and blood-stained clothes, and said, "Look carefully, Master Uncle will help you avenge you."

The voice is calm, without a trace of emotional fluctuations.

For some reason, when Tu Meng heard this sentence, his heart suddenly warmed up, his eyes became red, and he couldn't help but want to cry.

This irascible, straight-forward reckless man had experienced an incomparably cruel torture this time. His body and mind were devastated and shocked, and he was on the verge of death, with despair in his heart.

Who would have thought that at the moment of death, he would be rescued, and the danger would be saved in an instant. This made him feel like he had been reincarnated from the edge of life and death, and his emotions were already so excited that he was almost out of control.

That's why they showed such an expression when they heard Chen Xi's words.

Seeing this scene, the suppressed murderous intent in Chen Xi's heart became more intense, but his expression became more indifferent and calm.

He patted Tumeng's shoulder, without saying anything, then turned around and looked at Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan in the distance.

In an instant, Chen Xi turned into another person, with an invisible chill permeating his body, his eyes were deep and cold, and there was no trace of emotional fluctuations.

"Let's end our hatred today!"

The voice was indifferent, word by word floating in the starry sky.

Leng Xinghun narrowed his pupils slightly, and then burst out laughing: "Break it? Take your life to kill it? This suggestion is not bad."

"Perhaps this guy thinks that after advancing to the domain master realm, he can be lawless and arrogant."

Donghuang Yinxuan didn't even bother to laugh out loud.

Make a break?

This guy Chen Xi really dares to say it!

Leng Xinghun smiled.

Donghuang Yinxuan smiled.

But Chen Xi didn't smile, his expression became more indifferent and calm, like an outsider, locking the two of them with an emotionless gaze.

Unknowingly, Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by Chen Xi's gaze, as if they had become dead in Chen Xi's eyes.

"After laughing, it's time to go on the road..."

In the indifferent and cold voice, Chen Xi's clothes were loose, his feet straddled the void, and his steps were not fast or slow, like an emperor patrolling his own territory.

"Bastard! I want to see who gave you the courage to be so arrogant!"

Amidst the loud shouts, Leng Xinghun was full of murderous intent and struck first.


The blood of Leng Xing's soul was flying in the air, with a majestic posture, and a broken blade emerged from his palm. The black blade overflowed with the power of the pure realm, soaring into the sky, shattering time and space.

Slash down fiercely!

All of a sudden, there was a strong wind and thunder here, the wind howled furiously, and the universe changed color instantly, as if the end was coming.


The void completely collapsed, cracking countless gaps, so big that it was boundless, densely packed, spreading and spreading, and turbulent.

And at this moment, Leng Xinghun, three feet above his head, has a round light curtain floating, the light curtain is shining brightly, within it is like a star field floating and sinking, gathering hundreds of millions of stars, reflecting his arrogance and majesty, looking down on him extremely .

This is the power of the Domain Master Realm!

That round light curtain is the "power of the domain" controlled by the domain master!


Almost at the same time, Chen Xi also made a move. He stood still, and only slapped his palm lightly, and the brilliant purple-gold divine brilliance permeated the air.

In an instant, Leng Xinghun's terrifying blow was dispelled invisibly by a palm of powder!


Leng Xinghun's eyes and pupils shrank, and the Severing Blade in his palm slashed out again. The unparalleled power of the realm turned into burning light, gathered in the blade, and swept towards Chen Xi like an unstoppable ocean. There gallop away.


Before the blow landed, Leng Xinghun let out another roar, and Duan Kong Duanjian slashed out thousands of times in an instant.

His hair danced wildly with blood, his eyes shot out two blood-colored lightning lights, which were thousands of feet long, and his whole body appeared mysterious and terrifying in the divine radiance.

The prestige of the domain lord was fully released by him at this moment. That kind of aura filled the starry sky and suppressed everything, with a kind of awe-inspiring majesty.

Undoubtedly, Leng Xinghun at this moment did not underestimate Chen Xi in any way, on the contrary, he had already used his real power as soon as he made a move!


Almost at the same time, Donghuang Yinxuan on one side also brazenly moved out.

He mastered the imperial dao brush, sacrificed the Taixuan divine book, each stroke was like the incarnation of the Dao, deduced thousands of secret texts of the Dao, released the brilliant Dao light, and was immeasurably powerful.

At this moment, Donghuang Yinxuan also exerted all his strength, his aura was terrifying, his majestic posture was intimidating, his whole body was permeated by the majestic power of the domain, communicating with the Dao, as if he was holding the power of heaven and earth, he could be invincible!


The two domain masters fought together, and with such a terrifying blow, the starry sky seemed to be collapsing and destroyed, and there was a violent roar.

This is terrible!

Unimaginable, compared with the power possessed by the Ancestral God Realm, it is like pearls of rice competing with the sun and the moon.

Tu Meng, who was far away, trembled in his heart. This blow was too terrifying. If it was him, let alone resisting it, he might be wiped out in an instant.

Master uncle...can he resist it?


In an instant, Chen Xi's whole body was covered by endless divine brilliance, and his whole body was submerged in all kinds of terrifying ultimate moves.

It's hard to find him anymore.


Tu Meng's face suddenly changed, why did this happen?

"It seems that this guy has just advanced, and obviously has not fully grasped the power of the domain master, hahaha..."

Leng Xinghun looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, his voice moved mountains and rivers, his hair was flying with blood, his eyes were like the scorching sun, and he was incomparably frightening.

"This is normal. If it were any domain master existence, I'm afraid it would be difficult to stop the joint suppression of you and me."

Donghuang Yinxuan sneered.

Having said that, the two felt a little uneasy in their hearts, because in their perception, Chen Xi would never behave so unbearably.


Sure enough, at the next moment, a radiant purple-gold divine radiance suddenly soared into the sky, appearing so dazzling.

It evolves into a round light curtain, in which there is a huge and incomparably huge star field revolving in it, one after another universe cycle, billions of stars twinkling, communicating with the whole heaven and earth, it is like a real existence, releasing a wave that is enough to make all living beings The supreme majesty of submission!

This is?

Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan were shocked in their hearts, they couldn't believe it.

Above the heads of the two of them, there is also a round light curtain, which is the "power of the realm", but compared with the "power of the realm" in front of them, it seems like a big witch!

Even, there is no comparison at all!

Leng Xinghun and the two of them almost doubted whether this was "the power of the realm", it was too grand and vast.

"That's enough patience?"

Amidst the indifferent voice, Chen Xi's figure appeared in that blazing divine radiance, majestic and majestic, bathed in purple-gold divine radiance, like an unrivaled emperor, the supreme overlord!

And with his appearance, that incomparably majestic "power of the domain" was also circulating along with his aura, responding to each call, making Chen Xi's power seem even more immeasurable.


Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan's expressions changed at the same time, and they were finally convinced that not only was Chen Xi not injured, but the strength he possessed completely exceeded their estimates!


"This child is tricky, we must go all out!"

Almost subconsciously, Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan went out brazenly again, operating all their cultivation bases, like two ancient gods of war, releasing monstrous power.

At this moment, the two of them completely understood that this guy Chen Xi was not as weak as they had guessed, but was so strong that they were extremely afraid!

The inconceivably magnificent "power of the domain" reflected by that round light curtain is the best proof.


Leng Xinghun held the Sky-Severing Blade in his hand, and was wrapped with a series of pure color chains, piercing through the air to kill, his power and influence reached a peak, and his energy and spirit seemed to be burning.

Compared with just now, this blow was obviously much stronger, as if he was desperately fighting.


But in just a moment, there was a deafening collision sound, and a big hand with purple-gold radiance pierced through the chains of pure color, and slapped on the empty broken blade!


Leng Xinghun's whole body was shaken violently as if struck by lightning, and he flew backward violently.


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