divine talisman

Chapter 1929

Congratulations to sister Ming Qiyang for being promoted to the leader, spread flowers~~~


With a light palm, Leng Xing's soul was blown away!

When witnessing this scene, both Tu Meng and Donghuang Yinxuan couldn't help being shocked, which was simply unbelievable.

When Leng Xinghun was in the Ancestral God Realm, he already had the title of "One of the Best in the Emperor's Domain". His talent and roots were so outstanding that he could outshine most cultivators.

In order to prove the complete domain master realm, he even endured and suppressed the realm for nearly ten thousand years. Now that he finally succeeded in proving the Tao, one can imagine how powerful it is, which is absolutely comparable to ordinary domain masters.

However, at this moment, he was sent flying by Chen Xi with a single palm strike!

If this is seen by outside practitioners, the eyes of the ground must be shocked.


The battle continued, and Donghuang Yinxuan was not allowed to think too much. The moment Leng Xinghun was knocked back, Chen Xi suddenly turned around and rushed towards him.

At this moment, Chen Xi was like an emperor descending on the world, overflowing with purple-gold divine brilliance, looking down upon him with indifference.


Donghuang Yinxuan yelled loudly and tried his best to shake him, but in just a split second, his whole body was blown away by Chen Xi's palm, and all the bones in his body were almost broken.

"how can that be?"


The expressions of Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan changed, it was unbelievable, showing shock and anger.

They couldn't imagine that they had already advanced to the Domain Master Realm, and even joined forces to attack, but they were not Chen Xi's one-stroke enemy at all!

This is too terrible!

Both of them almost couldn't accept it, why?Why is there such a big gap between both of them being domain masters?


Before the two of them could react, Chen Xi charged again.

This starry sky seemed to be collapsing, and Chen Xi was like the ruler of this starry sky, with an incomparable divine power, every step he took, would crush the void.


Leng Xinghun was completely enraged, his pupils were blood red.

He sacrificed the Yitian chessboard, and evolved black and white light beams one after another, instantly turning the world into a chess game, intending to trap Chen Xi and severely dampen the latter's spirit.


With a wave of Chen Xi's sleeve robe, without making much noise, he shattered this chessboard with a bang, and the entire Yitian chessboard wailed and shook endlessly.

And Leng Xinghun was shaken back again, coughing up blood from his lips.


On the other side, the Taixuan divine book was opened, and a line of magical Taoist texts gushed out, releasing the divine power, gathering them into chapters, and being pulled by the imperial Taoist brush, they wanted to suppress and kill Chen Xi.

"Want to sneak attack again? Get lost!"

Chen Xi frowned, turned around abruptly, and suddenly reached out his hand to grab it, unexpectedly tearing up the chapter transformed by the mysterious Taoism, and the light and rain flew down.

Donghuang Yinxuan's eyeballs almost burst in shock!

How could he have imagined that Chen Xi could fight against the power of Taixuan Divine Book and Yudao Brush with bare hands?This is too cruel, right?


The next moment, Donghuang Yinxuan also suffered a backlash, staggered back from the shock, and his whole body was full of anger and blood.

At this moment, no matter whether it was Leng Xinghun or Donghuang Yinxuan, it was as if they were vulnerable to a single blow, being crushed by Chen Xi without any hesitation!

It's not that they are not strong, but that they are too far behind Chen Xi!

Existences like them, placed in the domain of the ancient gods, can also be called the overlords of a domain, able to dominate the lives of hundreds of millions of living beings, and their power is immeasurable.

But when compared with Chen Xi, it seemed bleak.

After all, not every domain master is able to refine the origin of the nine domains in one fell swoop like Chen Xi, and the range of star domains opened up in the body is fully nine times wider than other domain masters!

Nine times!

This seemingly inconspicuous number, if converted into cultivation bases, would be appalling. At least looking at the entire Ancient God Realm, looking at the history of the past and present, there is no one like Chen Xi to be found.

It can be said to be unique in ancient and modern times, and rare in ancient times!

"Damn! It's really hateful!"

Leng Xinghun felt aggrieved and unwilling to reconcile, as if insane, he crazily rushed towards Chen Xi.

At this moment, he sent all the supreme methods he had learned and all the magical treasures he had mastered, and fought with all his strength without reservation.

He is not willing to be suppressed like this!

After advancing to the realm of domain masters, he originally thought that he could make up the gap with Chen Xi, but who would have thought that instead of making up the gap, the gap would become bigger and bigger...

How could Leng Xinghun, who had always been proud and confident, accept this?


The same is true of Donghuang Yinxuan, his expression is ashen and gloomy, and his eyes are full of incomparable anger. It is simply a shame and a shame that a Chen Xi has forced the two of them into such a mess!


This star field fell into great turmoil, the stars were annihilated, the time and space were chaotic and collapsed, the fiery and terrifying Taoism flowed, and the collision and intertwining of divine treasures performed a series of visions like doomsday.

This is a confrontation between the three domain masters, and a wave of their hands and feet is enough to kill the sun and the moon and disrupt the latitude and longitude of the universe!

If such an epic confrontation happened in the ancient gods' domain, no one knows what kind of shocking disaster it would cause.

Fortunately, it was in a mysterious star field in this chaotic ruin, which prevented a catastrophe from spreading.


In the arena, divine light surged, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and blood rained pouring down, presenting various terrifying visions.

This was Chen Xi's power and influence. With every movement of his hands and feet, sand and rocks were flying, ghosts were crying and gods were howling, accompanied by the terrifying scene of many gods and Buddhas falling.

He was still bare-handed, but with each palm, it was like a landslide and tsunami, the starry sky trembled violently, and the vast purple-gold divine radiance rolled and spread, tearing apart the sky, illuminating the ten directions, making people tremble.


Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan's screams were heard from time to time in the arena, revealing anger, unwillingness, shock, bewilderment, and hatred.

They were completely unstoppable at this moment, they kept coughing up blood, and it was difficult for them to match Chen Xi's incomparable might.

Chen Xi's movements were not very fast, he moved forward step by step, like an emperor patrolling mountains and rivers.

But every movement of his is terrifying, because it contains the supreme power of the domain master, invincible!

Similarly, from the beginning of the battle until now, Chen Xi's expression has been indifferent and calm, his black eyes are cold and there is no emotion.

Leng Xinghun and the two were screaming, but he seemed to turn a deaf ear to them.


Chen Xi had already hated it to the extreme!

Since they were discussing Dao Dao, the two have been provoking him, humiliating him, and using despicable means to eliminate him time and time again.

And at the beginning of entering this chaotic ruined land, the two even led a group of descendants of the Supreme Sect and the Divine Academy to ambush there, and launched a sniper attack on them. If it wasn't for Chen Xi's extremely quick reaction, Tu Meng would have been killed at that time. Robbed!

Until just now when they were refining the source of the realm, the two used cruel means to torture and humiliate Tumon...

This series of hatred has long been accumulated in Chen Xi's heart, fermenting and evaporating like lava, and it has long been impossible to dissolve it.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi would be merciless if he raised his hand.

He hated it to the core!

If he didn't kill Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan today, he felt that he would not be able to control his anger!



Chen Xi's expression was indifferent, and he continued to push forward, oppressing the void until it exploded, and the unparalleled purple-gold divine radiance poured down like a flood, spreading in all directions.

This kind of power was so terrifying that Leng Xinghun didn't even have time to dodge. He was hit hard like a kite with a broken string, bleeding all over his body, and he didn't know how many bones were broken.

At this moment, the Leng Xinghun no longer looked down upon him with arrogance. He was continuously shaken, coughed up blood, his hair was disheveled, his body was covered in blood, and he looked extremely miserable.

As a young leader of the Taishangjiaochuan generation, he has never been so embarrassed, but today he encountered the biggest setback in his life!

He is not Chen Xi's opponent, and he cannot parry him at all!

Even when facing Chen Xi, he felt helpless and insignificant, and he couldn't shake it.

This made Leng Xinghun angry, full of unwillingness!


Leng Xinghun roared and tried his best to fight back, but Chen Xi's palm pierced through his chest, opening a big bloody hole, and almost killed him.

"Let's go! This guy has nine times the power of the domain that we have, and he is simply invincible!"

At this critical juncture, Donghuang Yinxuan rushed from one side to save Leng Xinghun who was blown away, and was about to dodge and escape.

"Want to leave? This area is my territory."

Chen Xi's eyes were like lightning, and he looked down at the two of them indifferently, aloof and incomparable.

He is not boasting, after refining the origin of the Nine Realms of this mysterious star field, the power of this star field has been mastered by him.

Under such circumstances, he would not just watch the enemy flee.


While speaking, Chen Xi lightly pressed his hands in the void, and in all directions of this starry sky, chains of pure color suddenly fell down, like shackles of order, completely sealing this world.

"Do not--!"

Donghuang Yinxuan's expression changed drastically, as if he was crazy, his whole body was boiling with energy and rage, and he began to desperately try to break the chain of pure color covering his body.

But in the end, it was futile.


At this moment, Chen Xi charged again, commanding and moving, without a trace of fireworks.

Donghuang Yinxuan let out a scream, bones all over his body cracked, bleeding from his seven orifices, his originally extremely handsome face had now become distorted and ferocious.

There is no escape, no escape!

At this moment, Donghuang Yinxuan finally realized for the first time what despair and helplessness are, and this feeling almost drove him crazy.

He has just advanced to the realm of the domain master, and he is at the stage of being full of ambitions. How could he be willing to die in this chaotic ruin?

"Chen Xi! Let us go this time, how about we swear that we will never be your enemy again? Don't tell me you want to kill them all this time?"

"Give me a chance. We, the heirs of the five poles of the imperial domain, joined forces to enter the chaotic ruins this time, but it is definitely not to kill each other!"

Donghuang Yinxuan and Leng Xinghun yelled as they backed away, with panic and fear in their voices.

How proud and conceited they are, the proud sons of heaven and peerless figures, but in the face of this murder at this moment, they did not hesitate to ask for mercy in order to save their lives. One can imagine how desperate the two of them felt at this moment and helpless.

Is there anyone in this world who is not afraid of death?

Of course!

But definitely not Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan.

They are the successors of the five poles of the imperial domain, and they are the leaders of the younger generation. They possess enormous power and prestige, and now they have stepped into the realm of domain masters. Their future is bright and limitless.

Existences like them are naturally unwilling to die!

Regarding this, Chen Xi finally spoke for the first time since the start of the war. His eyes were cold and indifferent, scanning the two of Leng Xinghun, but he pointed at Tumon in the distance, and said, "Before, did you give any His chance?"

After a pause, amidst Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan's desperate expressions, Chen Xi's voice suddenly became low and gentle, "Don't be cowardly, I'm taking revenge, please respect me as an enemy, okay?"

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