divine talisman

Chapter 1930 The situation is strange

As soon as the words fell, Chen Xi struck again, not intending to give the other party a chance to breathe.


Chen Xi opened his palms and fingers, enveloping the surging purple-gold divine radiance, like a purple-gold divine cloud suppressing it, crowding out time and space.



Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan shouted angrily in unison, their eyes tearing open. They never thought that they had already endured the humiliation and bowed their heads to Chen Xi, but the other party still did not intend to show mercy.

They resisted with all their strength, but how could they resist, in an instant, the two of them were sent flying again, their bones cracked, their bodies were broken, and they looked extremely miserable.

Chen Xi at this moment is unrivaled!

He didn't even hold back a single bit of his hand, pressing every step of the way, using all means, not only to destroy the opponent's body, but also to destroy the opponent's mind!

Because Tu Meng had been tortured like this before, but at this time, Chen Xi was just treating him in his own way.

Blood splashed.

The screams shook the sky.

The divine splendor spread.

For a moment, the starry sky was in chaos, like purgatory, and the scene was terrifying.

The two newly promoted domain masters existed, but at this moment they were completely crushed by Chen Xi like ants, and their fate was so miserable that people couldn't bear to witness it.

Even Tu Meng in the distance couldn't help but stare dumbfounded. He could see that Chen Xi's fighting power had become extremely powerful after advancing to the domain master realm, but he never expected that Chen Xi would be so powerful!

The two domain lords teamed up, and they were powerless to defend against the outside world. Who would dare to believe it?


Absolute crushing!

With Chen Xi's powerful, destructive means, Tu Meng's heart was filled with passion and joy.


"I fought with you!"

Suddenly, Donghuang Yinxuan uttered a hysterical roar, and the aura of the whole person soared at this moment, rising steadily!

In this desperate situation where he had no escape, no escape, and could only be passively beaten, he seemed to have gone crazy, planning to put all his eggs in one basket and die with Chen Xi.


In an instant, around Donghuang Yinxuan, divine flames rose one after another. He was like a god of war bathed in the radiance of the avenue, his eyes were as bright as stars, and his body was submerged by the blazing divine glow, which was too radiant.

In addition, the Taixuan Divine Book in his palm kept buzzing, and a grand and mysterious chapter of the Great Dao was created, which enveloped his whole body and dazzled his eyes.


The world twisted and cracked, unable to withstand this force field.

"Sacrificing the Tao with the body, the art of destroying the sky!"

At this moment, Leng Xinghun couldn't help shaking violently in his heart, recognizing this supreme method inherited from the God Academy, it is obvious that Donghuang Yinxuan is going to do his best!

The aura of the Eastern Emperor Yinxuan became more and more intense and dangerous, and Chen Xi couldn't help squinting his eyes, but the movements in his hands didn't stop, his fingers were like a sky-shattering blade, and he slashed out again.


An unexpected scene happened. With a wave of Donghuang Yinxuan's sleeve robe, three figures suddenly appeared out of thin air, blocking Chen Xi's attack.

But the Dao chapter derived from the secret method he sacrificed took advantage of this opportunity to slam on the Qingshen chain that imprisoned this world like a shackle in the distance!

Obviously, he didn't try his best this time, but instead took the opportunity to break through this barrier and get out of trouble!


One after another, the blood mist exploded, but as soon as the three figures appeared, they were wiped out by Chen Xi's palm. Before they even had time to react, they died on the spot, not even the dregs left.

But Chen Xi could tell that those three figures were Zhu Qianyu, Gongsun Mu and Tuoba Chuan!

These three people were obviously hidden in Donghuang Yinxuan's body long ago, but now they have become scapegoats, and they died tragically without knowing what happened.

This kind of death is simply extremely aggrieved.

Who would have thought that Donghuang Yinxuan would use their lives as a shield in order to escape for his own life?

You know, these three people are all palm print disciples in the temple. They are extremely talented, have excellent bones, and possess an unrivaled posture. They are definitely the core figures of the temple.

But now, they have fallen to such a state, not only being betrayed by the same sect, but also completely killed without knowing it. If all the old antiques in the temple knew about this, they would be so angry that they would be so angry.

At this moment, even Leng Xinghun couldn't help screaming in his heart, "So ruthless!"

Donghuang Yinxuan's methods are more than ruthless, they are ruthless and ruthless to the extreme, which makes Leng Xinghun, a disciple of the Supreme Sect who is known for being "ruthless", unavoidably surprised.

All this was slow to say, but in fact it was completed in an instant. When the three of Zhu Qianyu died suddenly on the spot, Donghuang Yinxuan's killing blow also ruthlessly hit the Qingshen chain in the distance.


The sky and the earth shook, the shock shook the sky and the earth, and at this moment, a huge gap was forcibly broken open by the Qingshen chain that was imprisoned in the void like a shackle!


Almost at the same time, Donghuang Yinxuan's figure flashed out from that gap, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

too fast!

It was so fast that Chen Xi was a little slow to react. The reason was that he also did not expect that Donghuang Yinxuan would be so despicable and ruthless. Using the lives of Zhu Qianyu, Gongsun Mu, and Tuoba Chuan as cannon fodder was really too unexpected. up.

He couldn't even imagine how a proud and dazzling figure like Donghuang Yinxuan could have such a despicable and shameless heart!


A figure flashed in front of his eyes, almost subconsciously, Chen Xi's figure moved, and suddenly blocked in front of that figure.

"You want to escape too?"

Chen Xi stared at the other party coldly. This figure was Leng Xinghun. He originally wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but he was already a beat behind and was blocked by Chen Xi.

All of a sudden, Leng Xinghun's face turned ashen. No matter how proud and powerful a person is, waiting for this moment will inevitably feel hopeless.


Chen Xi raised his right hand, and the purple-gold divine radiance gathered in his palm like a tide, overflowing with murderous intent.

He no longer intends to procrastinate, so as not to have long nights and dreams.


At this moment, a shrill scream came from far away, it was the voice of Donghuang Yinxuan!

what happened?

Could it be that someone was still lying in ambush in the distance and killed Donghuang Yinxuan in one fell swoop when he was fleeing?

This made Chen Xi's heart tremble, even Leng Xinghun was no exception.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, that Eastern Emperor Yinxuan has already been killed by me."

A melodious voice sounded, and along with the voice, Zhao Qingyao's graceful and slender figure emerged, standing at the gap in the chain of pure color.

There was a smile on her lips, but she was holding a corpse in her hand, it was Donghuang Yinxuan!

Although this peerless and dazzling disciple of the palm print of the temple escaped a catastrophe, he died tragically in the hands of Zhao Qingyao, which made people feel that the world is impermanent.

When he saw that the person who came was Zhao Qingyao, Chen Xi couldn't help but nodded, and said, "Thank you very much."

But Leng Xinghun felt a chill in his heart, and his heart became more and more desperate. Donghuang Yinxuan was also dead, and this time the descendants of the God Academy who came to the Chaotic Remains were tantamount to annihilated!

This made Leng Xinghun even more desperate about his situation.

He recognized Zhao Qingyao, who came from Zhenhuang Dao Palace, and seeing the aura he displayed, it was obvious that he had already advanced to the realm of domain master.

Coupled with Chen Xi in front of him, Leng Xinghun immediately understood that today... he might be doomed!

"Miss Zhao, wait a moment. Let's catch up on the old days after I see off this friend of the Supreme Master."

When speaking, Chen Xi looked at Leng Xinghun, his expression was indifferent and cold, without any emotional fluctuations.

This is the land of chaos, he doesn't have to worry about the consequences after killing Leng Xinghun.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, please go ahead."

Zhao Qingyao smiled slightly, moved her lotus steps lightly, was waiting to move time and space, and stood on one side to watch the battle, but at this moment the mutation happened again!


A streak of blood-colored horses suddenly appeared out of thin air, and in an instant, it came to Zhao Qingyao's body and locked her throat!


too fast!

Zhao Qingyao didn't even have time to react, her whole body was imprisoned, pinched by the sudden bloody figure, she didn't even have time to struggle.

In an instant, her face changed suddenly, and she cried out in surprise.

She is now a domain lord with monstrous power, and to be able to subdue her in an instant under such circumstances, it is conceivable how terrifying the comer's cultivation is.

"Wang Zhong!"

Chen Xi suddenly turned his head, and saw that blood-colored figure, it was Wang Zhong with a mysterious origin and a strange identity!

It's just that Wang Zhong at this time is wearing a blood robe, his eyes are like lightning, his eyebrows are like knives, and his whole body exudes a vicissitudes, cold and terrifying aura.

It's like a different person from before!

In particular, the power and influence that permeated his body was so violent that it disturbed the world. It was like an ancient demon god, which was beyond comparison in the past.

Obviously, he has found his "true body"!Possessing a monstrous power comparable to that of the domain master!

"Chen Xi, let's meet again."

Wang Zhong smiled slightly, with a frightening coldness in his eyes.


Suddenly, Leng Xinghun, who had been neglected all this time, took advantage of this opportunity, flashed his figure suddenly, and was about to run away.

But Chen Xi grabbed his neck and lifted it up like a chicken, making it impossible for him to struggle at all.

"At this moment, do you think I will give you a chance?"

Chen Xi's voice was indifferent, and a murderous intent flashed quietly in his eyes.

Leng Xinghun suddenly despaired, and fell silent. Since his practice, he felt for the first time what it means to be a knife and a fish to me.

"Hold on! Otherwise, I'll kill this woman!"

Wang Zhong uttered a cold voice, exerting strength with his palms and fingers, Zhao Qingyao's face suddenly turned red, and she felt a sense of helplessness on the verge of suffocation.

In a word, the murderous intent in Chen Xi's heart was immediately suppressed, and his gaze was coldly fixed on Wang Zhong in the distance like lightning.

"Let her go."

There are only three words, revealing an overwhelming oppression.

Wang Zhong was unmoved, and said with a light smile, "Chen Xi, do you think that I am the same as before? I'm not afraid to tell you that in this chaotic land, I... am destined to be omnipotent! "

"Let her go!"

Chen Xi frowned, full of murderous intent.

Wang Zhong narrowed his eyes, pondered for a moment, then smiled and said: "Forget it, it's okay to let her go, you give me Leng Xinghun, let's make an exchange, how about it?"

This proposal greatly surprised Chen Xi. If he guessed correctly, Wang Zhong had nothing to do with Leng Xinghun. Why would he help Leng Xinghun at this moment?

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