divine talisman

Chapter 1932 Dedicated Monarch

Warmly congratulate X Hao for being promoted to become the second Supreme Emperor of Fu!Scatter flowers~~Applause~~~Thank you~~


Soon, Chen Xi focused his attention on Wang Zhong who was in the distance.

He could see that Wang Zhong was completely irritated at this moment after suffering consecutive defeats, and his face became gloomy and livid.

But unexpectedly, Wang Zhong didn't attack in anger, but just stood there indifferently, his eyes were cold and menacing, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Chen Xi cast a look at Zhao Qingyao, intending to take this opportunity to keep Wang Zhong behind.

This Wang Zhong is not only very familiar with the Chaos Remains, but he can also get an animal skin roll, which makes him look even more unusual.

If Wang Zhong could be captured, maybe he could get something valuable from his mouth.

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

However, before Chen Xi and the others could make a move, Wang Zhong in the distance suddenly laughed, his laughter was as sinister as a night owl's, appearing extremely mysterious.

"Unfortunately, now is not the time to tell the winner."

Wang Zhong sighed, "This time I admit defeat, but it won't be long before we meet again, and by then... I won't be able to swallow my breath anymore!"

The voice was indifferent and calm, and it seemed that he was no longer angry, and it seemed more and more abnormal.


When Wang Zhong opened his mouth to speak, Chen Xi sensed that something was wrong, so before Wang Zhong could finish speaking, he and Zhao Qingyao attacked together brazenly.

But this time it was all for naught!

The reason is that Wang Zhong's figure disappeared out of thin air strangely, as if he had evaporated, and there was no trace of him to be found!

Only Wang Zhong's indifferent and cold voice floated in the starry sky, revealing a strange and penetrating smell.

This made both Chen Xi and Zhao Qingyao shudder. It was so weird. Both of them had already advanced to the Domain Master Realm, and they were still on full alert, yet they couldn't find out how Wang Zhong left. How not to surprise?

Who is this guy?

Why did you leave suddenly at this moment?

He came here suddenly before, wanting to save the stranger Leng Xinghun, and why?

Chen Xi couldn't figure it out.

This also made him feel more and more that this Wang Zhong had an unpredictable background, and everything he did was tinged with mystery.

This feeling, as if he had already seen everything about him, but he didn't know anything about his actions!


At this time, Tu Meng swept over from one side, holding a bunch of divine treasures in his hand, the divine radiance was overflowing, brilliant and dazzling.

"Uncle Master, this is the treasure left behind after killing Leng Xinghun."

Although Tu Meng was seriously injured, he couldn't hide his excitement at this moment. Today, Chen Xi showed his supernatural power, allowing the anger and hatred in his heart to be vented freely.

Chen Xi collected his thoughts and glanced at those divine treasures, there were as many as six or seven of them, and all of them were innate spiritual treasures!

Kill the sky and break the blade.

Yitian Chessboard.

Lock soul treasure basin.


One piece is all the divine treasures used by the preachers of the Supreme Sect, and they are of excellent appearance, which can be called the treasures of the innate spiritual treasures!

"I forgot, this Donghuang Yinxuan also has a lot of treasures on him."

Seeing this, Zhao Qingyao suddenly smiled slightly, turned over her sleeves, and the corpse of Donghuang Yinxuan emerged out of thin air.


It was obviously not the first time Zhao Qingyao searched for loot, and she was skillful, and in just a few breaths, she found four or five divine treasures from the corpse of Donghuang Yinxuan.

Among them, the most eye-catching ones are undoubtedly the Yudao Brush and the Taixuan Divine Book!

In the outside world, if people saw so many divine treasures piled up together, they would have to fight, but Zhao Qingyao didn't even look at them, and directly handed these divine treasures to Chen Xi.

She smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, this person was defeated by you, and I just killed him casually. You should accept these trophies."

All of a sudden, a bunch of innate divine treasures were placed in front of Chen Xi. The light of the treasures was overflowing, and each had its own magic. Chen Xi, who was used to seeing big winds, waves, and great opportunities, couldn't help being dazzled for a while.

These divine treasures came from the heirs of the Supreme Master Sect and the Divine Academy respectively, so they may be ordinary treasures. When it comes to value, each one can be called an unrivaled treasure.

But now, these treasures are placed in front of Chen Xi like this, and other cultivators would probably be overjoyed and maddened by them.

But Chen Xi just glanced at it, and assigned two of the divine treasures to Zhao Qingyao, saying, "Since it is a trophy, you will naturally have your share. After all, we have fought side by side just now, so don't refuse."

Saying that, without allowing Zhao Qingyao to refuse, she randomly picked out the four divine treasures of Yudao Brush, Taixuan Divine Book, Killing Kong Broken Blade, and Soul Locking Pot, and handed the remaining four divine treasures to Tu Meng.

"You and Gu Yan each have two of these four divine treasures. This chaotic ruin is too dangerous. Having more divine treasures for self-defense is absolutely beneficial and not harmful."

Chen Xi also didn't wait for Tu Meng to refuse, and stuffed those divine treasures.

"Master Uncle..."

Tu Meng was moved and excited at the same time, but he was speechless. At this moment, if Chen Xi wanted him to die, he probably wouldn't even frown.

Chen Xi patted him on the shoulder, smiled, and didn't say much, since his family doesn't need so many courtesies.

"Well, I will accept these two divine treasures, and when I return to Zhenhuang Temple, I will give one of them to Junior Sister Zhao Taici."

Zhao Qingyao smiled, and accepted Chen Xi's gift without hesitation.

She knew very well that from the first time Chen Xi rescued her, to now when she gave her the spoils, a large part of the reason for Chen Xi was because of Zhao Taici's affection.

Chen Xi nodded and smiled, "The treasure is already yours, so it's up to you to deal with it."

"By the way, how did you get here, Tumon?"

Chen Xi suddenly realized a question and couldn't help asking.

Tumon told all the things he had experienced along the way, including some changes that had happened in the chaotic ruins over the years, and told them all in detail.

Finally, he smiled wryly and said: "Actually, if it wasn't for Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to see you, Master Uncle."

Chen Xi nodded, pondered for a while, and then said: "It seems that many changes have taken place in the outside world during the years of my retreat, but there is no need to worry about these now, our top priority is to help Gu Yan find a domain origin."

Speaking of this, he looked at Zhao Qingyao and said, "Miss Zhao, what are your plans next?"

Zhao Qingyao laughed at herself, shrugged and said, "Ever since Tai Shuhong was killed by Wang Zhong in a sneak attack, I have completely lost my companions, and now I am a lonely ghost, and it doesn't matter where I go."

Speaking of this, she turned her clear eyes, stared at Chen Xi, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, if you don't dislike it, how about letting me follow you?"

The words seemed relaxed, but in fact they already brought a touch of expectation.

This chaotic ruin was too dangerous, with murderous intentions at every step, and now even if she advanced to the Domain Master Realm, she still felt a little dangerous by herself. If she could act together with Chen Xi, it would undoubtedly be much safer.

"Of course it is extremely welcome."

Chen Xi also laughed. To be able to let Zhao Qingyao, a newly promoted domain master, join his team is undoubtedly excellent.

"Ha, I am also very honored to be able to cooperate with the direct disciples of the lineage of senior Fuxi in Shenyan Mountain."

Zhao Qingyao showed a smile from the heart.

"In that case, let's set off immediately."

When Chen Xi said this, he looked at Tu Meng again, and said, "Leave Gu Yan and A Liang to me, and you can temporarily hide in my internal body star field to recuperate, and you don't have to worry about other things anymore."

Tu Meng knew that he was seriously injured now, so instead of being able to help Chen Xi, he might become a burden to Chen Xi.

At that moment, he summoned Gu Yan and A Liang according to Chen Xi's instructions, and then obediently hid himself in the star field within Chen Xi's body.

"Uncle Master, are you alright?"


Seeing Chen Xi standing in front of him intact, both Gu Yan and A Liang were quite happy.

Chen Xi briefly narrated what happened just now, then took Gu Yan, Ah Liang, and Zhao Qingyao together and turned around to leave this star field.


After advancing to the realm of domain masters, Chen Xi was completely different from before.

The first is the universe in the body, which has been opened up as the star field in the body, and the coverage of the star field is nine times that of other field masters!

It can be said to be shocking and shocking, and the ancient times shine through the present.

Secondly, above the fire of the soul, a purple-gold emperor star, as bright as a scorching sun, emerged, illuminating the entire soul, releasing a majestic and supreme aura.

This is the sign of the Emperor Realm, even though Chen Xi is now a well-deserved domain master, but in the realm of Lun, it still exists in the Emperor Realm.

Strictly speaking, it is still at the level of a one-star emperor, but a one-star emperor like Chen Xi is obviously not comparable to others.

Similarly, existences like the Emperor Realm generally have their own titles.

For existences like Emperor Zhenwu and Emperor Ziwei, "Zhenwu" and "Ziwei" represent a kind of title, a kind of honor, and even a symbol of being an emperor.

After all, after reaching this level, it would be considered an offense for others to call them by their first names.

Naturally, Chen Xi would not stand alone, it would be too eye-catching and not in line with his temperament, so he also named himself a title - Ke Xin.

Stay true to your heart!

Long, long ago, when he was practicing at the Liuyun Sword Sect in the southern border of the Great Chu Dynasty, Chen Xi named the mountain he practiced as Kexin Peak.

Now, when he was thinking about his title of emperor, these two words came to his mind almost without thinking about it.

It looks very plain and ordinary, but it represents Chen Xi's firm attitude towards the Dao of Quest——

That is, no matter when, no matter what you encounter, you must follow your own Dao Xin!

At this time, Chen Xi was flying in the vast starry sky with Zhao Qingyao, Gu Yan, and A Liang.

However, just when he was about to tell Zhao Qingyao and the others the title of emperor he named, he suddenly narrowed his eyes, as if he had sensed something, stopped and thought about it.

"Huh? Chen Xi!"

Almost at the same time, a slightly suspicious voice suddenly resounded in the starry sky far away, and disappeared the next moment.

"Do you still want to escape?"

There was an intriguing curve on the corners of Chen Xi's lips.


ps: There are almost no monthly tickets asked for this month, and everyone is not very motivated to vote. Well, if there are too many monthly tickets today, Goldfish will stay up late and do a third shift!

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