divine talisman

Chapter 1933


In the next moment, Chen Xi waved his sleeve robe, and Zhao Qingyao and his party disappeared in place.


How could it be him?

Could it be that it was Chen Xi that Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan were going to deal with?

But what about the two of them?

Why was the message completely lost?

Li Lufeng was startled and uncertain, he moved across the starry sky at full speed, not daring to be slighted.

This mysterious star field was originally full of countless horrific dangers and murders. The most notable thing is the almost physical forbidden power, which spreads in this star field like a tide.

But now, following Chen Xi's thorough refinement of the origin of the Nine Realms, these chaotic and turbulent murderous intentions have tended to be stable, becoming well-defined and orderly, and it is even difficult to find the ubiquitous forbidden paths. Robbery.

All this means that this mysterious realm has been completely refined now, and it is no longer chaotic and disorderly.

It was also because of this that Li Lufeng was able to move within it at full speed, otherwise, in the situation when Chen Xi first arrived in this star field, Li Lufeng's actions would undoubtedly be no different from courting death.


The violent space-time fluctuations sent out sharp and piercing bangs. After Li Lufeng advanced to the realm of domain masters, the speed of moving time and space has also undergone a transformation. He can cross the area covered by thousands of stars in one step. The speed is so fast that it is not The existence of the Ancestral God Realm can be compared.

But even so, Li Lufeng still had a lingering sense of unreliability in his heart, which made him dare not relax at all.

He dared to be sure that the current Chen Xi must have advanced to the Domain Master Realm, and Li Lufeng definitely did not dare to underestimate this guy who was almost against the sky.

After all, in the Dao Discussion Competition back then, even characters like Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan were not Chen Xi's opponents.

It is conceivable that now that he has advanced to the domain master realm, what a terrifying change has taken place in his combat power.

Li Lufeng was able to achieve today's achievements, so he was not a dull person, on the contrary, he was even smarter than other Taoist disciples, and he knew very well what it means to balance the situation.

The reason why he came to this mysterious star field this time is entirely because he received a message for help from Donghuang Yinxuan and Leng Xinghun.

But now, when they actually arrived here, they were shocked to find that not only had they completely lost the news of Donghuang Yinxuan and Leng Xinghun, but they had even met Chen Xi, the murderous star!

All of this made Li Lufeng feel a sense of danger.

He even doubted the current Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan, he was afraid that something bad happened!

Of course, he was just skeptical. If that was the case, he might not even believe it himself. After all, it was too appalling.

But where did Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan go?

The worry in Li Lufeng's heart didn't decrease but increased, and he felt more and more uneasy.


Suddenly, a figure inadvertently flashed in Li Lufeng's mind, his pupils shrank suddenly in shock, and he suddenly woke up from his complicated thoughts.


Almost subconsciously, his figure flashed, changed direction and continued to escape.


A piece of pure spirit chain descended from the sky like a waterfall, blocking that area and completely blocking Li Lufeng's way forward.

This made his complexion change again, and once he gritted his teeth, he changed the direction of escape again, and he felt more and more bad in his heart.

Sure enough, before he could escape again, a tall figure appeared in front of him out of thin air, less than a thousand meters away from him!

"Fellow Daoist, why did you run away? Could it be that you did something wrong?"

That stern figure was Chen Xi. He looked at Li Lufeng calmly, but there was a murderous intent in his heart.

He once heard Tu Meng say that after Tu Meng was promoted to domain master, he was robbed and killed by Li Lufeng on the way to find himself. At that time, Tu Meng was also at a loss as to why Li Lufeng would do this.

But the situation at that time was no longer for Tumeng to think about, because not long after the battle broke out, Donghuang Yinxuan came suddenly and severely injured Tumeng in one fell swoop.

If Tumon hadn't escaped quickly, he would have been robbed and died.

Therefore, when he accidentally saw Li Lufeng just now, Chen Xi immediately remembered this moment, especially when he saw that the other party had turned his head and ran away before meeting him, Chen Xi became more and more sure that this guy must have a guilty conscience.

"So it's fellow Taoist Chen Xi, who am I supposed to be?"

At this moment, Li Lufeng calmed down instead, and chuckled lightly with a look of relief.

If he hadn't heard about that incident from Tu Meng, based on Li Lufeng's current performance, even Chen Xi wouldn't doubt anything.

But now, Li Lufeng's behavior made Chen Xi feel a little ridiculous. This guy really thinks he doesn't know anything?

"Oh? Then who did you think I was just now?"

Chen Xi asked indifferently.

Li Lufeng's expression froze, and he said solemnly: "To tell you the truth, just now, I almost took you, Fellow Daoist, as a heretic living in this chaotic ruin."


Chen Xi looked at the other party with great interest, and did not expose his lies.


Li Lufeng looked serious and serious, and said, "Perhaps you don't know, fellow Taoist Chen Xi, that there are many alien species that have survived from the last era living in this chaotic ruin, and each of them is extremely powerful in combat."

These words made Chen Xi a little surprised, because he didn't expect that Li Lufeng also knew the news.

Even depending on the situation, Li Lufeng seemed to have met the other party.

This is a bit unusual.

Because the reason why Chen Xi knew these things was from Emperor Yanbing who was trapped in the "Sacred Witch Altar".

As for Chen Xi himself, he only knew about the existence of those heretics in the last era, but he had never really seen each other.

"So, fellow daoist, did you treat me as one of those heretics just now?"

Chen Xi's eyes were deep and deep, and it seemed that he could penetrate the most hidden secrets deep in his heart, which made Li Lufeng's hair stand on end.

"To be honest, it is true."

Li Lufeng smiled wryly and sighed, "I don't blame you, fellow daoist, for making fun of you. Although I have already advanced to the Domain Master Realm, I am still quite afraid of those heretics. If I fall into their hands, my end will be worse than death, and I would rather die."

After a pause, he continued, "Fellow Daoist, don't be too suspicious. If I had known it was you, I wouldn't have escaped so courageously."

In the end, he was ashamed.

This made Chen Xi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this guy acted so thoroughly, he could be considered a character, but it's a pity that he went astray.

Chen Xi stopped going around in circles, and said directly: "I already know what you did to Tu Meng, so you should put away your tricks and directly tell me about your relationship with Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan. Relationship, maybe I will give you a chance to redeem your sins and spare you from dying."

Li Lufeng's pupils shrank suddenly, and he forced himself to smile and said, "What did Fellow Daoist Chen Xi say, I... why can't I understand it?"

Chen Xi didn't say any more, but just looked at the other party quietly. His dark eyes looked like a pair of portals leading to hell. Li Lufeng's whole body became tense and stiff, and his expression became more and more unnatural.

In the end, his expression was slumped, and he looked extremely guilty and depressed, and said: "You have already known it, fellow daoist, to tell you the truth, the next time I attacked fellow daoist Tu Meng, it was also because of a misunderstanding..."

A murderous intent suddenly appeared in Chen Xi's eyes, revealing a compelling force: "Remember, this is your last chance, so you must cherish it!"

In an instant, Li Lufeng's expression changed, and he remained silent for a long time. In the end, he suddenly snorted coldly, looked at Chen Xi and said, "That's right, I did intercept Tu Meng, but Chen Xi, if you frame me, Leng Xinghun, and Donghuang If Yinxuan colluded, that would be wronging a good person!"

It looked like he was going to die and refuse to admit it.

Chen Xi squinted his eyes, stared at the other party, and said, "For Ye Chen's sake, I've already given you a chance, but it's a pity you didn't cherish it."

"Ha, do you think you can kill me? Just kidding, don't forget, I, Li Lufeng, am also the domain master now! Even if I'm not your opponent, it's easy to escape!"

Li Lufeng laughed out loud, his voice was full of arrogance.

When he was in the Ancestral God Realm, he would never dare to say such big words to Chen Xi. From this, it can be seen how proud and confident Li Lufeng's mentality has become after advancing to the Domain Master Realm. It is completely different from his previous self. people.

"In that case..."

Chen Xi's eyes gradually turned cold, and murderous intent gradually spread.

"Wait a minute!"

Just when Chen Xi was about to make a move, a figure suddenly came from the distant starry sky. Accompanied by the sound, Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue came side by side.

The figures of the two are like electricity, their aura is different from before, and both of them have advanced to the realm of domain masters!

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, but he sighed in his heart. He knew that as a disciple of the Dao Academy, even if Ye Chen had a good relationship with him, he probably wouldn't let him kill Li Lufeng.

However, in Li Lufeng's eyes, his actions made the latter think that Chen Xi was playing tricks and did not dare to mess around.

This made Li Lufeng's hanging heart finally come back to his stomach, and immediately he said angrily: "The two junior brothers came just in time, and this son of Chen Xi actually wants to kill me, this is simply a great provocation to the successors of our Taoist school! "

He actually hit back!

Chen Xi's originally suppressed killing intent faintly showed signs of erupting.

"Senior brother Li, don't sow discord anymore!"

Yechen scolded coldly, "Who are you, who is present here doesn't know? If you do this again, don't blame me and Junior Brother Jiuyue for leaving!"

Li Lufeng's expression froze, as if he was becoming angry from embarrassment, and said: "Junior Brother Yechen, you have seen the scene just now, do you still want to help Chen Xi, an outsider, to bully Senior Brother me? Do you know that if those old antiques in our Dao Academy know about it? , what will be the consequences?"

He was determined that under such circumstances, Chen Xi would not dare to act without authorization, and as for Yechen and Yu Jiuyue, they would definitely not stand by and watch because of their friendship.

Therefore, his words were not polite at the moment, and he regarded himself as a senior brother, not only reprimanding Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue, but also turning Chen Xi into an opposing enemy.

Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue's faces sank when they heard the words, and they couldn't help but feel helpless in spite of the annoyance in their hearts. Just as Li Lufeng speculated, they would never leave Li Lufeng alone at such a time.

After all, everyone is a Taoist successor!


ps: There are very few monthly votes, which is good to discourage enthusiasm... Anyway, there will be a third update tonight.

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