divine talisman

Chapter 1934 Suspicions

Yechen and Yu Jiuyue were in conflicting moods.

They knew very well what kind of person Li Lufeng was, and they also knew that he had secretly contacted the Supreme Master and the disciples of the seminary a long time ago.

It's just that everyone is from the same family after all, and Li Lufeng's qualifications are extremely old, although his talent is not as good as theirs, he has always been a senior brother of their generation.

Under such circumstances, even if Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue despised Li Lufeng's actions, they would not stand by and let Chen Xi deal with Li Lufeng.

Regarding Li Lufeng's provocation, Chen Xi didn't take it seriously. He didn't even bother to get angry with such a guy with different personalities.

Chen Xi just looked at Yechen and Yu Jiuyue, and said, "For the sake of both of you, I don't need to worry about the fact that he once robbed and killed my fellow disciple Tu Meng, but I just want to ask, how can you two?" You know, it is very likely that this person has already secretly taken refuge in the Supreme Sect and the Divine Academy?"

"What a joke! Which eye of yours saw that I took refuge in them? Chen Xi, don't you want to spout blood! Although your Shenyan Mountain is powerful, my Daoist Academy won't be afraid of you!"

Li Lufeng shouted loudly. At this moment, it seemed that because of Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue's arrival, he was full of confidence, and his words were quite blunt. He almost pointed at Chen Xi's nose and yelled.

Chen Xi ignored Li Lufeng directly, and still looked at Yechen and Yu Jiuyue. He just wanted to confirm an answer.

"This one……"

Yu Jiuyue hesitated.

Seeing this, Ye Chen sighed and said: "Anyone will commit some foolish things, Chen Xi, give me face, don't worry about it anymore, if this kind of thing happens again in the future, I will give you an account in person. "

In the words, it has been indirectly admitted.

This made Ye Chen feel a little embarrassed, after all, their Taoist academy pursued a neutral attitude, but Li Lufeng did such a thing, which made him feel ashamed.

"Okay, I see."

Chen Xi nodded, his expression indifferent.

"Junior Brother Yechen, what are you talking about!"

Li Lufeng's face darkened, he never expected that Yechen would do this at this moment.

"Brother Li!"

Ye Chen's face turned cold, and he said word by word, "For the sake of fellowship, I've already won a chance for you, so don't waste my affection!"

Li Lufeng's expression froze immediately, his eyes flickered for a long time, and finally fell silent.

"Go away, I don't want to see you again."

Chen Xi's eyes suddenly fell on Li Lufeng, and he made no secret of his disgust, "You'd better pray that you don't fall into my hands again next time."


Li Lufeng sneered, "When we meet next time, it doesn't matter who wins or loses!"

After that, he turned around and left.

But at this moment, a hasty voice sounded from the starry sky far away—"Chen Xi! We can't let him go!"

Shi Yu!

In an instant, Chen Xi judged the owner of that voice, and couldn't help squinting his eyes.


Li Lufeng obviously also recognized the identity of the person, his face changed suddenly, his whole body was full of radiance, and he rushed away violently into the distance.

With that appearance, it seemed that he was escaping from something.

"Don't go yet!"

At this moment, Chen Xi chose to trust Shi Yu, and as soon as his figure swept away, he grabbed Li Lufeng.

"Chen Xi! You just promised to let Senior Brother Li go!"

However, at this critical moment, Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue mobilized together, and they acted brazenly to stop Chen Xi's actions.


Chen Xi's eyes turned cold, and with a wave of his sleeves, a surge of incomparable purple-gold divine brilliance shot out. It was so violent that Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue flew out together!

In other words, Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue, the two newly promoted domain masters, were blown away in this flick of their sleeves!

The two of them were suddenly stunned, their faces full of disbelief, and they couldn't believe it all.

Taking advantage of this gap, Chen Xi had long disappeared in the starry sky.


At the same time, in the starry sky far away, figures loomed one after another, they were Kong Youran, Shi Yu and Qin Xinhui from Nuwa Palace.

The domain of the domain master!

In an instant, Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue couldn't help shrinking their pupils again, seeing that Kong Youran, Shi Yu, and Qin Xinhui had all set foot in the domain master's realm!

"This time... Brother Li is still doomed after all."

Yechen sighed deeply.

A few years ago, in order to fight for the origin of a domain, Li Lufeng brazenly killed a descendant of Nuwa Palace, and even almost killed Kong Youran and the others.

It was also because of this incident that Yechen and Yu Jiuyue parted ways with Li Lufeng and acted alone.

It's all because Li Lufeng's actions completely violated the purpose of the Taoist Academy, and even formed a hatred with Nuwa Palace!

It's not that the descendants of their Taoist academy are afraid of things, but that they have been warned by the old antiques from the beginning to the end, and they will never be allowed to get involved in the struggle of the other four major forces in the five extremes of the imperial domain.

But obviously, Li Lufeng's actions have violated this bottom line!

At this time, Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue wanted to stop them again, but it was too late, because there were not only Kong Youran and the others in the field, but also Chen Xi!

Under such circumstances, even if there is an all-out war, it may not be possible for them to win.

For the current plan, they can only hope that Li Lufeng can escape from Chen Xi's hands safely, so that a crisis may be resolved.

As for the others, they no longer dare to have any extravagant hopes.

Actually speaking, Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue are also proud people, but now because of Li Lufeng, their situation has become quite embarrassing, making them very angry and aggrieved.

"You guys stay here and accompany the two fellow Taoists from the monastery, and I will help Chen Xi."

As soon as Kong Youran arrived, her clear eyes were like cold lightning, she glanced at Yechen and Yu Jiuyue, and then told Shi Yu and Qin Xinhui to stay.


But before Kong Youran could start his actions, there was a flash in the sky, and Chen Xi's figure appeared, with Zhao Qingyao and Gu Yan by his side, but Li Lufeng was not there.

This made Kong Youran startled.

"Let him escape?"

Shi Yu on one side asked in astonishment.

Seeing this, although Ye Chen and Shi Yu breathed a sigh of relief, they felt a little embarrassed. It would not be a good feeling to watch the heirs of other forces hunt down their fellow disciples.


Contrary to everyone's expectations, Chen Xi shook his head, turned his palms over, and there was an extra storage treasure, handed it to Ye Chen, and said, "Sorry, I killed him."

what! ?

Everyone was shocked, and they were all speechless.

How long has it been before Li Lufeng has been dealt with by Chen Xi?

You know, Li Lufeng has already advanced to the domain master realm, how could he be killed so easily?

Kong Youran, Shi Yu, and Qin Xinhui all looked stunned, and their hearts were shaken, as if they were digesting this sensational news.

But Yechen and Yu Jiuyue's expressions became extremely complicated. They were very familiar with that magical treasure of storage, which was worn by Li Lufeng.

Just from this point, they judged that Chen Xi had not lied, and that Li Lufeng might have indeed been robbed and died...

At this moment, they didn't know whether they should hate Chen Xi, and their emotions were extremely complicated.

"You guy, really killed him?"

Shi Yu asked in a daze.


Chen Xi nodded. Compared to killing Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan, killing Li Lufeng was a piece of cake.

This guy was the first to be promoted to the realm of the domain master when he first entered the chaotic ruins in his first year, which seemed extremely incredible.

But Chen Xi is now clear that the original power of the realm refined by Li Lufeng is probably not too strong, otherwise he would never have behaved so unbearably.

"This is life!"

Ye Chen suddenly sighed, "I told him a long time ago that if he does these things again, he will end up in the same fate as winning Emperor Qin, but he just refuses to listen, he is obsessed with his obsession, and he has no one to blame."

Yu Jiuyue nodded silently: "It's fine if you die, at least you can retain some integrity."

"That's not necessarily the case. In our Nuwa Palace, one of our companions was killed by him. This time, he was able to die in Chen Xi's hands, which is already considered an advantage to him."

Kong Youran said coldly, with a trace of hatred still in his voice.

Until now, half of the six descendants of their Nuwa Palace who entered the Chaotic Remains had been lost, and only the three of them remained.

Yechen and Yu Jiuyue didn't argue, there was a grievance and a debtor, no matter how uncomfortable they felt, they would not completely tear themselves apart with Kong Youran and the others at this time.


At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly realized something, and frowned, "Why did you all come to this star field?"

As soon as these words came out, the attention of the others was immediately diverted, and they were attracted to each other. They looked at each other, and they all felt a little surprised.

This is indeed very unusual!

To Chen Xi, everything that happened today smacked of something strange.

First, Tu Meng was hunted down, which attracted Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan, and then Zhao Qingyao and Wang Zhong came one after another.

Until later, Li Lufeng appeared, Yechen and Yu Jiuyue appeared, and finally even Kong Youran from Nuwa Palace and the others came together...

All this is too coincidental!

In just one day, the descendants of the five poles of the imperial domain all gathered in the same mysterious star field. How can this not be surprising?

How big and dangerous is the land of chaos, why do they appear here one after another?

"We came across a man in a black cloak by chance. We chased him all the way and came here by accident. Unfortunately, we lost track of this guy in the end."

Kong Youran frowned and spoke slowly.


As soon as these words came out, Ye Chen, Yu Jiuyue, and Zhao Qingyao were all surprised!

"Could it be...you are the same, right?"

Seeing this, Kong Youran also sensed a bad feeling, and couldn't help asking in a concentrated voice.

Yechen and the others nodded together: "That's right, we were also brought here when we were chasing down a man in a black cloak."

This time, even Chen Xi's expression became serious, and he muttered, "It seems that everyone's actions have already been noticed by others!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt a chill in their hearts for no reason, felt uncomfortable for a while, and completely forgot about Li Lufeng's death...


ps: The third update is here, there are a lot more monthly tickets, and only one person is short of entering the top 20. First of all, thank you for your support, and then please continue to vote. If there are more monthly tickets tomorrow, there will be more updates than today!

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