divine talisman

Chapter 1935 Heresy Conspiracy

Chen Xi was not alarmist.

At this moment, everyone else sensed a strange smell.

The land of chaos is so huge that it can be called boundless, but their descendants scattered all over the place gathered here on the same day. If it is a coincidence, no fool will believe it.

"This is a conspiracy!"

Chen Xi seemed extremely calm at this moment, "If my guess is correct, the men in black cloaks who lured you here before must be those heretics that survived from the last era!"

Heresy of the last era?

Everyone was shocked again, with different expressions.

To Chen Xi's surprise, no matter it was Kong Youran, Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue, or even Zhao Qingyao, they all seemed to have heard about these heresies, and their expressions didn't seem too surprised.

"I see."

The next moment, Kong Youran said thoughtfully, "We have encountered a mysterious and strange ancient altar before, and it was there that we met the man in the black cloak!"

"Yes, so do we."

Yechen and Yu Jiuyue nodded together.

"Then do you know why the other party lured you here?"

Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads, expressing that they didn't know. If Chen Xi hadn't reminded them, they would still be kept in the dark at this moment.

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and no one spoke.

Each of them is a generation with extraordinary talent and wisdom. After Chen Xi's awakening, they can judge in an instant that they are very likely to fall into a scheme now!

But they don't know what the opponent is planning.

Chen Xi also knew nothing about this, but he had met Emperor Yanbing once, and learned some extremely valuable news from him.

He knew very well that no matter what those heretics from the last era planned, once they fell into the hands of the other party, they would definitely be worse than death!

"When you become domain masters, you will be captured by those heretics like prey!"

"The laws of the divine way in you will be stripped away by them!"

"The vigor and spirit in your body will be swallowed by the witch beasts they raise!"

"Even your body will be used by them to become a monster that is neither human nor ghost, neither god nor demon, and you will never be able to die completely for eternity!"

For no reason, Chen Xi recalled this warning from Emperor Yanbing again in his mind, and his heart gradually became heavy.

After becoming the domain master, he will be arrested by those heretics!

Chen Xi didn't understand this sentence before, but now when he looked at the other people present, Chen Xi vaguely understood it.

Because whether it is Kong Youran, Ye Chen, Yu Jiuyue, or even Zhao Qingyao, they have all advanced to the realm of domain masters now!

They had all met a man in a black cloak before, and they were all lured here on the same day...

Does this mean that those heretics from the last era have already launched operations to arrest them?

Chen Xi's expression was uncertain, and he even suspected that when Tu Meng, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Li Lufeng, Wang Zhong and others arrived in this mysterious star field, there must be those heretics from the previous era who secretly contributed to the flames!

Chen Xi did the math, the [-] successors who entered the chaotic ruins this time, except for those who had already died, almost all of them survived today gathered here!

If all of this is a conspiracy, why did those heretics from the last era want to lure them all into this star field?

Is there any secret hidden in this star field?

Or, do those heretics do this for other purposes?

The most important thing is that after refining the origin of the Nine Realms, this mysterious star field is now Chen Xi's territory.

This made Chen Xi always have an illusion that everything that happened in front of him seemed to be aimed at him!

Of course, this is just Chen Xi's feeling, he has no way to be sure if this is true, let alone find any evidence to prove it.

But he is sure that from today onwards, the situation of these descendants who came from the ancient gods will become even more dangerous!

"Chen Xi, you...but guessed something?"

Seeing that Chen Xi's expression was fluctuating and he was still refusing to speak, Shi Yu couldn't help asking.

As soon as these words came out, other people also looked at Chen Xi one after another.

Chen Xi immediately woke up from his chaotic thoughts, pondered for a while, and no longer concealed anything, he spoke out everything he knew and some conjectures he had deduced one by one.

When Chen Xi's voice fell, the atmosphere in the arena became deathly silent, and everyone's expressions became solemn, and they fell silent in deep thought.


This is definitely a conspiracy!

They no longer dare to take any chances in their hearts, and start to face this problem head-on.

"So, it is only useful for them to be promoted to the realm of the domain master? Being captured like prey, deprived of the laws of the divine way, swallowed up, encroached on the body... and finally reduced to a person who is neither human nor ghost. , a monster that is neither gods nor demons, it will never die completely forever..."

Yechen murmured, and at the end, his voice had a tinge of coldness, "These heretics, who should have been annihilated in the last era, are really cruel!"

"I feel that what they are planning this time may not be so simple. If they want to arrest us, they don't have to lure us all here."

Kong Youran's eyes were clear and sparkling, glowing like wisdom.

As soon as these words came out, other people immediately agreed with them, and they also felt that what the heretics planned this time must be extraordinary!

But what exactly are they planning?

No one can guess.

This is what scares them the most.

They know very little about the last era, because it was too long ago, and it has long been lost in the endless years.

Even they couldn't know how many heresies survived from the last era, and how terrifying their fighting power was.

"If Wang Zhong can be caught, I'm afraid all of this will not be a problem, but unfortunately... he escaped in the end."

Chen Xi suddenly sighed, regretting that he didn't attack with all his strength and completely left Wang Zhong behind.

From Chen Xi's point of view, this fellow Wang Zhong must have a lot to do with these heretics, and it's not even ruled out that he himself is one of those heretics!

"I have long seen that Wang Zhong has a mysterious origin and is not a descendant of the Golden Toad God Island. Now it seems that this guy's origin is more mysterious than what we guessed."

"This Wang Zhong, could it be a spy sent to the Ancient God Realm by those heretics living in this chaotic ruin?"

"Most likely."

"If this is the case, this conspiracy is a bit infiltrating, and it may eventually spread to the ancient gods!"

Others spoke one after another, but most of them were speculations, unable to make conclusive judgments.

Regarding this, Chen Xi remained silent for a long time, before finally sweeping his eyes over the crowd, he said, "Everyone, let's put all this aside, our top priority is to make preparations so that we can deal with the crisis that may occur next."

After a pause, he continued: "There are still nearly three years before the ten-year agreement. In other words, during this period of time, we have no possibility of returning to the ancient gods!"

The so-called ten-year agreement means that before they entered the chaotic ruins, they were told that ten years later, the five poles of the imperial domain would work together again to open up a passage from the chaotic ruins back to the ancient gods.

It can only be delayed for a maximum of three years!

Once this time is missed, there is almost no hope of returning to the ancient gods.

Now there are still three years before this deadline, which also means to Chen Xi and the others that they will not have the chance to return to the Ancient God Realm during this period of time!

Under such circumstances, the first thing they have to consider is naturally how to survive these three years without any accidents.

"Chen Xi, what do you think should be done?"

Kong Youran looked at Chen Xi.

The others also looked over, and now they all knew that the current Chen Xi was definitely the one with the strongest fighting power among them.

They all knew that even people like Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan, even if they joined forces to dispatch together, they would all die tragically in Chen Xi's hands in the end.

It is conceivable how terrifying Chen Xi's combat power is today.

Although Kong Youran and the others had never witnessed all this with their own eyes, they just saw Li Lufeng wiped out by Chen Xi in just a short moment.

Therefore, at this time, they would not doubt Chen Xi's strength at all.

What made them really curious was how powerful the current Chen Xi was?

Nobody knows.

But all of this is not important, what is important is that in the current situation, Chen Xi is not only powerful in combat, but also has a better understanding of all these plots from those heretics.

Under such circumstances, they naturally had to respect Chen Xi's opinion, as if they had already started to follow Chen Xi's lead.

Including Yechen and Yu Jiuyue, they have also made a decision at this moment, planning to act together with Chen Xi and the others, because in the current situation, they, ascetics from the ancient gods, must stick together, and perhaps they can resolve the current crisis and find Got a chance!

Chen Xi obviously also noticed the change in everyone's attitude towards him. While he was pleased, he couldn't help but feel a heavy pressure.

"I have only one suggestion."

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi let out a sentence from his lips, "Consider all changes with the same!"

As he said that, his figure flickered, and he flew towards a star in the distance, "Everyone, come with me. Now I have something urgent to solve, which may be helpful for our next actions."

Everyone was startled, and followed without hesitation.


On that star land, with a wave of Chen Xi's sleeve robe, the patterns of divine inscriptions emerged out of thin air, forming a divine formation that enveloped all of them.

Then, Chen Xi released the power of his forbidden path secret pattern, covering every inch of space in the divine formation. In this way, as long as there was any disturbance, he would immediately notice it.

After finishing all this, under the curious eyes of everyone, Chen Xi took out six volumes of broken and ancient animal skins and a brass key.


ps: Sweat~ It’s a little late to go home today, and the update pressure is very high, but no matter what, I will fight with all my strength until the early morning, and continue to ask for monthly tickets~~

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