divine talisman

Chapter 1936 Animal Skin Mutation

The broken and ancient animal skin is permeated with obscure and mysterious fluctuations, making it impossible to see the contents clearly.

Kong Youran and the others all recognize that these animal skin scrolls involve a mysterious area in the chaotic ruins, and it is even very possible to find the real mystery about the ultimate path from it!

But what surprised them was that among these animal skin rolls, besides the five pieces from the five poles of the Emperor's Domain, there was another piece.

"This piece of animal skin was taken from Wang Zhong."

Chen Xi explained casually, and opened the piece of animal skin.

This piece of animal skin was obviously much larger than the other five pieces of animal skin in Chen Xi's hands, and its shape was extremely strange, obviously it was pieced together by someone.

It was as if seven or eight pieces of broken animal skins had been pieced together into a larger broken animal skin with an extremely strange shape.

But when he saw this scene, Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and he knew that when Wang Zhong obtained this piece of ancient animal skin, it was absolutely not what it looks like now.

He obviously also collected seven or eight pieces of broken animal skins, and then pieced them together one by one, which made it look like this!

This surprised Chen Xi, and he couldn't help but feel a little suspicious. Where did Wang Zhong collect so many animal skin scrolls?

"Ah Liang, take a look at what is written on it."

Gu Yan spoke from the side.


Ah Liang jumped up from Chen Xi's ear, and came to that piece of animal skin.

Like the five animal skin scrolls that Chen Xi had obtained before, many mysterious and distorted characters were also engraved on this animal skin scroll, which was strange and strange, very different from ordinary ones.

This kind of mysterious text was recognized by only Ah Liang in the field. It was a group of secret texts that only the kings of their Primordial Fungus Tribe could comprehend.

Kong Youran and the others were all amazed, they didn't expect Chen Xi to be accompanied by a descendant of the Primordial Fungus family.

What they didn't expect was that the characters that even the Wuji of the Emperor's Domain could not comprehend seemed to be no problem for this little girl named A Liang.

"Chen Xi, this guy is really well prepared!"

The same emotion emerged in everyone's hearts.

"Extreme is empty, empty is nothing, nothing is born, the beginning of all mysteries..."

Ah Liang has already begun to read the secret text on the animal skin scroll, with crisp tones and clear words, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Extremely empty!"

At this moment, Shi Yu, Yu Jiuyue, Qin Xinhui, and Zhao Qingyao's hearts were all shocked. These three words are very common, but at this moment, they sounded like a strange magic power, which made their hearts tremble for a moment, and their minds were shocked. An indescribable subtle feeling emerged from within.

Even because of these three words, they suddenly forgot the other secret words that Ah Liang said next!

But the others didn't seem to be aware of it, they didn't feel any touch, and they didn't know at all. Because of these three words at this moment, the hearts of Shi Yu and the others were shaken, as if they were hit by a blow.

"Empty and empty!"

But soon, when A Liang read these three words, Kong Youran and Ye Chen felt as if they were struck by lightning, and they had a vague understanding in their hearts.

Only Chen Xi and Gu Yan seemed unaware of this.

This seems very miraculous, it is obviously just an ordinary word, but when it is read by A Liang at this time, it is like carrying a mysterious power, which can directly reach people's hearts, and it is deafening, causing different successors present to have different reactions.

"Creating something out of nothing, the beginning of all mysteries!"

When Ah Liang read these eight words, Chen Xi also felt a shock in his heart, and felt a strange and mysterious atmosphere.

But in just an instant, there was a strange buzzing in Chen Xi's sea of ​​consciousness, and the fragments of the river map that had been silent all this time woke up at this moment!

It seems that the mysterious aura contained in "creating something out of nothing, the beginning of all mysteries" faintly matches a certain power in the fragments of the river map, producing a wonderful reaction like matching.

But this kind of reaction caused an inexplicable throbbing feeling in Chen Xi's heart. Almost subconsciously, he abruptly put away the animal skin roll in his hand, and shouted, "Ah Liang, don't read any more!"

Ah Liang was completely unaware of all this, and didn't feel any abnormality at all. When Chen Xi suddenly yelled and interrupted her, she trembled all over and showed a look of surprise on her face, as if she was frightened.

At this moment, Chen Xi also immediately realized that his actions just now were a little abnormal, and he quickly said, "Ah Liang, I don't blame you, it's my own fault."

Ah Liang seemed to be relaxed, sticking out his tongue and said: "Young Master's appearance just now is so scary."

"What happened just now?"

"Damn it, it's like being stunned! This thing is so weird."

Chen Xi's loud shout also awakened Kong Youran and the others, one by one woke up from that strange state, and immediately their expressions all changed a little, realizing that their reaction just now was a little strange.

"It's nothing, this piece of animal skin came from the hands of Wang Zhong, and its contents are mysterious and strange, maybe there is something hidden in it that none of us know."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and pondered.

Everyone felt awe-inspiring, knowing that they had already advanced to the realm of domain masters, and their strength was much stronger than before.

But at that moment just now, they had all kinds of strange reactions because of a few words, which is a bit penetrating.

"Wait until I put these animal skins together first."

Chen Xi said something quickly, then put the animal skin roll in his hand together with the other five pieces of animal skins, and pieced them together one by one.

This is like a jigsaw puzzle, for people like Chen Xi, it is naturally easy.

Under the eyes of everyone, Chen Xi put it all together in just a moment, and what appeared in his palm was already a complete piece of animal skin!

It is in the shape of a hexagon, about the size of a cattail fan, the whole body is dark and ancient, and it is densely packed with strange and twisted secret scripts.

It was impossible to identify which kind of creature this animal skin came from.

But when Chen Xi saw it for the first time, he immediately felt a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

"The shape of this animal skin... seems to be exactly the same as that strange altar I saw before!"

Kong Youran raised her eyebrows and let out a sound of surprise.

"Yes, yes, no wonder I feel so familiar, it turns out to be similar in shape to that strange altar."

Shi Yu, Yechen, Yu Jiuyue and others also nodded.

At this moment, Chen Xi finally understood, and remembered the "Sacred Witch Altar" where Emperor Yanbing was once imprisoned!

The shape of that strange and mysterious altar is exactly in the shape of a hexagon!

"Sorcerer's altar, complete ancient animal skin... Is there some kind of connection between the two?"

Chen Xi was surprised.

As far as he knows, the altar of the gods and witches must have been built by those heretics from the last era, and according to the big figures in the five poles of the imperial domain, this complete pair of ancient animal skins is a relic of Taoist Kunpeng, with seal engraved on it The written text is a kind of secret text from the archaic fungus.

If there is some kind of connection between the two, it would be too unusual!

Chen Xi even had some doubts at this moment, whether this piece of animal skin was a relic left by Taoist Master Kunpeng when he fell that year.



Before Chen Xi could figure it out, a strange fluctuation suddenly appeared in the animal skin in his palm, spreading out.

Everyone was shocked to see that the densely packed mysterious and distorted characters on the animal skin seemed to come alive at this moment, wriggling on the animal skin at an extremely fast speed.

In just an instant, those secret texts were actually recombined and evolved into a series of intricate patterns with different twists and turns!

I can't see any secret text anymore!

Instead, like a real map, the winding and dense lines are like passing through, guiding a certain direction.

"Is this... a clue to that mysterious area?"

Everyone was amazed, they never expected that such an earth-shaking change would take place when this ancient animal skin scroll was pieced together.

Not to mention them, even Chen Xi himself was unexpected.

Before obtaining the sixth animal skin scroll from Wang Zhong, Chen Xi had already comprehended some clues from the five animal skin scrolls he had already grasped.

Those are some obscure secret texts, namely "Tai, Ji, Tan, Daoji, Shenzhuyuan, Supreme and empty, and true nothing and supreme."

The five characters "Shen, Ji, Yuan, Zhu, and Ji" in it correspond to some of the handwriting that once appeared in the fragments of the river map.

At that time, Chen Xi suspected that there might be some kind of connection between the fragments of the river map, the ruined land of chaos, the mysterious area, and the true meaning of the ultimate path...these!

Even in Chen Xi's opinion, as long as he can find that mysterious area, he might be able to reveal all the answers.

However, at this time, when I saw the changes in this complete animal skin, and saw that those obscure secret texts had disappeared, I felt a little caught off guard.

Could it be that those secret texts are not what I guessed before, but just a symbol, prepared for the final derivation of this map-like clue?

For a moment, Chen Xi was a little at a loss.

It took him a long time to take a deep breath and get rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind, but he knew very well in his heart that if he wanted to find out all this, he had to find that mysterious area first.

"Chen Xi, in your opinion, what does the pattern on the animal skin represent?"

Kong Youran asked.

"If my guess is correct, it should be a road map pointing to that mysterious area."

Chen Xi said without hesitation, this is actually easy to guess, because it can be easily judged based on the many clues before.

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately, the mysterious area!It is very possible that there is a real mystery about the ultimate path hidden in it!

"We can't act according to the clues on this animal skin for the time being."

Chen Xi suddenly made a sound, and glanced at everyone, "I always feel that this time the heresy lured you here, and the plot must be very serious. If you take action at this time, I'm afraid everything will be seen by them."

After a pause, his expression suddenly became serious, and he said carefully, "And now I suddenly have some doubts, that Wang Zhong...seems to have deliberately asked me to snatch this last piece of animal skin!"



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