divine talisman

Chapter 1937

Da, Da, Da...

Wang Zhong was alone, walking in a grand and empty ancient palace, his footsteps stepped on the hard and dark ground, emitting a low echo, floating in the hall.

He was dressed in blood, his eyes were as cold as electricity, and his whole body was filled with a contemptuous and deep spirit. Compared with before, at this moment, he had an aura of vicissitudes, as if he had gone through the baptism of endless years.

This palace is very old, and it is as dark as an eternal night, except that there is only a ray of bright red flames like blood in the very depths.

Like a blood eye of a ferocious beast, dormant in this dark and silent palace.

In the silence, there was a palpitating breath.

As he walked forward, Wang Zhong's expression became calmer and calmer. He seemed to be familiar with this place, and he didn't see any emotional fluctuations at all.

"You're back."

After an unknown amount of time, suddenly an indifferent, old, hoarse and deep voice resounded, echoing in the hall, faintly, far and near.

Wang Zhong stopped abruptly, remained silent for a moment, and said, "I'm back."


As the sound fell, golden flames suddenly lit up on both sides of the empty and dark hall, like dancing torches, dispelling the darkness.

In an instant, the main hall was brightly lit, stained with a layer of sacred gold, and everything became extremely clear.

This hall is indeed very spacious and splendid, huge and immeasurable. A passage made of black bricks and stones spreads straight from the center of the hall to the end of the hall.

On both sides of the passage, there are ancient stone pillars, each of which is like a giant dragon hanging in the air.

Wang Zhong stood in the passage, compared with the stone pillars on both sides, compared with the entire hall, he was as small as an ant!

Looking carefully, one after another of the stone pillars were engraved with blood-colored mysterious patterns.

There is a demon god who has eight arms, a body like a rock, eyes like the sun and the moon, and a demon god who steps on the stars and howls.

There is a body that is ten thousand feet long, with black feathers like the night, and there are nine hideous heads of strange birds, dancing with the corpse of a god in its mouth.

There is a majestic figure who masters the mountains and rivers, with thunder in his ears, sitting on the sky, overlooking hundreds of millions of sentient beings, with a light floating between his brows, illuminating everything in the universe.

There is a graceful woman who rides the boat of the Canglang, rides the Zhouxu and others, and swings the Qingming. Her blue hair is like a waterfall, and the Daoguang falls ten thousand feet, hazy like a dream.

...The scarlet patterns are full of ancient and boundless flavors, completely different from those in the ancient gods, and completely unlike what should be in this life.

The figures in the pattern are also full of various mysterious colors, more like ancient existences in another strange world.

These blood-colored patterns were branded on the stone pillars, like ancient totems, reflecting myriad phenomena, adding an invisible sacred atmosphere to this hall.

Wang Zhong stood on the passage, stopped moving forward, looked through the void, and looked at the end of the hall.

At the end, there is a ray of bright red blood-colored divine flame. Below the divine flame, there is a white bone seat. On the seat, sits a blood-colored figure, twisting like a divine flame, changing like smoke, People can't see its appearance at all.

Mysterious hall.

Golden divine flame.

Totem pillars.

Throne of Bones.

Bloody figure.

The combination of such pictures makes the whole scene sacred with a mysterious and heart-pounding color.

And looking at the figure sitting on the throne of bones from a distance, although its face can't be seen clearly, it makes people feel like seeing a master, with supreme power!

"Is it done?"

That old and hoarse voice sounded again, coming from the throne of bones at the end of the hall.

"The remaining skins of the holy beasts have now fallen into the hands of the Era Respondents. Not surprisingly, they should have been planted with the 'Sacred Witch' by now."

Wang Zhong nodded, and talked to the bloody figure sitting on the bone throne from a very long distance.

He didn't move forward, as if he was quite afraid that if he moved forward, he would be killed.

"Not bad."

The bloody figure exclaimed, "Using the identity of the master of the Kunpeng to cover up the mystery of the 'Holy Beast Skin', only you can come up with such a strange and wonderful method."

Wang Zhong remained expressionless, and said, "It's also thanks to the fact that the Era Respondent was accompanied by a descendant of the Primordial Fungus, otherwise it would have been impossible to activate the 'Forbidden Witch'."

"You don't have to be humble, you do things, I never worry about anything."

The voice of the blood-colored figure became low, and he said with emotion, "I just didn't expect that after 6000 years, you still remember returning from the ancient gods this time. This is a bit beyond my expectation."

Hearing this, Wang Zhong suddenly raised his head, a sneer appeared on his originally indifferent and calm face, and said: "I am born to be a slave, but I will not survive when I die. How dare I not come back for an existence like mine!"

There was already an incomparable resentment in the voice, and it kept echoing in this empty hall.

"Don't worry, when this is done, I will not only give you back your freedom, but also give you the position of 'Holy King'."

That bloody figure was not angry.


Wang Zhong narrowed his eyes suddenly, and said coldly, "You said this! If you can't do it then, don't blame me for going to the Holy Spirit to cooperate! You should know that with the means I have, as long as the Holy Spirit is willing , I can support her as the new Holy King!"

"Holy Spirit...you actually found the whereabouts of the Holy Spirit?"

That bloody figure seemed a little excited, but also a little shocked.

"That's right, she hasn't awakened consciousness yet, and she is still stored in that luck furnace. I can even tell you that she has now appeared in the ancient gods!"

Wang Zhong spoke coldly, as if to prove something, his voice was firm and sonorous.

"Ha ha."

The bloody figure suddenly laughed, "Not yet awakened, it doesn't mean she can't be awakened. When she awakens, she will probably kill you first. If my guess is right, you haven't really obtained what she has. The Qi Luck Furnace where you are hiding, so you can only come back and cooperate with me."

Wang Zhong's face darkened, and he fell into silence.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, our plan is only one step away, and we can proceed smoothly. The promise I made to you back then will never be changed. The position of the Holy King can be handed over to you, but you must also help I'm stepping into the real ultimate realm!"

The voice of that blood-colored figure became solemn, revealing an undeniable flavor.

"it is good!"

After a long silence, Wang Zhong finally nodded and said a word from his lips.

Seeing this, the blood-colored figure couldn't help laughing loudly, his voice was like thunder, shaking the hall.

But immediately, his laughter stopped abruptly.


The blood-colored figure seemed to have noticed something, and there was a tinge of anger in his voice, "The ban on holy witches is gone! Aluye! How dare you deceive me!"


A wave of terrifying murderous intent spread out from that bloody figure, oppressing the entire hall, whining and trembling.


Wang Zhong's face changed, "This is impossible! Domain masters like them are absolutely unable to resist the prohibition of holy witches!"

"But the aura of the Holy Witch's ban has indeed disappeared!"

The blood-colored figure paused every word, and with the sound, the murderous intent permeating his body became more and more terrifying as if it were real.

"you do not believe me?"

Wang Zhong said sharply, he felt an incomparable pressure.


The blood-colored figure was silent for a moment, and the tide of murderous intent on his body suddenly subsided and disappeared completely.

This made Wang Zhong secretly heave a sigh of relief, but his expression was a bit ugly, and he said coldly: "You planted the prohibition of the holy witch on the skin of the holy beast, and now it is my fault for the failure. Don't you think this This behavior is shameless?"

"Well, the matter has already happened, so there is no need to mention it again."

The bloody figure said indifferently, "The ban on holy witches is gone, they must have obtained the secret map leading to the 'Forbidden Tribulation Abyss', what do you think should be done next?"

Wang Zhong said coldly: "Of course we have to change the plan!"

With that said, he turned and walked towards the main hall.

"How are you going to do it?"

The bloody figure asked.

"Wait outside the 'Forbidden Tribulation Abyss' with the ghosts you cultivated."

"Wait for the rabbit?"

"Do you think we can break into the abyss of forbidden robbery like them?"

"Alright, it's just..."

"No, just, don't forget, only they can unlock the power in the forbidden abyss, and only by using their bodies can we break through the barriers of the chaotic ruins, no longer hindered by the power of heaven in this life !"

"Okay! Do everything according to what you said, but, Aluye, I have to warn you that we have waited too long for this opportunity, and we will never allow any mistakes at the last moment. If it fails... "

"If you fail, my life will be yours!"

The sound of conversation continued to echo in this mysterious and empty hall, but Wang Zhong's figure had disappeared outside the hall.

Soon, the hall returned to silence again.

That bloody figure sat alone on the throne of bones, silent.

"Aluye, don't let me down this time..."

After a long time, a murmur sounded, revealing a cold taste.


Chen Xi didn't know that the complete piece of ancient animal skin in his hand was the "sacred beast skin" that Wang Zhong was talking about.

He also didn't know that when A Liang read out the secret text "Extremely empty, empty without nothing, existence is born out of nothing, the beginning of all mysteries..." The strange reaction they suffered came from a kind of "Holy Spirit". The secret method of the ban on witches.

He also didn't know that after he accidentally interrupted Ah Liang's words, he had helped all of them resolve a catastrophe.

As for the "Forbidden Tribulation Abyss" referred to by the secret map on this volume of ancient animal skins, it is even more impossible for him to know.

However, at this time, he had already put away the complete ancient animal skin. Even if he didn't know the name "Forbidden Tribulation Abyss", he didn't intend to act according to the secret map on the animal skin.

Because just as he had suspected before, he suspected that Wang Zhong deliberately let him take away this roll of animal skin!

At this moment, Chen Xi looked at the brass key in his hand.

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