divine talisman

Chapter 1938 Buddha Prophecy

This brass key is simple and cold, with dense and strange textures on it. It was a relic given by Emperor Yanbing when he passed away.

According to what Emperor Yanbing said, this brass key was obtained by accident when he wandered through the chaotic ruins, and even he didn't know what secrets were hidden in it.

Chen Xi had also searched carefully at that time, but found nothing, but his intuition told him that this thing should be very extraordinary.

But now, after going through so many things, especially after seeing through the plots of those heretics, Chen Xi has become more cautious.

Even a little doubt about this brass key.

If Wang Zhong let himself take away the last roll of animal skin on purpose, would the same be the case with this brass key?

After all, it was after obtaining this brass key that Emperor Yanbing suddenly encountered a catastrophe and was arrested and imprisoned in the "Sacred Witch Altar".

If you think about it carefully, you have to wonder whether the robbery of Emperor Yanbing is related to this brass key!

"Huh? You also have such a key in your hand?"

Suddenly, Kong Youran stared at the brass key in Chen Xi's hand, and made a sound of surprise.


Almost at the same time, Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue stared at each other.

"Why, you also have such a key in your hand?"

Chen Xi's expression became serious.

Kong Youran, Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue looked at each other, then turned their palms, and each took out an identical brass key!

Suddenly, Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

"I have one here too."

At this moment, Zhao Qingyao also took out a brass key.

All of a sudden, everyone was silent. Like Chen Xi, they realized the seriousness of the problem.

"It's definitely not a coincidence."

Chen Xi said seriously, "I suspect that the reason why you met those men in black cloaks who lured you here is probably because of wearing such a key!"

There was a haze in the expressions of everyone, and they also guessed this.

"Hateful! I didn't expect that we would be calculated long ago!"

Shi Yu gritted his teeth and snatched the key from Kong Youran's hand, intending to destroy it.

"Wait a minute."

Chen Xi hurriedly stopped him.

All of a sudden, everyone looked at Chen Xi.

"Whether it is really as I speculated, we can just take this opportunity to test it out, and maybe we can get some valuable news."

The corners of Chen Xi's lips curled into an intriguing arc, "Give me all your brass keys."


Three hours later.


In this vast starry sky, there was a burst of void fluctuations suddenly, and immediately, a black figure walked out of it.

He was wearing a black robe and a cloak on his head. His figure was shrouded in a thick black mist, like a demon god from hell, with a terrifying aura.


As soon as the man in black robe appeared, he released his thoughts, spreading away like a tide, covering the starry sky in an instant!


The man in black seemed to have noticed something, and let out a surprise.


The next moment, he had arrived at a star in the starry sky, and with a single grab, he smashed a ten thousand zhang mountain into powder.

And at the bottom of that mountain peak, there were brass-colored keys on hold!

"Damn it! They actually noticed it!"

The man in black seemed to be extremely furious, and let out a low and cold roar. Just a sound, it shattered this huge star and turned it into powder!


The black-robed man no longer hesitated, his figure flickered, and he swept away into the distance.

"This matter must be reported to Lord Temple immediately!"

The people in black are very clear that this operation involves too much, they have prepared for it for too long, and they have waited for too long. If there is a mistake, the consequences will be unimaginable.


However, just before the man in black turned back and took action, a curtain of light intertwined with pure chains descended from the sky and stopped him.

not good!

be cheated!

The man in black was shocked, and waved his hand to sacrifice a monstrous black flame, covering the sky and covering the earth, incinerating time and space, with terrifying power.


The light curtain transformed by that piece of pure color god chain trembled violently and was about to be broken open.

But before the man in black could heave a sigh of relief, the mutation happened again——


A pure white snow-like divine sword pierced through the air, immeasurably holy and shining brightly.


A round of golden sun shines in the sky, illuminating nine heavens and ten earths, and suppresses it.


A curtain of eternal night spreads, dark and deep, penetrating the void, as if to drag everything in the world into the eternal night.

In an instant, all kinds of supreme treasures flew into the sky, and all kinds of supreme Taoism were released, bombarding them from all directions.

This piece of starry sky was shaken, thousands of stars exploded, the longitude and latitude were chaotic, and the terrifying and blazing divine brilliance completely submerged this place.

This is the seven domain masters who have mastered the power of the domain, and the destructive power caused by it can be imagined.

These seven domain masters are naturally Chen Xi and the others.

According to Chen Xi's order before, they hid those brass keys, and then hid in the dark, waiting.

Sure enough, everything that happened next proved that the brass key was indeed a despicable trick used by those heretics.

This also proved well why both Kong Youran and the others, Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue, would encounter those heretics on the same day and be lured into this star field.

It's all about these brass keys!

Chen Xi was even sure that Wang Zhong was able to find him before, it must be because of the brass key he was carrying.

All doubts are easily resolved.

Next, it’s time to collect!

As long as you catch this black-robed man who appeared suddenly, you can definitely get more valuable news!


In an instant, being in a desperate situation, the man in black couldn't help roaring, the sound shook the world, revealing anger and unwillingness.


In the next instant, his whole body was ablaze, and a mysterious black divine fire was steaming up, spreading across the world.

"Want to capture this seat? Delusion! It won't take long, you vulnerable idiots are destined to be destroyed!"

In the shrill and bitter voice, the whole body of the man in black shattered unexpectedly, turning into an incomparably violent force that swept across all directions.


Chen Xi and the others were caught off guard immediately, and they dodged one after another.

How could they have imagined that as soon as the battle started, this black-robed man would be so fierce and ruthless that he would blow himself up on the spot without giving them any chance! ?

When all these disappeared and calm was restored, there was no longer a trace left by the black-robed man in the arena.


The figures of Chen Xi and his party appeared here, and everyone's expressions were a little ugly.

Although he had seen through the scheme hidden in the brass key, once the black-robed man died, it would be tantamount to cutting off all clues, and it would be difficult to obtain any useful information.

"I didn't expect these heretics to be really ruthless!"

Shi Yu gritted his teeth.

"If this guy dies, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of other heretics, which will definitely have some impact on our next actions."

Kong Youran murmured.

"Yes, it is no longer suitable to stay here at this time, and must be transferred as soon as possible."

Ye Chen also frowned.

"Leave? Where can we go after leaving? There are still nearly three years before we have the opportunity to return to the ancient gods. During this period of time, those heretics will definitely arrest us at all costs. No matter where we go at this time, I'm afraid it will be extremely dangerous."

Shi Yu said with a gloomy expression.

It's not that they are afraid of each other, but until now, they don't even know how many opponents there are, and how powerful their combat power is. Everything is full of unknowns, which makes their situation extremely passive.

"No matter what, let's get out of here first."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and his expression was extremely calm, "As I said before, we should remain the same to respond to all changes. As long as we act carefully and survive these three years, all crises will be easily resolved."

Everyone was silent, and they all agreed with Chen Xi's point of view.

"Chen Xi, then you will be in charge of all actions from now on. We all just follow your orders, and I don't think everyone will have any objections."

Kong Youran took a deep breath and said seriously.

"That's right, Chen Xi, you are in control of everything, we are absolutely assured."

The others also chimed in.

Chen Xi was silent for a moment, and said: "I can't guarantee whether I will encounter a fatal disaster, but I will do my best to bring everyone back to the Ancient God Realm."

The voice was calm, and there was nothing sonorous and passionate, but it made everyone else feel at ease.

This is the Chen Xi they knew, who never boasted, but would use actions and wisdom to do everything well.

This kind of person is the most reliable.

"Go, let's get out of here first."

Chen Xi glanced around, chose a direction, and led everyone away through time and space.

The direction he chose was completely contrary to the route on that piece of complete animal skin. Obviously, Chen Xi was still wary of the mysterious area that this piece of animal skin pointed to.

Under such circumstances, he would never take everyone on an adventure.


A mysterious area in the Relic of Chaos.


The divine fire fell from the sky like slurry.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a raging sea of ​​flames is falling from the nine heavens, cutting through the void, and pouring into an endless abyss.

That abyss is boundless and unfathomable, like a crack in the world, like a gate leading to hell.

The Huohai Waterfall poured down from the sky, but it disappeared into the abyss in an instant without stirring up a wave.

"Big and immeasurable, the beginning of forbidden calamity, the end of reincarnation..."

At this moment, Canaan, the holy son of the Buddhist sect who had disappeared in the chaotic ruins for many years, stood in the distance of this mysterious abyss, his eyes were dark, and there was a touch of compassion between his brows.

His figure was solitary, his clothes were loose, his body was full of radiance, his treasure was solemn, and his aura was more calm and tranquil than before.

"The end of the Dharma is coming to the abyss, and the karma of reincarnation... The prophecy left by the Buddha has indeed come true. The karma of the last era will inevitably appear in this world after all..."

With a long sigh, there was a lingering worry on Canaan's brows.


ps: I will drive my brother and sister-in-law to the provincial capital to catch a plane later in the evening, the second update tonight will be added tomorrow, and 2 chapters will be added.

In addition, if you have a monthly pass, please vote for it, please.In the last two days at the end of the month, if it is not necessary, Goldfish will not delay the update at this time, and it seems very powerless to ask for a monthly ticket.

Sometimes due to some irresistible things, the update is delayed, and people will scold, and Goldfish feels uncomfortable. Please understand.

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