divine talisman

Chapter 1939

This "Forbidden Tribulation Abyss" is very big, unimaginably big.

When Canaan, the holy son of the Buddhist sect, was worried, he didn't know that there were already many figures standing on the opposite side of this big abyss.

There were about a dozen of these figures, and the leader was Wang Zhong, who was wearing a blood robe and was filled with vicissitudes in his violent aura.

The figures behind him were all dressed in black robes and bamboo hats, their auras were cold and dead, like monsters without emotions, they were breathtaking.

At this moment, Wang Zhong stood by the bank of the abyss, his clothes fluttering, his long hair flying, his eyes staring into the depths of the abyss, lost in thought.


Above the sky here, there are also hundreds of millions of fire rain pouring down, like a sea of ​​fire waterfall falling from the nine heavens, burning the void, surging and surging, with a huge momentum.

Looking carefully, in the pouring sea of ​​flames, there are still huge stars mixed in it, falling into the abyss.

Such a scene is exactly "the sea of ​​fire falls into the nine heavens, and the stars fall into the abyss"!

Even the stars fell into it, and they were swallowed up and disappeared in the blink of an eye. One can imagine how big this "Forbidden Tribulation Abyss" is.

Big, therefore immeasurable!

"This time, as long as it can be successfully opened, the Dharma-ending Era belonging to the ancient gods will come..."

After being silent for a long time, Wang Zhong couldn't help murmuring, and there was an uncontrollable frenzy in his eyes looking at the forbidden abyss.

Immediately, Wang Zhong suddenly turned around, glanced at the men in black robes, and said, "Our clan has waited for too long for this opportunity, and now that the opportunity has finally come, you should know what to do next."

His voice was low and cold, with a hint of sternness.

"Follow your lord's instruction!"

The men in black robes responded solemnly.

"If there is a mistake in this operation, you also know what consequences you will suffer, and I don't bother to say anything more."

Wang Zhong turned around again, looked at the forbidden abyss, suddenly frowned, and said, "Why hasn't there been any news yet?"

Those people in black robes were all silent, and they were also full of doubts in their hearts.


At this moment, a black smoke suddenly surged from the void far away, making a rapid and sharp whining sound.

In just a moment, the black mist came to Wang Zhong, and exploded with a bang, and strands of black mist turned into a light curtain.

On the light curtain, the scene of Chen Xi and his party besieging that black-robed man was impressively reflected at this time.


In the end, when the light curtain showed the scene of the man in black blew himself up, it shattered and disappeared without a trace.

But after witnessing all this, Wang Zhong's face suddenly became gloomy, and his aura became extremely oppressive.

After a moment of restlessness, those men in black robes returned to their cold and silent appearance.

The atmosphere was silent, almost suffocating.

After a long time, Wang Zhong let out a long breath and muttered: "It seems that they have noticed our actions..."

At this moment, he thought of the "Holy Witch's Restriction" branded on the "Holy Beast Skin" that was destroyed, and he also thought of Chen Xi.

Intuition told Wang Zhong that whether it was the destroyed "Saint Witch's Forbidden" or the scene before him, they were probably all related to Chen Xi.

"Chen Xi, Chen Xi, I really underestimated your methods!"

There was a hint of cruelty in Wang Zhong's eyes, "Do you think that you can escape from the palm of this seat? Delusion!"

"Listen to orders!"

Wang Zhong turned around, his eyes were deep and cold, and he scanned the men in black.

"From now on, launch the 'Reverse Dao Territory Force'! Mobilize all the forces distributed in the chaotic ruins, and start our plan!"

"I want them to have no escape but to fall into our shackles!"



On this day, strands of strange and mysterious black divine light suddenly appeared in every area of ​​the entire chaotic ruins, covering the sky full of stars like night.

The entire chaotic ruins fell into a kind of darkness.

At the same time, the power of heaven and earth in this piece of heaven and earth began to become chaotic, causing everything to fall into a disorderly and turbulent scene.

Longitude and latitude collapse.

Time and space reversed.

Vientiane confused.

Even the directions north, south, east, and west can no longer be discerned.

Everything began to be turbulent and chaotic, as if entering a cataclysm!


The night covers the sky and darkness falls.

Canaan, the holy son of the Buddhist sect, suddenly raised his head. When he saw the stars in the sky disappearing into the darkness, his calm and resolute face became extremely dignified.

"After all, it is inevitable to start..."

At this moment, Canaan seemed to have finally made a certain decision, and there was an aura of resolute compassion all over his body.

The next moment, with a flash of his figure, he jumped into the unfathomable "Forbidden Tribulation Abyss"!



Chen Xi led a group of people to travel through time and space, and quickly left that mysterious star field, appearing on the land of the Chaotic Relic.

As before, the chaotic ruins are still full of murderous intentions and dangers.

But Chen Xi and his group are now different from before. Most of them have advanced to the realm of domain masters, and their own strengths have all undergone earth-shaking changes.

The benefit brought by the transformation of strength is that it is much easier than before to resolve dangers.

But that doesn't mean they can rest easy.

There are too many unpredictable killings in the chaotic ruins, and even some dangerous places, so far they have not dared to go one step further.

Along the way, while observing the environment along the way, Chen Xi led a group of people to fly away, while searching the star field above the sky.

Now among their group, Gu Yan is the only one who has not advanced to the realm of domain master. This makes Chen Xi, who is a master uncle, not just sit idly by.

Even though their current situation is even more dangerous than before, Chen Xi doesn't think that under such circumstances, it is impossible to help Gu Yan obtain the origin of a domain.

After all, there are still nearly three years before returning to the Ancient God Domain, which is enough to do a lot of things.


But soon, Chen Xi narrowed his eyes suddenly, and stopped the flying figure.

"what happened?"

When the others saw this, they all trembled in their hearts.

"Look over there."

Chen Xi stared at the distant sky, "Have you noticed that since just now, the aura in this chaotic ruin seems to have started to change..."

At this time, everyone also saw that on the star dome in the extreme distance, a blackness was gradually expanding and spreading, like ink, and soon covered a piece of starry sky, and this blackness was spreading at an incredible speed !

It was like nightfall. It was an ordinary scene in the outside world, but in this chaotic ruin, it became too abnormal and mysterious.

Combined with Chen Xi's words, everyone immediately noticed that indeed, the atmosphere in this chaotic ruin was undergoing drastic changes!


out of order.


Everything is caught in a chaotic and complicated change. It feels like the sky is spinning, and the scene changes frequently, making it difficult for people to tell the direction.

In just a moment, the sky above the stars was already dark, and all the stars were covered by a black curtain.

This made everyone look dignified, smelling a dangerous breath.


Chen Xi flicked his fingers, and shot out a sky-reaching sword energy, which shot straight up into the sky, trying to break through the black curtain that covered the starry sky.

But a frightening scene happened, the sword energy was so fierce, but after entering the black scene, it disappeared without a trace like a mud cow entering the sea, without causing any ripples!

This made everyone's hearts sink again. Chen Xi's current combat power is so powerful that he can't achieve any effect. How terrifying is the power that is filled in the black screen?

"It seems that we can no longer enter the star field, and can only act in this chaotic ruin."

Chen Xi frowned, vaguely guessing something.

"Could it be the movement made by those heretics from the last era?"

Ye Chen said in a deep voice.

"It must be so."

Chen Xi nodded, "Everything in this chaotic ruin is changing. It is chaotic and disorderly. It is much more dangerous than before. If my guess is correct, those heretics may have noticed something, and now they have begun to target us. It's time to move."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's hearts tensed.

"Everyone, from now on, we must prepare for battle!"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, a cold gleam gushed out of his black eyes, lingering with murderous intent.


While speaking, he sacrificed the sword talisman.

As early as when he was dealing with Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan, Chen Xi had never used the divine treasure at all, and he had already sacrificed the sword talisman before the battle. There is no trace of carelessness.

Seeing this, the others didn't dare to be negligent, they used their cultivation bases, sacrificed various divine treasures, and became fully alert.


Almost as soon as they were ready, the ground shook violently, the nearby mountains collapsed, and time and space roared.

It seems that there are thousands of troops and horses galloping from a very far away place, with majestic momentum, shaking the world and changing the color of everything.

"That is?"

Kong Youran was surprised and looked into the distance.

I saw a dense figure suddenly appearing on the extremely distant horizon, spreading towards this side like a tide.

Among those figures, there are gods and demons who are tall and powerful; there are tens of thousands of Rakshasa blood bees dispatched in swarms; there are skeletons that look like skeletons; Horrible Creatures...

Too much!

It's like a mighty army composed of creatures in the chaotic ruins, rushing from afar.

The murderous intent pervading from their bodies gathered together, as if they were real, rumbling and crushing time and space, disturbing the wind and cloud in all directions, it was extremely frightening.

"Not good! Those guys seem to be running after us!"

Shi Yu said quickly.


Chen Xi judged almost instantly that he could no longer move forward and had to change the direction of flying away, because there were so many ominous creatures approaching from afar, like endless tides, that one couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle when he looked at it from a distance. .


Just as they turned around, a sharp cry that resounded through the sky suddenly resounded from the extreme distance in this direction.


A huge ferocious bird with a body of one hundred thousand feet, pitch-black body, and nine ferocious heads, appeared from a distance, and its power shook the world!


ps: Before 10 o'clock in the second update, before 12 am in the third update, after the early morning of the fourth update, and in the last few hours of the end of the month, although the monthly ticket was blown out again and ranked 21st, please vote more, strive hard, and fight hard No regrets in the morning.

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