divine talisman

Chapter 1940 Breakthrough Opportunity

The fierce bird has nine heads, its wings hang down like clouds, and its fierce power shakes the world!

It is different from any kind of fierce bird in the ancient gods. It is strange and ancient, with a unique and fierce arrogance.

Behind it, followed by thousands of huge black shadows, all of them were vicious creatures with strange shapes!

All of a sudden, from the front and back directions, there were overwhelming ominous creatures, menacing and overwhelming, covering the sky and the sun, extremely frightening.


The mountains shook and the ground shook, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, accompanied by all kinds of roars, cries, and the sound of void bursting and divine power roaring, the scene seemed like the end of the world.

The expressions of Chen Xi and the others changed slightly.

No one expected that the danger would come so quickly, and so fiercely and shockingly, that for a moment, it felt like being in an ancient wild battlefield, and enemies were everywhere.


Suddenly, a ten thousand zhang-tall god and demon at the forefront of the army in the distance looked up to the sky and screamed, stretched out its arm like a mountain range, and smashed the sky with its palm.


This big hand was ancient and huge, and the blood-colored dao radiance was condensed in the palm lines. If a bloody sun that shrouds the sky came, it would kill Chen Xi and his party on the spot.

Time and space were overwhelmed and collapsed one after another.

The power of this palm is not weaker than the power of the three-star emperor!


A thick, sky-reaching purple-golden sword energy swept up, swept it lightly, and with a puff, blood rained pouring down, and that big hand was cut off with a single wrist!

This sword was naturally written by Chen Xi.

"Go, there is no way out, we can only fight a bloody way!"

Although he succeeded in one blow, Chen Xi didn't feel happy at all. On the contrary, his expression was solemn at the moment, and his brows were full of murderous intent.

The fighting power of those fierce creatures is terrifying, most of them are "witch beasts" raised by those heretics, and their strength is not weaker than any emperor's realm.

In addition, there are many corpses of ascetics controlled by "Witch Beasts" in the field!

The owners of those corpses were all big figures who were in one side during their lifetime. After being captured by those heretics, the laws of the divine way were deprived, their energy and spirit were swallowed up by those witches and beasts, and even their bodies were used and manipulated.

But now, these corpse shells are manipulated by those witches and beasts, but they have become the most terrifying enemy in the field!

Chen Xi knew very well that the current situation was already extremely dangerous, and if they could not break through, they would most likely be robbed.

Therefore, at this moment, Chen Xi didn't dare to be negligent at all.


Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xi circulated the star field in his body, his body was filled with purple-gold divine brilliance, his power climbed to the peak level, like an unrivaled emperor, looking down upon and killing people.

He took the lead and rushed towards the enemy army in front, trying to fight a bloody path and break out of the encirclement.


The sword talisman swept across the sky, like the sharpest blade in the world, gushing out a blazing sword aura thousands of feet long, sweeping away.

In an instant, hundreds of monsters were killed!

The tide-like army of ominous creatures was also torn apart abruptly.




Almost at the same time, Kong Youran, Shi Yu, Qin Xinhui, Ye Chen, Yu Jiuyue, Zhao Qingyao and others also brazenly dispatched together, following behind Chen Xi.

All kinds of divine treasures vacated.

All kinds of supreme magic are released.

Dazzling and gorgeous divine brilliance spread and swept across.

All of a sudden, the battle erupted completely, shaking the heavens and earth, changing the color of the universe, and this area was reduced to a turbulent killing field, comparable to the battle of the gods in ancient times!

Such a battle scene is indeed rare in ancient times.

Chen Xi and his seven domain masters were dispatched together. Such a scene hadn't happened in the ancient gods for a long, long time.

And their opponents are as mighty as an army, unparalleled in power, densely packed, like infinite, filling every corner of this area.

Such a horrific battle scene is enough to trigger an unpredictable catastrophe in the domain of the ancient gods!


Blood splashed.


Shouting loudly.


Heaven and earth are sad.


At this moment, Chen Xi and the others were full of fighting spirit, like the most ruthless wind, wrapped in an unparalleled sharpness, rushing to kill in the army of murderous creatures.

Wherever he passed, stumps flew and blood poured down, a bloody scene like purgatory was vividly staged.

The world fell into chaos, everything fell into chaos, the gods were all angry, blood rained, and the sound of the Tao shook... All kinds of shocking visions were produced.

This is not a battle, but a war!

Bloody and brutal!

But what was shocking was that even though Chen Xi and the others advanced like a broken bamboo and killed their opponents like a broken bamboo, the situation was still not optimistic.

The reason is that there are too many of those monsters!

They were densely packed, coming from all directions, and as soon as one group was killed, another group came in again, as if they were endless and could never be killed.

Their combat effectiveness is equally astonishing, and almost none of them are weaker than the Emperor Realm!

If it had been before Chen Xi and the others had advanced to the realm of domain masters, they would have been overwhelmed by this overwhelming army of ferocious beasts long ago, and they would not be able to persist until now.

But Chen Xi and the others had no way out.

They must fight to the end, only by fighting a bloody path can they find a chance of survival!

The only fortunate thing is that they have been moving forward and advancing, and they are not stuck in place.


Chen Xi's black eyes were like electricity, with a frightening coldness surging, and the sword in his palm was like the scythe of death, harvesting crop after crop of dead souls.

His clothes were soaked in the blood of the enemy, and his hair and skin were also stained with the blood of the enemy, like a tireless ancient god of war, rushing forward.


The sword talisman was in the air, splashing purple gold sword light, plowing a bloody path among the enemy group.

The others were also similar to Chen Xi at the moment, their expressions were stern, and they were devoting themselves to the battle with only one thought in their minds—break out of the encirclement!

This is the frightening thing about the existence of the Domain Master Realm. Although the opponents are comparable to the existence of the Monarch Realm, it is difficult to resist their attacks.

The most important thing is that the opponents are not real emperors after all. They are either "witch beasts" raised by heretics, or the corpses of monks who have been manipulated. And so on, but it can't compare with the real emperor's realm.

Under such circumstances, they would be killed by Chen Xi and the others to the point of losing their armor and armor, causing continuous casualties.


A stick of incense passed.

The battle continued, and it was chaotic.

Six hours passed.

Chen Xi and the others were still advancing in the enemy army, but failed to break through.

A day has passed.

The enemy's army is still huge in number, as if they are inexhaustible, constantly emerging!

That feeling, as if all the creatures inhabiting the entire chaotic ruins were all dispatched, rushing towards this side...

Chen Xi and the others were also aware of this, their expressions became more serious and chilling, and they did not pause at all when they moved their hands.

But they changed strategy.

In other words, facing this cruel and dangerous situation, they had no choice but to change their strategy.

There are too many enemies, and they can't be killed. If this continues, even if they can kill more opponents, they will be exhausted in the end.

Therefore, under Chen Xi's control, the others were divided into two groups.

A group of Kong Youran, Shi Yu, and Qin Xinhui.

A group of Yechen, Yu Jiuyue, and Zhao Qingyao.

The two groups took turns to fight within three hours. When one group was fighting, the other group began to adjust and recover their physical strength. If this cycle continued, a long-lasting and long-term battle could be guaranteed.

Of course, in this way, the speed of advancement will inevitably be relatively slow, but for safety, they can only do so.

Chen Xi didn't divide into groups, and he always acted as the leader, rushing forward and advancing all the way.

All of this is naturally because compared to other people, his Dao Xin cultivation base is stronger, and there is also the Cangwu Divine Tree in the star field in his body that continuously replenishes his divine power.

Coupled with his internal star field which is nine times as much as that of other domain masters, he can last longer in the battle.

Originally, the others were still worried about Chen Xi, thinking that he didn't care about themselves too much, but as time went by, they gradually discovered that Chen Xi's fighting state from beginning to end was not weakened at all.

This surprised them, but they couldn't help but feel relieved.

Even, because of the unparalleled divine power displayed by Chen Xi, the original anxiety and heaviness in their hearts were dispelled a lot.

Three days.

Five days.

Ten days.


A full half month has passed, and Chen Xi and his party are still fighting!

It is even difficult for them to count how many enemies they have killed during this period of time.

But until now, they still haven't seen any sign of breaking through the siege!

If you are a person with a weaker will, under such circumstances, your confidence must be shaken and your heart will be in despair.

But Chen Xi and the others did not.

As the battle has continued to this day, they have long been numb to the killing, have no thoughts of killing, and have no time to think about other things.

Because they want to survive, they must fight to the end!



The Leishen Drum was vibrating, and the sound was like thunder, spreading out.

These days, Ah Liang has also been helping out. Her God-beating Drum and Scepter of Fenyan are naturally capable of restraining those witches and beasts. It can be said that they have greatly assisted Chen Xi and the others in their battle.

But after all, Ah Liang is the one who cultivated in the Ancestral God Realm. After so many days of continuous fighting, her strength has already been exhausted, and it has become difficult to fight.

"Ah Liang, take a good rest and leave the rest to us. When you recover, it's not too late to fight again."

Chen Xi was keenly aware of Ah Liang's state, and immediately ordered her to temporarily adjust her breath.

Then, Chen Xi took a deep breath, not only was there no look of fatigue in his eyes, but there was a bright and frightening radiance in his eyes.


The sword talisman pierced through the air continuously, and if you look carefully, you can find that after half a month of continuous fighting, the power of the sword in Chen Xi's palm has not weakened at all, but has gradually become stronger than before.

About to break through!

Just one line away!

A strong feeling surged in Chen Xi's heart, as if he had firmly grasped an opportunity, and when the time was ripe, he would be able to break through to a brand new level in his swordsmanship!

This level is the Sword Emperor Four Heavens!


ps: Just a few votes away, they will be blown up again. In the last three hours of the end of the month, there is a strong call for a monthly pass~ Children’s shoes who have not voted for a monthly pass, hurry up, and it will be invalid after midnight.

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