divine talisman

Chapter 1941


The shadows of swords, the purple and gold Dao Qi permeated the air, killing all directions, crushing one after another of the ominous creatures, it was extremely fierce and unparalleled.

At this point in the battle, Chen Xi had been fighting non-stop for half a month, leading the crowd to fight a bloody road covered with bones in the enemy army.

Although the divine power in the star field in his body is supported by the Cangwu Sacred Tree, it will not be consumed too much, but the power of his Dao Heart is almost exhausted.

Dao heart power is the secret power of the heart, which is related to the strength of the ascetics in the persistent battle.

Now, with Chen Xi's Dao Heart cultivation base of the third training of the [Primitive Heart Sutra], it is faintly unbearable. One can imagine how tragic the situation is during the fifteen days of battle.

If this posture continues, if nothing happens, it won't be long before Chen Xi can continue fighting.

But at this time, Chen Xi didn't pay attention to these things.

After many days of killing and attacking, his kendo cultivation base finally presented an opportunity to advance, and he must seize this opportunity!

In fact, since entering the chaotic ruins, with the increase in the number of battles, his swordsmanship has already been tempered to almost perfection, and he is about to advance.

Now, after half a month of continuous fighting, and the training of blood and fire, his sword practice has finally reached the peak of the sword emperor's third level, and he has seized a chance to advance.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi would not waste this extremely rare opportunity.

He knew very well how difficult and difficult it would be to advance to the next level with the cultivation of swordsmanship as it is now.

It's more difficult than climbing to the sky!

After all, the third level of the Sword Emperor has reached the level of the first glimpse of the ultimate sword path, and it is undoubtedly too difficult to go to a higher level.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that looking at the entire ancient gods, even at the level of the emperor, there are very few people who have reached this level of swordsmanship.

Back then, when Chen Xi demonstrated the fighting power of the Sword Emperor's third-level realm in the Dao Discussion Competition, he shocked all the big figures present. Few can achieve it.

With this, one can know how difficult and difficult it is to step into the fourth level of the Sword Emperor.

In addition to needing a transcendent understanding in the way of swordsmanship, an opportunity is also needed!

Opportunities often mean that they can be met but not sought after.

Now, Chen Xi is constantly killing and cutting in this endless battle, so that his own swordsmanship has also been continuously tempered, and he finally seized this opportunity to advance.

And now, it is time for Chen Xi to seize the opportunity and start breaking through!



A sword chant sounded like a sound of heaven, and Kong Youran and his party who were fighting suddenly trembled all over, and Dao felt an indescribable panic in his heart.

Their faces changed slightly, and Qiqi looked up, and saw a purple-golden sword light flashing into the void.

At this moment, their eyes were stinging, the pores all over their bodies couldn't help but stand upright, and the shock in their hearts became more and more intense.

No one noticed that at the same moment, the world seemed to be at a standstill, and everything was dead silent, except for the sword chant resounding like the sound of heaven.

Those murderous creatures charging in front of Chen Xi are now more like frozen sculptures, maintaining various strange charging movements, motionless, and indescribably weird.

And then--


The fierce beast closest to Chen Xi was like brittle glass, its huge body exploded into countless pieces.

This is like a signal, and the bodies of other nearby, motionless sculptures are also blown to pieces in an instant!

Looking from a distance, it looks like a storm is sweeping, destroying and tearing up the ice sculptures, kneading them into powder and flying them, the picture is shocking.

clack clack...

Soon, this destructive power spread along a straight line at an incredible speed.

Along the way, not a single blade of grass grows!

Forcibly crushing out a blank area that is ten thousand feet long!


Witnessing this shocking scene, even though Kong Youran and the others had now advanced to the realm of domain masters, they couldn't help but gasp in unison, showing shock on their faces.


The power of this sword is simply immeasurable!

This was beyond their imagination, and there was an unstoppable shock in their hearts.

And this is the power of the fourth level of the Sword Emperor!

At this moment, Chen Xi's kendo cultivation level was successfully advanced, and he slashed out with a single sword, creating a vast blank area. Those ominous creatures that were standing in this area were all turned into powder at this moment, died tragically on the spot, and disappeared without a trace!

At this moment, although Chen Xi's cultivation was still at the level of a one-star emperor, his whole body seemed to have been reborn, and his own combat power transformed again, reaching a terrifying height.

This is the power of swordsmanship, the number one way of killing in the world!


As soon as he was promoted, Chen Xi didn't have any hesitation. He took this opportunity to smash away. His whole body was like a rainbow, and his strength was like rushing to the thunder. The lethality he caused was much stronger than before.

Kong Youran and the others came to their senses immediately, without any hesitation, they hurriedly followed behind Chen Xi and continued to fight.

At this time, no matter how amazing they are in their hearts, they dare not slack off. After all, this is a battle, and no mistakes are allowed!

But at this moment they already knew that Chen Xi's swordsmanship had once again broken through, reaching a level that was enough to scare them away.

Even, they can't even get jealous, the gap is really too big.

After they were promoted to the Domain Master Realm, they had already discovered that the gap with Chen Xi had once again widened, and now that Chen Xi had transformed again, this made them not even bother to compare with Chen Xi.

This guy is simply an evildoer against the sky, and there is no comparison!



The sword talisman was vertical and horizontal, releasing a little bit of purple-golden sword energy, which was blazing bright and immeasurably majestic, setting off Chen Xi's majestic majesty, with a majestic majesty that was as great as the world.

One after another, the ferocious beasts fell down one after another, turning into dead souls.

And in this process, Chen Xi is adapting to the new sword power.

As we all know, the first level of the Sword Emperor is known as the sword like an emperor, and he uses all the swords in the world.

The second level of the Sword Emperor has reached the level of returning to nature, creating nature, and embodying great beauty without saying anything. Arriving at this level is considered to have entered the threshold of the ultimate sword path.

The third level of the Sword Emperor is the first glimpse of the path in the ultimate sword path, and the point where "seeing is the way, the way is the sword, the way of the sword is one, and the way and the sword are inseparable".

Being able to reach this step can already be called a peerless leader that has been rarely seen in the past and present, shocking the past and the present.

And this fourth level of the Sword Emperor is a higher level on the basis of the third level of the Sword Emperor, and begins to truly grasp the truth of the ultimate sword path, entering the room!

In short, the second level of the Sword Emperor is the threshold to enter the ultimate sword path.

The third level of the Sword Emperor is the first glimpse of the mystery at the threshold.

The fourth level of the Sword Emperor is to have passed the threshold and entered the world behind the threshold, which is the so-called entry into the room!

Compared with the previous realm, the sword emperor fourth level realm is undoubtedly more terrifying, rarer, and the destructive power it causes is also stronger.

Possessing such a state of swordsmanship, he can definitely be called the peerless sword emperor!



This battle lasted unexpectedly, not because the opponents were too strong, but because there were too many, unimaginable numbers.

After a full month.

Kong Youran and the others also felt an unspeakable exhaustion from the inside out, killing continuously for a month without sleep, this feeling they had never experienced before.

However, just when they were on the brink of collapse, they suddenly heard Chen Xi in front of them say: "Everyone! We will break out of the encirclement soon!"

Everyone was immediately refreshed, and when they looked around, they could indeed see, in a very distant place, a waterfall of flames falling from the sky, illuminating the mountains and rivers, which was extremely eye-catching.

If you look carefully, you can also see huge stars among them, falling one after another, the scene is magnificent and thrilling.

"That is?"

Kong Youran was stunned.

The sea of ​​fire falls into the sky, and the stars fall into the abyss. Such scenes are too unusual.

"Don't worry about it so much, let's talk about it after breaking through the encirclement."

Shi Yu quickly said that he had had enough of these inexhaustible monsters.

"Everyone, don't relax, wait until you get there to find out before you can determine whether it is safe."

After Chen Xi gave an order, he led a group of people to charge forward with all their might.

In fact, neither Chen Xi nor the others knew that from the start of this battle, they had been involved in a scheming involuntarily.

The dark curtain covering the starry sky and the endless stream of murderous creatures all come from a long-planned action.

The point is, Chen Xi and the others are completely unaware that in this battle, no matter which direction they charge from, they will eventually be brought to this mysterious area!

After a cup of tea time.

Chen Xi and his group finally broke through the siege, arrived at that area, and saw an incomparably huge, seemingly boundless abyss!

The sea of ​​fire fell from the sky, and the stars fell here, all of which were engulfed by the big abyss without causing a single wave.

Chen Xi and the others didn't relax just yet, and began to search around vigilantly.

What surprised them was that the densely packed army of ferocious beasts seemed to be extremely afraid of this place. After chasing and killing them here, they did not dare to move forward and roared unwillingly.

Seeing this, many people secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although they didn't know the current situation, as long as they could get rid of the siege of those fierce creatures, they already felt a rare relief.

"This is where?"

Kong Youran scanned the surroundings with clear eyes, and finally landed in the mysterious and boundless abyss in the distance, with a dignified look on her expression.

She felt an indescribably dangerous aura, but after careful investigation, she couldn't find out why, which seemed very inexplicable.

At this moment, Chen Xi also seemed to have noticed something, and a trace of surprise appeared on his originally calm expression.


The next moment, he flipped his palm and took out the complete roll of ancient animal skin.

What made Chen Xi horrified was that at some point, the dense road map imprinted on this piece of animal skin changed again, turning into the shape of a big abyss!

And all this, he knew nothing from the beginning to the end!


ps: The third update is here. It’s less than an hour before dawn. Goldfish knows that this month’s update is not good enough, so it’s too late to hold on to the Buddha’s feet, but I’m still very grateful to my brothers and sisters for voting. This makes Goldfish very ashamed and moved. Thank you everyone~ Even if it did not enter the top 20 in the end, it was caused by the goldfish itself, and no one is to blame.

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