divine talisman

Chapter 1942 All Treasures Change

What particularly made Chen Xi frown was that the dense patterns on the ancient animal skin changed to take on the shape of a big abyss, obviously referring to the big abyss in front of him!

In an instant, Chen Xi suddenly understood that no matter how careful he was, he still inevitably fell into Wang Zhong's tricks in the end!

"It's so weird, this abyss seems to be bottomless, and it can swallow everything. This is more penetrating than the abyss of nine souls in the ancient gods."

"Where is this...?"

Yechen and other people also noticed the abnormality of the big abyss in the distance at this time, and they all had a hint of surprise in their expressions.

"This is the mysterious area that is rumored to hide the true meaning of the ultimate path!"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and replied casually.

what? !

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it.


A ball of divine flame emerged from Chen Xi's palm, and it ignited that piece of animal skin, and within a few breaths, it turned into ashes and disappeared.

Seeing this, everyone immediately understood that what Chen Xi said was probably true!

However, what they still can't understand is, how could they come here for no reason after rushing all the way?

When Chen Xi was leading the way before, he clearly walked in the opposite direction!

How could this be?

A bad premonition vaguely rose in everyone's hearts.

"We fell for the trick. If my guess is right, whichever direction we choose this time, we may end up here."

Chen Xi had regained his composure at this moment, and his gaze was filled with coldness, "Because everything in this chaotic ruin has long been changed by a mysterious force. It is chaotic and turbulent, and any direction has lost its original meaning."

"So the heretics lured us here on purpose?"

Shi Yu looked a little ugly.

"It should be like this."

Chen Xi paced and came to the big abyss. He watched the fire sea waterfall falling from the sky, and the stars falling into the abyss in silence.

After a while, he suddenly smiled and said, "However, that's fine. We can take this opportunity to find out whether there really exists the real mystery of the ultimate path here."

Everyone was startled, a little unclear about Chen Xi's thoughts.

Chen Xi didn't intend to explain too much, he pointed to the big abyss under his feet, and said, "If you want to explore that supreme opportunity related to the ultimate path, I'm afraid you have to go into it for a while, everyone, how about you?" Would you like to go and explore with me?"

"Since they're all here, it would be a pity not to take a look."

With little hesitation, Zhao Qingyao smiled.

"Aren't you... don't you worry that this is a conspiracy deliberately ambushed by those heretics?"

Kong Youran couldn't help asking.

The others hesitated because they doubted it, since surely the heretics would not have lured them here for no reason.

"If they want to do it, they don't have to go to such trouble."

Chen Xi said casually, but didn't explain anything in detail.

"Since you are so elegant, Chen Xi, it doesn't matter if we follow suit."

After pondering for a while, Kong Youran nodded in agreement.

"what about you?"

Chen Xi looked at Yechen and Yu Jiuyue.

"It doesn't matter if he is a dragon's pond or a tiger's den, if you don't go and take a look, I'm afraid you won't be reconciled in this life."

Ye Chen smiled.

"I think so too."

Yu Jiuyue also nodded.

"In this case, let's take a rest first, and set off immediately when our physical strength recovers!"

Chen Xi said with a smile.

Everyone nodded. They had been fighting continuously for a month, exhausted both physically and mentally.

At that moment, everyone sat cross-legged and began to calmly adjust their breath.

They have checked before, and there is no danger in the surrounding area of ​​[-] li.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged next to Dayuan, while recovering his physical strength, while thinking silently, his expression was calm and calm.

Up to now, he has been able to conclude that those heretics not only treat them as prey, they are very likely to plot something from them.

And what those heretics plotted may be hidden in this boundless and mysterious abyss!

Are they also trying to get their hands on the real mysteries of the ultimate path that may exist in it?

Or, they have other plans?

Chen Xi was somewhat unable to judge, but he could be sure that with the power of those heretics, it would be impossible to find the opportunities that might exist in this abyss, and he had to rely on the power of these cultivators from the ancient gods.

Perhaps this is why the heretics went to great lengths to lure them here.

There is another point that Chen Xi didn't tell the others, that is, he has roughly judged that those heretics are probably hiding around the great abyss now!

As for where it is hidden, even Chen Xi's power to sacrifice the secret pattern of the forbidden path cannot be found out.

But the more this was the case, the more vigilant Chen Xi was. The enemy might be hiding in the dark, but they couldn't find out, and Chen Xi couldn't help being careless.

As for now, Chen Xi is not worried about being attacked by those heretics. After all, if his guess is correct, even if those heretics see that they are recovering their physical strength, they will definitely not disturb them.

Everything comes from Chen Xi's previous judgment, and those heretics will use them to plot a long-prepared plan!


Suddenly, Chen Xi's heart moved, and he noticed that the fragments of the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness, as well as the evil pen and the ghost record hidden in the star field in his body, all had a slight movement at this very moment.

It was as if he had sensed a certain breath and was about to wake up from the silence.

All of a sudden, Chen Xi's heart shook violently.

In the past, the fragments of the river map would wake up from the silence from time to time, which had already made him no surprise, but now, even the Xiexie Pen and Youminglu, which had been silent for an unknown amount of time, also changed, and Chen Xi had to be surprised and shocked.

what on earth is it?

Could it be that there is some kind of connection between the boundless and mysterious abyss in front of me, the fragments of the river map, the pen of killing evil, and the recording of the nether world?

Chen Xi carefully perceived these three treasures, trying to further confirm what caused all this.

But to his disappointment, in just an instant, the three treasures fell into silence again, without a single sound.

If Chen Xi hadn't really noticed it just now, he would almost have thought that he was delusional.

"Hetu, Xiexie Pen, Youminglu... The abyss in front of me is also a mysterious area recognized by the five poles of the Emperor's Domain, and it involves a secret about the ultimate path... All of these add up to too much. It's unusual."

Chen Xi quickly deduced it in his mind, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this action was no small matter, and the more he felt that those heresies that survived from the last era had huge plans!

This made Chen Xi make a thorough decision, no matter whether all of this was a conspiracy or not, he would go under the mysterious abyss to find out!


seven days later.

Chen Xi was the first to recover, and his entire state had once again reached the peak level.

Immediately, Kong Youran and the others also woke up from the meditation one after another, each of them calmed down, their auras were round and full, and their aura was much stronger than it was a month ago.

Obviously, after a month of uninterrupted fighting, Kong Youran's strength has also been tempered and improved, and they have benefited a lot.

"Everyone, if you are ready, let's start to act now."

Chen Xi's eyes were dark, bright and firm.

The others are already ready to go, so naturally they have no objection to this.


Without wasting any more time, under the leadership of Chen Xi, the figures of a group of people moved and rushed towards the boundless mysterious abyss through the air.

Soon, they all disappeared.

The reason was that this abyss was inconceivably large, as if it was bottomless. When Chen Xi and the others entered it, it was like a group of gnats breaking into the ocean. They looked extremely small, and all traces were swallowed up in just a short moment.

All returned to calm.

On the outskirts of this great abyss, the army of ominous creatures, densely packed like a tide, had receded long ago and disappeared into the vast world.

"It's finally here, hehe, the operation is half successful, and it's almost time to collect..."

Accompanied by a chuckle, the void fluctuated, and immediately, Wang Zhong in a blood robe walked out with a group of men in black robes and cloaks.

With his hands behind his back, Wang Zhong came to the bank of the great abyss, his eyes were like a pair of whirlpools spinning, glowing with a frightening and mysterious luster.

It took a long time before he said: "This abyss of forbidden calamity is indeed not simple. Just a door of the end of the law has blocked the cracking of our boundless years, and it has not been shaken so far. But this time, I am afraid it will be opened for us!"

When it came to the end, Wang Zhong's voice was full of fanaticism and excitement, and even his voice was trembling.

"The final method!"


"Kamma robbery!"

"As long as this door is opened, our family will be reborn, and a new transformation will take place in the endless era!"

It seemed that the desire accumulated in his heart for countless years was about to be realized, which made his whole face glow with a strange luster.

After half a ring, Wang Zhong finally regained his composure.

"My lord, are we ready to act?"

A man in black robe spoke, his voice was cold without any emotion.


Wang Zhong waved his hand decisively and said, "Wait a little longer, then the aura of the Gate of Law has not yet spread, so the action at this time will be to scare the snake away."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help sighing: "Give them more opportunities, and they will have more confidence. Don't be in a hurry..."

Those black-robed men were silent.

"By the way, have you ever seen that Buddha son Canaan in these years?"

Suddenly, Wang Zhong asked aloud.

The men in black robes shook their heads.

This made Wang Zhong frowned, and muttered: "This monk comes from the ancient Buddhist orthodoxy. He has mastered the method of the eye of the sky, but he knows a lot of things. Where is he hiding now?"

Immediately, Wang Zhong shook his head, too lazy to think about this guy who has been against him since the Dao Discussion Competition.

Wang Zhong looked at the mysterious abyss, and after waiting for an incense stick, he suddenly raised his eyebrows, a frightening light burst into his eyes, and he opened his lips lightly, and uttered a word.

"It's time to act!"


ps: The fourth update is delivered, fulfilling the promise of supplementing the second update, new January, please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass~

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