divine talisman

Chapter 1943

The abyss is unfathomable and boundless.

Chen Xi and his party flew inside, and all they saw along the way was darkness, they couldn't see anything at all, it was empty.

It's also very quiet here, like coming to another strange world.

This world has only one characteristic - emptiness.

It seems that there is no boundary, no latitude and longitude, and no object for reference, empty and dead.

When everything becomes empty, it is infinite!

It was the first time for Chen Xi and the others to come to such a weird place. Although they did not encounter any danger along the way, they did not dare to relax in their hearts.

On the contrary, as time passed, as they moved deeper into the abyss, a throbbing breath surged in their hearts inexplicably.

It was as if there was some kind of extremely dangerous existence hidden in the deepest part of the abyss.

For other ascetics, in such an unknown and mysterious place, I am afraid that they would have turned their heads back in fright.

But Chen Xi and the others did not.

Everything here is not enough to make them fear and flee in a hurry.

The more mysterious and unknown this place is, the more it arouses their curiosity. Is there really the real mystery of the ultimate path here?


Chen Xi and the others kept flying away, crushing the void, and there was a sound of piercing the void, which was particularly ear-piercing in this silent atmosphere.

After a full cup of tea time.

Chen Xi, who was leading the way ahead, suddenly stopped and said, "Be careful!"

Everyone's heart trembled, and when they looked up, they saw wisps of gray mist lingering in the extremely deep void.

The mist is as fine as silk, as blurred as a dream, constantly graceful in the void, soft and graceful.

But the first time they saw the gray mist, they smelled an indescribably terrifying and dangerous atmosphere.

Forbidden Dao Tribulation Power!

Evolved into a substantial forbidden power!

Before each of them refined the origin of the realm, they had also seen through the existence of the forbidden power, but they were all invisible, five-colored, without content and light, and they were almost invisible to the naked eye.

However, the forbidding tribulation power that appeared in front of my eyes turned into a substantial mist, as gray as silk like a dream, seemingly soft, but extremely dangerous!

Everyone looked stern, and no one expected that the first danger they encountered after entering this mysterious abyss would be a smog-like bane.

Don't look at them being gentle and quiet, but every ray of strength is probably enough to wipe them out on the spot, and disappear!

At this moment, even Chen Xi felt a little tricky. He tried it out with the power of the forbidden path secret patterns. Although he could barely shake the gray forbidden power, but if he wanted to bring other people to break through, it would be very difficult. Difficult to do.

He can even judge that the forbidden powers in front of him are stronger than the piece of forbidden powers that he encountered like a copper wall and iron wall before refining the origin of the nine realms!


Just as Chen Xi was frowning, he glanced inadvertently, and suddenly discovered that in that extremely distant gray area, there was actually a gap in the middle of the forbidden tribulation force that shrouded like smoke!

That crack was zigzag, hidden in the dark smoke, if you don't look carefully, it's really hard to find.


With a flash of Chen Xi's figure, he came to that crack. After scrutinizing it carefully for a long time, his pupils finally shrank uncontrollably, and his face revealed a dignified expression.

At this time, Kong Youran and the others also rushed over after noticing Chen Xi's abnormality. When they saw the crack appearing in the gray smoke, they couldn't help showing a bit of surprise on their faces.

"You must have seen that someone has already broken through this area shrouded in forbidden power before us."

Chen Xi took a deep breath and spoke in a deep voice.

"Could it be those heretics?"

Yechen said thoughtfully.

"will not!"

Chen Xi replied without any hesitation. According to his speculation, those heretics would only hide in the dark and wait for an opportunity to act, and it was absolutely impossible for them to serve as pioneers.

"Who else can it be?"

Everyone else is puzzled.

"No matter who it is, it will be clear if you go and have a look."

Chen Xi said quickly, "I have observed it just now, we only need to walk along this crack, and we can pass through this area safely."

"Then act."

Seeing this, the others no longer had any objections, but they became more cautious than before. The smoke continued to linger and flutter. Although there was a crack for them to walk through, there was absolutely nothing wrong with being careful.

At present, under the leadership of Chen Xi, the group proceeded carefully along that crack.

Along the way, everyone was tense and vigilant to the extreme, fearing that they would be contaminated by the dreamlike gray smoke.

Fortunately, the area covered by the power of the forbidden road is not large, and after only a moment, they crossed it safely.

When leaving this extremely dangerous area, many people couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, as if they had just walked through the gate of hell.



A faint and solemn Buddha's voice suddenly came from the very depths, faintly visible, far and near, revealing a sense of compassion.


For a split second, Chen Xi and the others all trembled in their hearts, Buddha's voice?

In this unfathomable and mysterious abyss, how could there be Buddha's voice conveyed?

At this moment, the same figure appeared in their minds—could it be the Buddha Sect Canaan?

Without talking, they continued to fly away into the depths of the abyss.

Along the way, there was no danger, only the solemn and compassionate voice of the Buddha became clearer and louder.

Until later, it was like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, knocking in the depths of my heart!

At this time, in Chen Xi and his group's field of vision, a thrilling picture also gradually emerged——

It was a field of white bones and corpses, white flowers like snow, covering the ground, densely packed as if there was no end to it.

Too much!

It was like a vast ocean of white bones and corpses, and everything that floated and sunk was filled with white bones.It's more like a vast battlefield of purgatory, where countless heroic spirits are buried!

Who can imagine that there are so many corpses piled up in the depths of this abyss?Where were those corpses sacred before they were alive?

What kind of accident did they encounter to be buried here?


This kind of scene completely exceeded Chen Xi's and his group's imagination. Originally, they thought it was a place where the true mysteries of the ultimate path were buried, but now it looked like a slaughterhouse of purgatory!

At this time, at the end of the white bones and corpses, there was a figure sitting cross-legged. He was dressed in a moon-white monk's robe, his waist was straight, and his body was filled with holy and magnificent Buddha light. He was the holy son of the Buddhist sect Canaan. !

It's just that at this time, he was sitting cross-legged, his eyes closed, and he was reciting the Buddha's voice in his mouth, exuding an aura of compassion.

Chen Xi and the others were stunned for a moment.

No one expected that Canaan would arrive under this mysterious abyss ahead of them.

What they didn't expect was that Canaan was sitting cross-legged on the sea of ​​bones at this moment, reciting Buddhist voices, as if he was reborn for the countless heroic spirits who fell here.

All of this seemed a bit unbelievable, making Chen Xi and the others a little overwhelmed.

At this moment, the loud and loud Buddha's voice suddenly disappeared, and Canaan, who was sitting on the pile of bones in the distance, opened his eyes.

When seeing Chen Xi and the others, Canaan didn't seem to be surprised, his expression was still calm and full of compassion.

"It's finally here."

Canaan sighed softly, stood up, clasped his hands together, and proclaimed the Buddha's name to Chen Xi and his party.

Only then did he say, "You guys must have many doubts in your heart when you come here all the way. Although the little monk has limited knowledge, I am willing to explain your doubts for you."

Seeing this, Chen Xi and the others all relaxed a little. Canaan was still the same Canaan from before, and his temperament had not changed in any way.

"This is where?"

Shi Yu was the first to ask involuntarily.

"The Abyss of Forbidden Tribulation."

Canaan really began to answer meticulously, "It is rumored that the real mystery of the ultimate path is buried here, and the disaster that can destroy this era is also sealed."

The Abyss of Forbidden Tribulation!

When they heard the rumors from Canaan's mouth, Chen Xi and the others were all shocked. It was the first time they heard that besides the true mystery of the ultimate path, there actually existed a power that could destroy this era. Disaster!

This made them all feel a little ridiculous.

Destroy an era?

Doesn't this mean that even the Ancient Realm will be destroyed?

This is just a joke!

From its birth to its continuation until now, the Ancient God Realm has gone through many years of changes. It is known as the Eternal Realm, immortal and long-lasting. How could it be said to be destroyed?

"Sure enough, rumors are just rumors, too absurd to be true."

Yechen blushed, shaking his head endlessly.

Regarding this, Canaan did not refute and remained silent.

"Then what's going on with this place of bones and corpses, and why are you here?"

Kong Youran asked out loud.

All of a sudden, everyone pricked up their ears, and they were also shocked and puzzled by this.

"Here is where the 'Gate of Doom' is located."

Canaan pointed at the white bones, his voice was low and calm.

"Most of these bones are descendants of ancient witches from the last era, and a small part are ascetics from the ancient gods."

After a pause, he continued: "Whether it is the descendants of ancient witches or the ascetics of the ancient gods, they all came to open the door of the end of the law, trying to get some indescribable era from it, but almost none of them succeeded. Do it, and die with hatred in the end.”

The Gate of Doom!

Descendants of ancient witches from the last era!

Looking at the boneless corpse that could not be seen at a glance, and listening to Canaan's eloquent secrets, Chen Xi and the others couldn't calm down in their hearts.

He came here to open the door of the end of the Dharma, but finally died here with hatred. So what shocking secret is hidden in the door of the end of the Dharma?

At this time, Chen Xi suddenly raised his head, looked at Canaan in the distance, and said, "Canan, can you tell us everything you know?"

He and Canaan had a lot of connections. Although they didn't have a close relationship, the relationship was extraordinary. Even counting, he owed Canaan a huge favor.

Because it was Canaan who sacrificed the Buddhist sect's secret treasure back then and saved Zhen Liuqing's life!

Therefore, at such a moment, Chen Xi would never believe that Canaan would intentionally deceive people like them.

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