divine talisman

Chapter 1944 The Gate of Doom

Hearing this, everyone else nodded in agreement.

Indeed, each of them had countless questions hidden in their hearts, and it would be too troublesome to ask them one by one. It would be better for Canaan to speak out in person.

Canaan did not refuse Chen Xi's request, but before that, he said: "Fellows, please come here. I don't think it will be long before those descendants of ancient witches will come."

The descendants of the ancient barbarians in his mouth are the heresies that survived from the last era.

Now Chen Xi and the others were aware of this point, they all felt awe-inspiring when they heard the words, they did not reject Canaan's proposal, and came to the sea of ​​bones in a flash.


As soon as they arrived, Chen Xi and the others immediately felt a suffocating death energy rising from the bones and corpses under their feet, which made them feel uncomfortable all over, and became more cautious in their hearts.

"As early as when discussing Dao, I noticed that there was something wrong with Wang Zhong, but I couldn't confirm his true identity..."

A look of remembrance appeared in Canaan's eyes, and he began to tell everything he knew.

"Until entering this chaotic ruin, I can roughly judge that Wang Zhong is not the real Wang Zhong, but a descendant of the ancient witch who lives here!"

"After I was promoted to be a domain master and thoroughly mastered the secret method of Tianyantong, I became more and more sure of this judgment."

"My comrades may be clear by now that ancient witches are a kind of appellation for ascetics who lived in the last era. We are called 'monarchs', and they are called 'shamans'."

"This kind of witch is different from the gods and demons in our practice world, and also different from the ancestors of the ancient ten witches who were born in the Three Realms. It's just a title. However, they are indeed real body refiners. By."

"In short, in the records of my Buddhist sect, 'ancient witch' is a general term for practitioners from the last era."

"Then Wang Zhong is a descendant of an ancient witch."

"They survived the destruction of the last era, but because they couldn't resist the power of heaven in this era, they were finally trapped in this chaotic ruin. For us ascetics, they... are naturally heretics The presence."

"In the past, I wasn't sure that there would be ancient witches in this chaotic ruin, until I saw this 'Forbidden Tribulation Abyss', I was finally convinced that the prophecy left by the ancestor of my Buddhist sect turned out to be true... ..."

"What prophecy?"

Shi Yu couldn't help asking.

"The end of the dharma is coming to the great abyss, and the karma of reincarnation will be born!"

Canaan didn't care about being interrupted. On the contrary, when he said this prophecy, there was already a touch of worry in his expression that could not be shaken off.

"The end of the Dharma means that all dharmas will be destroyed and all daos will be destroyed! If such a thing really happens, all the dao and dharma that all cultivators in this world have mastered will be deprived!"

"Once such a thing happens, the practitioner will no longer be a practitioner, and will completely lose the meaning of existence."

"And reincarnation, in my Buddhist school's view, represents a kind of causal change. For this era, if the end of Dharma comes, it is destined to go to the road of destruction. This is the so-called reincarnation karma!"

Speaking of this, the voice of Buddha son Canaan has become a little heavy.

"Now you must have seen that under this abyss of forbidden calamity, there is a door to the end of the law. Opening it may mean that this reincarnation calamity will be born..."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't restrain a chill in their hearts, and their hair stood on end. Could it be that the rumor that Canaan just said is true?

After opening the door of the end of the law, the existing era will be destroyed?

This is too appalling!

If this is Canaan's own speculation, everyone will definitely scoff, but when all this is proved by the prophecy of the ancestor of the Buddhist sect, there is no room for people not to take it seriously.

However, Chen Xi frowned, somewhat disapproving of Canaan's definition of reincarnation.

Because from the moment he got the Xie Xie Pen and Nether Record, he began to get in touch with the true meaning of reincarnation!

What is reincarnation?

It is both a force and an order!

Its power can judge the sins of the world, its order restores the turbidity of the world, restores the black and white of the world, and restores the world to a bright and bright world!

In the end, reincarnation is to make good rewards for good, and evil rewards for evil, so that all chaos and turmoil can be brought into an orderly cycle.

It is precisely because this kind of power is too taboo that the third Nether Emperor was jointly suppressed by the powerful beings of the heavens and finally fell.

And when Chen Xi grasped the three core meanings of the beyond, sinking, and ending that constitute the power of reincarnation, he became more and more aware of the horror of reincarnation.

It is not just a simple force and order.

This is Chen Xi's understanding of reincarnation, so when he heard that Canaan's cognition of reincarnation was just a "change of cause and effect", he would naturally not agree with it.

However, Chen Xi did not refute it. After all, this kind of power is too taboo. Once it is said, it will definitely be leaked out, and the consequences are unpredictable.

"Those ancient witches who have survived from the last era have been trying to open the door to the end of the law a long time ago, because only in this way can they escape from this chaotic ruin and destroy everything in this era. "

Canaan the Buddha continued to speak, "In order to achieve this goal, they have been planning for countless years, and now, it is time for them to start their plan!"

"Could it be that the purpose of their existence is to destroy this era?"

Kong Youran couldn't believe it.

"No, this is just one of their purposes, because only in this way, they can become the existence that dominates everything in the next era."

"What's more, there is a very high possibility of the mystery of the ultimate path in this gate of the end of the law, which is a fatal temptation for those ancient witches."

"If the mystery of the ultimate path existed in the last era, maybe...they wouldn't have suffered the catastrophe of the era, and came to this era..."

When Canaan said this, he suddenly laughed at himself, "Of course, this is just my inference. No one can tell whether it will be like this in the end."

This topic seemed very heavy, so that Chen Xi and the others didn't know what to say when they heard the ups and downs in their hearts.

Originally, it was just an operation to enter the chaotic ruins, and the purpose was very simple, which was to advance to the realm of domain masters.

But who ever thought that when they actually arrived here, everything would become more difficult.

Before this, they did not expect that there would be ancient witches that survived from the last era.

It is also unthinkable that the mysterious area called 'Forbidden Tribulation Abyss' in the chaotic ruins not only may have the real mystery of the ultimate path, but also involves a disaster force that may destroy this era!

To Chen Xi and the others, all of this seemed too unimaginable, even full of absurd and bizarre colors, and it was difficult for them to completely digest the news for a while.

"Heh, even if this kind of thing really happened, how could those old monsters in the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain just sit idly by?"

Yechen smiled and shook his head, skeptical about all this.

However, Chen Xi asked: "Canaan, these white-skeleton corpses lying here, every one of them wanted to open this door to the end of the Dharma, but they failed in the end. Why did those ancient witches think that this time, it must be possible? success?"

As soon as the voice fell, it immediately attracted the attention of others.

Yes, there have been almost no successful things in the past, why will it succeed this time?

Why did those ancient witches start this long-awaited action?

At this moment, Canaan fell into silence. It took him a long time to raise his head, look at Chen Xi, and finally said, "Because of you."

Those few words completely stunned Chen Xi.

The others were also stunned, and their eyes widened, because Chen Xi?This reason is too incredible, right?

Canaan's expression at the moment is extremely serious, not like joking.

"why me?"

Chen Xi frowned and asked.

"Because in their view, only you can open the door to the end of the law."

Canaan paused word by word.

This reason is also very far-fetched, it can't even be called a reason, because he didn't say why those ancient witches believed that Chen Xi could achieve this step, and not others.

The others were stunned, a little unbelievable, and there was even a touch of surprise in their gazes looking at Chen Xi.


Chen Xi frowned more and more, and continued to ask questions.

Canaan shook his head and remained silent.

This made everyone a little inexplicably disappointed.

"Since that's the case, if I don't open this door to the end of the law, wouldn't the plans of those ancient witches come to naught?"

Chen Xi said suddenly.

"No, from the moment you appeared in this abyss of forbidden robbery, you have been unable to stay out of it. Unless you open this door, otherwise... all of us will become one of the bones and corpses in this place."

Canaan shook his head, and the words he said made the others feel a little chills all over.


Before Chen Xi and the others could react, the face of Canaan in front of him suddenly turned pale, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The next moment, his whole body shook for a while, his eyes suddenly became dim, and he seemed to be unable to hold on.

"Come on!"

Canaan's voice was hoarse, and with a wave of his sleeves, he led Chen Xi and his party abruptly away from this area of ​​bones like a sea, and floated in the middle of the air in the distance.


Almost at the same time, the seemingly endless area of ​​bones and corpses began to tumbling violently like a wave.

An indescribably terrifying aura also spread out, filling every inch of the void.

Chen Xi and the others were shocked in their hearts, and their expressions changed suddenly.

What's going on here?


The next moment, an earth-shattering sound resounded, and in the middle of the sea of ​​bones, a gigantic ancient portal suddenly emerged, rising continuously, soaring into the sky!

At this moment, the densely packed white bone corpses poured into that mysterious ancient portal as if being pulled by an invisible hand.

In just a few breaths, the vast expanse of bones and corpses in the arena disappeared, and what appeared in front of everyone was a portal that was one hundred thousand feet high and covered with bones and corpses!



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