divine talisman

Chapter 1945

The [-]-foot portal rises from the ground, and its surface is piled up with bones. It stands there, and people can only look up like ants.

It is too majestic and lofty, to suppress this place, there is a terrifying coercion invisibly.


In the void, suddenly there was a strong wind and thunder, and silver snakes danced wildly. It was lightning bolts as thick as dragons, twining around the door. It was the thunder of the end of the law, and its power was unpredictable.

All of a sudden, every inch of this world seems to be filled with an indescribable aura of destruction, which makes one's heart tremble.

The Gate of Doom!

Without having to think about it at all, Chen Xi and the others concluded that the one hundred thousand feet tall mysterious portal was the legendary Gate of the End of Dharma!

It is very mysterious, hidden under the abyss of forbidden robbery, and it has been preserved for an unknown number of years.


It means that all dharmas will be destroyed, and all ways will collapse!

Once the catastrophe of the end of the Dharma comes, all the Tao and Dharma in this world will be annihilated, and the cultivators will completely lose the foundation of their existence!

And according to the rumors, there is such a catastrophic force that can destroy an era hidden in this gate of the end of the law.

At this moment, Chen Xi and the others looked solemn, looking at the mysterious and tall gate of the end of law, they felt a little cold all over.

"Before, I tried to suppress all this with my own strength, but unfortunately, I didn't realize until now that I was too overwhelmed..."

Canaan coughed up blood, his face was pale, his eyes were dim, and there was a strong sense of sadness and helplessness in his voice.

Only then did everyone realize that before this, Canaan sat cross-legged here and recited the Buddha's voice, in order to prevent the door of the end of Dharma from appearing!

Unfortunately, he failed in the end, he coughed up blood and looked haggard and gloomy.

"Comrades, I can't help you anymore."

Canaan smiled bitterly and sighed.

"Kanaan, you have helped us a lot, at least if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't know everything here at all."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and said, "Leave the rest to us. No matter what, I will do my best to bring everyone back to the Ancient God Realm!"

The words are calm and loud.

But only Chen Xi knew clearly that if it was true what Canaan said before, the only hope for them to leave this place was to open this door to the end of Dharma.

if that's the case……

The consequences are unimaginable!

How to do?

Chen Xi's heart was heavy, and he stared at the gate of the end of law that was one hundred thousand feet high in the distance, and remained silent for a moment.

Then, on the surface of the Gate of the Law, there are piles of bones, which are completely covered, so that people can't see its true face at all.

Canaan had previously said that only he, Chen Xi, could open this mysterious portal, but at this moment, Chen Xi himself had no clue.

"Chen Xi, why don't we leave here now?"

Shi Yu said in a deep voice.


Before Chen Xi could speak, Canaan shook his head and said, "This abyss of forbidden calamity can only be entered but not exited. Once you do this, you will only be robbed and die."

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Shi Yu frowned.

"Did you see those white bones and corpses? They did this before, but they all ended up dying in the end."

Canaan sighed, "This is a dead end, and the only way out is to open the door of the end of the Dharma."

Hearing this, everyone's mood became more and more heavy, there was no way out, and the only way out was within the gate of the law, which made people feel in a dilemma.

After all, once the door to the end of the Dharma is opened, who can afford the serious consequences?

What's more, I don't know how many people have tried to open this door since ancient times, but almost all of them ended in failure. If they were people like them, they might not be able to achieve this step!

"What Canaan said is right. When we come to this forbidden abyss, there is no way out."

At this moment, a light laugh came from the sky above the great abyss. Accompanied by the sound, a group of figures stepped on the void and walked over.

The leader, dressed in a blood robe, with a violent and icy breath, is Wang Zhong!

Behind Wang Zhong, there were more than a dozen men in black robes. They wore cloaks and were covered in thick black mist. Their breath was cold without any emotional fluctuations.

In an instant, Chen Xi and the others all shrank their eyes.

Even though they knew that these descendants of ancient witches who survived from the last era would arrive, when this scene actually happened, Chen Xi and the others still felt a little heavy in their hearts.

What surprised them most was that Wang Zhong became the leader of those ancient witches!

The atmosphere was silent and chilling, and swords were tense, making people breathless.

At this moment, Chen Xi and his group stood in the void, behind them was the gate of the end of law that was one hundred thousand feet high.

And in a place thousands of feet away from them, there is Wang Zhong and his party, faintly forming a posture of confronting each other from afar.

"The opponent has 16 people in total, which is more than twice as many as ours. This is not the point. The point is that I suspect that each of them will not be weaker than us."

At this moment, Kong Youran's clear eyes surged, and she quickly conveyed her thoughts to everyone, "If this is the case, if you want to kill them, there will definitely be a bloody battle."

Others were also aware of this, since the other party dared to show up so swaggeringly, they must have nothing to fear and had prepared all means.

"Everyone, don't worry, just wait and see what happens."

Chen Xi seemed extremely calm at this moment, his expression was calm and calm, and he sent a voice transmission to everyone, "Now that the gate of the end of the law has not been opened, they probably won't be in a hurry to do it."

These words made Kong Youran feel more at ease in her heart.

All of this sounds slow, but in fact it all happened in just a few blinks of an eye. To reach the level of Chen Xi and the others, communicating with thoughts is just a matter of time.

"Fellow daoists, we meet again."

As soon as he arrived, Wang Zhong stood in the void with his hands behind his back, a blood robe that was alluring and strange in the wind.

With a smile on his lips, he scanned Chen Xi's group with his gaze, like a hunter examining his prey, exuding an air of aloofness and contempt.

Only when he saw Canaan, Wang Zhong was startled for a moment, then thoughtfully said: "It seems that I don't need to introduce our identities any more."

In a word, let Chen Xi and the others further confirm that this "Wang Zhong" is indeed an ancient witch from the last era!

"Wang Zhong, stop putting on airs there!"

Wang Zhong couldn't understand the other party's arrogant look, and the arrogant attitude he showed everywhere, so he couldn't help shouting coldly.

"Idiot, my name is Aluye, and I am not comparable to Wang Zhong's trash."

Aluye, who once disguised himself as "Wang Zhong", laughed lightly, with disdain in his voice.


Obviously, this is the real name of "Wang Zhong".

Being ridiculed as an idiot by Aluye immediately made Shi Yu's face darken. He was about to say something, but was stopped by Chen Xi.

"I'm very surprised, the door of the end of the law has not been opened yet, why did you jump out so eagerly?"

Chen Xi looked indifferent, his eyes fixed on Aluye who was opposite him.

"To be honest, when you arrive here, everything is a foregone conclusion, and it will be the same if you show up sooner or later."

Aluye spoke slowly, exuding an air of absolute control. Just as Chen Xi guessed, he didn't seem to be in a hurry to make a move at this time.

"Oh, then how do you conclude that this time, this door to the end of Dharma will definitely be opened?"

Chen Xi's expression was calm.

The other party was not in a hurry to act, and he was also not in a hurry. It would be even better if he could get some news from the other party.

The corners of Aluye's lips suddenly curled up in a weird way, staring at Chen Xi, and said, "Chen Xi, Chen Xi, I didn't expect you to still not understand that the key to opening this door to the end of Dharma lies in you? "

As soon as these words came out, Kong Youran and the others were shocked in their hearts, and finally they were convinced that what Canaan said before was actually true!

Chen Xi was actually the key to opening this door to the end of the law!

At this moment, Chen Xi squinted his eyes, his voice remained calm, and said, "Why me?"

He once asked Canaan this question, but Canaan shook his head and said nothing.

When Aluye heard this question, he also shook his head and said nothing. He just smiled lightly and said, "Since you don't know, it's better not to know for the rest of your life."

Chen Xi frowned, and said, "Aren't you worried that I won't do this?"

Aluye laughed, laughed out loud, seemed to feel that Chen Xi's question was naive, and stopped laughing after a while, and said: "It seems that you haven't fully understood your destiny until now, and it has long been out of your control. Already!"

In the end, there was a hint of victory in his voice.


"Scaremongering is only bluffing. It seems that you descendants of ancient witches are nothing more than that."

Kong Youran and the others all sneered, they controlled their own destiny, the other party really dared to say such arrogant words.

Seeing this, Aluye smiled more and more happily, pointing at the crowd and said: "Look at you, the proud sons of the ancient gods, the leaders of the younger generation of the five poles of the emperor's domain, but now you all look like extremely stupid idiots!" It seems that the huge Ancient God Realm will be occupied by you idiots, it is simply that the sky has no eyes!"

The words are spicy, and they are no different from insults.

Kong Youran and the others had never been slandered like this before, their faces darkened immediately, and a hint of anger rose in their hearts.

This damned heretic really treats them as prey to be slaughtered!

"Everyone, be careful, this guy is probably trying to provoke us on purpose."

Chen Xi's eyes were cold, and he reminded everyone.

At this time, Aluye's expression suddenly became calm, even a little indifferent, and said, "For the sake of your dying, I can tell you frankly that our ancient witch lineage It has been planned for too long, and it has been waited for too long, and with the strength of you people alone, it is absolutely impossible to resist."

After a pause, he continued: "Maybe you don't believe it, but all this is no longer important."

Speaking of this, a mysterious smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Aluye's lips, and his eyes swept over Chen Xi and the others one by one, before continuing: "Of course, in order to express the sincerity of my ancient witch lineage, the way you died , but it is a choice.”

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