divine talisman

Chapter 1946 Witch Spirit Battle Realm

Choose how to die?

Everyone almost wondered if they had heard it wrong. Who gave this Aluye such confidence that he dared to speak such big words?

"Is it funny?"

Aluye asked indifferently.

"It's not just ridiculous, it's ridiculous."

Chen Xi said calmly.

"If it weren't for the smooth implementation of my ancient witch lineage's future plans, you should have died when you entered the chaotic ruins."

Aluye's expression became more and more indifferent. At this moment, he actually looked extremely majestic and condescending, with a kind of coercive power.

He was silent for a moment, and then said: "At this time, I don't bother to cover up with you anymore. The reason why I took all the trouble to bring you here this time is only for one purpose."

"That is to use a special method to deprive you of your fate!"

Every word was paused, and a murderous air overflowed.

Deprive fate!

Chen Xi and the others all focused their eyes.


Suddenly, Aluye flipped his palm, and a piece of ancient animal skin flew into the air, filled with black and white air, and formed circles of blurred and dreamlike halos in the void.

Chen Xi and the others immediately became vigilant and prepared for battle.


The ancient animal skin suddenly rolled violently, and the black and white aura shot up into the sky. In an instant, an indescribable force spread across the audience.

not good!

The next moment, Chen Xi and the others felt the ground tremble for a while, they felt dizzy, and the foreground objects in front of them began to distort and change.

But in just a moment, they woke up, but when they saw the surrounding scene clearly, their expressions changed suddenly.

This is a strange world, only black and white.

Half as night, half as day.

Between night and day, there is a straight line, turning this world into two completely different areas.

At this moment, Chen Xi and his party stood in that night-like area, and the land ten feet in front of them was that straight boundary line.

On the other side of the boundary line, in the day-like area, stood Aluye and his party impressively!

This is where?

Chen Xi and the others looked gloomy. They never expected that in just a split second, they would fall into the scheme of the other party and be brought into this strange world.

If their guess is correct, this strange world should be derived from that mysterious and ancient animal skin!

"The two instruments transform the universe, and black and white hold life and death. Be careful, everyone. This is the most famous 'Witch Spirit Battlefield' in the last era!"

Canaan made a sound, showing a sense of dignity.

Witch Spirit Battlefield!

To Chen Xi and the others, this was a completely unfamiliar existence, but soon, Canaan told them everything through sound transmission.

In the last era, there were conflicts and battles between ancient witches. In order to avoid the destructive power of the battle from spreading to the outside world, and to avoid being disturbed by other people, those ancient witches would choose to fight in the "Witch Spirit Battlefield".

In this "Witch Spirit Battle Realm", there are extremely strict rules and power restrictions. Ancient witches in two different areas, black and white, must kill their opponents in the opposite area before they can get out of the "Witch Spirit Battle Realm".

In other words, once it is decided to face off in the "Witch Spirit Battle Realm", it must end with the death of one of the parties. If this cannot be done, both parties will be trapped in it forever!

Aluye sacrificed the "Witch Spirit Battle Realm" and brought Chen Xi and the others into it. Obviously, he had made up his mind to completely kill them.

However, Chen Xi felt a little puzzled about this, if it was just to kill them, it seemed that there was no need to do so at all.

Is it impossible to fight outside?

In other words, Aluye is worried that fighting outside will affect the gate of Namo Law, which will cause some unpredictable variables?

"You monk really knows a lot. That's right. This is the Wuling War Realm. My Wu Clan is indomitable and rules the world with battles. Although we have come to this era, the inheritance passed down from generation to generation will never be forgotten. .”

In the daytime area, Aluye's demeanor is stern, his eyes are like lightning, and he has an arrogance like swallowing mountains and rivers.

After coming here, he seemed to be completely carefree, and he was no longer as reserved as before.

"More than that."

Chen Xi spat out four words lightly from his lips. He had already observed that there was nothing dangerous in this "Warrior Battlefield".

"Do not."

Aluye categorically denied it, and said bluntly, "Only by fighting here can we not touch the power of the Gate of Doom."

After a pause, a stern look appeared on the corner of his lips, "The most important thing is that there is enough opportunity to deprive you of your fate!"

It was still the same sentence, but when Aluye uttered it again at this moment, it carried a murderous intent that reached people's hearts.


Chen Xi sacrificed the sword talisman, casually held it in his hand, then looked at Aluye, and said calmly, "Then let's see who can finally get out of this witch spirit battle!"

"Don't worry."

Aluye laughed out loud, "Although you can't wait to seek death, I must kindly advise you that there are rules and restrictions on the duel in the Wuling Battle Realm."

"What restrictions?"

Chen Xi frowned.

"That is, every duel can only be played one-on-one. How about it, is this restriction beneficial to you?"

Aluye sighed, "Being beneficial to you means being unfair to us, but this is irrelevant, anyway, you will all die in the end."

Having said that, there was a secretive smile on his face, as if he really didn't care that this restriction was beneficial to Chen Xi and the others.

Fight one on one! ?

When Chen Xi and the others heard this restriction, they were indeed a little surprised. After all, there were as many as 16 people on the other side, and if they rushed forward, they would definitely have a huge advantage.

But they gave up this advantage and chose to fight one-on-one in this "Witch Spirit Battlefield", which made Chen Xi and the others a little unbelievable.

In this world...is there really such a kind enemy?

Obviously not possible!

There must be something strange hidden in it!

Chen Xi and the others will not relax their vigilance because of this.

"Why? Let you take advantage of it, but I dare not accept it? Hahaha..."

Seeing Chen Xi and the others becoming more cautious, Aluye couldn't help laughing out loud with disdain, and said to the men in black robes and cloaks beside him, "Did you see, this is the virtue of cultivators in the Ancient God Realm!"

"Bastard! Come, come, I will fight with you first!"

Being repeatedly humiliated and ridiculed by a heretic, Shi Yu couldn't hold back anymore, stepped forward and shouted loudly.

"You are not my opponent."

Aluye glanced at Shi Yu with a contemptuous attitude, as if looking down at an ant, "You'd better retreat first, who to fight with can only be chosen by us, and you... can only be passive accept!"

"That's not necessarily true!"

Shi Yu's face darkened, his whole body burst out with breath, and he smashed through time and space, and was about to kill Aluye, but as soon as his figure approached the boundary line, he was hit hard by an invisible force , the whole person staggered backwards.

Everyone was shocked.

Aluye and his party did not make any moves. In other words, the reason why Shi Yu was pushed back was because of the power of the rules of the "Witch Spirit Battle Realm"!

This also proved from the side that what Aluye said was not a boast!

"Idiot, just stay there and wait to be chosen. This is destiny, and your destiny will be taken away today!"

Allie sneered.

Shi Yu's face suddenly became cloudy and uncertain, and his teeth were almost gnashed in anger.

"Don't be angry, it's hard to say whether you will win or lose in the end."

Chen Xi comforted Shi Yu through sound transmission, but there was still a trace of doubt in his heart. He always felt that it was too abnormal for the other party to fight them in this way.

Deprivation of fate?

Could it be that the duel in this "Witch Spirit Battle Realm" is not just as simple as death?

Chen Xi couldn't help but send a voice transmission to Canaan, wanting to ask more about the "Witch Spirit Battle Realm", but Canaan also shook his head to express that he didn't know.

After all, it is something from the last era, and Canaan has only seen its name in the classics.

However, Canaan can be sure that even Aluye and his party cannot break the rules in this "Witch Spirit Battlefield" battle.

In other words, if they were defeated by Chen Xi and his party, they would surely die as well, and they would not be able to survive!

This reassured Chen Xi a lot. Even if he didn't know the real intention of the other party, knowing this was enough.

"Which one of you will come first?"

At this time, Aluye looked at the group of men in black robes and cloaks beside him.

"I come."

A man in a black robe and cloak stepped out, took off the cloak on his head, and revealed his true face.

He actually had a snake head!The eyes are like blood, the head is black with a single horn, a pair of curved and sharp fangs stand upside down on the lips, and the slender and bright red tongue is hesitant.


In an instant, the breath spread all over his body, and the black robe wrapped around his body was also torn apart, revealing a body covered with dark golden scales, with an icy metallic luster.

The strange thing is that under his body is not a snake tail, but a pair of scaly legs, which makes him look very personable overall.

This monster-like ancient witch was very strong at first glance, filled with a cold, bloodthirsty aura.

Comparable to the aura of the domain master!

In an instant, Chen Xi and his group judged that the strength of this monster-like ancient witch was definitely not weaker than those domain master realm existences like them.

"Yingtaki, whose fate do you want to deprive?"

Allie asked softly.

Apparently, the monstrous ancient witch was named Yingtaki.

At this moment, Chen Xi and the others all frowned, and there was an indescribable anger in their hearts. They felt like prisoners, chosen and slaughtered by them at will.

"Monster, there is a kind of fight with grandpa!"

Shi Yu laughed and challenged.

"I really want to try it out. How does it feel to blow up this guy's snake head? It's best to let me deal with him!"

Yechen spoke coldly, murderous intent lingering.

Regarding this, Yinglong didn't seem to realize it, and a pair of cold-blooded pupils swept across Chen Xi and his party one by one, and finally landed on Zhao Qingyao.


Yingtaki stuck out his blood-red and slender tongue, and his voice was high-pitched and serious: "I like the smell of this woman."

He actually wanted to choose Zhao Qingyao as his opponent!


ps: My thoughts are a bit bad, I can’t get it done until now~ The update is a bit late, sorry everyone~

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