divine talisman

Chapter 1947 Humiliation

After a brief silence, Zhao Qingyao stepped out.

"Miss Zhao, be careful!"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and seriously told him that he knew that the current situation could not be changed, and the only way out was to fight.

"Miss Zhao, you must kill this monster!"

Kong Youran and the others nearby spoke out one after another, really hoping that Zhao Qingyao would win and destroy the heresy from the last era.

The other party is too hateful, and it is unforgivable to regard them as the prey that can be picked and slaughtered at will.

Zhao Qingyao, a descendant from the ancient Taoist lineage of the Zhenhuang Temple, she practiced the supreme method of the Zhenhuang lineage, and now she has advanced to the realm of the domain master, which is no longer comparable to before.

But Chen Xi still broke into a cold sweat for her, and was extremely worried.

This is not a duel, but a life-and-death battle. Failure means death, which is extremely cruel.

Coupled with the fact that the opponent is an ancient witch lineage that survived from the last era, one can imagine how unusual the combat power will be.

Just imagine that the last era was destroyed, but these heresies can survive, it is too incredible in itself, and it must not be underestimated.

At this moment, Zhao Qingyao's expression is calm, her steps are calm, her slender figure is swaying, and her black hair is fluttering.

And in her pair of clear eyes, there is a flame of war burning fiercely!

"Hey, this Goddess Dao law is like a fire, and it contains the exuberant real phoenix aura. If I can deprive it of its fate, it will definitely be able to fully integrate my power!"

Suddenly, among those men in black robes and cloaks, someone seemed to have sensed something, and couldn't help stepping out with a touch of longing.

He actually seemed to want to compete with the "Yinglong" who walked out earlier to compete for Zhao Qingyao as his opponent!

"Ying Luan! This is my prey!"

A cold look flashed across Yinglong's dark red snake eyes, and there was a hint of threat in his voice.

"There are only seven prey, but we have 16 people here. How do we divide them? I don't want to miss this opportunity!"

The black-robed man named Ying Luan didn't back down, appearing very strong.

As soon as these words came out, the other black-robed people were even more restless, and they seemed to be unwilling to be left behind.

"Ying Luan, come back!"

Seeing this, Aluye frowned, and his expression became indifferent.

"Lord Aluye, you should be clear that this woman's laws of the divine way, spirit, spirit, and even the method she practiced are all in line with me."

Ying Luan refused to accept it, and couldn't help arguing with her, "If I do it, I can completely deprive her of everything!"

These words fell into the ears of Chen Xi and the others, but they caused a shock in their hearts. They finally understood that the so-called "deprivation of fate" by these heretics was not just as simple as killing them.

Their most fundamental purpose is to deprive them of the laws of the divine way, their energy, and even their cultivation methods!

"Shut up! Are you questioning my will?"

Aluye obviously also noticed that Ying Luan's words leaked a lot, his face darkened immediately, and there was a sense of urgency in his voice.

"Don't dare!"

Ying Luan froze and broke out in a cold sweat, because the ancient witch lineage had a strict hierarchy, he never dared to provoke Aluye.

Those people in black robes were also silent, no longer restless.


With a wave of Aluye's sleeve, a black altar suddenly appeared on both sides of the straight boundary line that divided the black and white areas.

The black altar was stained with blood, mottled and ancient. As soon as it appeared, there was a bloody and killing atmosphere, and even the faint sound of war drums and golden weapons could be heard, wafting through the world.

The black blood-stained altar continued to expand, and within a few breaths, it changed from a radius of ten feet to a radius of one hundred thousand feet!

From a distance, it looks like an ancient battlefield.

This is indeed a battlefield, half in the day area and half in the night area. The ground is blood-stained and mottled, as if it has been branded by countless bloody battles.

"The next battle will take place on this altar of witch spirits. In the duel, outsiders cannot intervene, including this seat."

With his hands behind his back, Aluye looked calm, and there was a smile on his lips as if he was sure of winning, and he said slowly, "So, you can fight with confidence, use all your means to struggle, but don't hold back your hands. "

This kind of arrogant words, this kind of arrogant gesture really made Chen Xi and the others sullen in their hearts, and they didn't take them seriously at all.

At this moment, Aluye suddenly shouted: "Yingtaki, why don't you go to the altar to fight?"


Before the voice fell, the heretical figure covered in scales, with a ferocious snake head, and a cold and bloodthirsty breath flashed, and came to the witch spirit altar.

"Come on, beauty, I can't wait."

Ying Taki stuck out his blood-red tongue, showing a morbid longing on his face, looking at Zhao Qingyao in the distance, as if staring at a supreme delicacy, very penetrating.

Hearing these words, even Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a strong murderous intent, these damned beasts!

"Don't worry, I can't wait to cut off your snake's head and drink!"

Zhao Qingyao's expression was cold, and she walked to the altar, her clothes fluttering, and there was a real murderous intent flowing from her body, and she confronted Ying Taki who was opposite.

The atmosphere was tense to the extreme for a moment.

Even if they are very confident in Zhao Qingyao, everyone can't help feeling nervous and worried about her at this moment.

It must be known that even now, although they can judge that the opponent's combat power is not weaker than that of the Territory Lord Realm, no one can tell how powerful it is.

"Hehe, good time, good time, beauty, if you obediently offer your destiny, this seat might leave you with a good skin."

Yingtaki's breath became colder and colder, his pair of blood pupils glowed with a strange light, and there was a touch of enthusiasm in his words.

"Nonsense, if you are here to talk, get out of this altar now!" Zhao Qingyao said simply.

"court death!"

Yinglong's blood pupil burst into a cold light, and his figure flashed, and he rushed over in one step, and his right arm was like a soft whip, slamming towards Zhao Qingyao.


Almost at the same time, Zhao Qingyao also moved, sacrificing a shining cyan sword, as if incarnating a female sword god, bursting with murderous intent.


The battle broke out, and at this moment, an invisible regular force permeated the entire Wuling altar within a range of [-] feet, covering it.

In this way, the aftermath of the battle cannot be leaked out, and the outside world can no longer interfere with the battle between the two.

The divine brilliance was transpiring, the sword energy was intertwined, and the peerless sword energy was like rounds of blue scorching sun, smashing the void, killing the universe, and emitting a dazzling light, shining on the world.

At this moment, Zhao Qingyao fully interpreted the power of the Domain Master Realm that she possessed.

But what shocked Chen Xi and the others was that under such an attack, they were unable to do anything to the snake-headed, scale-body Infant Taki!

Yingtaki's battle was very strange, his scale-covered arms were like a pair of soft whips, cunning, vicious, fierce and terrifying.

No matter how powerful Zhao Qingyao's attacks were, they were all shattered and deflected by him with a wave of his arms.

"If these heretics have such fighting power, it will be a little dangerous..."

Kong Youran murmured, a pair of black eyebrows locked together at some point.

The others also had solemn faces, and this battle gave them the most intuitive understanding of the fighting power of those heretics.




On the altar, earth-shattering crackling sounds were constantly produced. It was the fluctuations produced when Zhao Qingyao's attacks were disintegrated. It was extremely ear-piercing, and many people were shocked when they heard it.

Zhao Qingyao is in danger!

Anxiety welled up in Chen Xi's heart.


A moment later, the infant taki stepped forward and tore apart Zhao Qingyao's attack forcefully, and she staggered back from the shock, her pretty face turning pale.

All of a sudden, Chen Xi and the others felt tense in their hearts.

However, Ying Taki did not take the opportunity to attack ruthlessly. On the contrary, he gave up this excellent opportunity to destroy the enemy, and chuckled: "Beauty, your strength is too bad. If I didn't take pity on you, you wouldn't need three moves!" , it will kill you."

There was a strong sense of contempt and superiority in the voice.

Zhao Qingyao's pretty face was livid, and a sense of shame for what she had done before rose in her heart. She gritted her teeth suddenly, released the blazing radiance all over her body, and charged away again.


This piece of void was annihilated and turned into a sea of ​​flames. It was the power of the True Phoenix lineage, burning the sky and boiling the sea, extremely violent.

"It's not enough to see, it's still too weak!"

Ying Taki shook his head, seemingly quite disappointed. When he spoke, he grabbed it with a big hand, and a rain of blood poured down, containing amazing corrosive power, which instantly dissolved Zhao Qingyao's anger.

Zhao Qingyao's face sank again, and she took a deep breath again and again, completely releasing the limit power she possessed, and charging with all her strength.

She is very clear that once she loses, not only will she die this time, but she will also be deprived of all her own power by the other party!

Such an end was definitely not what she wanted to see.


The battle continued and was extremely fierce.

"Beauty, have some strength."

"Hehe, it's really ridiculous that you want to kill me with such ability."

"Poor, really pitiful. Could it be that the domain masters in your ancient gods are all as weak as you?"

During the battle, Yingtaki's mocking and disdainful voice came out from time to time, which made Zhao Qingyao's face turn livid, and her heart was extremely angry.

Even Chen Xi's people who were watching the battle from the outside were all furious. This damned heresy is obviously humiliating people!You are trampling on Zhao Qingyao's dignity!

On the other hand, Aluye and his group all looked leisurely and leisurely, as if they were not surprised that Yingtaki could do this.

"No fun, no fun, if that's the case, let's end it!"

Suddenly, Yingtaki opened his mouth and let out a loud roar.


In an instant, Zhao Qingyao seemed to be struck by lightning, her body shook violently, coughing up blood, and the star field in her body was faintly about to collapse.

This roar was very ear-piercing, filled with a soul-devouring icy-cold force, it was Yingtaki's real method, and it was extremely terrifying.

It was just a loud roar, and Zhao Qingyao, a dignified domain master, was injured, and the star field in his body almost burst!

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