divine talisman

Chapter 1948 Unquenchable Fire Witch

Snake head with scales, eyes bloodthirsty.

In the last era, this Yingtaki was also an ancient witch of noble birth, from the tribe of "Magic Barking Snake Witch".

The most powerful natal supernatural power of the Bark Snake Witch is the sound of the bark!A terrifying unique skill that can roar through the universe and shatter the galaxy.

To be hit by this kind of magic sound will easily lead to the collapse of spirit and soul, and the end of body death and dao disappearance!

The blow just now was the "Sound of Demon Bark" cast by Yingtaki, which wounded Zhao Qingyao's soul in one fell swoop, and was almost robbed.

"Miss Zhao!"

Outside, many people yelled, their hearts were filled with fear, and they wished to rush over to help immediately, but there were rules and restrictions on the witch spirit altar, and no one could approach it.

In addition, there is a group of heretics confronting each other on the opposite side, staring at each other, so that they dare not act rashly.

Zhao Qingyao's body trembled, blood was bleeding from the corners of her lips, she still persisted tenaciously, and struck again, the dignity in her heart made her forget about life and death!


The battle continued, and Ying Taki was a little surprised by Zhao Qingyao's tenacity, but immediately sneered.

He knew that the other party was thinking of "it's better to break the jade than to destroy it".


Not long after, Yingtaki uttered the sound of barking again. The invisible sound wave was like a hundred thousand mountains, and it hit Zhao Qingyao hard, making her cough up blood, and all the bones in her body were broken.

She has been severely injured at this moment, and she is in danger!

However, she resisted and persisted!

This moved Chen Xi and the others. Apart from the shock in their hearts, they became even more worried and anxious. Many people already gritted their teeth with hatred, their eyes wanting to spit fire.

"I'm going to kill this guy, I must kill this guy, it's too deceiving..."

Yechen murmured, his eyes were full of cold hatred.

So are most of the others.


Zhao Qingyao was seriously injured, even though she persisted, she was defeated again and again under Yinglong's attack, coughing up blood again and again.

Until later, all the bones in her body were broken, and she was covered in blood, only supported by a tenacious will to fight.

"It's really troublesome."

At this moment, Yingtaki also frowned a little, never expecting to meet such an extremely tenacious opponent.

He could indeed kill the opponent easily, but he would never do so.

Because from the very beginning of this battle, Yingtaki's intention was not to kill the opponent, but to use this method to deprive the opponent of everything in one fell swoop, and then use it for his own use!

And to achieve this step, you must use absolute combat power to crush the opponent, not only crushing in strength, but also crushing the opponent's confidence, dignity and will!

Only in this way can he obtain the most complete power of the opponent!

This special method of killing the enemy is also called "deprivation of fate" by their ancient witch lineage.

That's why during the battle, Yingtaki humiliated and mocked Zhao Qingyao again and again, just to stimulate the opponent, and when Zhao Qingyao was most desperate and furious, he destroyed all her beliefs and will in one fell swoop!


Yingtaki gritted his teeth and let out another bark sound.

With a bang, no miracle happened at this moment. The magic sound directly broke through the last line of defense in Zhao Qingyao's heart, making her stiff and falling to the ground.


Many people outside screamed, their eyes were about to burst, and they rushed over, but they were shocked by the regular power around the witch spirit altar, unable to approach.


With a wave of Yingtaki's sleeve robe, a cage made of black and strange secret patterns appeared, imprisoning Zhao Qingyao's body in an instant, and then carried by Yingtaki, she walked down the Wuling altar.

If you die, you will be imprisoned!

Seeing this, many people were sad and indignant, and their hatred was hard to quell.Chen Xi was even more eager to go on stage immediately, kill that Yinglong, and snatch back Zhao Qingyao's blood-stained body.

After Ying Taki returned, she sat cross-legged, as if she wanted to use a secret method to get something from Zhao Qingyao's body.

But before he could move, he was stopped coldly by Aluye: "Yinglong, the prey on the opposite side have not been captured yet, now is not the time to completely strip her of her fate!"

Yingtaki seemed extremely unwilling, and let out a low growl, but in the end he didn't move anymore, but stood up, saying: "Then wait a little longer."

"Miss Zhao doesn't seem to be completely dead."

Witnessing this scene, Chen Xi, who was originally enraged, suddenly calmed down, and quickly sent a voice transmission.

Kong Youran and the others were shocked, and after careful investigation, they found that although Zhao Qingyao was covered in blood, was seriously injured, and lost consciousness, there was a vague aura of weakness lingering around her, and she was not dead. .

This made Kong Youran and the others heave a sigh of relief, but they couldn't help burning with anger.

Yes, people did not die, but now they are imprisoned in a cage like prey. Such humiliating methods make them feel even more uncomfortable than killing Zhao Qingyao.

"Ying Luan, it's up to you to choose your opponent for the second duel."

This time, without waiting for those black-robed men to compete, Aluye spoke directly, and the person who decided to appear on the stage was Ying Luan who had argued with Yinglong just now.

"Thank you sir!"

Ying Luan seemed impatient, before his voice fell, he had already flashed to the witch spirit altar.

chi chi...

Wisps of icy silver divine radiance filled the air, freezing the black robe and cloak covering Ying Luan's body, and then shattered, turning into pieces of ice and falling to the ground, Ying Luan's true face appeared in the eyes of everyone middle.

She was actually a woman with a slender and lonely figure, with silver hair hanging straight down, and a beautiful and cold face.

What is particularly frightening is that a pair of silver thunder arcs hung on her shiny ears, like earrings, flickering there, filled with a destructive and terrifying aura.


Her eyes were also as sharp as electricity, and she locked on Yu Jiuyue in an instant, and then a knife-like arc appeared on the corner of her lips, and she gently uttered two words: "Come up!"

With just a few words, she actually showed an extremely arrogant aura, like a high-ranking queen issuing orders.

Compared with the Yinglong just now, this Ying Luan who exudes a cold and sharp smell from every part of his body is obviously more terrifying, he cherishes words like gold, no nonsense.

However, when she chose Yu Jiuyue as her opponent, it still surprised Chen Xi and the others, and even made Kong Youran, Shi Yu, Yechen and others feel aggrieved.

They are eager to fight, no matter how strong the opponent is, they don't want to watch all this happen.

But the reality is that they can only wait here, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, they can only be selected, and cannot take the initiative to attack.

This is not only aggrieved, but also a shame!

Yu Jiuyue's temperament was also taciturn. Hearing this, a gleam of coldness burst out of his eyes, and the next moment, he had already arrived at the witch spirit altar.


He sacrificed a black spear, without any nonsense at all, and struck out very simply, using the strongest force in his life.

Through the battle just now, Yu Jiuyue has fully understood how terrifying his opponent is this time, so he can't have any reservations.

As a descendant of the Taoist Academy, Yu Jiuyue has a fighting power that is definitely not weaker than Yechen, but because of his silent temperament and low-key behavior, his reputation will be slightly inferior to Yechen.

But there is no doubt that even if Yu Jiuyue is compared with Kong Youran, Shi Yu, Qin Xinhui and others present, he will definitely not be inferior.


Yu Jiuyue attacked, a black spear wrapped in supreme power, crushed time and space, and swept away.

But it's a pity that Ying Luan of this ancient witch's lineage is too strong, even more terrifying than Ying Taki. As soon as this battle started, Yu Jiuyue was firmly suppressed.

Those kinds of scenes caused Chen Xi and the others to have a sudden change in their expressions, and their hearts became more and more heavy.

In just a cup of tea, when less than [-] moves were fought, Yu Jiuyue used what he had learned, even did not hesitate to use the secret method, burned his spirit, and exerted the power he had mastered to an unprecedented peak, but in the end... still lost !

That Ying Luan's silver hair fluttered, and she was slender, but her fighting techniques were crisp, sharp and decisive. She stepped forward with a single step, and a silver thundercloud appeared under her feet. She grabbed the knife in her right hand and slashed out.


A beautiful scarlet blood flower bloomed, Yu Jiuyue froze there, a bloodstain appeared on the forehead and between the brows, and then his body collapsed.

Contempt appeared on Ying Luan's brows, he reached out and grabbed Yu Jiuyue's body in the same cage, and brought down the altar of Wu Ling.

"This prey is barely okay."

Ying Luan turned around and left, her gaze casually glanced at Chen Xi and the others, full of fierce and compelling disdain.


Yechen clenched his fists tightly, almost out of anger, feeling extremely humiliated.

The faces of the others were not looking good either. Their companions were severely wounded and dying, taken away in captivity, and were so provoked and humiliated, which made them almost unable to control their anger.

But what's more, it's heavy. After two consecutive battles, both ended in failure. This result is too cruel.

Soon, the third descendant of the ancient witch appeared and chose Yechen as his opponent.

This ancient witch was listed as Fuluo, his naked upper body was made of poured steel, his muscles were stretched, and he was full of explosive power.

He was branded with dense tattoo patterns all over his body, and even his face was covered with strange tattoos, which made his whole body filled with a daunting mysterious power.


As soon as he stepped onto the altar of Wu Ling, Ye Chen, who had already hated him deeply, rushed out brazenly, with a great momentum, controlling the infinite brilliance of the eternal night, and displaying supreme supernatural powers.


Levro remained motionless, but a strange tattooed flower appeared in his palm, quietly blooming, blocking Ye Chen.

But in just an instant, that tattooed flower was destroyed, and Lie Fuluo was smashed into blood clots, splashing into the void.

With one move, he was killed!

Chen Xi and the others were all stunned, a little unbelievable.

Yechen couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Only Aluye and his party had a sneer on their lips.


The next moment, Lie Fuluo's body that had been smashed into blood clots suddenly squirmed and fused together, recovering.

Compared with before, not only did his aura not decrease, but it actually increased a lot!become more aggressive and cruel.

"Be careful, this person is most likely the descendant of the most mysterious unquenchable fire witch in the last era!"

At this moment, Canaan seemed to recognize something, his expression moved, and he cried out in surprise.


ps: I will go back to my hometown tomorrow, and I will stay up late tonight to finish tomorrow's update. The first update can be done before 1 am, and the second update can be done around 3 am.In addition, ask for a monthly pass~

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