divine talisman

Chapter 1949 Chen Xi Appears

Unquenchable Fire Witch!

One of the most difficult tribal groups in the last era, with almost indestructible vitality, has a fierce reputation throughout the world.

Although Yechen didn't know this, but when he saw that Lie Fuluo was killed, he was resurrected instantly, and his aura became stronger, and he immediately understood the horror of the other party.


Yechen attacked again, and in less than a moment, he bombarded and killed the opponent more than ten times, but every time, it seemed to be in vain.

Because it won't take a moment for that Lie Fuluo to recover, and every time he is killed, his aura will increase.

Up to now, Levro's aura has reached a terrifying height!

Everyone was terrified, this descendant of the Inextinguishable Fire Witch was too terrifying, with such indestructible power, who could do anything to him?

What is particularly shocking is that every time he is killed, his aura also rises steadily. If this continues, is it okay?

Yechen was obviously aware of this problem too, his expression had become solemn, he was no longer in a hurry to dispatch, but was carefully observing the other party, trying to find his weakness.

"Don't fight anymore? Then change to this seat to make a move!"

Levro seemed to see through Yechen's mind, and there was a gloomy look on his face.


The next moment, his figure was like electricity, his steel-like body containing explosive power crashed into time and space, and he came directly in front of Yechen, raised his right palm, and gave birth to an incomparably delicate tattoo flower, covering towards Yechen. Down.

The fierce and fierce physique displayed a delicate and unbearable tattoo flower, and the two completely contradictory auras produced a strong visual impact.


The petals fluttered, one piece after another, extremely soft, sticking to Yechen's body, but it made him freeze for a moment, and his whole body froze there.

It can be clearly seen that Yechen's blood and qi were reversed, and he was swallowed madly by the petals. In an instant, the blood in his whole body seemed to be drained, and his skin was waxy white.

And the tattooed petals showed a delicate and bright red color, and they were all collected by Nalie Fuluo with his hand.


At the same time, Yechen crashed to the ground, life and death unknown.

Witnessing this scene, the expressions of Chen Xi and the others became extremely gloomy. In this third duel, even Yechen lost!

This is definitely a heavy blow to them.

After all, Ye Chen's current fighting power was comparable to that of Kong Youran, but he was still defeated.

If the next opponents are so powerful, the consequences will be unimaginable!


No matter how heavy, angry, and aggrieved Chen Xi and the others were, what should come will always come. After the third duel, the fourth black-robed ancient witch appeared.

This is a short and thin ancient witch with eight thick arms, but his face is kind and kind, extremely mysterious.

His name is Sorin, and he comes from the "eight-armed ghost witch" family of the last era.

Each of his arms is as sharp as a sawtooth, comparable to a magic weapon. Once swung, it will be extremely lethal.

Sorin's chosen opponent, Kong Youran.

The battle started very quickly, but even though Kong Youran was fully prepared, when he really confronted Sorin, he was still in danger immediately.

This fierce battle lasted for a long time.

After a stick of incense.

Kong Youran's body no longer had an inch of intact skin, and was filled with dense knife marks. The skin was torn apart, the bones could be seen deep, and blood was flowing.

But Kong Youran didn't retreat, she kept fighting!

From the beginning to the end, she never uttered a word, never frowned, and although she was bruised all over her body, she herself didn't seem to notice it.

Witnessing this duel, Chen Xi and the others couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in their hearts. They couldn't bear to witness, couldn't bear to see such a peerless beauty reduced to such a miserable appearance.

It's so resentful!

It's too frustrating and embarrassing!


In the end, Sorin soared into the air, and his eight jagged arms danced in unison. The cold light flickered, tearing time and space.

The movements are fast and fierce, and the most important thing is that they carry a terrifying force of exotic avenues, which are invincible and unstoppable.

The void was split open by him, only the bright sharp edge flickered, disturbing the world.


Many people's hearts were shaken, and their eyes were about to split.

But in the end, Kong Youran was no longer able to dodge, and was killed by this blow, and the whole person flew backwards with a bang, and fell into a pool of blood.

The audience was silent and no one spoke.

How can this happen?

Still defeated, are those heresies really invincible?

At this moment, even Chen Xi's expression became so gloomy to the extreme, that he almost couldn't restrain the killing intent in his heart.

They watched Kong Youran collapse in a disastrous defeat, watched her being imprisoned in a cage, and Sorin took her off the altar of the witch spirit like a prey.

In my heart, I am about to go crazy!

After losing four games in a row, the four peerless and dazzling children of heaven in the ancient gods are now imprisoned in a cage...


But the reality is so cruel and bloody!

It's just hopeless.

Even Tu Meng and Qin Xinhui, who were the only ones left, were at a loss. Those who were stronger than them were all defeated. Is there any hope?

Chen Xi's expression at this moment has become extremely indifferent, watching all this coldly, but his heart has never been so angry, aggrieved, and...hatred like now!

Those heretics are very powerful, inconceivably powerful, but Chen Xi has no fear. What really makes him hate is this situation where he can only be manipulated by others!

Like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, even if you want to resist, you can't help yourself, but you can only wait, waiting for the other party to choose you...

This feels so humiliating!Too humiliating!Too humiliating! !

All of this was seen by Aluye and his party on the opposite side, and a sneer could not help but hang on the corners of their lips.

After going through all kinds of troubles to bring Chen Xi and his party here, what they want is this kind of effect!Otherwise, in the past, they could kill Chen Xi and the others at any time, instead of waiting for the present.

These ancient witches that have survived from the last era want to use all means to humiliate Chen Xi and the others, to provoke them, to use the most cruel methods to destroy their dignity and the belief in their hearts!

Only in this way can they get what the ancient witches want!


Aluye opened his mouth to announce the start of the next duel.

But before he finished speaking, he was coldly interrupted by Chen Xi on the opposite side: "Next, I must fight!"

Aluye was stunned, and sneered, "Why, are you already in a hurry to die? Unfortunately, you, Chen Xi, have no choice at this time!"

"If that's the case, I promise they won't be on the Wuling Altar again!"

Chen Xi opened his mouth coldly, and looked at Shi Yu and Qin Xinhui who were on the side.

Canaan was also on the side, but he was seriously injured. As early as the beginning of the battle, Chen Xi and the others had no intention of letting Canaan fight, so they didn't count him in.

The content of Chen Xi's words was very straightforward. Although Aluye had various means to kill Chen Xi and the others, he still couldn't help frowning in the face of such a situation.

"My lord, I would like to fight him!"

"let me!"

"This guy has refined the origin of the realm of the Nine Refinements Starfield. He is the most difficult one among them. Let me do it!"

Those people in black robes were all scrambling to make noise, as if they were looking at Chen Xi as their prey, extremely arrogant.

Seeing this, Aluye was silent for a moment, but waved his hands and said, "You all stand back and let Lefloo fight."

As soon as these words came out, those people in black robes were all stunned.

Even Levro was a little surprised.

"You also know that this guy is tricky. I don't want you to have any accidents. Levro has immortal witch blood, which is enough to deal with everything."

Aluye said indifferently, "You don't have to fight, if you can defeat this Chen Xi, his fate can only belong to me!"

With those words, those black-robed men immediately extinguished their desire to fight.

"Then I'll play again!"

Levro laughed loudly, his steel-like body rose through the air, and suddenly came to the witch spirit altar.

Then, he fixed his eyes on Chen Xi: "Aren't you going to die? Now it's your wish!"

Chen Xi didn't care who was fighting, as long as he was allowed to fight at this moment, it was enough.

Therefore, when he saw the appearance of Lie Fuluo, he hardly hesitated, and with a flash of his figure, he had already arrived at the battlefield.

At this moment, Chen Xi was disheveled in his clothes, his expression was indifferent, and his pair of black eyes were full of cold and unparalleled murderous intent.

"Well, look, what happened just now made our prey angry. That look...is really scary."

Levro had a frivolous look on his face, and sneered at Chen Xi.


Chen Xi didn't talk nonsense at all, his figure flashed, and he rushed away.

At this moment, his boiling murderous intent that had been suppressed for a long time could no longer be controlled, and it exploded like molten lava, making every inch of his skin feel like it was burning.

However, his expression became more and more indifferent, and his eyes became more and more cold, as if he had no emotional fluctuations. Those who are familiar with him know that this means... Chen Xi has hated it to the extreme!


Like electricity, like fire, like running thunder!

The star field in Chen Xi's body was boiling, roaring, and cheering, as if he wanted to feast on the enemy's blood!

Witnessing this scene, Lie Fuluo couldn't help flashing a hint of disdain and pity in his eyes. This stupid guy was obviously dazzled by anger. Didn't he just see that he couldn't be killed?


This is how Levro commented on Chen Xi. He was even a little disappointed in his heart. He originally thought that he would meet a sufficiently strong opponent, but who would have thought that...the opponent knew that he was unkillable, but he still foolishly charged forward. It was simply useless. There is a cure!

At this moment, Levro stood on the spot without even moving a bit, just watching Chen Xi's violent killing, his expression was full of contempt and disdain.

But when seeing this scene, Aluye instinctively felt something wrong, and couldn't help but scolded: "Be careful...!"


As soon as the voice sounded, before Liefuluo could hear it, Liefuluo's whole body was smashed to pieces by Chen Xi's palm, and his muscles, bones, and flesh were scattered all over his body!

"Ha, how could this stupid prey be killed by such an ordinary method?"

Those people in black robes all sneered.

But the next moment, their sneers froze, because Levro's shattered body did not recover after a short silence...

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