divine talisman

Chapter 1950 Catharsis

Ten breaths passed.

The flesh and blood of Levron's shattered body did not show any signs of fusion.

This made the faces of Aluye and his party sink.

Waited another thirty breaths, and the situation remained the same.

This made Aluye and his party feel a little uncomfortable.

From the moment Chen Xi stepped onto the Wuling altar to the time he attacked, it took only a split second, and the battle ended quite unpleasantly.

But Aluye and the others were already prepared in their hearts, knowing that as a descendant of the Unquenchable Fire Witch, Levro would definitely not die so easily.

On the contrary, every time he is bombarded and killed by the enemy, his aura will increase. This is the power possessed by the Unquenchable Fire Witch.

But who would have thought that something unexpected happened this time!

"How could this be?"

Many ancient wizards frowned, uncertain.

Aluye's face was also a little gloomy, he knew clearly that Levro was careless just now, if he had been more careful, such things would never have happened.

What a fool!

Aluye cursed inwardly.

Chi Chi!

There was a strange noise.

Aluye and the others suddenly saw that the flesh and blood transformed from the explosion of Liefuluo's body disappeared little by little at this moment. In just a few breaths, it turned into nothingness and disappeared completely, just like coming from the world. Generally evaporated.

The pupils of those ancient witch powerhouses shrank suddenly, unbelievable.

It's not just them, even Shi Yu, Qin Xinhui, and Canaan can't believe their eyes, just after the war started, that Liefuluo has been wiped out?

They can clearly remember that when Liefuluo and Yechen confronted each other before, their fighting power was so unbelievable that they couldn't kill them no matter how hard they tried.

But now that it is in Chen Xi's hands, it seems to be vulnerable!

This is too incredible!

And from the beginning to the end, Chen Xi stood erect on the altar of the Wuling, with an indifferent expression, his lonely and formidable figure was haunted by unparalleled murderous intent, like an emotionless killing god.

Obviously, killing Levro didn't surprise him, and it didn't even arouse his emotions.

He is still waiting, waiting for the next opponent to play!

Because the anger and hatred that had accumulated in his heart for a long time had just been released, and it was too late to vent it!

"The end! The only thing that can kill the Unextinguishable Fire Witch is the power of the end!"

As if realizing something, Aluye suddenly made a sound, his eyes shot like a flash of cold electricity, locked onto Chen Xi on the altar of the Wuling, and said, "You... have actually mastered the power of ending?"

There was a touch of surprise in the voice.

It had to be said that Aluye's vision was extremely vicious, and he could see the problem at a glance, but Chen Xi would not admit it.

He just looked at Aluye coldly, and said indifferently: "I'm waiting for my next opponent, you'd better not delay any longer, otherwise I will only think you are afraid."

Those words made Aluye's face suddenly become extremely cold. After staring at Chen Xi for a long time, he suddenly sneered and said, "No, if you have mastered the power of ending, then the Ancient God Realm might not be able to tolerate you at all!"

Speaking of this, Aluye suddenly turned his head, glanced at all the powerful ancient witches around him, and finally landed on Sorin who had eight arms, and said, "Go and avenge Levro."

Thorin nodded, with a killing intent in his eyes.

"Leflo is dead, but he died because of his own carelessness. I hope you don't make such stupid mistakes again!"

Aluye reminded coldly.

Sorin nodded again, and he naturally saw that Leflo's death was completely swindled by carelessness. If he really fought, Chen Xi would definitely not be able to defeat him so easily.


With a flash of Sorin's figure, he rushed to the witch spirit altar, and his eight arms shook like eight extremely sharp bloodthirsty sawtooth, releasing a terrifying and fierce aura.

"Chen Xi, you must kill him to avenge Senior Sister Kong!"

There was a sense of sadness in Shi Yu's voice. It was as if Kong Youran had been hacked into pieces by Ling Chi just now. There was not a single inch of intact skin on his body, and his bones were visible. He was reduced to such a miserable situation that he was about to go mad with resentment.

"it is good!"

Chen Xi's answer was very simple, only one word, but he asked with an indisputable firmness.

"It's just you? It's ridiculous to even try to kill me!"

Sorin sneered. Having said that, he did not underestimate Chen Xi, because he would never allow himself to make the same mistake as Leflo.

"Yes, it's just me!"

At this moment, Chen Xi's whole body was on fire, with black hair flying all over his head, like an unrivaled god of war, looking at him fiercely, "Today, it's not just you, you ancient witch bastards will all die!"

At the end, an overwhelming murderous intent rushed out, sweeping the world.

All over his body, huge divine talisman patterns emerged, penetrating the void, resonating with his voice, and shaking the nine heavens!

This is a kind of power, not a display of Taoism.

The Chen Xi at this moment was indeed different from the past. He became ferocious and disdainful, with murderous intent boiling over, causing all directions to tremble, and the scene was horrifying.

He is eager to fight, eager to kill all the enemies in front of him, and vent his hatred!

"Ha ha……"

Seeing this, Sorin laughed out loud. He was not afraid, on the contrary, he thought that Chen Xi had been clouded by hatred and became a lunatic.

"It's ridiculous. Just now, all of you cultivators in the ancient gods were defeated here. You were imprisoned and arrested. You are so vulnerable. You dare to speak such wild words, how ridiculous and ignorant!"

There was disdain in Thorin's voice, and there was also a kind of lofty pride.

In the distance, some powerful ancient witches also sneered and showed contempt on their faces. Does Chen Xi really think that if he kills Liefuluo, he can be lawless?

"Is it funny?"

Chen Xi's eyes were deep and frightening.

"Of course it's ridiculous! You cultivators in this life are so humble that you don't know what true power is! Do you know that your arrogant words are like a maddened ant threatening the holy witch who dominates everything? It will only appear ridiculous and humble, ridiculous and funny!"

This kind of harsh and pungent words, looking down on the ascetics of this era is simply a great humiliation.

Shi Yu and Qin Xinhui gritted their teeth when they heard this, these damn things actually regard them as lowly ants!

"Sorin, stop talking nonsense and take him down!"

Some ancient wizards frowned, and some couldn't wait any longer. They felt that Sorin and an ant were talking so much nonsense, which was unreasonable.

"Don't worry, this seat will destroy and trample all his pride little by little, and completely lose everything he owns!"

Sorin regained his coolness, shook his eight arms that looked like jagged blades, and pointed at Chen Xi from afar, "You humble prey, from now on, your fate will no longer have any meaning!"

He is very conceited, very calm, and very calm. It is an absolutely powerful posture. He does not underestimate the other party, but he will not be afraid or reserved because of it.


Before the words fell, Sorin rushed out brazenly, waving one arm, as bright as a blade, dazzling and unparalleled, and slashed towards Chen Xi.

At that moment, like a blade of death plucked from hell, trying to reap the souls of the dead!

Even though he only used one arm, that peerless sharpness was still extremely compelling, as if it wanted to cut Chen Xi in half in two.


Chen Xi clenched his palms tightly, wrapped his unparalleled purple-gold divine brilliance, and slammed it fiercely on the arm that had been swept away. If the two peerless divine weapons collided, the divine brilliance would explode and smash the void. exploded.

This duel broke out completely!

Swish!Swish!Swish!Swish! ...

With one blow, it seemed that Sorin confirmed Chen Xi's combat power, his confidence doubled, he looked down and overbearing, swung his eight sharp arms, and killed through the air.

All of a sudden, the sky was filled with dazzling and blazing light, unparalleled in brightness, as sharp as the blade of death, tearing the void into powder.

Before, Kong Youran was suppressed by this kind of attack, and retreated steadily, leaving shocking scars all over her body, and finally fell to the ground.

click click~~

On the witch spirit altar, there was a terrible explosion sound, the void collapsed, the latitude and longitude were disordered, and time and space were cut into powder by the unparalleled sharp edge. Sorin's fighting power was indeed terrifying, and wherever he passed, he seemed invincible Rival posture.

At this moment, he seemed unstoppable!

Because Sorin knew that the Chen Xi on the opposite side had refined the Nine Realms, which was different from other cultivators in the Ancient God Realm, and he was very likely to control the power of ending.

Therefore, at this moment, he has already used the strongest ultimate move to suppress Chen Xi in one fell swoop!


At this moment, the sword chant pierced the sky, Chen Xi sacrificed the sword talisman, and his momentum was like a boiling ocean, and he also performed his ultimate move.

He has endured for a long time, and he wants to vent at this moment!Wash away the humiliation you suffered before with the blood of the enemy!To soothe the endless hatred in my heart!

Above his head, a round of light curtains appeared, and one star after another rose up, reflecting the boundless universe, billions of stars, endless cycle!

In addition, the spirit, energy, and spirit in his body were fully functioning, condensing the power of the domain master, and deriving infinite purple-gold divine brilliance, covering himself.

Looking from a distance, his whole body was submerged in the blazing divine brilliance, so radiant that he couldn't look directly at it!Let him look sacred and vast, exuding the might of a dominator.


This area distorted and exploded with a bang. All the attacks from Sorin were wiped out by the power Chen Xi released!


Almost at the same time, Chen Xi slashed out with a sword.

What kind of sword is this?

Ten thousand dharmas arise in an instant, and ten thousand ways are extinguished in an instant, as if covering all the light, and there is no one who can compete with it!

This is the fourth level of the Sword Emperor!

It is a supreme state where the ultimate path enters the room, and it cannot be displayed without being a peerless sword emperor.

At this moment, the outside atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme, and everyone was staring at the battlefield without blinking, for fear of missing something.


When this wisp of sword energy disappeared, a piece of blood flew out, and a broken arm was crushed by the sword energy in an instant, completely disappearing.

Looking at Sorin again, he had lost an arm at this moment, his expression was frightened, and he let out a roar of anger and pain.

This scene immediately alarmed the audience, causing the eyes and pupils of those ancient wizards to dilate. It is completely unimaginable that Sorin would be chopped off in an instant!

How can this be?

How could that guy be so powerful?

However, Shi Yu, Qin Xinhui and others, who were originally extremely nervous, felt an uncontrollable excitement at this moment.


ps: 3:[-] in the morning... In order to keep updating, Goldfish also worked hard~ Everyone has a monthly pass, remember to vote~

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