divine talisman

Chapter 1951 Ending Shinto

The blood light soared to the sky, and Chen Xi stood proudly, unscathed.

And Sorin's face twisted, and he roared in pain. One of his arms was cut off abruptly, blood splashed, and the severed arm exploded into powder in an instant.

How terrifying is this?

As a descendant of the "Eight-armed Ghost Witch", Sorin's handwriting is known as a peerless blade, stronger than a rock, not weaker than any innate spiritual treasure, but it was cut off by a sword!

"court death!"

Thorin was completely enraged, he couldn't believe that the opponent's combat power was so heaven-defying, that a single sword qi could actually destroy his arm.

But seeing this scene, although Aluye and his party were slightly startled, they all showed dissatisfaction and frowned very quickly.

Some people even shouted: "Sorin, this is not your style, are you planning to admit defeat!"

"To shut up!"

Thorin drank violently, his face contorted.

In an instant, a shocking scene happened. A new arm grew out of Thorin's wound in an instant, with unparalleled sharpness!


The faces of Shi Yu and the others sank immediately, and the original excitement in their hearts was replaced by a touch of surprise, rebirth with a broken arm?Does he have the same power as the "Immortal Fire Witch" Levro?

"As I said before, although they are different from the gods and demons in this life, these ancient witches can all be regarded as the lineage of body refinement."

Canaan frowned and reminded, "Body refiners can be reborn with a drop of blood, and can be revived with a single thought. They are extremely powerful. What's more, these ancient witches also possess different supernatural powers!"

As Canaan said, compared to the body refiners of this life, these ancient witches are born with incredible powers.

Like the "Immortal Fire Witch" Levro, he has "Immortal Blood", which is almost impossible to kill.

Like the "eight-armed ghost witch" Sorin, his eight arms are like blades, comparable to the sharp weapons of magic weapons, not weaker than the power of innate spirit treasures.

And the body refiners in this life, although they can also cultivate supernatural powers such as three heads and six arms, law of heaven and earth, mountains and rivers in their palms, etc., but these are acquired skills, not innate ones. Relatively speaking, they are quite different from the ancient witches. .

At this moment, Chen Xi was obviously also aware of this, but his expression was still indifferent and calm, and the murderous intent in his eyes did not diminish.

"Humble prey, this seat has already launched a murderous plan, I will not show mercy, everything ends here!"

In the extremely cold voice, there was a chirping sound, and the figure of Sorin shot towards him, his eight arms were like sky-shattering blades, and he rolled and spun, with cold light, he rushed towards Chen Xi.

The blade light was too dense, like a knife formation, shredding the universe and tearing it apart, and the heaven and the earth wailed endlessly.That terrifying power seemed to destroy everything!

It's a pity that all of these are no longer a threat to Chen Xi.


Almost at the moment when Sorin made his move, the sword talisman in Chen Xi's palm buzzed and swept away, understatement, like a glimpse.


With an earth-shattering collision, the void here collapsed, the divine light was blazing, and chaos abounded.And Sorin's terrifying attack was crushed and disintegrated in an instant!


The blood was flying, and Sorin didn't even have time to react. Both arms were cut off, turned into blood rain and exploded, and his whole body was sent flying violently.

Witnessing this scene, the expressions of Aluye and his party finally became serious, and they began to re-examine Chen Xi's combat power.

"Damn! You humble thing, you can't kill me!"

Thorin was in severe pain, let out a terrifying roar, and his expression was distorted.


From his severed arm, two blade-like arms grew again!

This is the terrifying aspect of the ancient witch lineage. They have power not weaker than that of the domain masters, and they can survive from the last era. They are all the best of the best and the best of the best.

Coupled with their terrifying way of body training and cultivation, one can imagine how terrifying their power is.

Before, Zhao Qingyao, Kong Youran, Ye Chen, and Yu Jiuyue were captured in successive defeats because they had just advanced to the realm of domain masters, and their own fighting methods and fighting methods had all undergone changes. Although they became extremely powerful, after all It is a brand-new power, and it cannot be mastered skillfully.

On the other hand, those ancient witch heretics have lived for an unknown number of years, and they can even be traced back to the last era. Under such circumstances, it is really difficult for Zhao Qingyao and the others to compete with these ancient witch heretics.

But obviously, Chen Xi was not included.

He refined the original power of nine domains, and a unique purple-gold emperor star was condensed on his soul.

Coupled with the transformation of his kendo cultivation base, although his cultivation base is still at the level of a one-star emperor, his combat power has already surpassed his peers by far, far too much, it can be described as defying the sky!

What's more, don't forget that he still carries a kind of taboo-like power - the end!



Sorin was sullen and violently killed again. The entire witch spirit altar was almost filled with the sharp light he released, as if killing everything and destroying everything.


If an existence like him entered the Ancient God Realm, he could even crush many long-established domain master existences!

But this time his opponent is a monster that can never be measured by common sense, and this matchup is destined to be not unusual.


A wisp of sword energy surged up, Chen Xi remained motionless, and this round of attack by Sorin had once again been broken.


The broken arm flew into the air, and the blood flowed like a spring.

With this blow, Thorin was killed again!


At this moment, Sorin was completely insane. Although he was defeated again and again, he was constantly reborn with his broken arm, and there was no sign of being injured or suppressed at all.

This scene is enough to shock anyone. After all, if things go on like this, the advantages that Chen Xi possesses seem to be no advantages at all...

Shi Yu and the others were terrified and anxious when they saw it.

Aluye and his party looked extremely calm, watching all this coldly, without any emotion at all.

They also saw that when it came to real combat power, Sorin was indeed far behind Chen Xi, but the way of body training that Sorin possessed was something Chen Xi couldn't compare to!

This is the horror of their ancient witch lineage. How could it be so easy to kill them?

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't seem to notice it at all, as if he didn't realize the difference in this battle at all.

Holding the sword talisman in his hand, he continued to kill, defeated Sorin, and chopped off his arms.

Even later, Sorin's head was cut off several times, his throat was pierced, his chest was cut open, and his legs were cut flat...

But in the end, Thorin came back whole again and again, almost like he couldn't be killed.

"Damn it! Damn it! I'm going to kill you!"

Being defeated again and again, although he could recover quickly, it still made Sorin rage, falling into a kind of rage, and roaring endlessly.

He couldn't accept this kind of situation. He was just a humble prey, but he made himself so embarrassed again and again, but he couldn't do anything to him at all. Such a result was not acceptable to Sorin.

But what made him aggrieved and helpless was that Chen Xi was indeed too strong, making him completely powerless to change this situation.


All of a sudden, on the altar of the witch spirit, a severed arm was flying around, and the light of blood shot out, shocking, and fell into a state of stalemate.

"Hahaha, you can't kill me, give up, all your attacks are useless against me!"

Thorin laughed, looking utterly insane.

At this time, Sorin also gave up the idea of ​​defeating Chen Xi head-on, changed his tactics, and used his "unkillable" advantage to consume Chen Xi to death!

"This guy."

Aruye couldn't help laughing, and all the ancient witches around him also laughed, but even so, they still had full confidence in Thorin.

"Is it really impossible to kill?"

At this moment, Chen Xi who was fighting suddenly stopped, his figure stood in the void, and a cold arc appeared on the corners of his lips.

His actions seemed very inexplicable, even abrupt. You must know that this was in a battle, and a single negligence could lead to a situation where there would be no end of redemption.

But Chen Xi... unexpectedly stopped!


Seeing this, Sorin would not let go of such an incomparable opportunity. He immediately grinned, waved his eight arms, and set off a monstrous edge.

But his actions came to an abrupt end!

Before that monstrous edge was released, Thorin seemed to be frozen, frozen in the void, even his expression froze.

like a sculpture.

This scene seemed too weird, as soon as Chen Xifu stopped, Sorin froze even when he made a move, causing everyone outside to widen their eyes in astonishment.

What's going on here?

All of this sounds slow, but in fact it all happened in an instant. Before everyone had time to react, they heard a crackling sound like a drumbeat.

Immediately, they were horrified to see that Sorin's whole body seemed to be cut by thousands of blades. His arms, legs, head, body... exploded into fuzzy flesh and blood in an instant!

For a body refiner, even if the physical body is destroyed, as long as one thought is left behind, it can be fully recovered.

However, at this time, Sorin's pile of flesh and blood not only failed to fuse, but disappeared little by little in the void, completely turning into nothingness!

Even, his essence, energy, and spirit all disappeared, without leaving any traces!

Quietly, a terrifying existence from the lineage of the ancient witch disappeared without a sound...

This weird scene made Aluye and his party's eyes wide open, completely stunned and unbelievable.

Not only them, Shi Yu and the others also gasped, falling into an unprecedented shock.

That guy... how did he die?

No one could see clearly.

It is precisely because of this that it is particularly shocking and soul-stirring.

For a long time, there was still no movement on the witch spirit altar, and there was no sign of the disappearing Sorin reappearing. This made Aluye and his party finally confident that Sorin was indeed dead!Not only the body, but even the thoughts were wiped out!

"The end, it really is the end... This guy has not only mastered the will of the end, but also interpreted the power of the end to the point of the law of God!"

Aluye murmured, a frightening bloody luster appeared in his eyes.

He saw this when he killed Levro before, but at that time...

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