divine talisman

Chapter 1953 Ancient Witch Royal Family

Aluye took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Ying Luan, go and capture this beast."

Ying Luan, with silver hair and a cold and lonely expression, said expressionlessly, "I've been waiting for your words for a long time."

She stepped forward, her clothes fluttering, and her whole body emitted a dazzling silver light, like a bright moon coming to the world, with an inviolable awe-inspiring prestige.

"kill him!"

The other black-robed ancient witches shouted loudly that they wanted Ying Luan to use thunderous means to kill Chen Xi.

Ying Luan's status among the ancient witches was obviously very high. Seeing her appearance, many ancient witches showed excitement.

Chen Xi stood on the witch spirit altar, his eyes were cold and deep, quietly watching the silver-haired woman approaching.

Before, Yu Jiuyue was defeated by this woman. The opponent's combat power was very strong, and it was difficult for Yu Jiuyue to be shaken by just bare hands.

In the end, when it was less than three hundred rounds, Yu Jiuyue's eyebrows were broken by her blow, and he was imprisoned in a disastrous defeat.

And in the eyes of Chen Xi at this time, this Yingluan was stronger than Suolin, Liefuluo, and Yingtaki.

Ying Luan paced the void, her slender figure was wrapped in silver divine light, dazzling, holy and majestic, her aura was extremely frightening.

Along with her steps, the void burst and rumbled, and silver flowers floated from the sky and the earth, like rounds of bright moons, reflecting the sky!

Different from the previous confrontation with Yu Jiuyue, Ying Luan at this moment obviously showed his true power. Just walking around, the supreme vision was reflected, the silver flowers were like a bright moon, shining in the sky, like a terrifying immortal Those who come from the long river of time.

"It's fun to kill a prey like you. Unfortunately, your fate is against mine. I can only imprison you and let others use it."

As soon as Ying Luan stepped onto the altar of Wu Ling, he spoke directly, his voice was cold and indifferent, neither hurried nor slow, as if he was talking about an ordinary and trivial matter.

The corners of Chen Xi's lips curled into an inexplicable arc, fate?Even the great figures in the heavens can't deduce their own destiny, but this woman claims to have conflicted with her own destiny, which is really ridiculous.

"Chen Xi, be careful! This woman is a descendant of the royal family in the lineage of the ancient witches, and she possesses holy blood, so she must possess incredible supernatural powers!"

Suddenly, Canaan made a sound with a solemn expression, as if he recognized something from Ying Luan.

"A descendant of the ancient witch royal family?"

Chen Xi squinted his eyes, just by a "royal family" can know his extraordinary.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you, a monk, to know much more than I imagined. Yes, Ying Luan is the "Holy Moon Royal Family" of my ancient witch lineage, and has one of the most noble royal surnames in ancient witches, Yun Lan Ying'! In this era, even those eternal families in the Imperial Region cannot compare with Ying Luan's background."

Aluye sneered, with a touch of pride in his voice.

"Yunlan Ying... She is actually a descendant of the supreme ruler of the last era, the 'Holy King Yunlan'?"

Canaan's complexion changed slightly, and his voice became heavy.

All this made Chen Xi realize that Ying Luan's background seemed to be stronger than he imagined.

However, all of this is after all the secret news of the last era, and it was too illusory to Chen Xi, so it couldn't cause him much shock.

"The glory of the past is finally over. No matter how powerful the Sacred King Yunlan is, he has already been annihilated in the last era."

Chen Xi said calmly, he would not be overwhelmed by an illusory rumor.


Many black-robed ancient witches scolded them. Obviously, the title of Yunlan Saint King has special meaning to those ancient witches, and no disrespect can be tolerated.

Chen Xi's words were already a great offense.

"I'm just saying this to you, today I must die to atone for my sin!"

Ying Luan's eyes burst into silver light, and his voice was icy cold.


Before the voice fell, Ying Luan stepped out with a chilling figure and a fierce aura, as if the actual murderous aura had turned into a sea of ​​silver flowers, suppressing and killing Chen Xi.

Her actions were crisp and swift, and there was a forceful majesty when she struck. Between her palms and fingers, it seemed to be wrapped in a bright moon and starry sky, carrying terrifying power.


Chen Xi held the sword and shook it head-on. When his figure moved, if the Kunpeng carrying Qing Ming on his back swung upwards, carrying the force of wind, sea and rain, he swam through the eight poles of the surrounding void, crushing the stars in the sky. Infinite!

This is the Kunpeng Divine Art!

A shocking explosion resounded, shattering Ying Luan's attack and spreading out endless brilliant brilliance.


Aluye's eyes narrowed sharply, and he recognized Chen Xi's kunpeng magic. He remembered that a long time ago, that kunpeng Taoist master was also trapped under this abyss of forbidden robbery, and he also encountered accidents, but in the end he died abruptly. With the innate magical powers he mastered, he escaped from this forbidden abyss and returned to the ancient gods!

Although Taoist Kunpeng was unable to dispel the power of forbidden catastrophe on his body and finally disappeared, he became the first existence since ancient times to escape from the abyss of forbidden catastrophe.

It is precisely this Kunpeng magic that is relied on!

Now, when Aluye recognized that Chen Xi was displaying such supernatural powers, he couldn't help being a little bit surprised.

Does this guy have something to do with Taoist Kunpeng?



After one blow, Ying Luan did not hesitate to sacrifice a silver long spear, sharpened sharply, and a round of bright moon totem was reflected on the body of the spear, blazing immeasurably.

This made Chen Xi's heart tremble, and in an instant, he realized that this silver spear was very unusual and possessed unpredictable power!

"If you dare to disrespect our ancestors, you must die to atone for your sins!"

Ying Luan stepped on the void, and the surrounding void exploded, revealing a series of absolute sharp edges, with a murderous aura.

In an instant, a burst of gunfire shook, causing the world to distort.

"It's just something that died for an era, the glory is long gone, and this world is no longer the world of these heretics!"

Chen Xi spoke coldly, his expression was calm, without a trace of fear at all.

"court death!"

Ying Luan was furious, a silver spear pierced through the air in his palm and stabbed fiercely.


In an instant, the sky was filled with the silver spear shadows, if the bright moon sprinkled silver lights in the sky, tens of thousands, the power was extremely terrifying.

This blow is really terrifying, not comparable to ordinary attacks, but a supreme method, a manifestation of peerless power!


Suddenly, while Chen Xi's sword talisman was turning, a round sword curtain opened.

Mysterious Heart Swordsmanship - Huanyuan Style!

It's just different from the past. After advancing to the fourth level of the Sword Emperor, the circle-holding posture becomes more and more perfect and free. A round sword curtain is filled with purple-gold energy, in which the sun and the moon float and sink, and the stars circulate. All kinds of grand weather.

Bang bang bang!

Those silver guns pierced to kill, and killed on the round sword screen, resulting in a dense collision like a god's drum.

Many silver gun lights were crushed and disintegrated, but there were still many that continued to smash and kill, brilliant and dazzling, like a sunken moon, blooming infinite murderous intent.


Until later, the round sword curtain began to shake violently, as if faintly about to burst.

Seeing this, many black-robed ancient witches showed grim smiles and shouted loudly.

"it is good!"

"Kill this son!"

"Dying under the supreme supernatural power of the Yunlan royal family, "Bright Moon's Glow", this kid deserved his death!"

However, the development of the battle was beyond everyone's expectations.

Until later, Chen Xi's round sword curtain did not shatter, but accompanied by an extremely ear-piercing sword chant, an astonishing silver light burst out, causing many people's eyes to be stung.


The next moment, the round sword curtain turned into a silver sword light that was condensed to the extreme, and suddenly exploded, like a big explosion in the universe.

All of Ying Luan's attacks were crushed and wiped out by this sword!

"Not good! This guy's defense just now absorbed all my attack power and released it again!"

Ying Luan narrowed his eyes and pupils, and finally understood that the sword curtain just now couldn't hold back, it was clearly trying to dissolve and devour his own attack power!

But at this moment, she realized that it was already a step too late. That silver sword light not only accumulated Chen Xi's power, but also accumulated her previous attack power. At this moment, it gathered together and smashed it. The power is unimaginable. .


In an instant, Ying Luan's whole body was chopped off, bleeding from the corner of her lips, she trembled suddenly, almost fell down.

How can it be?

Aluye and his party froze.


Shi Yu and the others who were originally worried about Chen Xi were suddenly dumbfounded.

"How dare you speak boldly with this little ability? No wonder your people will be wiped out in the last era."

Ying Luan was undoubtedly very powerful, but she couldn't bear Chen Xi's ridicule anymore, her face was gloomy, she gritted her teeth and went out again, using the most powerful force.


This time, it was Chen Xi who was the first to move out, the sword talisman flew across the sky, he smashed the sword and bombarded him, his power and power looked down upon him, appearing extremely domineering.


Ying Luan brandished the silver spear, set off the sky-high and bright moonlight, and bombarded Chen Xi, it was extremely terrifying.

However, all these attacks could no longer stop Chen Xi from attacking. Every time his sword talisman was slashed, it shattered and wiped out the opponent's attack, which could be called invincible.


In the end, Ying Luan couldn't resist, and was crushed again, covered in blood, her pretty face turned pale.

how is this possible! ?

At this moment, Ying Luan was finally moved by a trace of fear. This time, the opponent was too terrifying. Only when he actually fought would he find that his combat power was even more amazing than expected.


A moment later, Ying Luan was defeated again, bleeding profusely all over, disheveled hair, extremely pale face, no trace of the holy majesty before.

"It seems that you, like your ancestors, are going to disappear completely from the world."

In the indifferent and cold voice, Chen Xi stepped forward like the emperor in the sword, and the sword in his palm sprayed with a dazzling purple-gold sword light.

He had decided to end the fight with this one hit.

"Evil! If you dare to kill Ying Luan, your companions will surely die too!"

At this moment, Aruye's incomparably cold voice suddenly sounded in the field.

Chen Xi suddenly turned his head, and saw that Aluye had arrived in front of the four of them, Kong Youran and Yechen, who had already been captured.

Aluye held a sword, and the blade pointed at Kong Youran and the others, full of threats!

"They... really didn't die."

But after witnessing this scene, Chen Xi felt relieved, and finally he was convinced that, just as he had guessed before, Kong Youran and the others, whose life and death were unknown, were not completely dead!

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