divine talisman

Chapter 1954 Blood Pupil Witch

Since Kong Youran, Ye Chen, Zhao Qingyao, and Yu Jiuyue were captured in disastrous defeats one after another, they were imprisoned by Jiu Jin, and their life and death were unknown.

According to Aluye, it is necessary to wait for all this to end before taking further action to deprive them of the fate of these ancient gods ascetics.

The so-called deprivation of fate is to deprive them of the laws of the divine way, spirit, spirit, and even their bodies.

But at that time, Chen Xi and the others couldn't judge whether Kong Youran and the others were dead or alive.

But at this moment, when he heard Aluye threatening Kong Youran and the others with their lives, Chen Xi could only be sure that Kong Youran and the others were indeed not dead!

This is undoubtedly good news for him, but under such circumstances, this good news is not a surprise.

Because it was only one blow away, and Ying Luan would die in Chen Xi's hands!

To be threatened at this time undoubtedly looks extremely bad for Chen Xi's next battle.


In the end, Chen Xi gave up on this blow, but looked at Aluye coldly, and said, "Are you sure you want to threaten me?"

The voice was calm, without emotional fluctuations, but in Aluye's ears, it made his heart throb for no reason.

But immediately, he smiled and said: "No, this is not a threat, this is just an exchange."

After a pause, Aluye continued: "You should have seen that this seat did not completely kill your companions. Under such circumstances, if you want to kill those subordinates of this seat, it will be unreasonable." .”

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and said, "So, your exchange condition is that no matter how the battle wins or loses, I won't be able to kill you bastards?"


Hearing this word, Aluye's eyelids couldn't help twitching, and immediately said with a blank expression: "Yes, if you can't do it, I... can only kill your comrades!"


"According to the rules of this witch spirit battle environment, only by dividing life and death can the victorious side escape from here. If we follow the method you said, when will we be able to divide life and death?"

Hearing Aluye's threat, both Shi Yu and Qin Xinhui were furious, their teeth itching with hatred, and they couldn't help shouting.

This guy was really too despicable. Not only did he interrupt Chen Xi's attack at a critical moment, but he even threatened the lives of Kong Youran and the others. It was shameless to the extreme.

Regarding this, Aluye didn't seem to care about it, and still said slowly: "Don't worry, in the end of the battle, life and death can definitely be separated."

"What if Chen Xi loses in the next battle?"

Shi Yu couldn't help saying.

"Of course they will be killed."

Aluye said without hesitation, and he couldn't help laughing again, "Don't forget, this duel is not fair at all. If you want to kill you, you have already been wiped out in the outside world. Is there such a chance?"

Speech is neither fast nor slow, calm and unhurried.

But in the eyes of Shi Yu and the others, it became more and more hateful and shameless, it was despicable to the extreme!

Even, Shi Yu and the others were so angry that they could not speak.

The other party can kill Chen Xi, but Chen Xi cannot kill the other party?

This is fucking too much!

"Okay, I promise you!"

Chen Xi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke, and stopped Shi Yu and the others with his eyes, so that they didn't have to say any more.

Chen Xi knew very well that to deal with these incomparably despicable heretics, it would be useless to say more.

"Haha, this decision is very wise!"

Aluye clapped his palms and laughed loudly. Seeing Chen Xi and the others succumbed and obeyed, he felt an indescribable joy in his heart.

But the next moment, he couldn't laugh.


On the witch spirit altar, Chen Xi's figure flashed suddenly, and his fingers were like lightning. Ying Luan was caught off guard, locked her neck, and picked her up fiercely.

"Chen Xi, you..."

Aluye was furious, thinking that Chen Xi was going to go back on his word.

With a bang, Chen Xi casually threw Ying Luan beside Shi Yu and the others like trash.

"Watch her, I will exchange her life for Miss Kong and the others later!"

Chen Xi quickly transmitted the voice.

At this moment, Shi Yu and the others finally understood that Chen Xi's attention was clearly intended to retaliate against him in his own way, imprisoning these powerful ancient witches, so that the other party would not dare to act recklessly!

Seeing this scene, although Aluye and the others were shocked and angry, they finally breathed a sigh of relief. Ying Luan is not dead, and that is enough!


In this battle, Ying Luan was defeated and captured!

Counting it, this was already the fourth ancient shaman who had been defeated by Chen Xi. The difference from Ying Luan was that the other three had died suddenly, turned into nothingness, and could no longer be revived.

No matter what, this series of changes was undoubtedly a heavy blow to Aluye and his party.

They knew very well that Chen Xi had refined the origins of the nine domains, and they also knew that he possessed the power to end, but unfortunately, the foreign powerhouses on their side were all defeated by Chen Xi's opponents one by one.

It's not that they are not strong, but that Chen Xi's combat power is too unpredictable!


Soon, Chen Xi's cold and heartless voice sounded again, like a note urging him to die, making Aluye and the others sullen, and their dignity was challenged like never before, but more of it was a kind of shock!

Before, Chen Xi had said "the next one" more than once. At that time, many powerful ancient witches scoffed at this, thinking that Chen Xi was looking for death, arrogant and ignorant.

But now it is different. Four consecutive duels have ended with Chen Xi winning. With such a heavy record, who would dare to underestimate it?

This is definitely a terrible ascetic!

"Hateful, this prey has repeatedly provoked, as if it doesn't take us seriously, it really deserves to be tortured to death!"

That ancient witch with a metallic luster like steel gritted his teeth and made a loud noise. He had always wanted to do something earlier, but now he was obviously worried, and he was quite afraid of Chen Xi.

Even Ying Luan and other descendants of Yunlan Sacred King suffered a disastrous defeat, which really shocked many powerful ancient witches.

"You can only be careless, but you don't dare to go on stage to fight, obviously you are scared out of your wits!"

In the distance, Shi Yu sneered, sarcastically.

It was confirmed that Kong Youran and the others were not completely dead, and after Chen Xi had successively won victories, Shi Yu was also greatly encouraged, and he was no longer as depressed as before.

Hearing this kind of ridicule, the faces of those powerful ancient witches suddenly became more gloomy.

"Being so provoked by an ant-like existence, are you really afraid?"

Aluye's expression was gloomy, and there were wisps of black mist all over him. Like a demon god in the dark, his words were cold and indifferent, and he didn't lose his temper, but it made people's hearts jump.

The expressions of those ancient witch powerhouses all fluctuated.

"I come!"

A man in black robe stepped out, and the whole person transformed into a monster with a height of two feet, a body as strong as a mountain, a green face with long fangs, and blood-colored double pupils!

He had thick black chains wrapped around his arms, and a bloody white bone necklace around his neck. Coupled with his ferocious face, his aura was extremely terrifying, like a demon lord from the abyss.

Especially in his pair of blood-colored double pupils, there is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, like a purgatory-like scene, which is always disillusioned.

This is a master!

Chen Xi glanced at it, not afraid. Even though he knew that the other party should be stronger than Ying Luan, he was still calm.

"Descendants of the blood-eyed witch!"

Canaan frowned, and quickly sent a voice transmission, "Chen Xi, this guy has an extraordinary background, and he controls an inconceivably terrifying supernatural power 'Chain of Destruction', which contains the profound meaning of 'Destruction of Witchcraft' belonging to the last era. Be careful, once you are invaded by the destructive witch power, there is no possibility of recovery!"

Destroy witchcraft?

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes.

Seeing this powerful ancient witch with a ferocious face and a figure like a demon god come out, the other ancient witches seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, showing a sense of relief on their faces.

It seems that as long as this person is on the stage, there will be no worries.

Only Aluye frowned and said, "Ruiwen, you alone are not enough!"


Those ancient witch powerhouses were stunned, not enough?Could it be that Lord Aluye thinks that the most destructive "Blood-eyed Witch" descendant, Ruiwen, will be able to help Chen Xi?

Even Shi Yu and the others were a little surprised, as if they didn't expect that Aluye would become so conservative and cautious at this moment, not as arrogant as before.

The ancient witch named "Ruiwen" said in a deep voice, "Master Aluye, do you also look down on me, Ruiwen?"

Aluye shook his head, and said indifferently: "It's not that I look down on you, it's that at this time we must never underestimate that Chen Xi!"

As he said that, he raised his hand and pointed at a man in black robe beside him: "Bai Zhe, you and Raven go kill that kid together!"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Xi immediately frowned, two people going to bed together?

"Despicable! According to the rules, this witch spirit altar can only be a one-on-one battle. Are you trying to break the rules?"

Shi Yu couldn't help it, and shouted loudly.

At this time, the black-robed man named Bai Zhe had already led the order. He took off the cloak on his head slowly, and then carefully took off the black robe on his body. Then he stretched his waist, nodded and said: "Since Master Aluye is so cautious, I have no reason not to do so."

Bai Zhe is a handsome young man with blond hair as bright as the sun, skin as white as jade, and a harmless smile on his lips.

He looked like "harmless to humans and animals", without any trace of mastery.

But when he saw him appear, Raven, a descendant of the "Blood-eyed Witch" who was somewhat dissatisfied with this, immediately shut up.

"Break the rules of the Wuling Battlefield? Hehe, you really think highly of me."

At this time, Aluye seemed to be determined, and chuckled, "Open your eyes and see, they are not two people fighting together."

When he was speaking, Bai Zhe who was beside him also suddenly smiled, his figure flashed, and turned into a white light, rushing into Na Ruiwen's body.


In an instant, a terrifying pure white flame gushed out of Riven's body like a demon god, and shot straight into the sky, burning the surrounding void into nothingness.

At the same time, on the other side of Raven's broad shoulders, a head grew abruptly, with a handsome face, bright blond hair, and a smile on the corner of his lips. It was that white mask.

Looking from afar, it seemed that Ruiwen had two heads, one with blue-faced fangs and double blood-colored pupils, ferocious like a demon god, and one handsome and holy, harmless to humans and animals, exuding a pure smell.

Like the twin stars representing good and evil, sharing a body!

What was rare was that the auras of the two of them blended together perfectly, instead of conflicting with each other, they echoed each other, causing the aura of the whole body to suddenly increase a lot.

Seeing such a strange scene, Shi Yu was stunned, and finally understood why Aluye dared to say what he said just now.

Two powerful ancient witches merged into one in an instant!

And this is not a simple fusion, if it is not known, it will make people suspect that Nana Ruiwen and Baizhe are originally one person, but they just gave birth to two souls!

This is too inconceivable, even weirder and frightening than the "fit" technique circulated in the ancient gods.

Even Chen Xi couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw this scene, he could feel that the powers of Ruiwen and Baizhe had merged into one, like one person, but it was not as simple as two people, there was a mysterious feeling smell.

But immediately, Chen Xi sneered and said, "I never thought that you heretical bastards could pull off such tricks. That's fine, one is killed, and two are killed. There is no difference in essence."

Aluye and his party were all glaring with murderous intent on their faces. This guy is really getting more and more arrogant. Does he still think he can continue to win?

"Hehe, interesting prey, Mr. Aluye, you must make an agreement in advance. If you kill this beast, his fate will belong to me in vain."

There was a chuckle in Bai Zhe's head, and then he turned his head to look at Rui Wen who was close at hand, "Do you have any objections?"

Raven's expression was ferocious and cold, and he said two words lightly from his lips: "No!"

"it is good!"

Bai Zhe suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed out loud, and the next moment, he saw their burly and huge bodies like demon gods striding out.


Every time he took a step, a white flame like molten lava would evaporate, incinerating the void under his feet, turning it into a series of black holes, spreading continuously, and the destructive power was astonishing.

When they stepped onto the witch spirit altar, Bai Zhe's aura had boiled to the extreme, and the world changed color with shock, the latitude and longitude were disordered, and there was chaos.

"It really is a monster that is neither human nor ghost."

Seeing this, Chen Xi sneered coldly.

In a word, Aluye and the others were all stunned, and their hearts were burning with anger. This damn thing is simply unforgivable!


At this moment, Bai Zhe and Rui Wen didn't talk nonsense, let out a roar, and rushed to kill them.


I saw Ruiwen's pair of double pupils opened, bursting out a blood-colored glow, rising up like a scarlet cloud, like blood donation flowing, destroying everything.

The void here is destroyed, riddled with holes, and cannot be restored, and everything shows signs of great destruction and collapse.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes. Is this the power to "destroy witchcraft"?Sure enough, as Canaan said, once damaged, it cannot be recovered.

However, Chen Xi wasn't afraid. He stretched out his own star field and stood there, with the purple-gold emperor star shining all over his head, and all dharma couldn't be invaded immediately, and the divine light was so powerful that he formed a Dao divine ring!

That is the power of the end!


At the same time, Chen held the sword in his hand, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot. The next moment, he came in front of the opponent, the blade rolled backwards, and he slashed down.


A piece of blood-colored divine light that Ruiwen cast was broken by a sword, and the power collapsed to both sides.

But before Chen Xi's move was exhausted, a loud shout came out from Bai Zhe's lips: "Forbidden!"

In an instant, Raven's body turned into a sea of ​​boiling white lava, burning the heavens and the earth, forming white turbulent waves, beating the sky, the scene was extremely horrifying.

From a distance, it looks like a white ocean of lava, sweeping nine days!

As for Chen Xi, he was trapped in that vast ocean of flames in an instant, and was pinched by white waves of fire rushing from all directions!


ps: A [-]-word chapter is here. I planned to continue writing, but my physical strength has obviously failed me. Let’s watch first, and I will continue to work hard tomorrow.

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